Republicans, Wind Turbines Okay to Kill Eagles

"We estimate that on an annual basis, less than 0.1% ... of songbird and other small passerine species populations in North America perish from collisions with turbines,"says lead author Wallace Erickson of Wyoming-based West.

The study based its estimate on data from 116 studies conducted in the U.S. and Canada, after adjusting for the fact that surveys don't capture all fatalities. Some carcasses are missed by monitors, disappear because of scavenging or decompose before they're counted. Nearly two thirds, or 63%, of reported fatalities were small birds of 156 different species.

The wind energy industry has occasionally been at odds with conservation groups because of bird deaths. They clashed in December when the Obama administration, eager to promote non-polluting renewable energy as a way to address climate change, announced a new federal rule that allows wind farms to lawfully kill bald and golden eagles under 30-year permits.

Yet many environmentalists say wind power ultimately benefits birds. It is a "a growing solution to some of the more serious threats that birds face, since wind energy emits no greenhouse gases that accelerate climate change," Terry Root of Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, said in a statement accompanying the study's release.

Earlier this month, a National Audubon Society report said that hundreds of bird species in the U.S. — including the bald eagle and eight state birds, from Idaho to Maryland — are at "serious risk" due to climate change. It said some species are forecast to lose more than 95% of their current ranges.

Wind turbines kill fewer birds than do cats cell towers
So, its an increase that did not exist.

You must destroy the world to save it.
Saving habitat destroys the world, pinhead? You should read more, it'll help with your illiteracy too.
Building a Wind Turbine on top of a Kit Fox saves habitat. Cutting roads and installing a Wind Turbines on a ridgeline in Vermont does not disrupt or destroy a Bobcat's territory.

5 square miles of Solar Panels saves habitat?

To save the Habitat we must destroy Habitat?
The Point made is that its republicans and democrats ripping us off.
CORRUPTION IS NOT JUST ONE PARTY... there are plenty of fools to go around, emulating democrats and their foolishness is pure stupidity.. the fct that republicans do it is proof that we need a true second party as they have become democrap light!

You're a fucking idiot!!! lol, lol, lol!!!

Private utititiy are installing most of the solar and wind in this country. There's whole sections of this country that don't need a cent of government money to sell it to private investors. You repubicans will NEVER stop solar and wind now as they're becoming cheaper than coal.
Ha, ha, while we fight among ourselves Democrats and Republicans are united in furthering Green Energy at the expense of the environment. How is it everyone think Republicans do not support Green Energy, everyone will get rich off Green Energy, Democrats and Republicans, they all support Green Energy.

Yet they have us fighting, well they keep their mouths shut and pass 1000's of bills in support of Green Energy.

H.R. 493 will allow all Green Renewable energy projects to kill Eagles, because its an accident?

Searching the document I found it was introduced by the Republicans, not one Democrat on the committee.

Text - H.R.493 - 114th Congress 2015-2016 CLEAN Energy Producers Act of 2015 Library of Congress

Larry Bucshon - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Bill Johnson Ohio politician - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Jeff Duncan politician - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Mick Mulvaney - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Diane Black - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia,_Jr.
There are trade-offs to most technology, innovation, and automation. We can't cover all bases while trying to make a better world, a better environment, and a better nation. Sometimes we have to make sacrifices in order to advance and to expand opportunities for a better tomorrow. Yes, we're going to make mistakes, create problem where none existed before, but what we must always ask, "is the risk worth the sacrifices". Sometimes moving forward is not collateral free, nor pleasant for everything and everyone.
And this is an engineering problem. All we have to do is find a way of warning the birds and bats off from the area of the blades. Sonic whistles, lights, who knows what, we can find a way. And then simply require that done on all the mills.
Save 25 times as many birds by requiring housecats to wear bells.
Require housecats to be kept in the houses. But we should engineer our technology to be as environmentally unobtrusive as possible. But it is passingly strange that the coal industry can poison whole rivers, and the 'Conservatives' don't say a thing.
WHAT A PANT LOAD OF LIBERAL DROPPINGS! Our coal fired plants are the cleanest int he world and the rivers and streams are no longer polluted by them. This has long ago been dealt with, but the left will not allow a lie to go untold... if it furthers their agenda.

