From one of Buffalos own


Man goes to loot store but everything is gone but gum ball machine

So man takes gum ball machine

Once at home with gum ball machine, man does not have enough change to get any gum out of gum ball machine after dragging it 5 miles through a raging blizzard.

But that is why democrats are sent to New York to live, they are retards.
Negroes will always find a way to loot.
Lets have some pictures of those poor people in Buffalo doing their looting:

After all it is Kwanzaa.



They are even grinning about it


All this looting by Blacks in Buffalo and of course the BLM Insurrection is a great reason why we can't allow this Liberal filth to take away our right to keep and bear arms.

The Blacks waited for the police to be incapacitated because of the storm to loot.

They are just waiting for the chance to cause us harm if they think they can get away with it.

Praise God there’s been so many tremendous stories . There’s the above there’s also a barber in the inner city who took in over 30 people during the storm. A lot of heroics.


Mehek Mazhar - CBC Radio

Posted: 48 Minutes Ago
Craig Elston
Craig Elston is the owner of C & C Cutz, a barbershop in Buffalo, N.Y. He became stranded there during the recent blizzard and decided to keep his shop open to provide shelter to his neighbours. (Submitted by Craig Elston)

People like Craig Elston walk with Jesus. This was a stunning event in Buffalo and all over the city there were people who took in strangers that otherwise would have frozen. This is Christianity in motion following in the footsteps of Jesus.
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Not sure if anybody from Buffalo has commented yet. But I wanted to comment on the issue as a Buffalonian. Born and bred in the great city of Buffalo. Well Buffalo was a big-time steel city back in the World War II era. We had 50,000 steel workers pumping out the steel that the great American men and our allies used in World War II. We were and still are a very proud city.

The recent storm in Buffalo has killed at least 25 people. This is something we are not used to though as for example some of the tornado or hurricane affected cities in the south have felt. We have certainly been hit with snow storms but blizzards like this are certainly once in a lifetime. I was not old enough for the blizzard of 77 I was not even alive but I will always remember this blizzard of 2022 in Buffalo. A few days ago I was by a Rite Aid pharmacy on my way out I nearly got blown away by the storm. I never felt wind like that a massive gust of wind during a snowstorm a very unique thing….

…And that wind gust was nothing compared my what fellow citizens of Buffalo felt in the next few days…. on Friday and Saturday fellow Americans, fellow Christians fellow humans died in the freezing weather. On December 23 and December 24 and due to the blizzard here in Buffalo .. ..Over 25 people died Either of a heart attack or by freezing to death.. Young old all ages. One story was brutal a young woman with so much hope and determination died in the blizzard . She actually had videos showing her struggle throughout the whole ordeal. Anndel Taylor was 22 , she a young beautiful woman and she was a great American. A hard worker here she was working and stuck in traffic. And she died because the 911 services could not get to her. It was a shocking thing I never thought I would hear that the 911 services would be shut down in Buffalo but that’s actually what happened here in Buffalo New York and parts of Erie county. We imagine the site of firefighters going into burning buildings so that is something I do not understand. Certainly I trust the authorities but I don’t understand that order to shut down the emergency services.

Now that being said it should be noted that there were a number of brave firefighters and police officers who attempted to get to Anndell and other Americans that were freezing to death…. but they got stuck on the way. So there was an effort. But at some point an an order was given fri night and there was no available 911 services in a number of areas in Buffalo.

Anndel Taylor was among many people in buffalo who perished in their car. An untimely death may God be with them. May God bless their families. In going forward questions will be asked as to how the city of Buffalo well known for its ability to handle storms…. saw this episode where in two days at least 25 people either froze to death or had a heart attack due to the blizzard And due to authorities being unable to reach them.

We have 100 military police officers from the National Guard coming in to help handle traffic. There’s still people who are violating driving bands. There’s cars all over the place abandon cars that is to say. Trucks SUVs cars of all sizes that are abandoned all over the city, the inner cities. Right now the suburbs aren’t too bad but the city is south of Buffalo and much of the inner cities having it real hard. Seems like it’s always the working class people getting hit hard with these things …people like Anndell Taylor Who was a working class American.

My feelings as of now are two ways. One I feel very upset I feel like some authority figure drop the ball somewhere and that is why we have 25 deaths. Another part of me saying this was a brutal weather event. And that there were many people many police officers and firefighters who went out of their way probably many of them will disobeyed order some higher commands to try to rescue people. Obviously that is heroic that is the spirit of Buffalo. But One question os could we have had better snow equipment here in Buffalo for example that is probably the biggest issue of all, so could we have had better snow equipment here in Buffalo to handle this issue? Also if we had a more hands-on government we could have I suppose done more to prevent people from getting on the roads..unless they could prove that they were essential workers. Because a lot of the problems were related to the fact that cars were stuck all over the roads and the plows and the emergency services could not get through them.

Told ya

No one is coming to save you

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