Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

don't be, incompetent in the pubic domain, dears.

EDD must prove for-Cause employment to deny and disparage unemployment compensation on a basis that conforms to employment at will.

Why is that not the current case, under our current regime?
don't be, incompetent in the pubic domain, dears.

EDD must prove for-Cause employment to deny and disparage unemployment compensation on a basis that conforms to employment at will.

Why is that not the current case, under our current regime?
And the derps continue...

Post the text.
That is your brain on drugs.
nothing but, "wisdom" from the "drugless wonders"?

At-will employment is generally described as follows: "any hiring is presumed to be 'at will'; that is, the employer is free to discharge individuals 'for good cause, or bad cause, or no cause at all,' and the employee is equally free to quit, strike, or otherwise cease work."

See, you disproved your own silly claim. Thanks!
I admire Daniel, not often does someone get their ass kicked as bad as he has in this thread and keeps coming back. Okay that or he is just another lefty idiot.
I admire Daniel, not often does someone get their ass kicked as bad as he has in this thread and keeps coming back. Okay that or he is just another lefty idiot.

He's so stoned, every day is a new day.
He's totally forgotten everything he posted yesterday.
He also forgot it was refuted. Over and over.

He's Drew Barrymore in 50 First Dates. Except with weed, instead of a car accident.
Nope, only $10.99 is for pizza.

So, how much of that goes to owner?

You shopped around, chose the pizza you wanted someone else to take the risk and deliver it to your front door so what difference does it make how much goes to the owner?
Fallacy is all the right wing has; it is not very difficult to compete; no wonder y'all think I am a lousy socialist.
Oh, no, you're a great socialist, just not good at communicating coherent thoughts. Like I've advised you multiple times, put the bong down, get out of your mom's basement, and get a job.

Get a job? It's easier to freeload and envy what others have.
Class envy? I don't complain about taxes. :p

Nope, I'm not talking about class envy.

You just want free stuff, that you didn't earn, someone else did.
Nope; I just got really good at tax avoidance. Mr. Trump and the poor, Only pay the taxes we are legally obligated to pay. Don't be, "class envious", right wingers.

Who's talking about that?

One thing is paying what you're obligated to pay. You have rights to use deductions.

You don't have a right to someone else earnings.
I find that attitude almost sickening. Think about it, you have a restaurant that's hanging in there, no one getting rich but everyone making a living. Enter the govt. Everyone loses their job. Watch the leftists celebrate.

So you want slave labor. Great, the truth is now known. Bad management, close the door.
Bad management? A 43% increase in labor costs? Do yourself a favor don't go into business, you'd last about 2 minutes.
Good versus Bad? Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages.

Only Bad capitalists complain.

So why are you crying about minimum wage?
Don't recognize simple solutions, right wingers? Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, anyway.

Explain what it means.
Include links to relevant laws/regulations.
What is a right?

Something you don't have as far as UE benefits for never working or for quitting.
Employment at will, is a right.

Great. Now show the law/regulation that shows that means an employer must hire you.
"Right to work" is not a Doctrine, for the right wing; just propaganda and rhetoric. I got it.

Nope, still clueless.
Ford identified an inefficiency and resolved it with an efficiency wage.

Nonsense, Henry Ford resolved inefficiency by inventing the assembly line. He obtained the cooperation of the workers by increasing their pay. With an assembly line, each job required less skill and would have distressed workers by being more expendable.

Derp is an idiot

Well good for Henry. You do realize that was 100yrs ago. I've been in business for 28yrs and if the govt or I decided to increase my labor costs by 43% over 2 years I'd go out of business. It seems to be a leftist idea that anyone that owns a business has money to burn. The reality is that the vast majority of business owners in this country are middle class and have about as much money to throw around as the rest of the middle class.

I said it earlier, the restaurant business is brutal, I have a sister and brother in law that have owned restaurants for going on 40 years, I wouldn't want that life for anything.
Only Bad capitalists complain and make excuses, instead of get results.
And only people that have no knowledge of being in business spout such uneducated drivel.
dude; Henry Ford was a good capitalist. He doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages, because he had a plan to achieve gains from efficiency; the lousy capitalists on the right wing, only learned how to "fish and complain".

WRONG!! More lefty lies, you are getting good at lying and spreading misinformation. The real reason for Ford doubling the wages because his turnover was almost four times as many jobs as he had available. When you have that high of a turnover rate it is impossible to have a consistent and high quality workmanship.
turnover was a "bottleneck"; he gained from efficiency to make a profit and paid double the going rate for autoworkers, not minimum wage workers. That is how, competition works; only the right wing, never gets it.

You still need to explain what Ford's wage increase has to do with minimum wage?
When did he double wages again? Name the year and the reason.
He doubled the going rate for autoworkers not minimum wage workers.

Since there was no minimum wage that was pretty easy, wasn't it? Did he every double wages again? Name the year and the reason he doubled the wage again. That is your claim, back it up or again, you are a liar. Which you seem to be very good at.
How about, extrapolation. The minimum wage was twenty-five cents in 1938. Are you claiming a market clearing minimum wage was higher, 1914?

