Republicans try but can't change history

Correll wrote: Pro-life blacks alone, would have put him over the top. 21JUN15-POST#1090

NFBW wrote: But you say Correll the election was corrupted by election fraud sufficient to swing the election to Biden and you said there is ‘evidence’ that proves it. 21OCT06-POST#

I said no such thing. Seriously, wtf if wrong with you, that you cannot read a simple sentence without making up shit?
Correll wrote: Pro-life blacks alone, would have put him over the top. 21JUN15-POST#1090

NFBW wrote: But you say Correll the election was corrupted by election fraud sufficient to swing the election to Biden and you said there is ‘evidence’ that proves it. 21OCT06-POST#739

Correll wrote: I said no such thing. Seriously, wtf is wrong with you, that you cannot read a simple sentence without making up shit? 21OCT06-POST#741

NFBW wrote: No, you wrote it: 21OCT06-POST#742

Pro-life blacks alone, would have put him over the top.
post: 27295386,
Correll wrote: One riot, in a pattern of peaceful demonstrations, is believable as an isolated, spontaneous event. 21OCT05-POST#50

NFBW wrote: How many riots in your formula Correll do not start in a pattern of peaceful demonstrations? The Kenosha riot was closest to the election so I will use that particular event as an example as to why your formula is flawed. 21OCT06-POST#743

“”” Sunday August 23 - Protests in Kenosha began on Sunday after video of the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a 29-year-old black man, went viral. The demonstrations quickly got violent, leading to looting and vandalism, and on Tuesday, the shooting that killed two people occurred. Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old from Illinois, has been arrested and charged in connection with the shooting.
Redirect Notice “””

NFBW wrote: The Kenosha riot was not a part of a BLM peaceful organized planned event because no one at BLM knows when police are going to shoot a black person. How do you account for that reality in your formula based on the premise that race riots start in a pattern of peaceful demonstrations organized by the Democratic Party.? 21OCT06-POST#743
Correll wrote: Dukakis was responsible for Horton being released. 21OCT06-POST#734

NFBW wrote: Your original point did not stand because it was a lie. I see you Correll have revised it. 21OCT06-POST#744

Correll wrote: Michael Dukakis made decisions and policies that led to a convicted murderer being released 21OCT05-POST#722

NFBW wrote: Dukakis did not make the policy that furloughed Willie Horton so you lied and got caught. 21OCT06-POST#744

NFBW wrote: So because you lied about a racial issue I don’t trust your revised point that Dukakis was responsible for Horton being released. You don’t know prove me wrong with the facts. 21OCT06-POST#744
Correll wrote: Are you pretending to accept Kellyanne Conway as an Authority? 21OCT06-POST#738

NFBW wrote: She is a conservative polling professional and her synopsis is not an outlier when compared to all other polling firms and experts. Can you find any political science that rejects her conclusion? I see no reason to dispute what she said. On the other hand that smoke you’ve been blowing out of your ass is based on nothing that I could find in an extensive search of your posts. 21OCT06-POST#740


Correll wrote: Funny, you don't deny that your side has murderous mobs in the street, to influence the election... 20SEP26-POST#157

Correll wrote: that is a completely reasonable fear, and that fear of mob violence from the left will taint any leftist victory. 20AUG19-POST#29

Correll wrote: you want elections to be respected? start respecting them. stop beating and killing people in the streets. stop burning down shit. 20AUG20-POST#34

Correll wrote: It is not Trump who is damaging the system, but the refusal of the dems to respect the peaceful transfer of power. 20AUG20-POST#36

Correll wrote: your side has decided that it is prepared to use violence to achieve it's goals. the choice the rest of us have, is to let you, or fight you. 20AUG20-POST#41

Correll wrote: it has to do with what i said. the dems are not respecting the peaceful transfer of power. - that is the system breaking down, not trump. 20AUG20-POST#49

Correll wrote: The violence won't stop until your forces are met and defeated with force. That is what defines reality on the streets. 20AUG20-POST#62

