Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

Bear was talking about McDonald's profit. Why is that not my business?

My 40+ year career resulted in decades of income in six figures. What I earn is none of your business just as what you earn is none of my business. I don't care.

What the hell is your bull shit income or lousy career has anything to do with McDonald's profit?
I was quoting Bear about McDonald's profit.

Did I asked you about your career or your income? What the hell are you talking about?
Instead of a pay rate hike, they need a RENT MORATORIUM on housing!!!! Rents are atrocious everywhere, but especially the central coast.
Normally most or all businesses will close, shutdown or file bankruptcy it's because of the products.

When discussing MW increase the anti MW advocate make it sound like 1. Jump from $10 to $15 in one year. 2. Every one start working today making $15..
When in reality a lot of these people already making $13 to $18.
If a restaurant owner has 12 employees working let say 8 hours (mostly don't work 8 hours) making $13/hour now then overnight jump to $15. That is $2/hour increase x 8= $16/employees x 12 employees = At the maximum the owner will cost him extra $192 per day. Big F deal.
All she/he have to do is slightly increase the prices of soda 25 cents there, alcohol 80cents there, menus etc etc etc. Menu prices increases just about every year because of other things like inflation adjustment ----- So what is new now?

At the maximum the owner will cost him extra $192 per day. Big F deal.

How much do they need to increase sales to earn the extra $192 per day that you think is no big deal?
$192 times 365 is a right hefty overhead increase.

True but that is part of running a business. Most do not open 7 days.
Restaurants can easily recoup that cost by increasing the price of menus, alcoholic or non alcoholic beverages. Menu prices goes up all the time even before the MW increase fiasco.

Let say you and your wife went for a dinner normally will cost you $40 the menu increase to $47, + 2 glasses of red romantic red wine from $12 to $14, Total of $11 increase ( do not ask for toothpick) You might ask for another 2 glasses, that is just the 2 of you. How much is that now? In my case I normally ask for the bottle so I can get horny. How about a group of 3, 4, 6 or more? In 8 hours.
In reality the business owner already figured out how much she/he can increase by percentage to reach that $192 threshold. If computerized he doesn't even need to run a query.
In reality she/he will use a higher threshold like $400. as an example. That is how greedy democrats or republicans business owners does.
I get it, if a business makes a profit the are greedy. and a $70,000 increase in overhead is no big deal to you. The real world is different though. Being the lib you are you LOVE spending other people's money.
Again with the livable qualifier. I had low paying jobs but lived within my means. I'm still here so I obviously lived. Nobody owes you a living. Want more pay? Work your way up or get a better job.

No one can live on a $8 an hour without getting a second job or receiving government assistance.

You know what, fine. Keep the current minium wage but conservatives shouldn't whine about people receiving government subsidies like section 8, food stamps and medicade.

Either increase the minium wage or give people subsidies.
You can't bully me into accepting your world view. You believe people are owed a lifestyle. I don't. Like I said I lived on dirt wages so I know what I'm talking about, you don't.

If you work you should be able to make a living and not live like a rat.
The Democrats are looking through the wrong end of the telescope on this just as they did with Obamacare. Yes, you can't buy a three bedroom house, two car garage home and send two kids to college on flipping burgers at McDonalds. Instead of jacking up minimum wage resulting in higher prices and businesses collapsing or automating thereby reducing jobs, why not just find ways to reduce costs? Obamacare is in trouble because it didn't fix the main problem with healthcare: costs.

Do you have any suggestions how and what to reduce cost?
Pink Slime and/or Soylent Green. :)

Automation is the way to go. Most of what is happening in the back can be automated including taking orders as anyone who has used Siri or Alexa knows. Having humans at the counter puts a human face on a store-sized robot.
Normally most or all businesses will close, shutdown or file bankruptcy it's because of the products.

When discussing MW increase the anti MW advocate make it sound like 1. Jump from $10 to $15 in one year. 2. Every one start working today making $15..
When in reality a lot of these people already making $13 to $18.
If a restaurant owner has 12 employees working let say 8 hours (mostly don't work 8 hours) making $13/hour now then overnight jump to $15. That is $2/hour increase x 8= $16/employees x 12 employees = At the maximum the owner will cost him extra $192 per day. Big F deal.
All she/he have to do is slightly increase the prices of soda 25 cents there, alcohol 80cents there, menus etc etc etc. Menu prices increases just about every year because of other things like inflation adjustment ----- So what is new now?

At the maximum the owner will cost him extra $192 per day. Big F deal.

How much do they need to increase sales to earn the extra $192 per day that you think is no big deal?
$192 times 365 is a right hefty overhead increase.

True but that is part of running a business. Most do not open 7 days.
Restaurants can easily recoup that cost by increasing the price of menus, alcoholic or non alcoholic beverages. Menu prices goes up all the time even before the MW increase fiasco.

Let say you and your wife went for a dinner normally will cost you $40 the menu increase to $47, + 2 glasses of red romantic red wine from $12 to $14, Total of $11 increase ( do not ask for toothpick) You might ask for another 2 glasses, that is just the 2 of you. How much is that now? In my case I normally ask for the bottle so I can get horny. How about a group of 3, 4, 6 or more? In 8 hours.
In reality the business owner already figured out how much she/he can increase by percentage to reach that $192 threshold. If computerized he doesn't even need to run a query.
In reality she/he will use a higher threshold like $400. as an example. That is how greedy democrats or republicans business owners does.
That may work for you in your area, but around here, meals are less than $10, drinks $3 so the bill for a retired couple on a fixed income would be $26 plus tax and tip. Doubling the cost of employees would be quite a shock to both the restaurant and the clientèle. Mom's diner would have to either reduce staff or shut down since the same couple couldn't afford to see a significant rise in prices.
Instead of a pay rate hike, they need a RENT MORATORIUM on housing!!!! Rents are atrocious everywhere, but especially the central coast.

