Republicns Shld Go To War Over ths Democrat Chang On Senate Confirmatons!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Democrat controlled Senate's changing of the system on confirmation of Presidential appointments by blocking the use of the filibuster against nominees thereby allowing all nominees to be confirmed with only fifty one votes is an historic mistake for the country, its releasing devastating poison into the work of the federal government. It will cause alarming and massive harm to the country, words do not exist to describe how bad a development this is! Simply, what this change means from a practical standpoint is that a President whose party is also in control of the Senate will be able to except for Supreme Court appointments which is the only exception to the change put partisan people into these confirmation jobs. Consider what this will mean! Take for instance the judiciary; when Democrats are in charge that means the judiciary will be loaded with Judges that favor plaintiffs, individuals and defendants over businesses, the wealthy and victims and when Republicans are in charge just the opposite will occur. Consider what this will mean for federal commissions and government bodies like the Federal Reserve Board, the Security & Exchange Commission, the Commodities Futures Trading Commission, the National Labor Relations Board, the Federal Trade Commission it will bring huge swings in these organizations activities from pro-business to anti-business depending on whether the Republicans are in charge in Washington or the Democrats, it will bring a lot of people including employees and individuals being seriously hurt in these political pendulum swings!

Senator Harry Reid, President Barack Obama and the other Democrat Senators behind this change are being incredibly selfish in engineering this change they will get their way in the short term as they load these confirmation jobs with partisan candidates but they have put America on a path where she and her people will suffer greatly for it! Republicans need to step up and make this an issue in the upcoming 2014 and 2016 elections, it shows that the Democrat Party of today is not to be trusted with the reins or keys of power and the American people will see the truth and wisdom of these assertions. The Republican party needs to petition and lead the American people to put the Republicans back in power in the Senate so they can reverse this terrible change on the confirmation process and stop this destructive trajectory of making federal government workings partisan workings! The Republican party needs to be emphatic in these elections that they will reverse this confirmation process change if their put back in charge in the Senate!

If the Republican party is so blessed that with the 2014 elections they take control of the Senate they have to resist the temptation for pay-back against the Democrats meaning they will keep this change on confirmations with the thinking that they have the advantage in the 2016 elections because the Democrats mismanaged the economic recovery which will likely lead them to taking control of the Whitehouse in 2017 and when they do they can for four years load federal jobs that need Senate confirmation with candidates that firmly hold far right wing values, they can have a field day for this period! Republicans need to be firmly committed to doing what is best for the country first in this matter and reverse this reckless, shortsighted change in the Senate confirmation system.

Nevertheless, the Senate Confirmation process on Presidential appointments needs adjusting because it doesn't work well for the American people the process, good candidates many times aren't being nominated and good candidates when nominated aren't timely being confirmed and it doesn't matter whether a Democrat or a Republican is in the White House! The constitution should be changed so that openings to the Judiciary should be filled in a manner where each of the two major parties take turns filling vacancies, the President makes the appointment for his Party and the Senate leader of the opposing party makes the appointment for his party and these nominations are sent to the Senate for confirmation in pairs and only fifty-one votes is needed for confirmation no filibusters are permitted, since the nominations are considered in pairs the person making the appointment should be inclined not to nominate a partisan extremist because that is what the other party will do! With non-judiciary appointments filibusters should not be allowed after a person has been a nominee for two straight years so at least there will be some end to the stalemate and if a really bad candidate is being nominated in this two year period there will be a Senate election and Senate candidates can be locked down in opposition to confirming that bad nominee or politically hurt for such bad support! On confirmations there should be no individual Senator holds, in fact to have a filibuster on a nominee twenty Senators in writing or through a vote should support the filibuster, filling federal government jobs is too important to allow an individual or a few senators with a beef to hold up the process it should be a truly significant number, like twenty, that have a problem with a nominee to hold up the confirmation of that candidate!

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