repubs pick Putin over democracy

Just incredible! How can you recognize a Putin Sympathizer? If they call the murderer, Putin, a "Genius" or "Savvy"....they are a Russian tool and a sympathizer. RT is using their words to lie to the Russian people.
Many of then are just too far gone.

But most redcaps here local to me agree that Putin is a madman and Russia is wrong to invade Ukraine.
It wasn't long ago that left wing democrats were burning Old Glory in the street and spitting on Soldiers returning from Vietnam. The former, former president's political guru was a traitor who advocated the violent overthrow of the government and bombed recruiting centers and corporate headquarters. Today Bill Ayers is a left wing hero. What happened? Today we have a doddering old fool in the W.H. and left wing democrats lash out and label everyone who criticizes Brandon's agenda a freaking traitor. Is that the only political ammunition the left has when everyone can see that Biden's negligence led to the no win mess we are in today?
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Can't hear you over Obama's slurping.
This is what a Putin poodle looks like:


Just incredible! How can you recognize a Putin Sympathizer? If they call the murderer, Putin, a "Genius" or "Savvy"....they are a Russian tool and a sympathizer. RT is using their words to lie to the Russian people.
You crack head democrats are a joke. GET EDUCATED. A democracy is mob rule. You would know that if it were not for your massive crack intake. We are a republic where the many can not deny no one their rights. Get educated and put the crack back in your mother's dresser.
Stop making this an American political partisan issue. Just stop.
Stop your gaslighting, Booby. You are a moderator in this forum and know damn well that Trumpers here are vehemently pro-Putin. Now y’all are running away from Putin with your tails between your legs. Except of course for Trump himself who proudly proclaims his allegiance to Putin over his own country.
Behold, once again, how the nuances of prevailing geopolitics confound the black-and-white think of lefty.
Behold, once again, how the nuances of prevailing geopolitics confound the black-and-white think of lefty.
Thanks for the belly laugh. Only a Trumpist could fine “nuance“ with Putin.
Stop your gaslighting, Booby. You are a moderator in this forum and know damn well that Trumpers here are vehemently pro-Putin. Now y’all are running away from Putin with your tails between your legs. Except of course for Trump himself who proudly proclaims his love of Putin.
Don't forget pompeo. He was asked if he wanted to walk back his admiration of Putin today. His body guards pushed the reporters away and then he mumbled something about fighting communism all of his life. All while putin is killing innocents in Ukraine. Maybe trump and pompeo shared a golden shower?
We have hyper partisanship now. The frenzy over Trump is more important than our country.
Our nation died when the media/entertainers became a National Enquirer type of organizations and showed their true colors a couple of decades ago. Your party trained us. We are wary of your Party and do not trust anything you do. Your party have gotten people killed here at home with your agendas and then blame someone else for it. Having city block burn down with a Baghdad Bob type Character standing in front of conflagrations of buildings heavily involved in fires saying on TV, "nothing is happening" is the ultimate insult in a questionably educated nation without common sense. So, you expect belief in something like this!

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