Correll wrote: An election with murderous mobs in the streets and the almost certainty of increased violence if the mob is not happy with outcome of the election AND mayors ordering cops to stand down so the mob can rampage without restraint AND, with democrats in office ordering the arrest of people that defend themselves from the mobs, any Biden victory is tainted, and not legitimate 20AUG20-POST#62

Correll wrote: With violent mobs backed up by the police, terrorizing the streets and the media being nothing but propaganda outlefts for the dem party? - FUCK NO, it was not a fair election. 20DEC08-POST#73

Are you saying that you accept her as an Authority on political matters?

Simple question. Why are you afraid to answer it. You are CITING her, AS THOUGH you think she is an Authority to be respected, even DEFERRED TO, so, is that you INTENT?
Correll wrote: Pro-life blacks alone, would have put him over the top. 21JUN15-POST#1090

NFBW wrote: But you say Correll the election was corrupted by election fraud sufficient to swing the election to Biden and you said there is ‘evidence’ that proves it. 21OCT06-POST#739

Correll wrote: I said no such thing. Seriously, wtf is wrong with you, that you cannot read a simple sentence without making up shit? 21OCT06-POST#741

NFBW wrote: No, you wrote it: 21OCT06-POST#742

post: 27295386,

Wow. I an amazed at how stupid you are being. Seriously, I mean, you have acted retarded for MONTHS now, but you are acting even MORE retarded now.
Correll wrote: One riot, in a pattern of peaceful demonstrations, is believable as an isolated, spontaneous event. 21OCT05-POST#50

NFBW wrote: How many riots in your formula Correll do not start in a pattern of peaceful demonstrations? The Kenosha riot was closest to the election so I will use that particular event as an example as to why your formula is flawed. 21OCT06-POST#743

“”” Sunday August 23 - Protests in Kenosha began on Sunday after video of the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a 29-year-old black man, went viral. The demonstrations quickly got violent, leading to looting and vandalism, and on Tuesday, the shooting that killed two people occurred. Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old from Illinois, has been arrested and charged in connection with the shooting.
Redirect Notice “””

NFBW wrote: The Kenosha riot was not a part of a BLM peaceful organized planned event because no one at BLM knows when police are going to shoot a black person. How do you account for that reality in your formula based on the premise that race riots start in a pattern of peaceful demonstrations organized by the Democratic Party.? 21OCT06-POST#743

BLM, and Antifa don't NEED to know when it will happen. THe reactions of the libs in question are all...predictable.

A white cop kills a black criminal?

The BLM and Antifa and allied though leaders, had already set up the preconceptions that any such event is assumed to be wacist, and unjust.

The Libtards in teh media, jump on it, and fan the flames.

The thugs know what is coming and know that this is an excuse for crime and looting.

The local dems order the cops to stand down.

Antifa and/or BLM mobilize to get forces there to rile up or keep it going.

What part of this, doesn't make sense for you?
Correll wrote: Dukakis was responsible for Horton being released. 21OCT06-POST#734

NFBW wrote: Your original point did not stand because it was a lie. I see you Correll have revised it. 21OCT06-POST#744

Correll wrote: Michael Dukakis made decisions and policies that led to a convicted murderer being released 21OCT05-POST#722

NFBW wrote: Dukakis did not make the policy that furloughed Willie Horton so you lied and got caught. 21OCT06-POST#744

NFBW wrote: So because you lied about a racial issue I don’t trust your revised point that Dukakis was responsible for Horton being released. You don’t know prove me wrong with the facts. 21OCT06-POST#744

I'm not going to bother looking up the exact sequence of events, because you already know that Dukakis was responsible for Horton being released.

