Resignation Of A Coward


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2012
After nearly six years as the nation’s first black Attorney General—during which time he went around the nation being black, reminding people that he’s black, and deflecting all criticism on the grounds that his critics simply can’t stand the fact that he’s black—Eric Holder announced last Thursday that he is resigning his post.

Although lionized by a brainless and supine progressive media as a man on “a quest for racial justice” who served as “a link to the civil rights community and that tradition of black protest and righteous anger,” his tenure was one of bitter racial division and flagrant flouting of the nation’s laws.

Holder had not even been Attorney General for two weeks when he infamously called America “a nation of cowards” regarding race.

When asked whether Christians would receive protection under the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009, he said no, because Christians are not “one of these protected groups” like gays and blacks.

“Goodbye, Eric Holder. You taught many people to hate anew. If that was your intent, you performed your job admirably.”
He suggested that people criticized both him and Barack Obama because “we’re both African American.”

The Week That Perished - Taki s Magazine

Lived up to the expectations.... Lol
Holder is ineffective. Is a political hack..
This person has had more than ample opportunities to prosecute people and companies for alleged financial crimes that perpetrated the economic meltdown.
Holder did offer plenty of lip service, but not a single subpoena, not a single person was questioned by federal prosecutors. Not a single trial.
Holder's failings were of his own doing.
The way you all are crying, you'd think he announced he's staying for another 6 years
Glad that hack is gone. Now mayby Barry will appoint someone who's actually up to the job.

On wait. I forgot. It'll probably be another of his ass kissing pals. Never mind.

Wonder what Valerie Jarret is doing??
He was a lousy AG who used "race" as a weapon. He (with Obama) has set back race relations 40 years.
From "The conservative dictionary":

Race-baiting: (noun) The act of pointing out any racist tactics used by conservatives, such as brazen and wildly dishonest attempts to prevent minorities from voting.
From "The conservative dictionary":

Race-baiting: (noun) The act of pointing out any racist tactics used by conservatives, such as brazen and wildly dishonest attempts to prevent minorities from voting.

And a reply to your stupidity... Talk to THE MAN!!!

Glad that hack is gone. Now mayby Barry will appoint someone who's actually up to the job.

On wait. I forgot. It'll probably be another of his ass kissing pals. Never mind.

Wonder what Valerie Jarret is doing??
She was on Sunday night's CBS "Good Wife" episode... I kid you not! The woman closest to the president has time to be an actor and from the reviews not a very good one!
" Jarrett is obviously not a natural actress, but I think she’s basically fine in her cameo, mostly because she gives Alan Cumming a chance to bounce off of her with perfect Eli disdain, treating her obvious importance as if it is not just uninteresting but a waste of his valuable time. "
Review The Good Wife Trust Issues TV Club The A.V. Club

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