Rescuers are 2 days away from teen sailor: At What Cost?

Is this the same fuckwad that was just attacking others for their alleged lack of concern for human life??
Now you're starting a thread whining about how much it might cost to SAVE a life???


Hypocritical Thread of the Day Award!!


The concern for human life is not an issue. Wake up.

The issue is the irresponsible nature and the expectations that society is there to pick up after extraordinary stunts that benefit NO ONE but the individual.

The record trying to be set is friggin' ridiculous.

read the thread before you make a bigger ass of yourself than usual
Bullshit, and you know it.

You got mad because other members responded to the death of a teenager with less compassion than you thought they should have.

Then you step over here and bitch about the time, money, and resources being spent to SAVE the life of a teenager.

I repeat


First, I never got mad...not even when that weirdo bitch stalked me all over those threads.


Look here, if my sister brings her 5 y/o over to go swimming and expects me to be responsible for keeping her safe if something goes wrong, you better be damn sure my sister understands that I WILL have a say in what my niece does and doesn't do (aka no running on wet cement, etc etc etc.) It's the same principal.

Your house, your rules. The entire world is not ruled by you though.

BINGO and you just felt right into the very thing you definitely didn't want to. Who "owns" the Coast Guard which is now searching for this child?

The child was sent out on an extremely dangerous stunt with the expectation, the class sense of entitlement, that the world will be there if little Jane gets into danger.

When poor Mexicans cross a border or refugees flee nations in strife, they do so knowing very few people will come to their rescue or even care. and many defending this idiot and selfish family would say people who die fleeing poverty deserve the results of the risks they take
When their actions are out of the norm and their actions result in national resources being used for personal pursuits -- it becomes the business of everyone else. and the resources being used are international. so their daughter could sail around the world solo?

Quantam is dead in the water, because he already admitted that if I own something I have the right to dictate how it is used. We OWN the Coast Guard, so logically we have the right to decide on things that might affect it.


If it was me, I'd ask for a million dollar bond and we'll refund whatever is left over after we save your little brat.
If it was me, I'd ask for a million dollar bond and we'll refund whatever is left over after we save your little brat.

all the white posters here with that sense of middle class/upper middle class entitlement, ignore the history. This girls brother did the same thing a few years ago, He even spoke about how dangerous it was. Professional sailors in races are lost every year while sailing solo. This is a 16 year old child. Oh she is equipped with lots of communication toys. They just conveniently glossed over how nasty mother nature can be, and how costly it would be for societies already struggling with financial costs of everything from schools to basic services---if anything likely to happen, happened.
The child should be rescued , then the parents should be charged with endangering the welfare of a minor.

Why should the parents be charged?

the costs. read the thread. it's short.

the extraordinary risks involved and the assumption that society exists to be there for people who do crazy stunts. there is a line to be drawn. read the thread

Charged, as in charged with a crime you fag. Maybe you should read the thread.
Why should the parents be charged?

the costs. read the thread. it's short.

the extraordinary risks involved and the assumption that society exists to be there for people who do crazy stunts. there is a line to be drawn. read the thread

Charged, as in charged with a crime you fag. Maybe you should read the thread.

They should be charged because they are numb skulls who knowingly allowed a CHILD to participate in a dangerous activity. If they had given this CHILD a beer they would have been charged with endangering the welfare of a minor, instead they allowed her to do something which is beyond dangerous and in fact most seasoned sailors don't attempt, let al one a CHILD. Therefor , they should be CHARGED.

Oh, and I don't want to hear anymore bullshit about how the CHILD wanted to do this. She is 16, in MOST areas she's not of legal age to consent to sex, she surely shouldn't be able to consent to heading out to sea by herself.

Now that we have that out of the way, please explain to me why I shouldn't have a say in the use of the Coast Guard that I own as a taxpayer?
It's a lot less dangerous?

It's all relevant. When people do it every day, we'll see. And just because they have more toys to stay in communication does NOT make it safer. It only makes it a bigger burden on societies along the route.