It was a valid campaign issue and that you liberals managed to make it part of hte Conventional Wisdom that that was Wace Baiting,

is a testimony to, not only what Soulless Liars you are, but how GOOD you are at lying.
Correll wrote: Are you saying that you accept her as an Authority on political matters? 21OCT06-POST#745

NFBW wrote: Define the specific political matters you want to know about. I certainly have stated I respect her conclusion about racial violence benefiting her former boss. She is right about that so, yes she is a qualified authority and I easily accept her conclusion on that specific political matter. 21OCT06-POST#749
Correll wrote: Are you saying that you accept her as an Authority on political matters? 21OCT06-POST#745

NFBW wrote: Define the specific political matters you want to know about. I certainly have stated I respect her conclusion about racial violence benefiting her former boss. She is right about that so, yes she is a qualified authority and I easily accept her conclusion on that specific political matter. 21OCT06-POST#

But if I waste teh time to find an example of her DEFENDING Trump suddenly you wouldn't give a damn about her opinion, right?
Correll wrote: BLM, and Antifa don't NEED to know when it will happen. 21OCT06-POST#747

NFBW wrote: That is not what you claim as you are comparing the one Jan6 peaceful protest to the multitude of BLM peaceful protests. Your entire argument is based on DJT organizing the peaceful Jan6 stop the steal protest where a violent criminal riot and assault on CONGRESS broke out. Its DONT BLAME DJT because it was spontaneous and unplanned by the organizers and it only happened once. 21OCT06-POST#751

Correll wrote: One riot, in a pattern of peaceful demonstrations, is believable as an isolated, spontaneous event. 21OCT05-POST#50

NFBW wrote: As you can see in your mind the white nationalistic DJT riot was a one time spontaneous outbreak therefore not the responsibility of the organizer. But now you tell me BLM organizers don't NEED to know when a peaceful protests will be organized because violence has already broken out so unlike DJT who is white by the way, BLM organizers are to blame for the spontaneous violence when having nothing to do with it. And you don’t believe you are racist. 21OCT06-POST#751
Correll wrote: A white cop kills a black criminal? 21OCT06-POST#747

NFBW wrote: What sparked the spontaneous riot Correll at the Jan6 peaceful protest to stop the steal for DJT. 21OCT07-POST#752
Correll wrote: A white cop kills a black criminal? 21OCT06-POSTED #747

Correll wrote: The BLM and Antifa and allied thought leaders, had already set up the preconceptions that any such event is assumed to be racist, and unjust. 21OCT06-POST#747

NFBW wrote: The direct witnesses on the scene at the George Floyd murder, none of which reacted with violence, would not have seen something very wrong, racially motivated and unjust had it not been for some kind of advance thought policing or mind control by the BLM and Antifa and allied thought leaders? Am I reading that correctly? 21OCT07-POST#753
Correll wrote: The Libtards in the media, jump on it, and fan the flames. 21OCT06-POST#747

NFBW wrote: Because they want DJT and rightwingers to win by making sure black chaos and blank anarchy and black vandalism and black violence reigns on tv screens throughout white American because FOX NEWSMAX and OAN are not enough. 21OCT07-POST#754

“The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on who’s best on public safety and law and order,” Ms. Conway said on “Fox & Friends.” 20AUG27-KConway
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Correll wrote: My opinion of the election was that you cannot have a free and fair election with 1. large numbers of violent brown shirts rioting in the streets. 21OCT03-POST#681

NFBW wrote: That is odd and assbackward because as you can see DJTjr welcoming rioting, looting and vandalism by black brownshirts to help daddy win. 21OCT03-POST#755

“It’s almost like this election is shaping up to be church, work and school versus rioting, looting and vandalism,” 20AUG25-DJTjr-KenoshaBlake

the president’s eldest child, Donald Trump Jr., said in his prime-time speech Monday night
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Correll wrote: BLM, and Antifa don't NEED to know when it will happen. 21OCT06-POST#747

NFBW wrote: That is not what you claim as you are comparing the one Jan6 peaceful protest to the multitude of BLM peaceful protests. Your entire argument is based on DJT organizing the peaceful Jan6 stop the steal protest where a violent criminal riot and assault on CONGRESS broke out. Its DONT BLAME DJT because it was spontaneous and unplanned by the organizers and it only happened once. 21OCT06-POST#751

