Republicans won’t be satisfied with overturning Roe

That is the job of the Supreme Court where applicable. If states enact laws that are unconstitutional it is up to the court to invalidate them. Now the argument is of course if it applicable in this situation but it's not some controversial thing for the court to invalidate state (or even Federal) laws.

Just as the Brown v BoE decision did.
Yes all that is correct.

I was responding to PinktheFloyd88 and his hysterical statement that this leaked opinion would "overturn 51 *sob, sob* years of precedent." How many years of precedent did Brown overturn? The real answer is that it doesn't matter because Brown was correctly decided.

There is no right in the Constitution that provides for unrestricted abortion in the first trimester, allowance for some restrictions in the second trimester, and more restrictions in the third. Its just not there, so throwing out Roe will be correct regardless of personal feelings on abortion.
“Republican senators are giving us a glimpse of the culture war clashes to come. There are already warning signs — including the Texas directive that prohibits parents from legally providing gender-affirming treatment and therapies to their children, as well as various state officials’ questioning whether the Constitution sanctions contraceptive use. Indeed, some Republican senators have gestured toward these future conflicts. In his questions to Jackson, Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.) repeatedly sought her views of Obergefell v. Hodges, the court’s 2015 decision legalizing same-sex marriage, pressing her as to whether the decision was properly decided. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) took her turn at the microphone to criticize Griswold v. Connecticut, the 1965 case that legalized contraception use. It’s not a stretch to imagine this revisionism extending to Loving v. Virginia, the ruling that legalized interracial marriage. A Republican senator recently said he was open to overturning that ruling. He later walked back his comments.

All this underscores that abortion was never the conservatives’ endgame. It is merely a way station on the path to rolling back a wide range of rights — the rights that scaffold the most intimate aspects of our lives and protect the liberty and equality of marginalized groups.”

Republicans’ assault on citizens’ rights and protected liberties has just begun.
I think Loving and interacial marriage is safe, but the Xians are coming for Gay marriage. I Roe was not precedent, the Oberfell sure isn't.

"We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled," Justice Samuel Alito writes in the document,

I say that we hold that the Supreme Court is no longer legitimate. The Democrats need to RISE UP and start civil war to protect women and their right to privacy. This is unbelievable to see 5 people try and change 50 years of precedent. This will destroy the COUNTRY.
Oh boy, and here we thought the left was going apeshit over the Florida anti-groomer bill.

Abortion is the main pillar of faith for the Commiecrat Cult. It’s going to be glorious seeing these demons proclaim how much they want to butcher babies. We are witnessing the death of the Democratic Party. When will they shed the name and rename themselves the Satanic Party?

"We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled," Justice Samuel Alito writes in the document,

I say that we hold that the Supreme Court is no longer legitimate. The Democrats need to RISE UP and start civil war to protect women and their right to privacy. This is unbelievable to see 5 people try and change 50 years of precedent. This will destroy the COUNTRY.
Leftwingers don't care about women and never have.
You are seriously out of touch on this issue.

Yeah, it'll be Atl (remember the Allstar MLB game) and Texas (esp with tech companies.) I don't think Fla has all that much in major corporations except for entertainment and tourism. Disney and Universal can't move.

Hey guys. Carlin was an addict all his adult life. He was so messed up, he had to enter rehab at age 67. I detailed all this on my well-received thread about him.
NOT a very good role model to be your political guru, leftwingers. But typical.
Yes all that is correct.

I was responding to PinktheFloyd88 and his hysterical statement that this leaked opinion would "overturn 51 *sob, sob* years of precedent." How many years of precedent did Brown overturn? The real answer is that it doesn't matter because Brown was correctly decided.

There is no right in the Constitution that provides for unrestricted abortion in the first trimester, allowance for some restrictions in the second trimester, and more restrictions in the third. Its just not there, so throwing out Roe will be correct regardless of personal feelings on abortion.
“Jane Roe” never had the abortion and she admitted she lied and was paid by the Democratic Party. Like all tenants of their faith, the left’s believes are all built on lies.
I’m not a biologist but…I feel sorry for all the Democrat men who get pregnant and then can’t have abortions as a result of this ruling.
Shouldn't you be somewhere screwing one of your cousins.
That's more common in the black community.
Many of my nieces always had to worry about their mom's boyfriends molesting them.
Course when it comes to poverty.....poor people will sometimes fuck anything that moves.
I can see why the black community supports many unwanted pregnancies.
And it's just another way for rich white folks to control the hoodrat populations.
“Jane Roe” never had the abortion and she admitted she lied and was paid by the Democratic Party. Like all tenants of their faith, the left’s believes are all built on lies.
Yes, and “Fetus Roe,” who was a separate human being and not a body part of Jane Roe from the moment of conception, according to the science of DNA identification, survived the attempted killing, was born “Baby Girl Roe,” or “the baby Roe,” was adopted by a loving family, who did not desire to kill her, and grew up to live a happy and productive life, as should all human beings.
The abortion protestors have spray painted the monument of the Revolutionary War General Nathaniel Greene in our local park with "My body, my choice."

That is more damage than was done by any of the protesters on 1/6.
The abortion protestors have spray painted the monument of the Revolutionary War General Nathaniel Greene in our local park with "My body, my choice."

That is more damage than was done by any of the protesters on 1/6.
They didnt care about the jab though. What a bunch of wankers
Yes all that is correct.

I was responding to PinktheFloyd88 and his hysterical statement that this leaked opinion would "overturn 51 *sob, sob* years of precedent." How many years of precedent did Brown overturn? The real answer is that it doesn't matter because Brown was correctly decided.

There is no right in the Constitution that provides for unrestricted abortion in the first trimester, allowance for some restrictions in the second trimester, and more restrictions in the third. Its just not there, so throwing out Roe will be correct regardless of personal feelings on abortion.

It will overturn 5O years of precedent. Where the confusion seems to be is that precedent can't be overturned. It can.

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