Republicans won’t be satisfied with overturning Roe

‘On Monday night, Politico published a leaked draft opinion from the Supreme Court on a crucial abortion case, which, if formally adopted, would overturn Roe v. Wade. It is a devastating document to read, indicating a slim majority of the justices – four of the five appointed by presidents who lost the popular vote – are set to end the era of legal abortion in the United States.’

Hence the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
Yes, yes, we know you want to burn the Constitution. Pesky thing gets in your way, doesn't it?
True - typical Republican hypocrisy.

In addition to the ‘small government’ lie, conservatives claim to be ‘advocates’ of “states’ rights” – but “states’ rights” goes out the window when it comes to state firearm regulatory measures, they have no problem with tyrants in black robes legislating from the bench contrary to the will of the people in blue states.
Tell you what -- you blue states keep your abortions and criminalizing self-defense, and the red states can keep their firearms and sanctity of life.

Oh, but that won't satisfy you, will it? You believe you have the duty to force your will on everyone.
This subject has just been covered on UK tv news. It was an extraordinary report with prominent GOPs refusing to discuss the issue, running down corridors and scuttling into offices.

By contrast they had no problem finding dems willing to talk and ondemn this nonsense.

Biden looked like a dog with two dicks as these loons have just handed him and his party their big issue to win elections for years to come.

Anybody left of centre or just normal will not tolerate this nonsense. This is the crazies taking over the right. Joe and kamala have just guaranteed their jobs and trump is fucked.
Human sacrifice isn't the winning issue you've been told it was.
Wouldn't surprise me if they didn't go after gay marriage and interacial marriage
Hell I thought your weird ass party was going to start marrying barn yard animals.................

Hopefully that doesn't catch on too with the Freak show.

The pill prevents conception. If there is no conception there is no zygote. Some idiots would want contraception banned? That's crazy. We need Less conceptions. L E S S.
The official policy of the Catholic Church is anti contraception.
So somehow, you're a victim of RvW being overturned.

Not getting enough attention today?
No I am not a victim, because I am not a woman moron. My question is what's next? Hell the Trump candidates lied about abortion when they knew they were going to overturn it. It's the reason Republicans don't want the John Lewis Voting Bill.
Wouldn't surprise me if they didn't go after gay marriage and interacial marriage'd like that....wouldn't you.
Nope....the fact is Roe v. Wade never should have been allowed to stand on it's own.
If Democrats wanted it so badly they should have codified it with an amendment to the constitution.
But then that would totally remove an issue they've been using for 50 years against Republicans.
If's Democrats that want to segregate us from each other.....not the GOP.

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