Republicans won’t be satisfied with overturning Roe

FBI Table 43.

"FBI — Table 43" Table 43
Table 43 is telling.
Blacks make up 13% of the total population.....but they're guilty of over 52% of the violent crimes.
They commit more robberies that whites by over 4000.
Sure.....Whites commit 69% of the rapes....and let's not forget....many of the rapes reported are by 'WHITE HISPANICS'.

But blacks commit over 26% of them....which means they are committing twice as many as a percentage of their total population.
If they were doing it in line with their population would be closer to 13%.
My guess is that many black males are in prison....and if they weren't they'd be committing even more rapes.
Table 43 is telling.
Blacks make up 13% of the total population.....but they're guilty of over 52% of the violent crimes.
They commit more robberies that whites by over 4000.
Sure.....Whites commit 69% of the rapes....and let's not forget....many of the rapes reported are by 'WHITE HISPANICS'.

But blacks commit over 26% of them....which means they are committing twice as many as a percentage of their total population.
If they were doing it in line with their population would be closer to 13%.
My guess is that many black males are in prison....and if they weren't they'd be committing even more rapes.
What's the maximum effective range of an excuse?
The best part of all ROE never had an abortion LOL.
Not for lack of trying

Eventually, McCorvey was referred to attorneys Linda Coffee and Sarah Weddington,[16][26] who were looking for pregnant women who were seeking abortions. The case, Roe v. Wade (Henry Wade was the district attorney), took three years of trials to reach the Supreme Court of the United States, and McCorvey never attended a single trial. During the course of the lawsuit, McCorvey gave birth and placed the baby up for adoption.[2]
If Roe is overturned, the congress can pass federal law establishing national and rational standards for abortion. That’s what should have been done in the first place rather than legislating from the bench. Congress and the president will have nearly a year to accomplish this and until the mid-terms, the Democrats control both houses of the congress and the White House. If they have the will they can do it the right way; by legislation.
WRONG. Each of the 50 states will decide for itself. Democracy means the people decide on the laws in their state, It's called Federalism and it is embodied in the 10th amendment.
WRONG. Each of the 50 states will decide for itself. Democracy means the people decide on the laws in their state, It's called Federalism and it is embodied in the 10th amendment.
For all the hollering about Democracy....Democraps sure seem to hate it.
The truth is Democrats don't want Democracy. They want everyone to do what they're told.
Anyone against birth control is anti american. It's paramount. How can anyone have a problem with it. It is a blessing from our creator.
Their motto is "smaller government (for us), bigger government (for everyone else)"

"My religion should the the religion of the country, fuck the US constitution.
They want to take my guns, but the US constitution protects me. "

Kind of bullshit compartmentalization.
There are only a handful of people who want to make their religion the law of the land. Well, Christianity, I mean.

There are an awful lot of people who want to make their religion -- Marxism -- the law of the land.

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