Republicans went 3 times?

there's been 9 damn investigations by REPUBLICANS and they have NOTHING .... N-O-T-H-I-N-G

what part of that are you too dumb to understand?

This part. They are cowards or they are liars or they are blackmailed!!

Those three soldiers on megyn kelly last night went into a flurry of bullets, defying fucking CIA or OBama orders to stand down and lived to tell the truth. We all KNOW obama lied about benghazi and we all know Hillary lied about Benghazi right to the faces of the dead soldiers' families! But, NO, they would never lie about telling them to Stand Down. The three soldiers lied! Right??

Politicians lie all the time and do horrible things just to save face and their sickening careers. All the time.

politicians do lie ,,,no doubt about it BUT there are lies big lies and damned lies Which of those is your choice to put on the forehead of gwb who lied 1000's to their deaths?? were you as vehement in speaking of his lies??

So then you agree? I commend you.

As far as Bush goes, I was with my pope at the time who was vehemently against invading Iraq. I cannot tell you why Bush & Co. were insistent on going in but it did not seem to be in the best interests of our nation. And so it is a black mark against him. And it is used by the left forever and ever to try to imply that a thousand lies by their guys is Ok because of the Bush lie. The left is worse overall, by far. Their morals are almost non-existent.
"So 13 Hours looks to become both a box office and critical flop. It only got $19 million over the long holiday weekend and Rotten Tomatoes only gives it a 58% rating. Must be really gloomy over there at Fox News."
I guess there are too many phonies and hypocrites like you out there not interested in the truth or what is good for this nation.

Still, there is honor in trying to get through to the fools.

It is an absolute mortal sin and traitorous treasonous high crime what Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and any other complicit officials did to those U.S. government servants and soldiers in Libya!! It is equally despicable and sinful that our congress would let them get away with it and our media would let them get away with it! What treachery.

And you are one of those useful idiots who brags about it.
Because a dramatic Hollywood version of events is the truth...
Yes, I am perpetually mired in all you leftist know-it-alls. Question: Do you or the others in this thread (siete and eddiew) really care about the truth of what happened in Benghazi and at the White House that night? I will answer that for you --- NO, You Do Not!!

All you care about is acting like you are so smart and anyone who disagrees with you is some ideological right wing Christian idiot. So you play that ill-begotten game until the day you die. So honorable.

But if you did care about the truth then go watch 12 minutes of the show on Megyn Kelly last night where she interviewed three of the U.S. soldiers who all nearly died defending the U.S. compound in Benghazi, the very ones who risked their lives trying to rescue those who perished. Go hear what they have to say that took place!!

Go tell them they are liars about what they say the film reproduced. Go tell them that the Adminstration or the CIA agreed with everything they said that took place in their depositions except for one thing, they say they never told them to “stand down!” Go tell me those three soldiers are liars! Because you know so fucking much sitting at home playing the faithful liberal and obama sycophant.

Heroes of Benghazi to Megyn Kelly: 'We Were Told to Stand Down'

there's been 9 damn investigations by REPUBLICANS and they have NOTHING .... N-O-T-H-I-N-G

what part of that are you too dumb to understand?
That's the problem...a Hillary and Obabble did nothing...easy to hide when you do nothing...and then lie about why you did nothing.
there's been 9 damn investigations by REPUBLICANS and they have NOTHING .... N-O-T-H-I-N-G

what part of that are you too dumb to understand?

This part. They are cowards or they are liars or they are blackmailed!!

Those three soldiers on megyn kelly last night went into a flurry of bullets, defying fucking CIA or OBama orders to stand down and lived to tell the truth. We all KNOW obama lied about benghazi and we all know Hillary lied about Benghazi right to the faces of the dead soldiers' families! But, NO, they would never lie about telling them to Stand Down. The three soldiers lied! Right??

Politicians lie all the time and do horrible things just to save face and their sickening careers. All the time.

politicians do lie ,,,no doubt about it BUT there are lies big lies and damned lies Which of those is your choice to put on the forehead of gwb who lied 1000's to their deaths?? were you as vehement in speaking of his lies??

So then you agree? I commend you.

As far as Bush goes, I was with my pope at the time who was vehemently against invading Iraq. I cannot tell you why Bush & Co. were insistent on going in but it did not seem to be in the best interests of our nation. And so it is a black mark against him. And it is used by the left forever and ever to try to imply that a thousand lies by their guys is Ok because of the Bush lie. The left is worse overall, by far. Their morals are almost non-existent.

and you don't think that the one huge lie , a lie greater than any lie a president could give,was far greater than the little lies dems are responsible for??
"So 13 Hours looks to become both a box office and critical flop. It only got $19 million over the long holiday weekend and Rotten Tomatoes only gives it a 58% rating. Must be really gloomy over there at Fox News."
It was made by the Transformers guy. Cartoons for adolescent brains.

