Republicans vs. Democrats

- hates brown people (they terk our jerbs!!!)
- loves guns
- hates "mental illness"
- loves blonde FOX anchors
- hates women
- loves money (for themselves only; everyone else can eat cake)
- hates big government
- except they're only pretending because they actually love big government
- loves war (and money!)
- hates literally every country out there except Russia, for some reason
- hates libruls
- loves "thoughts and prayers"
- Loves God
- but hates people

- hates white people (ew, evil whitey, gross!)
- loves espanol
- hates free speech
- loves "freedom" (lul)
- loves gay people (eh, okay)
- loves gay people a little too much (uh ...)
- hates Donald J Trump
- loves taco bowls
- hates rich people (unless they are rich, then they act like they're not rich to fit in)
- loves money (mi dinero!)
- hates working (no mas)
- loves poverty
- hates living near poor people
- loves "diversity" (as long as they stay over there, please and thank you)
- Man bad
- Woman good

So I think I summed them up pretty well, no? I could go on for a while longer but I'd rather go get lunch.

Its would be comical if not so sad so many sheep in america seriously think that there is any difference int the two parties.that has let our corrupt school system brainwash them that there is a difference in the two party corrupt system not able to get it that they are one in the same,that they are like pro wrestlers where inside the ring, they pretend to hate each other,but outside,they are the best of friends and party with each other. same with the two alleged OPPOSITE parties,the clintons and busha and Obama all have hung out and partied together MANY times.:haha:

Despite how Obama lied about everythng he said he would do,that he would reverse all the evil policys of the corrupt George W Bush,he not only continued Bushs police state policys,he exapnded them.two traiters,two peas in a pod. yet the sheep STILL cant see if that they are one in the same that nothing ever changes when a different party gets in.:cuckoo:

any real american who cares about their country and is sick of our corrupt government,if they were Obama,they would have done what I would have done if i were him,I would never go ANYWHERE near that criminal war monger traiter Bush OR his pals the clinton criminals amnd i sure as hell would not have expanded Bushs policys.I would have died trying to reverse everyone of his police state policys he started and Obama expanded on.:mad:
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There is more complexity to the situation than simply 2 sides. We should get rid of the 2 party system and apply a multi party system like England has.


when are the sheep ever going to realise BOTH these fucking parties are corrupt,that it is a ONE PARTY SYSTEM disguised as two so the sheep think they have a choice in who gets elected,that as long as we have this corrupt ONE PARTY SYSTEM we have of demopublicans and reprocrats,things will NEVER change and we will always have the most corrupt government in the world if we cant get an independent in office not part of the establishment who will honor the constitution and serve the people instead of the bankers as both parties always do?:rolleyes::cuckoo:

the sheep just dont get it that ever since 1913,we have been serving the government,they have NOT been serving us as they are suppose to as the constitution states.:rolleyes:

Beam me up scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.
Who has sent millions of young black men from Dem run cities to Dem run prisons in Dem run states? Yeah, Dem's.

Don't give me that bull. I've seen enough racism out of you to make David Duke cream his pants.

I see I struck a nerve. Millions of young black men in prison, their lives ruined, and you people are responsible.

You really think I am a fan of the democratic party judging by what I LITERALLY just wrote? Lol.

No I think you are a big fat liar, here. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: Go ahead you lying punk lets see the links to anything racist I have posted. You got nothing so :anj_stfu:

I'm not crawling through the abyss that is your post history. But maybe I'm wrong and I've got you confused with BrokeLoser (who I know for a fact is unapologetically racist). You two have a very similar communication style.
What race isn’t racist?
Don't give me that bull. I've seen enough racism out of you to make David Duke cream his pants.

I see I struck a nerve. Millions of young black men in prison, their lives ruined, and you people are responsible.

You really think I am a fan of the democratic party judging by what I LITERALLY just wrote? Lol.

