repubs flabbergasted by RNC response to trump's dinner with racist


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Well....I guess a MAGA is chairing the RNC. Don't expect her to speak a critical word.

Well....I guess a MAGA is chairing the RNC. Don't expect her to speak a critical word.
I won't.

Thanks for sharing.

Well....I guess a MAGA is chairing the RNC. Don't expect her to speak a critical word.
Didn't you hear , that dinner was a setup. Democrats are scared shitless. They know that his taxes won't get him , and the fake insurrection won't get him , so they try n set him up for insurance. They fear Trump bigly ...and will stop at nothing to stop him from running.
Fear and TDS.

Trump has every right to entertain whomever he wants.

I finally looked up Nick Fuentes and I am not shocked he is from Illinois and La Grange of all places!

Anyhoo, Nick Fuentes should have asked Trump why he sold his daughter to a Jewish Man and see what Trump had to say?

I know you will get slighted by what I wrote but if Trump seats himself with someone like Nick Fuentes then he is insulting his daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren and Nick should have asked that question if he is truly a White Nationalist!

Trump has every right to entertain whomever he wants.

I finally looked up Nick Fuentes and I am not shocked he is from Illinois and La Grange of all places!

Anyhoo, Nick Fuentes should have asked Trump why he sold his daughter to a Jewish Man and see what Trump had to say?

I know you will get slighted by what I wrote but if Trump seats himself with someone like Nick Fuentes then he is insulting his daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren and Nick should have asked that question if he is truly a White Nationalist!
I appreciate you showing everyone your obvious confession that you are a raving white supremacist. You don't even try to hide it anymore.

Maybe you should find a bigger rock and crawl back under it. Do us all a favor.
I appreciate you showing everyone your obvious confession that you are a raving white supremacist. You don't even try to hide it anymore.

Maybe you should find a bigger rock and crawl back under it. Do us all a favor.
Wow, go fuck yourself you son of a bitch!

My point was if Trump can seat himself with Nick Fuentes then Fuentes should have asked him why he sold his daughter to a Jewish man seeing Fuentes hates Jews and denies the Holocaust!

Now you mother fucking white trash Whore show where I ever wrote I denied the fucking Holocaust or even knew who the fuck Fuentes was until I looked up the son of a bitch!

Why don’t you stop with your lies about other fucking posters you leftist piece of shit and go fucking abort yourself!
The repubs are cowards for not calling out an arrogant display of white supremacy.
No, you are upset that you can’t kill Trump, so you do countless of OP’s daily about it!

If you are so afraid of Trump then be a man and confront him and do something about it!

If you dislike Fuentes why not confront him and do something about it?

Simple, you are a fucking loser and a fucking coward!

When we had certain Jew Bashing idiots on this board I went after them daily and what did you do coward?

Not a damn thing!

You spit on Ivanka Husband and you are no different than Fuentes truthfully!

Come back and defend your comment you sorry piece of trash!

Trump is a private citizen as of now and he can entertain anyone he wants no matter how fucking bike it is and you can’t stop him!

Would I have Trump, West or Fuentes at my damn table?

No, but I wouldn’t invite you or many on this board either and why?

Most of you are phony pieces of shit with your fake outrage over shit that matter not any longer!

Trump is fucking done and he insulted his daughter with the meeting, but you are so fucking obsessed with Trump that you believe everyone is a Trumpster unless they agree with you!

Hate to tell you Trump is a free man and will never spend a day in prison and will never be President again!

Trump is a Trojan Horse to divert attention and you fall for it every time because you are so simple minded!

You need to learn Trump isn’t powerful nor will he gain the power he had before!

Well....I guess a MAGA is chairing the RNC. Don't expect her to speak a critical word.
Big deal. Trump invites people, and as a courtesy allows them to bring a guest. Trump is not responsible for who those invited people bring with them as guests.

Guilt by third party association is all you have. Very weak. You are approaching TDS affliction territory
No, you are upset that you can’t kill Trump, so you do countless of OP’s daily about it!

If you are so afraid of Trump then be a man and confront him and do something about it!

If you dislike Fuentes why not confront him and do something about it?

Simple, you are a fucking loser and a fucking coward!

When we had certain Jew Bashing idiots on this board I went after them daily and what did you do coward?

Not a damn thing!

You spit on Ivanka Husband and you are no different than Fuentes truthfully!
You are gone
Big deal. Trump invites people, and as a courtesy allows them to bring a guest. Trump is not responsible for who those invited people bring with them as guests.

Guilt by third party association is all you have. Very weak. You are approaching TDS affliction territory
Another racist.
Another racist.

Calling everyone a racist today nimrod?

Trump is a Private Citizen you lunatic!

I noticed you couldn’t refute what I wrote and just blocked me because you are a coward!

It is not racist to say Trump can do whatever he wants when it come to inviting people to his home!

It is the damn fact!

You can’t handle the reality people can have whomever they want at their home and demand they comply to your rules!

We live in a society where people have choices and no matter if you like it or not Trump has rights!

What is your damn issue retard?

Seriously you bash everyone on here and then later want to apologize, so fuck you!

You have no right to call anyone anything unless they have shown they are that!

Where is your proof and saying because Trump has the right to have Fuentes in his home doesn’t mean I would invite either son of a bitch in my home!

Calling everyone a racist today nimrod?

Trump is a Private Citizen you lunatic!

I noticed you couldn’t refute what I wrote and just blocked me because you are a coward!

It is not racist to say Trump can do whatever he wants when it come to inviting people to his home!

It is the damn fact!

You can’t handle the reality people can have whomever they want at their home and demand they comply to your rules!

We live in a society where people have choices and no matter if you like it or not Trump has rights!

What is your damn issue retard?

Seriously you bash everyone on here and then later want to apologize, so fuck you!

You have no right to call anyone anything unless they have shown they are that!

Where is your proof and saying because Trump has the right to have Fuentes in his home doesn’t mean I would invite either son of a bitch in my home!
Should have stopped at nimrod, after that you were just inflating an already flatulent ego.
Racist at this point is a word without substance. It's just a mean word that simps hurl at people when they are otherwise bankrupt of thoughts and ideas.
Unless you show colors in public...which so many repubs and MAGA do. Systematic Racism is still an issue...even if desantis thinks it isn't.

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