But less then 500mw of coal was installed last year to 5,500mw of solar. LOL!
Last edited:
The Point made is that its republicans and democrats ripping us off.
CORRUPTION IS NOT JUST ONE PARTY... there are plenty of fools to go around, emulating democrats and their foolishness is pure stupidity.. the fct that republicans do it is proof that we need a true second party as they have become democrap light!

You're a fucking idiot!!! lol, lol, lol!!!

Private utititiy are installing most of the solar and wind in this country. There's whole sections of this country that don't need a cent of government money to sell it to private investors. You repubicans will NEVER stop solar and wind now as they're becoming cheaper than coal.
$36 trillion is cheaper than coal?
Ha, ha, while we fight among ourselves Democrats and Republicans are united in furthering Green Energy at the expense of the environment. How is it everyone think Republicans do not support Green Energy, everyone will get rich off Green Energy, Democrats and Republicans, they all support Green Energy.

Yet they have us fighting, well they keep their mouths shut and pass 1000's of bills in support of Green Energy.

H.R. 493 will allow all Green Renewable energy projects to kill Eagles, because its an accident?

Searching the document I found it was introduced by the Republicans, not one Democrat on the committee.

Text - H.R.493 - 114th Congress 2015-2016 CLEAN Energy Producers Act of 2015 Library of Congress

Larry Bucshon - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Bill Johnson Ohio politician - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Jeff Duncan politician - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Mick Mulvaney - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Diane Black - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia,_Jr.
There are trade-offs to most technology, innovation, and automation. We can't cover all bases while trying to make a better world, a better environment, and a better nation. Sometimes we have to make sacrifices in order to advance and to expand opportunities for a better tomorrow. Yes, we're going to make mistakes, create problem where none existed before, but what we must always ask, "is the risk worth the sacrifices". Sometimes moving forward is not collateral free, nor pleasant for everything and everyone.
And this is an engineering problem. All we have to do is find a way of warning the birds and bats off from the area of the blades. Sonic whistles, lights, who knows what, we can find a way. And then simply require that done on all the mills.
Save 25 times as many birds by requiring housecats to wear bells.
Require housecats to be kept in the houses. But we should engineer our technology to be as environmentally unobtrusive as possible. But it is passingly strange that the coal industry can poison whole rivers, and the 'Conservatives' don't say a thing.
WHAT A PANT LOAD OF LIBERAL DROPPINGS! Our coal fired plants are the cleanest int he world and the rivers and streams are no longer polluted by them. This has long ago been dealt with, but the left will not allow a lie to go untold... if it furthers their agenda.
Elektra, you are a fucking liar.

Kingston Fossil Plant coal fly ash slurry spill - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The TVA Kingston Fossil Plant coal fly ash slurry spill occurred just before 1 a.m. on Monday December 22, 2008, when an ash dike ruptured at an 84-acre (0.34 km2) solid waste containment area at the Tennessee Valley Authority's Kingston Fossil Plant in Roane County, Tennessee, USA. 1.1 billion US gallons (4,200,000 m3) of coalfly ashslurry was released. The coal-fired power plant, located across theClinch River from the city of Kingston, uses ponds to dewater the fly ash, a byproduct of coal combustion, which is then stored in wet form in dredge cells. The slurry (a mixture of fly ash and water) traveled across the Emory River and its Swan Pond embayment, on to the opposite shore, covering up to 300 acres (1.2 km2) of the surrounding land, damaging homes and flowing up and down stream in nearby waterways such as the Emory River and Clinch River (tributaries of the Tennessee River). It was the largest fly ash release in United States history.

Aerial photograph of site taken the day after the event
Breaking Duke Energy Coal Ash Spill Pollutes River and Threatens Drinking Water EcoWatch

Breaking: Duke Energy Coal Ash Spill Pollutes River and Threatens Drinking Water

Donna Lisenby | February 4, 2014 10:50 am | Comment
[This is the first article in a four-part series. Read part two, read part three, read part four.]

