Republicans try but can't change history

Correll wrote: Lefties like you are pretending that a 4 hour riot is worse than the four YEARS of riots from your side, for bullshit reasons. 21OCT05-POST#705

NFBW wrote: The word “riot” is similar to the word “fruit”. We do not compare apples to bananas and try to grow them in the same environment or sell them for the same price. They are different in nature. Its the same for riots. They cannot be compared because they occur for extremely different situations and for entirely different reasons. Looting is an offshoot of riots and in nearly every case it is a spontaneous outburst of criminal activity that rises because police presence is needed elsewhere. Criminal activity such as looting and destroying property is not a riot from my side or a riot on your side or any political side. It is criminal activity for the purpose of benefiting the perp’s unlawful desire to acquire free stuff or to satisfy a desire just to destroy something out of anger. You Correll are dishonest when you compare an apple to a banana just because the banana happens more often in a free society than the apple. The apple riot required a presidential election with an incumbent president that loses a bid for a second term, who’s party controls both the House and Senate, and a president with the lack of integrity and respect for the will of the voters who never accept the certified fact that he lost. So the facts are that the apple riot has a once in a millennia chance to ever happen again. So to compare the one apple riot to overturn an election as part of a sitting President’s plan to the banana multiple common riots that occur because there are out of control violent criminal element’s in a free society is dishonest, deceitful, and lacking in reason and facts. 21OCT05-POST#719.

That is a lot of blather, that I covered already, when I mentioned that you had "bullshit reasons" for your obviously self serving bullshit.
NFBW wrote: Do you Correll reject and condemn DJT’s failed attempt on Jan6 to reject all the black majority votes in Wayne County MICHIGAN thus flipping the entire state to DJT as the winner? 21OCT05-POST#703 reposted amended 21OCT05-POST#717

Correll wrote: I reject your spin on his actions. 21OCT05-POST#706

NFBW wrote: I have identified one of the results of what you call DJT putting pressure on Congress on January 6. The Eastman memo describes what DJT wanted to be done on that date. It is not spin that the 80 percent majority black votes ....

I stopped reading at black. I don't care about your assumptions about his motives. I don't give a fuck about your wace baiting.
Correll wrote: Your desire to hold the President responsible for the actions of other people, is you showing that you are willing to make up shit to justify jailing your political enemies. 21FEB14-POST#340

NFBW wrote: You are a liar because I do not hold DJT responsible for the criminal attack, trespassing, attacks on cops at the Capitol on Jan6 to overturn the election so he can stay around for a second term after he lost an extremely free and fair election. I hold DJT responsible for the Big LIE that he won and for having a plan to have states throw out black votes in major cities and replace the actual Biden electors from seven states with the White People Party’s electors on JAN6 all according to the EASTMAN PLAN. 21OCT05-POST#723
Correll wrote: Your desire to hold the President responsible for the actions of other people, is you showing that you are willing to make up shit to justify jailing your political enemies. 21FEB14-POST#340

NFBW wrote: You are a liar because I do not hold DJT responsible for the criminal attack, trespassing, attacks on cops at the Capitol on Jan6 to overturn the election so he can stay around for a second term after he lost an extremely free and fair election. I hold DJT responsible for the Big LIE that he won and for having a plan to have states throw out black votes in major cities and replace the actual Biden electors from seven states with the White People Party’s electors on JAN6 all according to the EASTMAN PLAN. 21OCT05-POST#723

I'm getting kind of disgusted with your constant race baiting.
Correll wrote: As the country becomes assimilated into the Third World, and less American, it becomes hard to see how the gop will win national elections. 21FEB11-POST#193

NFBW wrote. Can you Correll name any highly poverty stricken Third World countries that are populated mostly with white Christian people? So Why would immigrants from the Third World make America less American? 21OCT05-POST#725
I'm getting kind of disgusted with your constant race baiting.