Correll wrote: One riot, in a pattern of peaceful demonstrations, is believable as an isolated, spontaneous event. 21OCT05-POST#50

NFBW wrote: As you can see in your mind the white nationalistic DJT riot was a one time spontaneous outbreak therefore not the responsibility of the organizer. But now you tell me BLM organizers don't NEED to know when a peaceful protests will be organized because violence has already broken out so unlike DJT who is white by the way, BLM organizers are to blame for the spontaneous violence when having nothing to do with it. And you don’t believe you are racist. 21OCT06-POST#751

Correct. I am not racist. I am judging these people NOT by their skin colors, or races, but by their actions.

Indeed, I'm not the one constantly pointing out the skin color of the people involved, or ignoring the actions of specific racial groups when it does not fit my narrative. That is you.

Teh 1/6 riot was an isolated event, Donald Trump had no reason to expect that, when he called for a large demonstration that it would erupt into violence because he had called for or had organized HUNDREDs of large demonstrations without violence.

Antifa and BLM though, have had the OPPOSITE experiences of having HUNDREDS of examples of "demonstrations" turning violent.

I look at the actions of the people involved. you look at their skin color. YOU are the actual racist here.
Correll wrote: A white cop kills a black criminal? 21OCT06-POST#747

NFBW wrote: What sparked the spontaneous riot Correll at the Jan6 peaceful protest to stop the steal for DJT. 21OCT07-POST#752

Depends what you mean by "spark" here. THe people were motivated to show up, by a belief that the election was tainted by fraud. Though the motivation among the small group of people that started the violence, is a different matter.

The one person I saw, on video at the forefront of the riot, really agitating violence, seemed to be motivated by a desire to get good video for his reporting. Though he was a lefty so there could be the motivation of encouraging a situation that would make his enemies, the righties, look bad.
Correll wrote: A white cop kills a black criminal? 21OCT06-POSTED #747

Correll wrote: The BLM and Antifa and allied thought leaders, had already set up the preconceptions that any such event is assumed to be racist, and unjust. 21OCT06-POST#747

NFBW wrote: The direct witnesses on the scene at the George Floyd murder, none of which reacted with violence, would not have seen something very wrong, racially motivated and unjust had it not been for some kind of advance thought policing or mind control by the BLM and Antifa and allied thought leaders? Am I reading that correctly? 21OCT07-POST#753

Incorrect. That is not what "preconceptions" means. Try again.
Correll wrote: The Libtards in the media, jump on it, and fan the flames. 21OCT06-POST#747

NFBW wrote: Because they want DJT and rightwingers to win by making sure black chaos and blank anarchy and black vandalism and black violence reigns on tv screens throughout white American because FOX NEWSMAX and OAN are not enough. 21OCT07-POST#754

“The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on who’s best on public safety and law and order,” Ms. Conway said on “Fox & Friends.” 20AUG27-KConway

Appeal to Authority is a logical fallacy UNLESS the Authority is accepted as a valid authority to be deferred to.

I have asked you if you defer to her on political matters and you have not answered the question.

It is also cowardly of you, to put forth a point you want to... use, but are afraid to defend yourself.

MY POINT, is that the libtards fan the flames to rile up racist violence and strife and tension, as part of my larger argument as to why BLM and Antifa do get held responsible for the violence led by OR inspired by, their movement.
Correll wrote: But if I waste the time to find an example of her ( Conway ) DEFENDING Trump suddenly you wouldn't give a damn about her opinion, right? 21OCT06-POST#750

NFBW wrote: No, Correll , dry your tears, find an example and then I will explain to you and all the readers why a competent intelligent professional pollster and political consultant can make choices in life that contradict the education and training that the American dream provided him or her. Please provide an example. I’m chomping at the bit.

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