It is probably just a non-stop wall of explosions and special effects with a weak story line.
"So 13 Hours looks to become both a box office and critical flop. It only got $19 million over the long holiday weekend and Rotten Tomatoes only gives it a 58% rating. Must be really gloomy over there at Fox News."
I guess there are too many phonies and hypocrites like you out there not interested in the truth or what is good for this nation.

Still, there is honor in trying to get through to the fools.

It is an absolute mortal sin and traitorous treasonous high crime what Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and any other complicit officials did to those U.S. government servants and soldiers in Libya!! It is equally despicable and sinful that our congress would let them get away with it and our media would let them get away with it! What treachery.

And you are one of those useful idiots who brags about it.
Because a dramatic Hollywood version of events is the truth...
Yes, I am perpetually mired in all you leftist know-it-alls. Question: Do you or the others in this thread (siete and eddiew) really care about the truth of what happened in Benghazi and at the White House that night? I will answer that for you --- NO, You Do Not!!

All you care about is acting like you are so smart and anyone who disagrees with you is some ideological right wing Christian idiot. So you play that ill-begotten game until the day you die. So honorable.

But if you did care about the truth then go watch 12 minutes of the show on Megyn Kelly last night where she interviewed three of the U.S. soldiers who all nearly died defending the U.S. compound in Benghazi, the very ones who risked their lives trying to rescue those who perished. Go hear what they have to say that took place!!

Go tell them they are liars about what they say the film reproduced. Go tell them that the Adminstration or the CIA agreed with everything they said that took place in their depositions except for one thing, they say they never told them to “stand down!” Go tell me those three soldiers are liars! Because you know so fucking much sitting at home playing the faithful liberal and obama sycophant.

Heroes of Benghazi to Megyn Kelly: 'We Were Told to Stand Down'

there's been 9 damn investigations by REPUBLICANS and they have NOTHING .... N-O-T-H-I-N-G

what part of that are you too dumb to understand?

Well, it is obvious she lied about it. it can't be both of the explanations she has given.

be sure and pass that on to Gowdy and the House Republicans, I'm sure they will be able to convict her in another 9 attempts.

there's been 9 damn investigations by REPUBLICANS and they have NOTHING .... N-O-T-H-I-N-G

what part of that are you too dumb to understand?

This part. They are cowards or they are liars or they are blackmailed!!

Those three soldiers on megyn kelly last night went into a flurry of bullets, defying fucking CIA or OBama orders to stand down and lived to tell the truth. We all KNOW obama lied about benghazi and we all know Hillary lied about Benghazi right to the faces of the dead soldiers' families! But, NO, they would never lie about telling them to Stand Down. The three soldiers lied! Right??

Politicians lie all the time and do horrible things just to save face and their sickening careers. All the time.

chickenshit, lying, crooked bastards ... sounds about right for Republicans.
and you don't think that the one huge lie , a lie greater than any lie a president could give,was far greater than the little lies dems are responsible for??
“Greater” in what way? There are many ways of looking at all this.

I already said I was vehemently against the Iraq invasion as was the Catholic Church. Any dummy would know this could never end well, they never do in the Middle East so why take over a nation? At least Bush Sr. stopped at the Iraq border after moving Saddam out of Kuwait, et al. in the first Iraq war. Going into Afghanistan after 9/11 was a minimum the USA had to do, even knowing it would be messy. But if they were going to go further to take out Islamic terrorist cells it should have been surgical air strikes instead of invading another nation.

But do I think the Middle East would be less volatile today if we had not invaded Iraq? No, not really. Surely the day Saddam died the same scenario would have played out and a civil way just like now raging in Syria and Iraq would have taken place. I might also add that the democrats including Hildebeast voted for the invasion and multiple times afterwards continued to vote to fund the efforts. So if they were so honorable and wise they should have withstood Bush’s wishes. Congress almost never does, they are odious.

So you ask is that Iraq lie worse than all the lies I accuse the democrats of? Well I cannot say but if cornered I would say ‘no.’ I think the sin and the evil caused by legal abortion is as bad or worse in God’s eyes. I think gay marriage is a horrible crime against this nation. I think the immoral pursuits of the left on all fronts is an affront to God and His pleadings. I think the military cowardliness by the left is immoral. I think the open borders, the muslim refugees, are all open invitations to war and destruction on our soil. I think the softness on crime, the hatred towards cops, the softness towards chaos in our schools and softness towards gang violence is perpetrated far more by leftist policies and politicians than by conservatives and all those are grave errors and sins. Democrats, generally speaking, could not care less how immoral and filthy our nation becomes via Hollywood, tv, music or what they preach to our kids in schools and this is making our nation worse off than anything else.

and you don't think that the one huge lie , a lie greater than any lie a president could give,was far greater than the little lies dems are responsible for??
“Greater” in what way? There are many ways of looking at all this.

