Republicans try but can't change history

Today's congressional hearing will expose the Trump people who tried to storm the Capital for what they really are: enemies of the American people.
An incredible day.

The GQP tried to play it down and deflect, of course, finding new depths of disgrace, denial and depravity.

These people are downright craven.
You can prove this or is it just more hearsay?

A Day of Rage.

Have you watched it.
It clearly shows the lawmakers on the other side of the window. 27:22
Babbitt is looking through the window. 27:19
A warning is Clearly Shouted, There's a gun, he has a gun. 28:28
Babbitt disregards the warning and Breaches the window 28:32

None of this is hearsay, it's all there on the video.

Bull shit she was just standing there, he fired to kill
A. It's not their call as to whether it was fraudulent or not. That's election boards and Courts...and they had ruled.

B. They certainly WERE trying to stop the certification of a legal election...and THAT is an attack on democracy

What they did, was riot, trespass, attack some cops and break some shit. ie, a riot. A short riot, but a riot.

If you want to discuss INTENT, then we can discuss INTENT.

IF we discuss INTENT, don't whine about how much you disagree with their premises or ideas. Because YOUR ideas and premises, has nothing to do with THEIR intent.
What they did, was riot, trespass, attack some cops and break some shit. ie, a riot. A short riot, but a riot.

If you want to discuss INTENT, then we can discuss INTENT.

IF we discuss INTENT, don't whine about how much you disagree with their premises or ideas. Because YOUR ideas and premises, has nothing to do with THEIR intent.

Trump made his intent known for five weeks before his mob stormed the Capitol.
What they did, was riot, trespass, attack some cops and break some shit. ie, a riot. A short riot, but a riot.

If you want to discuss INTENT, then we can discuss INTENT.

IF we discuss INTENT, don't whine about how much you disagree with their premises or ideas. Because YOUR ideas and premises, has nothing to do with THEIR intent.
We all saw what they DID...and you admitted the intent...not that we needed your admission. It was plain. THEY admitted it
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Trump made his intent known for five weeks before his mob stormed the Capitol.

Correct. Use a large crowd to put political pressure on Congress, to get them to NOT certify the fraudulent vote count.

I mean, if he had at ANY POINT, actually directed the crowd to literally storm the Capital, you people would have ALL had that quote tattooed to your foreheads to keep in every conversation.
Correct. Use a large crowd to put political pressure on Congress, to get them to NOT certify the fraudulent vote count.
Somehow his supporters seem to have gotten a different message...a much more violent one.

Probably from him saying things like "there are different rules when there's fraud". And to fight like hell and "be strong"
What was Ashli's INTENT for breaching that window?

I suspect that she did not have well formed intent. I think she was caught up in the moment, and not thinking things though very well. Especially with that experienced agitator right behind her, screaming at her to break things and go further.
Da FUCK do you think you're talkin about?

THe lies you libs tell, constantly. Why are you doing that? I mean, I generally know, but I'm curious how you would see it from your perspective.
Somehow his supporters seem to have gotten a different message...a much more violent one.

Probably from him saying things like "there are different rules when there's fraud". And to fight like hell and "be strong"

Sorry, no. You people don't get to be taken seriously with any matter of judgement, not after you lie about clear cut matters like "not w.s.".

Trump was clear in his intent. Lots of political pressure. Now, do you have anything to say in response to that, or are you done, because I won't let you just say shit?
So what you're saying was there was no warning offered or alternate means of de-escalation used by the Capitol police before they murdered a unarmed white female protestor at point blank range.

Other than that all I saw was a bunch of peaceful protestors singing patriotic songs and holding up Old Glory in honor.
So you didn't watch the video I posted.

A Day of Rage.

OK, let's clear some stuff up.
You seem utterly confused.
The Video does Not LIE. Watch it. What are you afraid of?

1) The 3 Police Officers are Protecting the Door.
That is in itself a warning. Do NOT enter.

2) You can see through the window, the one they busted through, and you can see an officer on the other side, with his gun drawn. That's pretty much a warning.

3) The protesters, insurrectionists, on Ashli's side of the window, (28:24) shout "There is a Gun, There is a Gun. He's got a Gun, He's Got a Gun, Hey." Another warning, shouted by her own common insurrectionists. Babbitt enters the Window 28:35.
She was WARNED, she played stupid games.

You want to talk INTENT. Sure
What was her INTENT as she Breached the Broken Window?

There is 3 Documented WARNINGS for ya.
THe lies you libs tell, constantly. Why are you doing that? I mean, I generally know, but I'm curious how you would see it from your perspective.
Again asshole.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Detail my supposed lies you piece of shit
Again asshole.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Detail my supposed lies you piece of shit

In this case, specifically, the pretense that one small riot, that lasted a few hours, was a serious attempt at overthrowing the government, and thus was worse than the 4 years of riots by your side's violent thugs.



So you didn't watch the video I posted.

A Day of Rage.

OK, let's clear some stuff up.
You seem utterly confused.
The Video does Not LIE. Watch it. What are you afraid of?

1) The 3 Police Officers are Protecting the Door.
That is in itself a warning. Do NOT enter.

2) You can see through the window, the one they busted through, and you can see an officer on the other side, with his gun drawn. That's pretty much a warning.

3) The protesters, insurrectionists, on Ashli's side of the window, (28:24) shout "There is a Gun, There is a Gun. He's got a Gun, He's Got a Gun, Hey." Another warning, shouted by her own common insurrectionists. Babbitt enters the Window 28:35.
She was WARNED, she played stupid games.

You want to talk INTENT. Sure
What was her INTENT as she Breached the Broken Window?

There is 3 Documented WARNINGS for ya.


So you have nothing except you childish rage and mournful call for iniquitous revenge.



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