NFBW wrote: DJT was applying an agenda tied to his big Jan6 rally that if it was successful would have resulted in Wayne County Michigan and its 80 percent majority of black voters in Detroit finding out their vote did not count and DJT wins Michigan. They don’t throw out the votes in any white majority counties just the highly populated black one. You are a liar calling that fact “race baiting” . Here is what “race baiting” is; 21OCT05-POST#726

“”” RACE BAITING when a political ad baits voters by preying on their fears of black men’s inherent criminality or on resentment of black women laziness gaming the welfare system. The current usage is a bastardization of a term that actually has real meaning. The right has co-opted the term “race baiting,” but here’s context for its proper usage:
In 1986 George H.W. Bush’s presidential campaign released an advertisement attacking his opponent Michael Dukakis for supporting prison furloughs:

Willie Horton 1988 Attack Ad

How Michael Dukakis' tank ad symbolized his 1988 campaign l FiveThirtyEight

" target="_blank">Try watching this video on</a>,
The advertisement baits voters by preying on their fears of black men’s inherent criminality.
Another example: During his campaign for presidency in 1976, Ronald Reagan warned of a “welfare queen” from Chicago who defrauded the government by using “127 names” and posing “as a mother of 14 children at one time.” Reagan went on, “Her tax-free cash income alone has been running $150,000 a year.”
Reagan—like Bush did after him— perpetuated the stereotype of black people as lazy. Instead of focusing on America’s poverty, Reagan named black people as the problem. A beautiful distraction. “””
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Correll wrote: As the country becomes assimilated into the Third World, and less American, it becomes hard to see how the gop will win national elections. 21FEB11-POST#193

NFBW wrote. Can you Correll name any highly poverty stricken Third World countries that are populated mostly with white Christian people? So Why would immigrants from the Third World make America less American? 21OCT05-POST#725

Your question is delusional.
NFBW wrote: DJT was applying an agenda tied to his big Jan6 rally that if it was successful would have resulted in Wayne County Michigan and its 80 percent majority of black voters in Detroit finding out their vote did not count and DJT wins Michigan. They don’t throw out the votes in any white majority counties just the highly populated black one. You are a liar calling that fact “race baiting” . Here is what “race baiting” is; 21OCT05-POST#726

“”” RACE BAITING when a political ad baits voters by preying on their fears of black men’s inherent criminality or on resentment of black women laziness gaming the welfare system. The current usage is a bastardization of a term that actually has real meaning. The right has co-opted the term “race baiting,” but here’s context for its proper usage:
In 1986 George H.W. Bush’s presidential campaign released an advertisement attacking his opponent Michael Dukakis for supporting prison furloughs:

Willie Horton 1988 Attack Ad

How Michael Dukakis' tank ad symbolized his 1988 campaign l FiveThirtyEight

" target="_blank">Try watching this video on</a>,
The advertisement baits voters by preying on their fears of black men’s inherent criminality.
Another example: During his campaign for presidency in 1976, Ronald Reagan warned of a “welfare queen” from Chicago who defrauded the government by using “127 names” and posing “as a mother of 14 children at one time.” Reagan went on, “Her tax-free cash income alone has been running $150,000 a year.”
Reagan—like Bush did after him— perpetuated the stereotype of black people as lazy. Instead of focusing on America’s poverty, Reagan named black people as the problem. A beautiful distraction. “””

Michael Dukakis made decisions and policies that led to a convicted murder being released and he raped and tortured an innocent couple.

That showed terrible judgement, which was a valid campaign issue.

That you people cried WACISM and made it stick, shows that vile liars you are, nothing more.

YOu are an asshole to support that.
Correll wrote: Michael Dukakis made decisions and policies that led to a convicted murderer being released and he raped and tortured an innocent couple. - That showed terrible judgement, which was a valid campaign issue. 21OCT05-POST#722

NFBW wrote: the point was to teach you Correll what race baiting is but now because you are a racist I need to teach you the truth behind the Willie Horton race baiting ad. 21OCT06-POST#729

NFBW wrote: You Correll are a liar. Dukakis did not “make” the Massachusetts furlough program policy. Dukakis Inherited the policy from a Republican governor, Francis W. Sargent, who signed it into law in 1972. Also in nearby New York Republican Gov.Nelson Rockefeller's administration created a similar furlough program. - A 1984 survey found that 38 states offered some form of home furloughs and that included California where Reagan supported the same policy even after one furloughed prisoner killed a cop and another killed a man in an armed robbery. 21OCT06-POST#72

While on a three-day furlough to look for work, an inmate committed a robbery and killed a police officer. - After escaping from a work-release program, another inmate killed a man he had just robbed.