I already said I was vehemently against the Iraq invasion as was the Catholic Church. Any dummy would know this could never end well, they never do in the Middle East so why take over a nation? At least Bush Sr. stopped at the Iraq border after moving Saddam out of Kuwait, et al. in the first Iraq war. Going into Afghanistan after 9/11 was a minimum the USA had to do, even knowing it would be messy. But if they were going to go further to take out Islamic terrorist cells it should have been surgical air strikes instead of invading another nation.

But do I think the Middle East would be less volatile today if we had not invaded Iraq? No, not really. Surely the day Saddam died the same scenario would have played out and a civil way just like now raging in Syria and Iraq would have taken place. I might also add that the democrats including Hildebeast voted for the invasion and multiple times afterwards continued to vote to fund the efforts. So if they were so honorable and wise they should have withstood Bush’s wishes. Congress almost never does, they are odious.

So you ask is that Iraq lie worse than all the lies I accuse the democrats of? Well I cannot say but if cornered I would say ‘no.’ I think the sin and the evil caused by legal abortion is as bad or worse in God’s eyes. I think gay marriage is a horrible crime against this nation. I think the immoral pursuits of the left on all fronts is an affront to God and His pleadings. I think the military cowardliness by the left is immoral. I think the open borders, the muslim refugees, are all open invitations to war and destruction on our soil. I think the softness on crime, the hatred towards cops, the softness towards chaos in our schools and softness towards gang violence is perpetrated far more by leftist policies and politicians than by conservatives and all those are grave errors and sins. Democrats, generally speaking, could not care less how immoral and filthy our nation becomes via Hollywood, tv, music or what they preach to our kids in schools and this is making our nation worse off than anything else.
while I appreciate your answer there is very little there I can agree with I believe in choice for women gay marriage is none of mine or yours business and when cops kill unarmed people ,,wel,l hate should be expected and the funding of the efforts came about because bush threatened to veto dems efforts for bush to give a get out all that remained was to fund the troops .......dinner time but thanks for your explaining your viewpoints in a cordial way I'm not used to that
"So 13 Hours looks to become both a box office and critical flop. It only got $19 million over the long holiday weekend and Rotten Tomatoes only gives it a 58% rating. Must be really gloomy over there at Fox News."

It must suck to be you, right? It must be hell to know that your boy Obama and his puppet Hillary caused the deaths of those folks. But, what the hell, as long as you don't have to serve, right? Where I come from Sonny, you're a coward. Live with THAT.
Oh I served ,,,Drafted ,,but my life could have been in jeopardy and obama and hill caused the deaths of no one ,,,not even close to the murderer gwb who sent guys like you to die over BS

Sonny, I served in Viet Nam 11B (NOT drafted). Never served in GWBs war, but my Son did. One thing you need to get through your pointed little head. Wars have been occurring for the last 5,000 years. There is no utopia and there never will be. Human beings fight - in case you hadn't noticed. You want to blame GWB, that's your choice. Then blame Washington, King George, The French, Lincoln, The Duke of Ferdinand, Roosevelt, Tojo, Stalin and all the rest.

Get used to it. We've only just began.
there's been 9 damn investigations by REPUBLICANS and they have NOTHING .... N-O-T-H-I-N-G

what part of that are you too dumb to understand?

This part. They are cowards or they are liars or they are blackmailed!!

Those three soldiers on megyn kelly last night went into a flurry of bullets, defying fucking CIA or OBama orders to stand down and lived to tell the truth. We all KNOW obama lied about benghazi and we all know Hillary lied about Benghazi right to the faces of the dead soldiers' families! But, NO, they would never lie about telling them to Stand Down. The three soldiers lied! Right??

Politicians lie all the time and do horrible things just to save face and their sickening careers. All the time.

I have not seen the movie (don't go to movies too often) but I support these guys completely. What the hell does it gain them to lie? Now ask yourself this question - since Hillary says that the relatives of the dead are lying (or have forgotten) what she Hillary) said to them. What does Hillary gain by lying about her lying? Enough said.

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are DIRECTLY responsible for the death of the Ambassador and the contractors. their refusal to allow force commanders to send the rapid deployment force doomed those men to death.