Yesterday afternoon, Duke Energy reported that it spilled between 50,000 to 82,000 tons of coal ash into the Dan River near Eden, NC. To put the volume in perspective, the spill is the equivalent of 413 to 677 rail cars of wet coal ash poured into a public drinking water source. The spill is located on a stretch of the Dan River between Eden, NC and Danville, VA. An estimated 22 million gallons of coal ash could already be in the Dan River moving downstream.

No recent poisoning of our rivers, eh, Elektra?
The Point made is that its republicans and democrats ripping us off.
CORRUPTION IS NOT JUST ONE PARTY... there are plenty of fools to go around, emulating democrats and their foolishness is pure stupidity.. the fct that republicans do it is proof that we need a true second party as they have become democrap light!

You're a fucking idiot!!! lol, lol, lol!!!

Private utititiy are installing most of the solar and wind in this country. There's whole sections of this country that don't need a cent of government money to sell it to private investors. You repubicans will NEVER stop solar and wind now as they're becoming cheaper than coal.
$36 trillion is cheaper than coal?

We make investments every 25-40 years for new energy plants to replace old ones. The investors will replace those coal planets with solar and wind!
The Appalachian region is home to one of the oldest and most biologically diverse mountain systems on the continent. Tragically, mountaintop removal mining has already destroyed more than 500 mountains encompassing more than 1 million acres of central and southern Appalachia.

After the coal companies blast apart the mountaintops, they dump the rubble into neighboring valleys, where lie the headwaters of streams and rivers, like the Kanawha, Clinch, and Big Sandy. The exposed rock leaches heavy metals and other toxics that pose enormous health threats to the region’s plants and animals — and people.

- See more at: Ecological Impacts of Mountaintop Removal Appalachian Voices

Sheep Knob, W.Va., photo by Kent Kessinger

Tell us some more about how clean coal is, Elektra.
The Point made is that its republicans and democrats ripping us off.
CORRUPTION IS NOT JUST ONE PARTY... there are plenty of fools to go around, emulating democrats and their foolishness is pure stupidity.. the fct that republicans do it is proof that we need a true second party as they have become democrap light!

You're a fucking idiot!!! lol, lol, lol!!!

Private utititiy are installing most of the solar and wind in this country. There's whole sections of this country that don't need a cent of government money to sell it to private investors. You repubicans will NEVER stop solar and wind now as they're becoming cheaper than coal.
BULL SHIT... You fucking idiot moron...tell me what that green energy tax on all coal is for? You fucking left wit moron...
The Appalachian region is home to one of the oldest and most biologically diverse mountain systems on the continent. Tragically, mountaintop removal mining has already destroyed more than 500 mountains encompassing more than 1 million acres of central and southern Appalachia.

After the coal companies blast apart the mountaintops, they dump the rubble into neighboring valleys, where lie the headwaters of streams and rivers, like the Kanawha, Clinch, and Big Sandy. The exposed rock leaches heavy metals and other toxics that pose enormous health threats to the region’s plants and animals — and people.

- See more at: Ecological Impacts of Mountaintop Removal Appalachian Voices

Sheep Knob, W.Va., photo by Kent Kessinger

Tell us some more about how clean coal is, Elektra.

what fucking left wit moron.. top soil is being returned and planted. they are reclaiming the area.. Its call responsible mining... fucking moron!
Mountaintop Removal 101 Appalachian Voices

DUMPING WASTE In 2002, the Bush Administration changed the definition of “fill material” in the Clean Water Act to include toxic mining waste, which allowed coal companies to legally dump the debris, called “overburden” or “spoil,” into nearby valleys. These “valley fills” have buried more than 2,000 miles of headwater streams and polluted many more.

PROCESSING Coal must be chemically treated before it is shipped to power plants for burning. This processing creates coal slurry, or sludge, a mix of water, coal dust and clay containing toxic heavy metals such as arsenic, mercury, lead and chromium. The coal slurry is often dumped in open impoundments, sometimes built with mining debris, making them very unstable.

