Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

Idiot! I never said he didn't double wages, you claimed he did it TWICE! Now either back up your claim or continue with your dishonesty and lies. The reason he doubled the wages was because he could not keep employees at the $2.38 a day he was pay. When you have 14,000 and a turnover rate of 54,000 a year your business is going to suffer.

Now please tell me when he double his workers rates a second time, like you claim he did. My bet is you can't because you lied.
He paid an efficiency wage to achieve gains from efficiency. It really is that simple. He had a Plan, Stan; y'all on the right wing don't.

That is why, your red herrings are irrelevant.

That isn't a response to my questions, you have deliberately avoided the question, why? It's because Ford only doubled the wage once, not twice or more like you claim. So, again, answer the question. Or is it to far over your head.

You need a basic understanding on business to make a business move. So far you have shown no knowledge of running a business. All you have is lies and diversions.
Yes, it is. You have nothing but fallacy; that is why you think the way you do; simply, erroneous.

He paid an efficiency wage to achieve gains from efficiency. It really is that simple. He had a Plan, Stan; y'all on the right wing don't.

So you admit to lying about doubling wages more than once? Because you can't link or quote where he did it twice. You have never ran a business and all you have is your experience as a temp because you can't get a job above minimum wage. Your inexperience and lack knowledge and understanding of a real business is very apparent and you are dishonest and a liar to try to make up for your lack of knowledge.
Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages. He did not double minimum wages of the time.

How much was minimum wage of the time?
You will never get the dishonest lefty to admit he lied or post he was wrong. Admitting he is wrong is not in his DNA, most lefties can't admit it, they just try to change the subject just as Danny boi does. Typical regressive; dishonest, intolerant and slimy.
California is an at-will employment State. It really is, that legally simple.

Lol! You still don't deliver, pretty funny! You can't be honest to save yourself. Tricks, dishonesty and word games, that is all you have. No integrity, no honesty, absolutely a pure joke of a poster.
California is an at-will employment State. That is my argument. You have nothing but red herrings. See the difference.

California is an at-will employment State. That is my argument.

So get a job already. That is my argument.
How socialist of you. Should I go to a Right to Work State and insist on a job?

Right to work doesn't mean what you think it means.

By the way, do it.
California is an at-will employment State. That is my argument. You have nothing but red herrings. See the difference.

California is an at-will employment State. That is my argument.

So get a job already. That is my argument.
How socialist of you. Should I go to a Right to Work State and insist on a job?

Should I go to a Right to Work State and insist on a job?

Post their reaction. Video, if you can.
How should I write my cover letter? Hey there right wingers in an alleged, Right to Work State; y'all prepared to "work hard" and "bear True Witness today"?

How should I write my cover letter?

Go with your gut......

"Dudes, where's my job?
You have to hire me, it's the law"

Post the video.

It says right there, in communist manifesto.
So it is irrelevant yet you saw a need to lie about it. Lol!

Market forces caused Ford to double the wages. He did it to keep the turnover rate lower. He made a business decision, just as today's businesses do. He didn't need a federal government or a union to dictate the wages. The market dictated the wages.
I am not lying about anything; it is Your red herring. How is it relevant.

And, Henry Ford identified an inefficiency and corrected it; by having a plan, Stan.

You lied, you claimed that Ford doubled his wages more than once, you out and out lied. No you are lying about not lying! Lol! You are a ridiculous, dishonest person, I have no respect for you or your dishonesty.
Still trying to show off your red herring? It is Yours; you run with it. I am not going down an irrelevant path. I have an argument.

Why did you bring up the red herring? I have no clue as to what your argument is or isn't. Ford needed lots of help and a lower turnover rate. He raised the wage because of it, no other reason. Today the restaurant industry would rather invest in machines to control labor cost and not untrained labor.
Ford identified an inefficiency and resolved it with an efficiency wage.

McDonalds did the same. Their efficiency wage is around $5. And that's about $4.75 too high.
Nope, only $10.99 is for pizza.

So, how much of that goes to owner?

You shopped around, chose the pizza you wanted someone else to take the risk and deliver it to your front door so what difference does it make how much goes to the owner?

If you quoted the post I replied to, it would make more sense. Claim was that pizza shop owner "must be poor".
Ford identified an inefficiency and resolved it with an efficiency wage.

Nonsense, Henry Ford resolved inefficiency by inventing the assembly line. He obtained the cooperation of the workers by increasing their pay. With an assembly line, each job required less skill and would have distressed workers by being more expendable.

He cut the labor loses by increasing the labor cost.

By the way, $5 a day rate was conditional. About half was actual pay and the rest was a bonus.
This thread is about as clean as I am going to get it from all of the trolling and flaming. If it continues, I will just lock it. It could be a good thread if you guys would keep all of that out of it.
I'll admit that 15 bucks per hour isn't going to work...$10 maybe...