No I think you are a big fat liar, here. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: Go ahead you lying punk lets see the links to anything racist I have posted. You got nothing so :anj_stfu:

I'm not crawling through the abyss that is your post history. But maybe I'm wrong and I've got you confused with BrokeLoser (who I know for a fact is unapologetically racist). You two have a very similar communication style.
What race isn’t racist?

Let me know when you find one. I'm curious to know myself.
There is more complexity to the situation than simply 2 sides. We should get rid of the 2 party system and apply a multi party system like England has.

Things are WAY WORSE there...

Why not just set our nukes off in their silos and be done with it?
Who has sent millions of young black men from Dem run cities to Dem run prisons in Dem run states? Yeah, Dem's.

Don't give me that bull. I've seen enough racism out of you to make David Duke cream his pants.

I see I struck a nerve. Millions of young black men in prison, their lives ruined, and you people are responsible.

You really think I am a fan of the democratic party judging by what I LITERALLY just wrote? Lol.

No I think you are a big fat liar, here. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: Go ahead you lying punk lets see the links to anything racist I have posted. You got nothing so :anj_stfu:

I'm not crawling through the abyss that is your post history. But maybe I'm wrong and I've got you confused with BrokeLoser (who I know for a fact is unapologetically racist). You two have a very similar communication style.

I fancy myself as an extreme, very hateful bigot...sure, I hate wetbacks more than Hitler hated Jews but one does not have to be a racist to hate illegal aliens.
See, I hate all filthy pieces of shits regardless of skin color.....I especially hate White pieces of shits, particularly White LefTards and White guilt whackos.
This one always throws you people for a loop.
- hates brown people (they terk our jerbs!!!)
- loves guns
- hates "mental illness"
- loves blonde FOX anchors
- hates women
- loves money (for themselves only; everyone else can eat cake)
- hates big government
- except they're only pretending because they actually love big government
- loves war (and money!)
- hates literally every country out there except Russia, for some reason
- hates libruls
- loves "thoughts and prayers"
- Loves God
- but hates people

- hates white people (ew, evil whitey, gross!)
- loves espanol
- hates free speech
- loves "freedom" (lul)
- loves gay people (eh, okay)
- loves gay people a little too much (uh ...)
- hates Donald J Trump
- loves taco bowls
- hates rich people (unless they are rich, then they act like they're not rich to fit in)
- loves money (mi dinero!)
- hates working (no mas)
- loves poverty
- hates living near poor people
- loves "diversity" (as long as they stay over there, please and thank you)
- Man bad
- Woman good

So I think I summed them up pretty well, no? I could go on for a while longer but I'd rather go get lunch.

I'd say you're pretty close..I fixed a few. (in blue)

- hates brown people (they terk our jerbs!!!) Dems insist they continue aborting Baby Browns...I'd say they hate them.
- loves guns
- hates "mental illness"
- loves blonde FOX anchors
- hates women We love women, they simply aren't built to lead nations.
- loves money (for themselves only; everyone else can eat cake) We're an equal opportunity nation...go get yours, don't beg for mine
- hates big government
- except they're only pretending because they actually love big government Need government just big enough to control the filth among us
- loves war (and money!) Have to keep the world in check...pussies never understand this.
- hates literally every country out there except Russia, for some reason Loves many countries, don't like to fund them
- hates libruls
- loves "thoughts and prayers"
- Loves God
- but hates people Loves good people, hate bad people
the party that focuses on women's issues like abortion and gun violence and destroying terrorists is the party that will win!
- hates brown people (they terk our jerbs!!!)
- loves guns
- hates "mental illness"
- loves blonde FOX anchors
- hates women
- loves money (for themselves only; everyone else can eat cake)
- hates big government
- except they're only pretending because they actually love big government
- loves war (and money!)
- hates literally every country out there except Russia, for some reason
- hates libruls
- loves "thoughts and prayers"
- Loves God
- but hates people