Both incidents took place in California; the first in late 1971, the second early in 1972.
Then-Gov. Ronald Reagan did not abolish the state's work-release and prison furlough programs. 88OCT24 “””
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CrusaderFrank wrote: Marxists will burn down all our major cities if President Trump wins 20AUG18-POST#27

Correll wrote: Funny, you don't deny that your side has murderous mobs in the street, to influence the election... 20SEP26-POST#157

“The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on who’s best on public safety and law and order,” Ms. Conway said on “Fox & Friends.” 20AUG27-KConway

NFBW wrote: Will Correll ever explain why he thinks now and thought then that Democrats of any rank would have murderous mobs in the street, to influence the election in DJT’s favor? 21OCT06-POST#730
Correll wrote: Your question is delusional. 21OCT05-POST#727

Correll wrote: As the country becomes assimilated into the Third World, and less American, 21FEB11-POST#193

NFBW wrote: Why would anyone believe that if America were currently taking in large numbers of white Christian immigrants Correll would not be pissing and moaning like that about them causing America to be less American. It is not delusional to believe and accept that non-white, non-Christian people can come here, be successful and keep America - America. Unless of course you are a racist. 21OCT06-POST#731
rightwinger wrote: Was it a fair election or not? 20DEC08-POST#20

Correll wrote: With violent mobs backed up by the police, terrorizing the streets and the media being nothing but propaganda outlets for the dem party? - FUCK NO, it was not a fair election. 20DEC08-POST#73

NFBW wrote: If you were afraid Correll to go out and vote in person on Election Day because you were afraid of the violent mobs backed up by the police, terrorizing the streets keeping you from getting there, I would be interested to know if you had the option to vote by mail in your state and why you did not take advantage of that during the COVID-19 pandemic since you appear to be the only voter in America afraid of lefty mobs and the police. There was massive turnout every except apparently wherever you vote if you are to be believed.. 21OCT06-POST#732
Correll wrote: The people who died in the race riots of the last four years? They died so that you dems could win elections. 21JUN15-POST#1090

NFBW wrote: No! Racial violence helped DJT according to DJT’s Senior Political Counselor in the White House. Is your credibility Correll , on the topic, higher than that of Kellyanne Conway, an American political consultant and pollster, who served as Senior Counselor to President DJT for three years, following her position as DJT’s campaign manager. Conway is the first woman to have run a successful U.S. presidential campaign. She was formerly the president and CEO of the Polling Company/WomanTrend? Or are you just blowing smoke out of your ass as usual on most every other topic being discussed? 21OCT06-POST#733

“The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on who’s best on public safety and law and order,” Ms. Conway said on “Fox & Friends.” 20AUG27-KConway
Correll wrote: Michael Dukakis made decisions and policies that led to a convicted murderer being released and he raped and tortured an innocent couple. - That showed terrible judgement, which was a valid campaign issue. 21OCT05-POST#722

NFBW wrote: the point was to teach you Correll what race baiting is but now because you are a racist I need to teach you the truth behind the Willie Horton race baiting ad. 21OCT06-POST#729

Dukakis was responsible for Horton being released. Your denial is you being ignorant. REad more.

The point stands. Releasing a violent murderer/rapist to rape and torture citizens, is a valid campaign issue.

That lefties like yourself cried WACISM about it, IS race baiting.
CrusaderFrank wrote: Marxists will burn down all our major cities if President Trump wins 20AUG18-POST#27

Correll wrote: Funny, you don't deny that your side has murderous mobs in the street, to influence the election... 20SEP26-POST#157

“The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on who’s best on public safety and law and order,” Ms. Conway said on “Fox & Friends.” 20AUG27-KConway

NFBW wrote: Will Correll ever explain why he thinks now and thought then that Democrats of any rank would have murderous mobs in the street, to influence the election in DJT’s favor? 21OCT06-POST#730

Are you pretending to respect KConway as an Authority?
Correll wrote: Your question is delusional. 21OCT05-POST#727

Correll wrote: As the country becomes assimilated into the Third World, and less American, 21FEB11-POST#193

NFBW wrote: Why would anyone believe that if America were currently taking in large numbers of white Christian immigrants Correll would not be pissing and moaning like that about them causing America to be less American. It is not delusional to believe and accept that non-white, non-Christian people can come here, be successful and keep America - America. Unless of course you are a racist. 21OCT06-POST#731

So, all you have AGAIN, is just crying "wacist" like a retarded child?