Hillary Clinton is a liar of the highest magnitude (and today's release of more Emails labeled TS-SC SAP) proves to me that she is. If I handled classified material in the manner she did - I would currently reside in Leavenworth. This is the EXACT thing that Patraeus was nailed for and he was allowed to plea bargain it down to admonishment and a fine. HE was not the SOS.

All this aside, however, remember this: The "Big Shots" - whether they be republicans or democrats will ALWAYS skate. It's the way of the world. That murdering bitch will receive nothing except the love of her worthless, limp-wrested asshole supporters. That, you can take to the bank.
I'm sure Micheal Bey is making an historically accurate movie ! One with explosions every 2 minutes and 1/2 the scenes in slow motion.

Do the transformers show up at some point?
there's been 9 damn investigations by REPUBLICANS and they have NOTHING .... N-O-T-H-I-N-G

what part of that are you too dumb to understand?

This part. They are cowards or they are liars or they are blackmailed!!

Those three soldiers on megyn kelly last night went into a flurry of bullets, defying fucking CIA or OBama orders to stand down and lived to tell the truth. We all KNOW obama lied about benghazi and we all know Hillary lied about Benghazi right to the faces of the dead soldiers' families! But, NO, they would never lie about telling them to Stand Down. The three soldiers lied! Right??

Politicians lie all the time and do horrible things just to save face and their sickening careers. All the time.

I have not seen the movie (don't go to movies too often) but I support these guys completely. What the hell does it gain them to lie? Now ask yourself this question - since Hillary says that the relatives of the dead are lying (or have forgotten) what she Hillary) said to them. What does Hillary gain by lying about her lying? Enough said.

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are DIRECTLY responsible for the death of the Ambassador and the contractors. their refusal to allow force commanders to send the rapid deployment force doomed those men to death.

Hillary Clinton is a liar of the highest magnitude (and today's release of more Emails labeled TS-SC SAP) proves to me that she is. If I handled classified material in the manner she did - I would currently reside in Leavenworth. This is the EXACT thing that Patraeus was nailed for and he was allowed to plea bargain it down to admonishment and a fine. HE was not the SOS.

All this aside, however, remember this: The "Big Shots" - whether they be republicans or democrats will ALWAYS skate. It's the way of the world. That murdering bitch will receive nothing except the love of her worthless, limp-wrested asshole supporters. That, you can take to the bank.

Thank you for your comments. And yours and your son's personal service for our nation.

I have no great love for republicans either, because like you said the big shots never serve the time for their crimes.

But this Benghazi scandal is so evil that it infuriates me that congress will not make them pay, and that the media will not do their duty and report the truth. No one has a conscience once it impacts their reputation or their political careers. At that point do whatever you can, lie, deflect, etc. to get out of the trap. And if some die because of it... oh well.

No one could listen to those soldiers for an hour last night on Megyn Kelly and walk away saying those soldiers are liars. And if they are not, then hillary and barack and the CIA are. An unspeakable crime.
"So 13 Hours looks to become both a box office and critical flop. It only got $19 million over the long holiday weekend and Rotten Tomatoes only gives it a 58% rating. Must be really gloomy over there at Fox News."

It must suck to be you, right? It must be hell to know that your boy Obama and his puppet Hillary caused the deaths of those folks. But, what the hell, as long as you don't have to serve, right? Where I come from Sonny, you're a coward. Live with THAT.
Oh I served ,,,Drafted ,,but my life could have been in jeopardy and obama and hill caused the deaths of no one ,,,not even close to the murderer gwb who sent guys like you to die over BS

Sonny, I served in Viet Nam 11B (NOT drafted). Never served in GWBs war, but my Son did. One thing you need to get through your pointed little head. Wars have been occurring for the last 5,000 years. There is no utopia and there never will be. Human beings fight - in case you hadn't noticed. You want to blame GWB, that's your choice. Then blame Washington, King George, The French, Lincoln, The Duke of Ferdinand, Roosevelt, Tojo, Stalin and all the rest.

Get used to it. We've only just began.

does WHEN THE CAUSE IT IS JUST mean anything to you???
Hey randell
Has there been a Mid East event investigated more than Benghazi ? I don't think so. All that had added up to nothing . None of this bullshit the right has squawked about the last 5 years .

Give it up.
Isn't a 58% rating considered good by rotten tomato standards? I wouldn't want to see it in a theater but it will have a life on DVD and cable TV for the next couple of years. How do lefties review it? Do they have a problem with the violence or the plot or the acting?
I'm sure Micheal Bey is making an historically accurate movie ! One with explosions every 2 minutes and 1/2 the scenes in slow motion.

Do the transformers show up at some point?
Ughh. It's a Michael Bey production? I assume it's a lot of popcorn selling explosions, sound effects, and spinning camera shots.

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