- hates white people (ew, evil whitey, gross!)
- loves espanol
- hates free speech
- loves "freedom" (lul)
- loves gay people (eh, okay)
- loves gay people a little too much (uh ...)
- hates Donald J Trump
- loves taco bowls
- hates rich people (unless they are rich, then they act like they're not rich to fit in)
- loves money (mi dinero!)
- hates working (no mas)
- loves poverty
- hates living near poor people
- loves "diversity" (as long as they stay over there, please and thank you)
- Man bad
- Woman good

So I think I summed them up pretty well, no? I could go on for a while longer but I'd rather go get lunch.
To throw a damp rag on your claim that the Republicans hate every nation except Russia, here's a couple of facts. Trump has put more sanctions on Putin's government than any previous president. Russia always sides and works with the following: Cuba...Leninist Venezuela...Leninist. China: Leninist. North Korea: Leninist. Bolivia: Leninist. Turkmenistan: Leninist. Now, I don't know about you, but I'm seeing a bit of a pattern in the relationships. So, who would Russia prefer to have leading the US? I'm pretty sure it would be the far-left Socialists/Leninist. Once the American people are disarmed by the left, the pro-US people can do nothing to stop the destruction of the Constitution and imprisonment of political opponents, of which the attempts to imprison political opponents is currently underway.
- hates brown people (they terk our jerbs!!!)
- loves guns
- hates "mental illness"
- loves blonde FOX anchors
- hates women
- loves money (for themselves only; everyone else can eat cake)
- hates big government
- except they're only pretending because they actually love big government
- loves war (and money!)
- hates literally every country out there except Russia, for some reason
- hates libruls
- loves "thoughts and prayers"
- Loves God
- but hates people

- hates white people (ew, evil whitey, gross!)
- loves espanol
- hates free speech
- loves "freedom" (lul)
- loves gay people (eh, okay)
- loves gay people a little too much (uh ...)
- hates Donald J Trump
- loves taco bowls
- hates rich people (unless they are rich, then they act like they're not rich to fit in)
- loves money (mi dinero!)
- hates working (no mas)
- loves poverty
- hates living near poor people
- loves "diversity" (as long as they stay over there, please and thank you)
- Man bad
- Woman good

So I think I summed them up pretty well, no? I could go on for a while longer but I'd rather go get lunch.
To throw a damp rag on your claim that the Republicans hate every nation except Russia, here's a couple of facts. Trump has put more sanctions on Putin's government than any previous president. Russia always sides and works with the following: Cuba...Leninist Venezuela...Leninist. China: Leninist. North Korea: Leninist. Bolivia: Leninist. Turkmenistan: Leninist. Now, I don't know about you, but I'm seeing a bit of a pattern in the relationships. So, who would Russia prefer to have leading the US? I'm pretty sure it would be the far-left Socialists/Leninist. Once the American people are disarmed by the left, the pro-US people can do nothing to stop the destruction of the Constitution and imprisonment of political opponents, of which the attempts to imprison political opponents is currently underway.

I am referring both to politicians and voters. Not just politicians.
- hates brown people (they terk our jerbs!!!)
- loves guns
- hates "mental illness"
- loves blonde FOX anchors
- hates women
- loves money (for themselves only; everyone else can eat cake)
- hates big government
- except they're only pretending because they actually love big government
- loves war (and money!)
- hates literally every country out there except Russia, for some reason
- hates libruls
- loves "thoughts and prayers"
- Loves God
- but hates people

- hates white people (ew, evil whitey, gross!)
- loves espanol
- hates free speech
- loves "freedom" (lul)
- loves gay people (eh, okay)
- loves gay people a little too much (uh ...)
- hates Donald J Trump
- loves taco bowls
- hates rich people (unless they are rich, then they act like they're not rich to fit in)
- loves money (mi dinero!)
- hates working (no mas)
- loves poverty
- hates living near poor people
- loves "diversity" (as long as they stay over there, please and thank you)
- Man bad
- Woman good

So I think I summed them up pretty well, no? I could go on for a while longer but I'd rather go get lunch.

You've managed to repeat some idiotic stereotypes.

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