Either we have a say in certain aspects of child raising or we don't, but some types want it both ways -- society has to help out, but no input.

Society has a say in certain aspects of child raising and always has, because it has an overriding interest.

It does not, and never has. Unless you can prove that those parents are actively harming those children it is nobody else's business.
Idiots get stuck on moutain tops in the snow, and we go rescue them.
Idiots get in trouble in foreign countries, and we go rescue them.
Idiots go hiking in the woods, get lost, and we go rescue them.

Here, if your in a car crash you pay for the ambulance to transport you to the hospital.

Do I like it? NO. I think the cost of rescue should be the burden of the idiot who got into trouble. Yeah sure they are "rescued" but they should also foot the bill of being saved. You should bear some personal responsibility for your actions.

I feel badly for her and her parents, however if her parents can afford their daughter a personal toy sail boat, they can certainly afford the cost of the rescue effort.
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It's a lot less dangerous?

It's all relevant. When people do it every day, we'll see. And just because they have more toys to stay in communication does NOT make it safer. It only makes it a bigger burden on societies along the route.

Either we have a say in certain aspects of child raising or we don't, but some types want it both ways -- society has to help out, but no input.

Society has a say in certain aspects of child raising and always has, because it has an overriding interest.

It does not, and never has. Unless you can prove that those parents are actively harming those children it is nobody else's business.

And you wouldn't consider letting them do something that causes them to be lost at sea, something that normal people who think say is too dangerous to attempt, is actively harming this CHILD?

LOL LOL you are failing hard here, best log off. :lol:
Why should the parents be charged?

the costs. read the thread. it's short.

the extraordinary risks involved and the assumption that society exists to be there for people who do crazy stunts. there is a line to be drawn. read the thread

Charged, as in charged with a crime you fag. Maybe you should read the thread.

they should be charged because of the costs involved. being charged in civil cases and minor criminal ones is usually a discretionary judgment call.
When their actions are out of the norm and their actions result in national resources being used for personal pursuits -- it becomes the business of everyone else. and the resources being used are international. so their daughter could sail around the world solo?

You are worried about how much it is going to cost India?
When their actions are out of the norm and their actions result in national resources being used for personal pursuits -- it becomes the business of everyone else. and the resources being used are international. so their daughter could sail around the world solo?

You are worried about how much it is going to cost India?

I am, and not because I don't think ANY expense should be spent to save this CHILD, but because once she's saved I want a big fat bill laid on the parent's doorstep as they are being charged criminally with endangering the welfare of a minor.
Idiots get stuck on moutain tops in the snow, and we go rescue them.
Idiots get in trouble in foreign countries, and we go rescue them.
Idiots go hiking in the woods, get lost, and we go rescue them.

Here ,if your in a car crash you pay for the ambulance to transport you to the hospital.

Do I like it? NO. I think the cost of rescue should be the burden of the idiot who got into trouble. Yeah sure they are "rescued" but they should also foot the bill of being saved. You should bear some personal responsibility for your actions.

I feel badly for her and her parents, however if her parents can afford their daughter a personal toy sail boat, they can certainly afford the cost of the rescue effort.
You win an argument with yourself. :clap2:

no one was arguing every day or reasonable rescues and their costs.

You have ignored the whole thread. Extraordinary risks involved and extreme sports.

Being able to afford the cost is irrelevant. Their actions in allowing a minor to do this has costs that will be incurred now, by cash strapped nations. Plus the allocating resources dictates resources sent to look for little Jane are taken from elsewhere.

It is a selfish class entitlement that compares this extreme situation with skiing, mountain climbing or driving a car. The minor is sailing solo, around the world, through dangerous for an expert, waters.
When their actions are out of the norm and their actions result in national resources being used for personal pursuits -- it becomes the business of everyone else. and the resources being used are international. so their daughter could sail around the world solo?

You are worried about how much it is going to cost India?

I'm not worried. I'm simply making observations based on principles. See? You are projecting again and it shows.

wrong yet again? at least you're consistent.