RECLAMATION While reclamation efforts are required by federal law, coal companies often receive waivers from state agencies with the idea that economic development will occur on the newly flattened land. In reality, most sites receive little more than a spraying of exotic grass seed, and less than 3 percent of reclaimed mountaintop removal sites are used for economic development. According to a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency impact statement on mountaintop removal in Appalachia, it may take hundreds of years for a forest to re-establish itself on the mine site. - See more at: Mountaintop Removal 101 Appalachian Voices

You lie, Billy Boob.
The Point made is that its republicans and democrats ripping us off.
CORRUPTION IS NOT JUST ONE PARTY... there are plenty of fools to go around, emulating democrats and their foolishness is pure stupidity.. the fct that republicans do it is proof that we need a true second party as they have become democrap light!

You're a fucking idiot!!! lol, lol, lol!!!

Private utititiy are installing most of the solar and wind in this country. There's whole sections of this country that don't need a cent of government money to sell it to private investors. You repubicans will NEVER stop solar and wind now as they're becoming cheaper than coal.
BULL SHIT... You fucking idiot moron...tell me what that green energy tax on all coal is for? You fucking left wit moron...

Wait another few years and wind & solar will rule over coal without a cent of government money! What tax on coal? Can you post something that supports your tax on coal??
Mountaintop Removal 101 Appalachian Voices

DUMPING WASTE In 2002, the Bush Administration changed the definition of “fill material” in the Clean Water Act to include toxic mining waste, which allowed coal companies to legally dump the debris, called “overburden” or “spoil,” into nearby valleys. These “valley fills” have buried more than 2,000 miles of headwater streams and polluted many more.

PROCESSING Coal must be chemically treated before it is shipped to power plants for burning. This processing creates coal slurry, or sludge, a mix of water, coal dust and clay containing toxic heavy metals such as arsenic, mercury, lead and chromium. The coal slurry is often dumped in open impoundments, sometimes built with mining debris, making them very unstable.

RECLAMATION While reclamation efforts are required by federal law, coal companies often receive waivers from state agencies with the idea that economic development will occur on the newly flattened land. In reality, most sites receive little more than a spraying of exotic grass seed, and less than 3 percent of reclaimed mountaintop removal sites are used for economic development. According to a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency impact statement on mountaintop removal in Appalachia, it may take hundreds of years for a forest to re-establish itself on the mine site. - See more at: Mountaintop Removal 101 Appalachian Voices

You lie, Billy Boob.
Which allows the bio-fuel companies to dump the toxic-waste they produce.
Really? You told a series of lies, then got caught on them, so you double down on another lie. What a stupid loser.
Right, whatever you tell yourself when you have to run from everyone of my posts, from your Zinc recovery at the Salton Sea to how my profession ensures the quality of steel where you claimed you work.

All I got to do is follow a link of yours and it is enough to show you are a Crock of Shit.

Call me a liar all you want, instead of quoting my post and attempting to make sense of what you have zero knowledge of.

Hell, you are so foolish you thought I was protesting the killing of Eagles when this thread simply shows the collusion of Democrats and Republicans, killing the Environment to get filthy rich.

I thought you would of appreciated that, but you are so blind and stupid, you got to get the last word in, even after you lost the argument and must ignore your own posts.
The Point made is that its republicans and democrats ripping us off.
CORRUPTION IS NOT JUST ONE PARTY... there are plenty of fools to go around, emulating democrats and their foolishness is pure stupidity.. the fct that republicans do it is proof that we need a true second party as they have become democrap light!

You're a fucking idiot!!! lol, lol, lol!!!

Private utititiy are installing most of the solar and wind in this country. There's whole sections of this country that don't need a cent of government money to sell it to private investors. You repubicans will NEVER stop solar and wind now as they're becoming cheaper than coal.
BULL SHIT... You fucking idiot moron...tell me what that green energy tax on all coal is for? You fucking left wit moron...

Wait another few years and wind & solar will rule over coal without a cent of government money! What tax on coal? Can you post something that supports your tax on coal??
Yep, they will RULE over coal, as in the Government will Rule and Dictate, the rich Democrats and Republicans will Rule over our lives.

Rule was the correct word, compete and outperform is not part of the equation.

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