Respect the virus.

Just because, via social distancing, the containment of the SARS Cov-2 virus seems to be working somewhat, that does not mean that it is time to be complacent. It is still a threat.
it is? how so?
It makes people drown in their own body fluids, and may do a lot of other things in the long term that we could not possibly know about yet.

Obviously, because Captain Trips (SARS Cov-2) is a novel virus, we could not possibly know the long term consequences yet.

It may be worse than you think.
so does pneumonia, and people have been dying from that for many hundreds of decades if not longer. So does lung cancer, that actually hardens. it's amazing what you don't know.
It would be a wise decision for relatively uneducated folks such as yourself to stfu once in a while and focus your limited attention to what people who actually know what they are talking about are telling you, in order to become better educated, rather than rambling on about stupid irrelevant bullshit.

Fact= There is a such thing as viral pneumonia. And a SARS CoV-2 viral infection can cause pneumonia.
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Maybe someone needs to tell Governors in S. Carolina, Georgia and other States who have ignored the data and continue to put their constituency in harms way to act responsibly.
What you have to figure out is will more people be harmed by the Covid virus (remembering that less than 50% of those infected die and most go on to fully recover)?

Or will more people remain locked out of their jobs with no way of earning a living and supporting themselves or family?

Go ahead, make my day and answer the question. Do you feel lucky today, punk? ya?
Only a certified fool would ask such an asinine question.
And only a certified ass would think that constitutes a legitimate answer.
This is not an event.

Trump supporters are immune. I saw it on the internet.
Apparently you are too. Immune to the suffering and poverty one goes through without a job
or source of income. Immune to the constant stress and worry of not knowing where your next
paycheck is coming from...if at all.

We only have the most unemployed people right now in this country since the 1930's.
But why should you give a fuck? You are immune to caring for others.
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Respect the economy. Half of the virus deaths occurred in New York and New Jersey. In most states the fatality rate is less than the flu. Maybe they should toss up a immigration checkpoint at the NY NJ borders and let Cuomo get away with murdering nursing home patients. Meanwhile the U.S. needs to get back on it's feet.
Trump supporters are immune. I saw it on the internet.
Apparently you are too. Immune to the suffering and poverty one goes through without a job
or source of income. Immune to the constant stress and worry of not knowing where your next
paycheck is coming from...if at all.

We only have the most unemployed people right now in this country since the 1930's.
But why should you give a fuck? You are immune to caring for others.
Of course I give a fuck but I've been through at least a dozen hurricanes. Things are going to suck for a while and then they will get better. It's the human condition to occasionally suffer adversity. It is just rare we are all doing it at the same time for the same reason. Is your house smashed? Rain pouring through the roof? Half your stuff destroyed? That was me a year and a half ago and I didn't complain like these spoiled whiners sitting in perfectly good houses with internet and ice-cream.

You think this is bad? When governments decide to do nothing about a public health crisis or refuse to take it seriously enough they end up hanging from lamp posts. Even the shittiest government is now doing everything they can because every student of history knows that nothing gets a lynch mob going like a spreading sickness.

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