If you read the thread instead of kneejerk replying you'd see this red herring of police/fire response was already addressed.

Extraordinary risks and with minors involved and huge costs worldwide? It is mow the business of more than that family.

I haven't condemned the family...although I think the parents are right up there with the balloon boy people. Their actions are selfish and prime examples of middle class/upper middle class entitlement.

If the world chooses to act in an attempt to save someone, that is a choice we make. the only sensible approach, using your logic, is to require everyone who wants to participate in any activity that could involve resources like this is to pay a deposit in advance. Believe it or not, they already do that, it is called taxes. Would you prefer that we just let everyone die if they are in danger, because that is the only other option we have.

The balloon boy people lied to authorities, thus diverting resources that should have been used to deal with real work. Not the same at all. The truth does come out though, you are resentful because these people have money. Class envy is so much an attribute of the Left that I am not surprised to see it, yet it always amazes me that people try to defend it.
Look here, if my sister brings her 5 y/o over to go swimming and expects me to be responsible for keeping her safe if something goes wrong, you better be damn sure my sister understands that I WILL have a say in what my niece does and doesn't do (aka no running on wet cement, etc etc etc.) It's the same principal.

Your house, your rules. The entire world is not ruled by you though.

BINGO and you just felt right into the very thing you definitely didn't want to. Who "owns" the Coast Guard which is now searching for this child?

Certainly not you, and the Coast Guard does not operate in the IO unless ordered to. If you have a problem with what they are doing, take it up with the guy who gives them orders. Do you need his email address?
When their actions are out of the norm and their actions result in national resources being used for personal pursuits -- it becomes the business of everyone else. and the resources being used are international. so their daughter could sail around the world solo?

Then hold an election and see how many people think we should let that girl die because it might cost us a few bucks to save her.
It's a lot less dangerous?

It's all relevant. When people do it every day, we'll see. And just because they have more toys to stay in communication does NOT make it safer. It only makes it a bigger burden on societies along the route.

Either we have a say in certain aspects of child raising or we don't, but some types want it both ways -- society has to help out, but no input.

Society has a say in certain aspects of child raising and always has, because it has an overriding interest.

It does not, and never has. Unless you can prove that those parents are actively harming those children it is nobody else's business.

Society demands children be vaccinated and sent to primary schools/educated to minimal standard. Society demands children cannot be beaten as they used to be as a way of instilling discipline or whatever. When society has an overriding stake in how children are being raised that trumps any selfishness that a family may possess.

I did not say anyone was actively harming a child. You have won yet another argument with yourself. :clap2:

keep it up. I'll send your name in to that Genius Grant Foundation.
They should be charged because they are numb skulls who knowingly allowed a CHILD to participate in a dangerous activity. If they had given this CHILD a beer they would have been charged with endangering the welfare of a minor, instead they allowed her to do something which is beyond dangerous and in fact most seasoned sailors don't attempt, let al one a CHILD. Therefor , they should be CHARGED.

Oh, and I don't want to hear anymore bullshit about how the CHILD wanted to do this. She is 16, in MOST areas she's not of legal age to consent to sex, she surely shouldn't be able to consent to heading out to sea by herself.

A 16 year old girl doesn't attempt to sail around the world unless she is incredibly experienced and an expert sailor. This girl is likely a more experienced boater than 99% of adults. 16 may legally be a child, but that doesn't mean she didn't posses the maturity to undertake this.

Should the parents of the 13 year old in California be charged with child neglect for allowing him to climb Mt Everest? That was just as dangerous.
When their actions are out of the norm and their actions result in national resources being used for personal pursuits -- it becomes the business of everyone else. and the resources being used are international. so their daughter could sail around the world solo?

Then hold an election and see how many people think we should let that girl die because it might cost us a few bucks to save her.

another argument with yourself?

The Genius Foundation Nomination Committee is on the phone with me now. They want to know if nominated, would you be open to being selected as a Genius Prize Winner? What should I tell them?

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