Republicans will not debate.

Republican President Donald Trump lost reelection by over seven million votes.

He then declared that he had won. Without a shred of evidence, the Republican told his followers that the election was stolen from him. To this day his followers believe him. Based on this misplaced loyalty, on Jan. 6, 2021, President Trump gathered together far right extremist groups and led a coup attempt on his own government.
CNN reported that it has "obtained 2,319 text messages that former President Donald Trump’s White House chief of staff Mark Meadows sent and received between Election Day 2020 and President Joe Biden’s January 20, 2021 inauguration.

"The vast trove of texts offers the most revealing picture to date of how Trump’s inner circle, supporters and Republican lawmakers worked behind the scenes to try to overturn the election results and then reacted to the violence that effort unleashed at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

The logs, which Meadows selectively provided to the House committee investigating the January 6 attack, show how the former chief of staff was at the nexus of sprawling conspiracy theories baselessly claiming the election had been stolen. They also demonstrate how he played a key role in the attempts to stop Biden’s certification on January 6.

"The never-before-seen texts include messages from Trump’s family – daughter Ivanka Trump, son-in-law Jared Kushner and son Donald Trump Jr. – as well as White House and campaign officials, Cabinet members, Republican Party leaders, January 6 rally organizers, Rudy Giuliani, My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell, Sean Hannity and other Fox hosts. There are also text exchanges with more than 40 current and former Republican members of Congress, including Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio, Mo Brooks of Alabama and Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia," CNN added.

“Mark I was just told there is an active shooter on the first floor of the Capitol Please tell the President to calm people This isn’t the way to solve anything,” Greene wrote.

“Mark: he needs to stop this, now. Can I do anything to help?” Mick Mulvaney, Trump’s former acting White House chief of staff, texted Meadows.

“It’s really bad up here on the hill. They have breached the Capitol,” Georgia Republican Rep. Barry Loudermilk wrote.

“The president needs to stop this ASAP,” texted GOP Rep. William Timmons of South Carolina.

“POTUS is engaging,” Meadows sent in response to Loudermilk. “We are doing it,” he texted to Timmons.

“Thanks. This doesn’t help our cause,” Loudermilk replied.

“TELL THEM TO GO HOME !!!” texted Trump’s first chief of staff, Reince Priebus.

Are Trump's followers aware of any of this? Hell, no. All they know is that Trump won the election and is our real President.

“First off, let me be very clear tonight. The election in 2020 was rigged and stolen,” David Perdue, Republican candidate for governor from Georgia.
haha they aren’t fair…the clinton emails highlighted that. The CNN debate mods were giving them questions priori to the debate

It's true feeding Clinton the questions was wrong and wasn't fair but it was neither CPD nor moderators who did that. It was a CNN commentator who did that.
The Republican Party has captured the minds of those who live in the rural counties of America. Trump's followers are mostly farmers and rural shopkeepers. They lack education and they are not well-informed. Most of what they know about politics is by word of mouth.

After the Republican governor of Florida signed a law that put a gag order concerning sex education on K - 3 teachers, he declared war on Disneyland to begin thirteen months from now.

CNN obtained 2,319 text messages from former President Donald Trump’s White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. One of those messages was from Georgia Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene asking Trump to declare Marshall Law. That's right. A Republican member of the House of Representatives did not know how to spell Martial Law.

Republican President Donald Trump lost reelection by over seven million votes.

He then declared that he had won. Without a shred of evidence, the Republican told his followers that the election was stolen from him. To this day his followers believe him. How do we know this? Trump is the leader of the Republican Party by virtue of his support from his loyal followers.

Based on this misplaced loyalty, on Jan. 6, 2021, President Trump gathered together far right extremist groups and led a coup attempt on his own government.

If he wasn't in enough trouble, "A New York judge held former President Donald Trump in contempt of court Monday for failing to comply with a subpoena for business documents related to a civil investigation by the state attorney general’s office of his company," according to CNBC.

CNBC continued, "Trump will have to pay $10,000 per day for as long as he fails to comply with the subpoena.

"The contempt finding by Judge Arthur Engoron in Manhattan Supreme Court came after a more than two-hour hearing in which lawyers for New York Attorney General Letitia James blasted Trump for dragging his feet in turning over the demanded documents."

Trump is also in trouble with the law in New York, and DOJ is investigating him for his role in the Jan. 6 insurrection.

Nevertheless, his followers remain by his side, and so do most Republicans as they seek his endorsement for the November mid-terms.
You're a fucking moron. Rural residency has nothing to do with education. Quite the contrary. People who choose rural lifestyles are many times more educated per capita than their city cousins. And if you think we people who eschew living in the ant hill get our news by word of mouth, you are seriously misinformed--we have fiber optic connections in many places that are as dependable as yours are. Run along idiot.
It would be a massive win for Biden not to have to debate. Of course the Democrats will not do it but I would not miss the opportunity to remind the world that the GOP said they were not going to debate. Its like the GOP shutting down the government and expecting (every time they do it) that the Democrats will get blamed but they never do.
They are fair debates.

Trump just fucked up like he fucked up getting re-elected...but on the right Trump losing at something immediately means that it was rigged, because he is not ever man enough to admit any mistakes and Trumpsters just take his claims as gospel

It's a fucking cult.
Hahaha yeah right!!!
You're a fucking moron. Rural residency has nothing to do with education. Quite the contrary. People who choose rural lifestyles are many times more educated per capita than their city cousins. And if you think we people who eschew living in the ant hill get our news by word of mouth, you are seriously misinformed--we have fiber optic connections in many places that are as dependable as yours are. Run along idiot.

Well Biden voters are generally more educated than Trump voters. So there's that. Which also explains why Trump gave a shout out to his supporters, saying he loves the poorly educated.

What are they going to do, force them to debate? :p

No, even better, thd Democrat candidate will get to paint the Republican candidate as a pussy who's too skeered to stand up to a Democrat. An easy win.

Reagan beat Mondale and Bush Split with Dukakis. So it's 3 out of 10. And the other eight put up Bush v. Clinton, Bush Jr., Dole, McCain and Trump. Not exactly a bastion of winners.
Gore, Kerry, and H. Clinton shit the bed in their debates. They felt entitled. Biden shit the bed when he emphasized that Democrats had the most inclusive of voter fraud.
Gore, Kerry, and H. Clinton shit the bed in their debates. They felt entitled. Biden shit the bed when he emphasized that Democrats had the most inclusive of voter fraud.
We haven't had real presidential debates in at least 40 years. The media circus that is our current debate system is a joke and always slanted one way.

There's a much better way, many better ways in fact than what has become the norm.
Ben Shapiro is a partisan pundit. He has as much chance of ever hosting a primetime debate as Rachel Maddows.

Sorry to introduce you to reality.
How do you propose we set up a system of debates that excludes partisans and those with personal agendas from the process?

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