Repubs cannot win an impeachment trial of Obama - Why do they speak of it?


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Article 1 section 3 of the constitution says

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without theConcurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

2/3 of the senate must say guilty. That means 67 and they only have 53.
They are too fucking stupid to figure out that this action will not somehow endear the American people to vote for them.
What makes you so sure there aren't Democrats who would vote for impeachment?

They aren't that dumb. Even if they don't agree with the president, they know there are no valid grounds for impeachment.
What makes you so sure there aren't Democrats who would vote for impeachment?

They aren't that dumb. Even if they don't agree with the president, they know there are no valid grounds for impeachment.

HAHAHA. You know as well as i that obozo's 2012 amnesty of millions of illegals is grounds for impeachment. The constitution says the duty of the president is "he shall take care that the law be faithfully executed". And yet obozo publicly stated he was not even gonna try to enforce the immigration laws. He was gonna let millions of illegal DREAMERS stay and work even though the law says they can't do either.!!!!!
15 years ago when the GOP impeached clinton they had 55 senators and failed to get a conviction and the public blamed them for wasting everyone's time. If you're gonna impeach you have to make sure you have to votes to convict.
Well it's a few Republicans that act on emotion while sitting on their brains, is why impeachment comes up.

Ronald Reagan signed an executive order on immigration back in the 1980's and no one talked of impeachment or defunding it. And just like now, he had to work with a hostile democrat house and senate.

The difference between then and now is the economy. When Reagan did it, the economy was going thru the roof, and employers were begging for workers, so the order didn't get a lot of negative attention and it was barely noticed.

Obama is taking a great political risk within his own party by doing this now. Democrats running for reelection asked him not to do this prior to the midterm election cycle. There are still millions of Democrats that are still looking for jobs, and the last thing they want is to compete with green card holders for jobs. Unemployment is still high, and underemployment, those working in part time jobs is even higher.

The last election was proof that democrats (who didn't show up) are very weary of Obama's agenda, and Republicans, if they would use their brains, versus always acting on emotion, may witness Obama committing political suicide over it. But they will have to step back, and tape their mouths shut, and that's highly unlikely, so they'll probably snatch defeat out if the jaws of victory, by making a huge issue out of this, which is exactly what Barack Obama wants them to do.
Article 1 section 3 of the constitution says

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without theConcurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

2/3 of the senate must say guilty. That means 67 and they only have 53.
It's also the reason why republicans won't be able to do what they say they'll do, not just 'impeachment.'

And why the Midterms were in fact not a 'mandate.'

These facts seem to finally be sinking in for many on the right.
Republicans never said anything about impeachment. That's from democrats. When a democrat says that republicans are talking impeachment it doesn't mean they are.
Republicans never said anything about impeachment. That's from democrats. When a democrat says that republicans are talking impeachment it doesn't mean they are.
When dems say Republicans are saying something, it usually means either the dems themselves are saying it, or, wish they had the balls to say it.
It wouldn't surprise me at all if democrats filed articles of impeachment. Especially if the pending obama riots are as bad as Al Sharpton intends.
What makes you so sure there aren't Democrats who would vote for impeachment?

They aren't that dumb. Even if they don't agree with the president, they know there are no valid grounds for impeachment.

HAHAHA. You know as well as i that obozo's 2012 amnesty of millions of illegals is grounds for impeachment. The constitution says the duty of the president is "he shall take care that the law be faithfully executed". And yet obozo publicly stated he was not even gonna try to enforce the immigration laws. He was gonna let millions of illegal DREAMERS stay and work even though the law says they can't do either.!!!!!

If that were the case every president could be impeached for some law or other. Try again. That doesn't wash and I'm sure the non-TPers realize that.
Repubs cannot win an impeachment trial of Obama - Why do they speak of it?

Looks like the Democrats are desperate to keep Republicans from talking about impeaching Obama.

After that election, and with Obama disarming the Border Patrol and talking about allowing millions of illegal aliens who have broken our laws to stay in the country, they apparently believe they have good reason to worry.
Ronald Reagan signed an executive order on immigration back in the 1980's and no one talked of impeachment or defunding it. .

That's because reagan did it legally. His amnesty was a stupid idea but he got congress to change the law so the amnesty was legal. OTOH - obozo simply announced he's not gonna enforce the law!!!
Repubs cannot win an impeachment trial of Obama - Why do they speak of it?

Looks like the Democrats are desperate to keep Republicans from talking about impeaching Obama.

After that election, and with Obama disarming the Border Patrol and talking about allowing millions of illegal aliens who have broken our laws to stay in the country, they apparently believe they have good reason to worry.
Wait until one of the terrorists he swapped for the traitor Bergdahl blows up an embassy somewhere.
HAHAHA. You know as well as i that obozo's 2012 amnesty of millions of illegals is grounds for impeachment. The constitution says the duty of the president is "he shall take care that the law be faithfully executed". And yet obozo publicly stated he was not even gonna try to enforce the immigration laws. He was gonna let millions of illegal DREAMERS stay and work even though the law says they can't do either.!!!!!

If that were the case every president could be impeached for some law or other. Try again. That doesn't wash and I'm sure the non-TPers realize that.

I realize a president cannot enforce every single one of the thousands of laws we have. But what obozo did was PUBLICLY ANNOUNCE he was not gonna enforce the law. That's something new. .

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