Residents of Villages in Florida arrested for casting multiple votes for trump

Audits are needed in Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
The audits are needed in Florida and all the red states.
Were aware of all the audits of MI, GA, PA and WI, they have been numerous.
Voter fraaaaad!
Okay now. Let's make sure we get legit votes from now on. And No non citizens voting with the usual bull crap of dead people and others. This is a reason we are losing faith in the voting system. I have always believed in the Blue areas...the deepest Blue areas of voter fraud. The Black Lady in SE Florida that ran the system in one of those Blue counties was caught doing it and she is not the only one.

Sounds like voter fraud to me?

Three Republican residents of the hedonistic Florida retirement haven The Villages have been charged with casting multiple votes in the 2020 presidential election, according to local reports. Click Orlando identified the three as Jay Ketcik, 63, Joan Halstead, 71, and John Rider, 61. Each of them have reportedly been charged with casting more than one ballot in the election—a crime that could land them in prison for as long as five years. Ketcik allegedly voted by mail in Florida while also casting an absentee ballot in Michigan; Halstead is accused of voting in-person in Florida and as an absentee in New York; and Rider allegedly voted in Florida and an unspecified out-of-state location. Ketcik and Halstead reportedly turned themselves in to police, while Rider is said to have been arrested at a Royal Caribbean cruise-ship terminal in Port Canaveral.

Click Orlando states that it’s not known who the trio voted for, but all three are reportedly registered as Republicans in Florida, and Facebook pages that seem to belong to Ketcik and Halstead show posts supporting Donald Trump.

Read it at Click Orlando

Sounds like voter fraud to me?
Of course it's voter fraud and they should be hung as high as they can be hung for it. Means absolutely nothing about 2020 fraud in general. There's no such thing as a flip over of the odds that are one in billions.... Actually one in trillions. This is as good as proof. Nothing in the real world exists under those circumstances except for the 2020 election results....

That's for the Republicans who voted multiple times for Trump... Put them in jail that's where they belong.
JimH52 thank you for proving voter fraud does happen. Now let's get those audits started.
You need to cancel 7 million and one, votes of the citizens here and take them from Biden in order for trump to win....or about 75 electoral college votes.

You lost, BIG TIME! your candidate was a LOSER. TRUMP LOST in a landslide, under his measures.

I don't know how else to describe it.... :dunno:

Sounds like voter fraud to me?
Voter fraud by the trump Nazis is no surprise. Fortunately, the Democrats' base consists of people with ethics and integrity, even though the "moderate" congressional Democrats possess neither. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are prime examples.

The audits are needed in Florida and all the red states.
Were aware of all the audits of MI, GA, PA and WI, they have been numerous.
Why audit a state Trump won? I didn't seen any lawyers for Biden filing lawsuits that claimed there was voter fraud in red states?
Why audit a state Trump won? I didn't seen any lawyers for Biden filing lawsuits that claimed there was voter fraud in red states?
Audit because tramp won. All red states should be audited, esp Texas. Biden didn't need the points.
Texas should secede before Biden can import more illegal immigrants from Mexico.
Texas depend on illegals.

Though he once embraced a foreign guest worker program himself, Patrick got elected lieutenant governor in 2014 in part by decrying what he called an “invasion” of disease-carrying immigrants and tying his GOP foes to policies that supposedly draw them here. He went on to become the top Texas cheerleader for immigration hardliner Donald Trump's presidential bid.

But there’s one arena in the battles over illegal immigration that Patrick hasn’t yet entered as lieutenant governor: the private workplace.

Despite promising during the 2014 race to crack down on Texas employers who hire undocumented workers, it was status quo last session in the state Senate that Patrick oversees. And illegal hiring practices in the Texas workplace, which the state has authority to police, have largely gone missing from his public outrage over the porous border and illegal immigration.

Post the rest, bitchboi:

"Click Orlando states that it’s not known who the trio voted for, but all three are reportedly registered as Republicans in Florida, and Facebook pages that seem to belong to Ketcik and Halstead show posts supporting Donald Trump."

I posted the important part, ya sloppy fuck. Get back up into the trees.

Sounds like voter fraud to me?

The Lt. Governor of Texas promised to pay up to $1 million to anyone who successfully turned in cases of voter fraud. So far the governor has paid out $25,000 on ONE claim to the fund. A poll worker in Georgia spotted the guy who voted for Trump on behalf of his dead mother.

It looks like we have another candidate for a pay out.
The Lt. Governor of Texas promised to pay up to $1 million to anyone who successfully turned in cases of voter fraud. So far the governor has paid out $25,000 on ONE claim to the fund. A poll worker in Georgia spotted the guy who voted for Trump on behalf of his dead mother.

It looks like we have another candidate for a pay out.
They belong in jail....I don't care who they voted for.
The audits are needed in Florida and all the red states.
Were aware of all the audits of MI, GA, PA and WI, they have been numerous.
Every state should be doing it not just the swing states.... those that Trump won? They should also be doing it. The entire system is loose and unsupervised and open to fraud more than ever now that much of it is digital.

Republicans cheat, that how they win election, in this case they lost a crook, a self-declared female abuser and a man who cheated on 3 wifes.

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