Henry Ford doubled the wages of Persons engaged in auto work, not general labor.
You're not answering the question. Put the bong down.
Henry Ford doubled the wages of Persons engaged in auto work, not general labor.

And what that have to do with minimum wage?
Festus, when are you going to learn how to read?

Henry Ford doubled the wages of Persons engaged in auto work, not general labor.

When are you going to back up your claim? You claimed Ford doubled wages more than once, I have asked for the time he did as you claimed for a second time and the reason he did so, all you have is fallacy, lies and avoidance.

Also no minimum wage in 1914, another lie the lefty needs to sell.
Henry Ford doubled the wages of Persons engaged in auto work, not general labor.

On Jan. 5, 1914, Henry Ford, head of the Ford Motor Company, introduced a minimum wage scale of $5 per day, more than doubling the wages for most employees.--

Nobody takes the right wing seriously, but for fun and practice.

Idiot! I never said he didn't double wages, you claimed he did it TWICE! Now either back up your claim or continue with your dishonesty and lies. The reason he doubled the wages was because he could not keep employees at the $2.38 a day he was pay. When you have 14,000 and a turnover rate of 54,000 a year your business is going to suffer.

Now please tell me when he double his workers rates a second time, like you claim he did. My bet is you can't because you lied.
He paid an efficiency wage to achieve gains from efficiency. It really is that simple. He had a Plan, Stan; y'all on the right wing don't.

That is why, your red herrings are irrelevant.

That isn't a response to my questions, you have deliberately avoided the question, why? It's because Ford only doubled the wage once, not twice or more like you claim. So, again, answer the question. Or is it to far over your head.

You need a basic understanding on business to make a business move. So far you have shown no knowledge of running a business. All you have is lies and diversions.

Because he's leftist loon.
Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

In a pair of affluent coastal California counties, the canary in the mineshaft has gotten splayed, spatchcocked and plated over a bed of unintended consequences, garnished with sprigs of locally sourced economic distortion and non-GMO, “What the heck were they thinking?”

The result of one early experiment in a citywide $15 minimum wage is an ominous sign for the state’s poorer inland counties as the statewide wage floor creeps toward the mark.

Consider San Francisco, an early adopter of the $15 wage. It’s now experiencing a restaurant die-off, minting jobless hash-slingers, cashiers, busboys, scullery engineers and line cooks as they get pink-slipped in increasing numbers. And the wage there hasn’t yet hit $15.

As the East Bay Times reported in January, at least 60 restaurants around the Bay Area had closed since September alone.

A recent study by Michael Luca at Harvard Business School and Dara Lee Luca at Mathematica Policy Research found that every $1 hike in the minimum wage brings a 14 percent increase in the likelihood of a 3.5-star restaurant on Yelp! closing.

Another telltale is San Diego, where voters approved increasing the city’s minimum wage to $11.50 per hour from $10.50, this after the minimum wage was increased from $8 an hour in 2015 – meaning hourly costs have risen 43 percent in two years.

The cost increases have pushed San Diego restaurants to the brink, Stephen Zolezzi, president of the Food and Beverage Association of San Diego County, told the San Diego Business Journal. Watch for the next mass die-off there...

Luckily, I live in the central coast area between L.A. and San Francisco, so this area hasn't gone as extreme left as those parts of California.
When somebody is working full time and not earning enough to live on, they get food stamps, EBT Card, subsidized housing or child care, and emergency medical care. Benefits vary depending on where they live. THE GOVERNMET has to make up the difference!!!
That means that the Taxpayer is subsidizing McDonalds!!! If a business can't pay a living wage, then it should not be in business. I am not going to buy a Burger out of a vending machine (Kiosk).
When I owned a bar in California, some bars tried using machine mixed cocktails. It was a complete failure. When it comes to food, people want personal service.

You ain't gonna get it in McDonalds.
The law is also, no UE benefits for quitters or never workers.
Which law? We have a Labor Code that says, employment is at-will, with no restrictions but for notice.

The law that says no UE benefits for you.
A Conflict of Laws, You Claim? Should we look up the "red tape" that covers, "conflicts of law"?

A Conflict of Laws,

It is?
Show me both, I'll be happy to point out your error.
California is an at-will employment State, it says so in the Labor Code at 2922.

You have no clue what "at will" means.
This is a bit off the subject, but I advocate a 100% employment policy, even for the mentally challenged and disabled. Leave Capitalism do what it does best and provide good paying jobs.
And you gonna achieve that by forcing businesses to hire, or...?
Add to that FREE Community Colleges that teach a person how to run a business, or become a licensed professional.
Feel FREE to pay for anyone who wants it.
And Lastly, when someone needs a meal or a place to stay, give him a box lunch, assign him to a labor crew, or public service project, and at the end of the day, pay him $30 cash and a housing voucher.
Even the bed ridden can do computer consulting, grade papers for teachers or do Customer Service for companies.
How many are staying in your home tonight?
Schools, hospitals, clinics, new mothers, elderly shopping aid. There are so many things people with limited skills could be doing, and have pride in being a productive member of society and earning a PAYCHECK.
It may not be profitable, and all may not choose to participate, but all profits are not in cash!

Could be doing, but welfare is easier than working.

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