What needs to be done is a law needs to be made to target corporate wealth and spread more fairly to the workers. STOP THE GOLDEN SHUTES.

More union power would be nice to.
We have to go after the offshoring and stop the owners, ceo's and board from taxing it all. Thief's all.
I'll admit that 15 bucks per hour isn't going to work...$10 maybe...

What needs to be done is a law needs to be made to target corporate wealth and spread more fairly to the workers. STOP THE GOLDEN SHUTES.

More union power would be nice to.
I understand the sentiment of wanting to go after corporations but in the end the large corporate entities are able to shrug such things off and it's the medium and small companies that will end up taking the hit. I've seen it many times before.
Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

In a pair of affluent coastal California counties, the canary in the mineshaft has gotten splayed, spatchcocked and plated over a bed of unintended consequences, garnished with sprigs of locally sourced economic distortion and non-GMO, “What the heck were they thinking?”

The result of one early experiment in a citywide $15 minimum wage is an ominous sign for the state’s poorer inland counties as the statewide wage floor creeps toward the mark.

Consider San Francisco, an early adopter of the $15 wage. It’s now experiencing a restaurant die-off, minting jobless hash-slingers, cashiers, busboys, scullery engineers and line cooks as they get pink-slipped in increasing numbers. And the wage there hasn’t yet hit $15.

As the East Bay Times reported in January, at least 60 restaurants around the Bay Area had closed since September alone.

A recent study by Michael Luca at Harvard Business School and Dara Lee Luca at Mathematica Policy Research found that every $1 hike in the minimum wage brings a 14 percent increase in the likelihood of a 3.5-star restaurant on Yelp! closing.

Another telltale is San Diego, where voters approved increasing the city’s minimum wage to $11.50 per hour from $10.50, this after the minimum wage was increased from $8 an hour in 2015 – meaning hourly costs have risen 43 percent in two years.

The cost increases have pushed San Diego restaurants to the brink, Stephen Zolezzi, president of the Food and Beverage Association of San Diego County, told the San Diego Business Journal. Watch for the next mass die-off there...

Luckily, I live in the central coast area between L.A. and San Francisco, so this area hasn't gone as extreme left as those parts of California.

Maybe you have not noticed but your link from fresnobee is ONLY an opinion coming from hard left media. If you read it carefully how he manipulated and distorted his opinion.
Read the real news coming East Bay Times. It barely mentioned the MW wage increase. But heavily emphasized on rising rents, very low unemployment, keeping good employees, cost of living -------NOT the MW increased. These are the victims of success NOT the victims of failures. I traveled a lot to San Francisco area and I know a lot of business owners---- The biggest complaint right now is finding employees bcoz of low unemployment. NOT the MW. In desperation one of them even hired 2 warehouse workers with a criminal record.

Why are Bay Area restaurants closing?

Upward of 60 restaurants around the Bay Area have closed since the start of September alone, with many citing difficulties like the cost of finding and keeping good employees, rising rents, new requirements for providing health care and sick leave, and doing it all while competing with the slew of new dining options.
The restaurant industry has always been among the most competitive and challenging to navigate, and failures are nothing new, but the current struggles have left some wondering if the traditional dining model might be headed for an overhaul.
Sal Bednarz, who has owned Oakland’s Actual Cafe for seven years, shut the doors there and at his adjacent Victory Burger restaurant in late December after his struggle to find and keep good employees became “critically bad” in the past two years.
Cafe Rouge, a Berkeley fixture for 20 years, closed Dec. 30, also citing the difficulty of staffing the place. Long-lived eateries like Genova Delicatessen in Oakland, San Jose’s Bold Knight and San Francisco’s Kuleto’s shut down. Pasta Pomodoro, a Bay Area-grown chain, closed all 15 of its remaining restaurants in the region and filed for bankruptcy Dec. 30. Popular Oakland restaurant Hawker Fare announced it will close Feb. 18 due to a change of building ownership.

In an industry where profit margins are slim, making it hard to raise wages or invest in recruitment tools, Bednarz explained, “we have little leverage” when it comes to hiring.

Decades-low unemployment across the Bay Area — 4 percent in the East Bay and 3.5 percent in the South Bay — means that restaurant workers can enter other industries or move to other restaurants. Bednarz said candidates often have not showed up for job interviews.
Normally most or all businesses will close, shutdown or file bankruptcy it's because of the products.

