Req't for being a Repub according to a Libertarian

So what is the alternative?
Just let Jihadists go around the world killing all who don't conform to the Koran and Allah?
you know foreign entanglements not only often end badly but also cost a fortune. Someone needs to tell the Repubs that. :rolleyes:
Another Libertarian said that Gulianni's foreign policy expertise consists of living next to the UN & walking @ in a hardhat on 9/11.
Libertarians are for repealing the *cough* "Patriot" Act too.
They might make the Tampa Convention worth watching.
So what is the alternative?
Just let Jihadists go around the world killing all who don't conform to the Koran and Allah?

We don't have the right to invade sovereign countries that have not attacked us simply because a group of unelected people who are in that country attacked us; to blow the living shit out of their country; to kill thousands or hundreds of thousands of indigenous people and call it "collateral damage"; to nation-build, especially as ours is crumbling; to force our way of governance on another people, especially people who essentially operate at a 17th-century level and will return to that level the freakin' minute we leave.

Even worse when our arrogance costs us trillions of dollars, causes the death of thousands of American soldiers, maims thousands of American soldiers both mentally and physically, destroys thousands of military families, leaves American military children knowing they'll never see Dad again.

It's not our planet. We don't own those countries. We have too goddamn many people in this country who are little too cavalier with the lives, limbs, families and tax dollars of other people.

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So what is the alternative?
Just let Jihadists go around the world killing all who don't conform to the Koran and Allah?

We don't have the right to invade sovereign countries that have not attacked us simply because a group of unelected people who are in that country attacked us; to blow the living shit out of their country; to kill thousands or hundreds of thousands of indigenous people and call it "collateral damage"; to nation-build; to force our way of governance on another people, especially people who essentially operate at a 17th-century level and will return to that level the freakin' minute we leave.

Even worse when our arrogance costs us trillions of dollars, causes the death of thousands of American soldiers, maims thousands of American soldiers both mentally and physically, destroys thousands of military families, leaves American military children knowing they'll never see Dad again.

It's not our planet. We don't own those countries. We have too goddamn many people in this country who are little too cavalier with the lives, limbs, families and tax dollars of other people.


You have the audacity to bring facts into the discussion?!!! :mad: Good post ;)
Heard this on CSpan @ 15 mins ago. They're broadcasting their Red Rock
Convention ):
2012 Libertarian Party Convention at Red Rock Resort in Las Vegas | Libertarian Party

Req'ts for being a Repub:

1) Be pro-life
2) Want to kill foreigners

sounds about right to me. Can't be opposed to giving taxpayer $ to contractors in a never- ending cycle of war.

your #2 is a blatant lie.

How do you figure? The Repubs interventionist/mil. ind. complex coddling platform supports it.
You happy w/ the GOP are you?

Yes. Tea Party has put them back on course very nicely.

so 100% of said teapartiers will be reelected?

Did I say that?

'6. BIFURCATION: (either-or, black or white, all or nothing fallacy) assumes that two categories are mutually exclusive and exhaustive, that is, something is either a member of one or the other, but not both or some third category.'

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