You are getting very boring.
rightwinger wrote: Was it a fair election or not? 20DEC08-POST#20

Correll wrote: With violent mobs backed up by the police, terrorizing the streets and the media being nothing but propaganda outlets for the dem party? - FUCK NO, it was not a fair election. 20DEC08-POST#73

NFBW wrote: If you were afraid Correll to go out and vote in person on Election Day because you were afraid of the violent mobs backed up by the police, terrorizing the streets keeping you from getting there, I would be interested to know if you had the option to vote by mail in your state and why you did not take advantage of that during the COVID-19 pandemic since you appear to be the only voter in America afraid of lefty mobs and the police. There was massive turnout every except apparently wherever you vote if you are to be believed.. 21OCT06-POST#732

I said nothing about being PERSONALLY afraid.

My point stands. YOU cannot have a Free and Fair elections, with brown shirted mobs roaming the streets and the media being nothing but propaganda outlets for the dems.

YOu want to address that point, or are you going to dodge it some more?
Correll wrote: The people who died in the race riots of the last four years? They died so that you dems could win elections. 21JUN15-POST#1090

NFBW wrote: No! Racial violence helped DJT according to DJT’s Senior Political Counselor in the White House. Is your credibility Correll , on the topic, higher than that of Kellyanne Conway, an American political consultant and pollster, who served as Senior Counselor to President DJT for three years, following her position as DJT’s campaign manager. Conway is the first woman to have run a successful U.S. presidential campaign. She was formerly the president and CEO of the Polling Company/WomanTrend? Or are you just blowing smoke out of your ass as usual on most every other topic being discussed? 21OCT06-POST#733

“The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on who’s best on public safety and law and order,” Ms. Conway said on “Fox & Friends.” 20AUG27-KConway

Are you pretending to accept Kellyanne Conway as an Authority?
Correll wrote: Pro-life blacks alone, would have put him over the top. 21JUN15-POST#1090

NFBW wrote: But you say Correll the election was corrupted by election fraud sufficient to swing the election to Biden and you said there is ‘evidence’ that proves it. 21OCT06-POST#

Correll wrote: President Trump believes that the election was corrupted by fraud 21SEP28-POST#67

NFBW wrote: But in June this year you Correll wrote that Pro-life blacks alone, would have put DJT over the top. DJT’s failure to get pro-life blacks to vote for him in Detroit Philly and Atlanta is not evidence of election fraud. 21OCT06-POST#
Correll wrote: Are you pretending to accept Kellyanne Conway as an Authority? 21OCT06-POST#738

NFBW wrote: She is a conservative polling professional and her synopsis is not an outlier when compared to all other polling firms and experts. Can you find any political science that rejects her conclusion? I see no reason to dispute what she said. On the other hand that smoke you’ve been blowing out of your ass is based on nothing that I could find in an extensive search of your posts. 21OCT06-POST#740


Correll wrote: Funny, you don't deny that your side has murderous mobs in the street, to influence the election... 20SEP26-POST#157

Correll wrote: that is a completely reasonable fear, and that fear of mob violence from the left will taint any leftist victory. 20AUG19-POST#29

Correll wrote: you want elections to be respected? start respecting them. stop beating and killing people in the streets. stop burning down shit. 20AUG20-POST#34

Correll wrote: It is not Trump who is damaging the system, but the refusal of the dems to respect the peaceful transfer of power. 20AUG20-POST#36

Correll wrote: your side has decided that it is prepared to use violence to achieve it's goals. the choice the rest of us have, is to let you, or fight you. 20AUG20-POST#41

Correll wrote: it has to do with what i said. the dems are not respecting the peaceful transfer of power. - that is the system breaking down, not trump. 20AUG20-POST#49

Correll wrote: The violence won't stop until your forces are met and defeated with force. That is what defines reality on the streets. 20AUG20-POST#62

Correll wrote: An election with murderous mobs in the streets and the almost certainty of increased violence if the mob is not happy with outcome of the election AND mayors ordering cops to stand down so the mob can rampage without restraint AND, with democrats in office ordering the arrest of people that defend themselves from the mobs, any Biden victory is tainted, and not legitimate 20AUG20-POST#62

Correll wrote: With violent mobs backed up by the police, terrorizing the streets and the media being nothing but propaganda outlefts for the dem party? - FUCK NO, it was not a fair election. 20DEC08-POST#73

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