When discussing MW increase the anti MW advocate make it sound like 1. Jump from $10 to $15 in one year. 2. Every one start working today making $15..
When in reality a lot of these people already making $13 to $18.
If a restaurant owner has 12 employees working let say 8 hours (mostly don't work 8 hours) making $13/hour now then overnight jump to $15. That is $2/hour increase x 8= $16/employees x 12 employees = At the maximum the owner will cost him extra $192 per day. Big F deal.
All she/he have to do is slightly increase the prices of soda 25 cents there, alcohol 80cents there, menus etc etc etc. Menu prices increases just about every year because of other things like inflation adjustment ----- So what is new now?
Restaurants in general of sliding as is all retail because the two newest generations prefer to stay home with their large tv screens, bluray, xbox, computers, iPhone, and ordering everything online from pants to dinner. All companies have been moving to automation for the last 100 years, robots are just getting very dextrous and precise and the software to control them is getting very good.

But cons have this weird bullshit gene where they look for any and all misery and then try to blame 'libruls' for it or Democrats. It's fantasy of course but they live in this bubble of misery.

Conservatives look in the mirror for god's sake you are the whining class of the population now.

It's not a weird bullshit gene, when their is a huge problem caused by Democrats of Unfunded pensions in the billions of dollars.


19 States Increase Minimum Wage at the Start of 2017

All 19 states are democrats with unfunded pensions?
Maybe they should not pass the wage increase on to the consumer. Sooner or later these business owners need to take the hit.

There it is folks, exactly how the left views business owners. They have this bizarre idea that all business owners just need to write bigger checks, and their own personal wealth will cover things.

Fucking amazing.

They will when people stop going to their restaurant because the prices are too expensive. Capitalism isn't a left sided mindset.

Are you saying ALL restaurants businesses are owned by the left? Are you saying that the so called rights are not as greedy as the left?

When it comes to making money there is no such thing as left or right.
Maybe they should not pass the wage increase on to the consumer. Sooner or later these business owners need to take the hit.

There it is folks, exactly how the left views business owners. They have this bizarre idea that all business owners just need to write bigger checks, and their own personal wealth will cover things.

Fucking amazing.

They will when people stop going to their restaurant because the prices are too expensive. Capitalism isn't a left sided mindset.

$43 burger at Old Homestead in Borgata casino in Atlantic City, $28 billionaire burger in Holstein Las Vegas, $60 burger at Remixed Rossini Burger in San F., $75 caviar burger at Petrossian in Los Angeles, $100 MNO burger at Umani Burger in Miami. These are owned by mostly republicans.

These places are packed--- Your lucky if you can get a seat.

People will eat out, travel, buy goods and luxuries because of good paying jobs, business profits and good economy.
Maybe they should not pass the wage increase on to the consumer. Sooner or later these business owners need to take the hit.

Why do these business owners need to take a hit?

Because liberals think anyone who is in business is rich and should pay for everything. They don't think they pay enough taxes even though they have NO IDEA what they earn or what it cost them to operate.

Business owners that think and operate the way you describe -------- Should not be in any business to begin with.
Maybe they should not pass the wage increase on to the consumer. Sooner or later these business owners need to take the hit.

There it is folks, exactly how the left views business owners. They have this bizarre idea that all business owners just need to write bigger checks, and their own personal wealth will cover things.

Fucking amazing.

They will when people stop going to their restaurant because the prices are too expensive. Capitalism isn't a left sided mindset.

Proving how stupid you really are?


How do you get "top poster of the month" with the stupid shit you post?

Raise the prices enough and people will stop going and will start eating at home.

Poor dumb asses like you might...

Again answer my question child do you know what the profit margins for fast food joints are?


I do---- What is your point?
The restaurant industry will become so expensive that the low end will be completely automated. Everything will be by machine.

There will still be restaurants with human chefs and servers. These will be highly trained professionals who have gone to school to develop food service careers. They will be highly paid and these restaurants will have prices to match.

Frankly that applies to almost every business- business's will automate everything that they can- automation is going to hit trucking hard- along with warehouse work, and tons of other jobs.

Labor is more expensive than robots- and that applies to all industries.

In my business that would be slim to impossible. Unless god can make or move major cities in US about 1 mile closer to each other.
AND humans will never get sick.
They will when people stop going to their restaurant because the prices are too expensive. Capitalism isn't a left sided mindset.

Proving how stupid you really are?


How do you get "top poster of the month" with the stupid shit you post?

Raise the prices enough and people will stop going and will start eating at home.

Poor dumb asses like you might...

Again answer my question child do you know what the profit margins for fast food joints are?


Tons, look at McDonalds and BK for example.

Showing more ignorance are you?

With McDonald's they only own 5% of the stores , the rest are small business owners fool..

So again scared to research the profit margins of fast food restaurants?


We went this over and over Bear many many times. Actually this is one your favorite topic. AND YET YOU are stuck with your own belief about profit margins and losing money because of MW. I was hoping you have more experience by now. But still thinking as a mold maker.

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