Responding To The Talking Points

Tucker's a wimpy bully, he interrupts his guest over and over, and talks over her after asking her a question. He'd be better suited to be on the radio and use the Limbaugh method, interrupt a speaker, cut of their ability to respond, and lecture them with his version of the truth, i.e. ain't Democrats, liberals, progressives awful.

He is a typical conservative seeking to win points and entertain his listeners. He is not to seeking to understand his target nor to discuss issues politely. He does not listen, he has a clear agenda and obvious to anyone who has read any Transactional Analysis.. Eric Berne exposed Tucker years before, when Berne wrote, Games People Play: Tucker's game is NIGYYSOB (Now I got you, you son of a bitch).

Only on Fox would someone like him be employed, and only Fox viewers would consider him to be a credible interviewer, or a capable interrogator. Anyone who doubts this can read The Daily Caller, a biased Internet blog on par with the National Enquirer.

Pretty much what I do to you, huh?

No wonder you're incensed.

You are very much like Trump, a narcissist who sees alternative realities. What you consider a win, is calling those who don't kiss your ass names (in fact, that makes you a loser).

Your response above is your practiced response, an ad hominem which never (at least when responding to my arguments) offers anything of substantive by way of rebuttal.

BTW, I'm never incensed by any of your comments, if you were a bit more civilized, I'd pity you.

"You are very much like Trump, a narcissist who sees alternative realities."

There is only one reality.

If I engaged in presenting "alternative realities" you would be able to find errors in my post.

You can't.

There aren't.

I'm never wrong.

"when responding to my arguments"

"Oh, yeah....sez you!!" is not an argument.
Tucker's a wimpy bully, he interrupts his guest over and over, and talks over her after asking her a question. He'd be better suited to be on the radio and use the Limbaugh method, interrupt a speaker, cut of their ability to respond, and lecture them with his version of the truth, i.e. ain't Democrats, liberals, progressives awful.

He is a typical conservative seeking to win points and entertain his listeners. He is not to seeking to understand his target nor to discuss issues politely. He does not listen, he has a clear agenda and obvious to anyone who has read any Transactional Analysis.. Eric Berne exposed Tucker years before, when Berne wrote, Games People Play: Tucker's game is NIGYYSOB (Now I got you, you son of a bitch).

Only on Fox would someone like him be employed, and only Fox viewers would consider him to be a credible interviewer, or a capable interrogator. Anyone who doubts this can read The Daily Caller, a biased Internet blog on par with the National Enquirer.

Pretty much what I do to you, huh?

No wonder you're incensed.

You are very much like Trump, a narcissist who sees alternative realities. What you consider a win, is calling those who don't kiss your ass names (in fact, that makes you a loser).

Your response above is your practiced response, an ad hominem which never (at least when responding to my arguments) offers anything of substantive by way of rebuttal.

BTW, I'm never incensed by any of your comments, if you were a bit more civilized, I'd pity you.

BTW, two of your fans feel your response to me was funny and they agreed. That must make your day, and for that I pity you.

Providing truth makes my day.....

...skewering fools like you is merely a bonus.
Tucker's a wimpy bully, he interrupts his guest over and over, and talks over her after asking her a question. He'd be better suited to be on the radio and use the Limbaugh method, interrupt a speaker, cut of their ability to respond, and lecture them with his version of the truth, i.e. ain't Democrats, liberals, progressives awful.

He is a typical conservative seeking to win points and entertain his listeners. He is not to seeking to understand his target nor to discuss issues politely. He does not listen, he has a clear agenda one obvious to anyone who has read any Transactional Analysis. Eric Berne exposed Tucker years before, when Berne wrote, Games People Play: Tucker's game is NIGYYSOB (Now I got you, you son of a bitch).

Only on Fox would someone like him be employed, and only Fox viewers would consider him to be a credible interviewer, or a capable interrogator. Anyone who doubts this can read The Daily Caller, a biased Internet blog on par with the National Enquirer. have no idea what you are talking about......Limbaugh doesn't have guests....and he doesn't interrupt his fucking stupid are you...?

Being a 'moron' is resume enhancement on his side of the aisle.

He and Hank Johnson are the level of Democrats.

Tucker's a wimpy bully, he interrupts his guest over and over, and talks over her after asking her a question. He'd be better suited to be on the radio and use the Limbaugh method, interrupt a speaker, cut of their ability to respond, and lecture them with his version of the truth, i.e. ain't Democrats, liberals, progressives awful.

He is a typical conservative seeking to win points and entertain his listeners. He is not to seeking to understand his target nor to discuss issues politely. He does not listen, he has a clear agenda one obvious to anyone who has read any Transactional Analysis. Eric Berne exposed Tucker years before, when Berne wrote, Games People Play: Tucker's game is NIGYYSOB (Now I got you, you son of a bitch).

Only on Fox would someone like him be employed, and only Fox viewers would consider him to be a credible interviewer, or a capable interrogator. Anyone who doubts this can read The Daily Caller, a biased Internet blog on par with the National Enquirer. have no idea what you are talking about......Limbaugh doesn't have guests....and he doesn't interrupt his fucking stupid are you...?

Are you kidding? Ether you have never listened to Limbaugh or you're even dumber than I would have thought.

Looks to me like she didn't have her ducks in a row and Tucker shot every one of them down with precision.



It's not about her, his show is all about him. It's his schtick, consider it Bill O'Reilly or Michael Savage light, or better yet, PoliticalChic in drag, a self righteous, narcissist, seeking affirmation for a life not lived.

Looks to me like she didn't have her ducks in a row and Tucker shot every one of them down with precision.



It's not about her, his show is all about him. It's his schtick, consider it Bill O'Reilly or Michael Savage light, or better yet, PoliticalChic in drag, a self righteous, narcissist, seeking affirmation for a life not lived.

Yet....I live rent-free in what passes for your mind.

And.....don't stop writing about me.
That's an order.

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