Repubs cannot win an impeachment trial of Obama - Why do they speak of it?

I realize a president cannot enforce every single one of the thousands of laws we have. But what obozo did was PUBLICLY ANNOUNCE he was not gonna enforce the law. That's something new. .

That doesn't make it any more of an impeachable offense. He also never said he was not going to enforce the law entirely. He was just giving special consideration to certain classes. That's done all the time. I'm afraid that doesn't cut it as a justification for impeachment.
I realize a president cannot enforce every single one of the thousands of laws we have. But what obozo did was PUBLICLY ANNOUNCE he was not gonna enforce the law. That's something new. .

That doesn't make it any more of an impeachable offense. He also never said he was not going to enforce the law entirely. He was just giving special consideration to certain classes. That's done all the time. I'm afraid that doesn't cut it as a justification for impeachment.
So says you. The House can impeach him for farting.
Repubs cannot win an impeachment trial of Obama - Why do they speak of it?

Looks like the Democrats are desperate to keep Republicans from talking about impeaching Obama.

After that election, and with Obama disarming the Border Patrol and talking about allowing millions of illegal aliens who have broken our laws to stay in the country, they apparently believe they have good reason to worry.

I am certain there are lots of Democrats in the Senate and house that realize the possible blow-back of Obama doing this in a weak economy, where jobs are scarce. Whether Obama will listen to them, like he did prior to the midterm is another issue. I think it's just a Hail Mary pass to try and get Republicans to go into a hysterical frenzy over it, while trying to boost his approval ratings, and to hell with what happens to Democrats running in 2016 because of it.
I realize a president cannot enforce every single one of the thousands of laws we have. But what obozo did was PUBLICLY ANNOUNCE he was not gonna enforce the law. That's something new. .

That doesn't make it any more of an impeachable offense. He also never said he was not going to enforce the law entirely. He was just giving special consideration to certain classes. That's done all the time. I'm afraid that doesn't cut it as a justification for impeachment.
So says you. The House can impeach him for farting.

Technically they can, but I'm talking what would an intelligent person do. Are you implying the Republicans have a screw loose? You wouldn't have to put up much of an argument for me to agree to that proposition.
Maybe after obozo agitates for his nationwide riot he'll be impeached for extreme malfeasance of office.
I realize a president cannot enforce every single one of the thousands of laws we have. But what obozo did was PUBLICLY ANNOUNCE he was not gonna enforce the law. That's something new. .

That doesn't make it any more of an impeachable offense. He also never said he was not going to enforce the law entirely. He was just giving special consideration to certain classes. That's done all the time. I'm afraid that doesn't cut it as a justification for impeachment.

"special consideration to certain classes"?? "done all the time"? Give us an example of another president who announced such a policy.

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