How about moving someplace where rent is cheaper, or finding a second job?
I did move to a cheaper place and I can't get a second job since I am on SS and they will not allow it. Well, they will, but who is going to hire someone as fucked up as me with my medical issues? Nobody. Plus, SS will take money from every check. So who is going to pay me under the table for a job I probably can't do now that I am old and fucked up?

Why not stop the rich from buying up hovels and renting out each hovel PER HEAD crammed in EACH ROOM? If rents could be afforded, raising minimum wage wouldn't have such a huge impact, costing job potentials disappearing with fast food and retail jobs going WITH that business?
Good news from Seattle...

Seattle's Minimum Wage Has Been a Disaster, as the City's Own Study Confirms

The numbers of hours worked by low-wage workers fell by *3.5 million hours per quarter*. This was reflected both in thousands of job losses and reductions in hours worked by those who retained their jobs.
On average, low-wage workers *lost* $125 per month. The minimum wage has always been a lousy income transfer program, but at this level you’d come out ahead just setting a hundred million dollars a year on fire. And that’s before we get into who kept vs lost their jobs.
Its a never ending circle.

Good credit. Apply for housing. Run credit check. 5 people applied. Charge 40 bucks PER APPLICANT PER DAY. Multiply that by 30. Why rent the unit when you can get as much money for credit checks, no hassles with renters? Or better yet, buy a hovel, make it into a 3 bedroom by using the garage, stuff 4 bunk beds in each bedroom, charge 500 bucks PER PERSON PER BED.

Meanwhile, back at the homeless shelter, the line gets bigger. And for added dessert on top..your credit is now fucked because every time some asshole runs a credit affects your credit.

Instead of a pay rate hike, they need a RENT MORATORIUM on housing!!!! Rents are atrocious everywhere, but especially the central coast.

How about moving someplace where rent is cheaper, or finding a second job?
I did move to a cheaper place and I can't get a second job since I am on SS and they will not allow it. Well, they will, but who is going to hire someone as fucked up as me with my medical issues? Nobody. Plus, SS will take money from every check. So who is going to pay me under the table for a job I probably can't do now that I am old and fucked up?

Why not stop the rich from buying up hovels and renting out each hovel PER HEAD crammed in EACH ROOM? If rents could be afforded, raising minimum wage wouldn't have such a huge impact, costing job potentials disappearing with fast food and retail jobs going WITH that business?

If you are on SS, your medical issues are covered by Medicare.

So instead of adjusting to live within your means, you want others to adjust you can live beyond your means.

By the way, if you're making minimum wage you aren't really working.
Normally most or all businesses will close, shutdown or file bankruptcy it's because of the products.

When discussing MW increase the anti MW advocate make it sound like 1. Jump from $10 to $15 in one year. 2. Every one start working today making $15..
When in reality a lot of these people already making $13 to $18.
If a restaurant owner has 12 employees working let say 8 hours (mostly don't work 8 hours) making $13/hour now then overnight jump to $15. That is $2/hour increase x 8= $16/employees x 12 employees = At the maximum the owner will cost him extra $192 per day. Big F deal.
All she/he have to do is slightly increase the prices of soda 25 cents there, alcohol 80cents there, menus etc etc etc. Menu prices increases just about every year because of other things like inflation adjustment ----- So what is new now?

At the maximum the owner will cost him extra $192 per day. Big F deal.

How much do they need to increase sales to earn the extra $192 per day that you think is no big deal?
$192 times 365 is a right hefty overhead increase.

True but that is part of running a business. Most do not open 7 days.
Restaurants can easily recoup that cost by increasing the price of menus, alcoholic or non alcoholic beverages. Menu prices goes up all the time even before the MW increase fiasco.

Let say you and your wife went for a dinner normally will cost you $40 the menu increase to $47, + 2 glasses of red romantic red wine from $12 to $14, Total of $11 increase ( do not ask for toothpick) You might ask for another 2 glasses, that is just the 2 of you. How much is that now? In my case I normally ask for the bottle so I can get horny. How about a group of 3, 4, 6 or more? In 8 hours.
In reality the business owner already figured out how much she/he can increase by percentage to reach that $192 threshold. If computerized he doesn't even need to run a query.
In reality she/he will use a higher threshold like $400. as an example. That is how greedy democrats or republicans business owners does.
I get it, if a business makes a profit the are greedy. and a $70,000 increase in overhead is no big deal to you. The real world is different though. Being the lib you are you LOVE spending other people's money.

I'm talking to you about reality in life here in a NICELY passion. You don't own a business so I do not expect you to understand what the fuck I'm talking about. ALL business owners even Trump or you if you have a chance are greedy. Repeat ALL. ALL business owners will try to maximize profits including Trump. There are no exceptions unless you work for charity.
I never said the $70k overhead is no big deal but I was just giving you a real example how a restaurant owners can easily recover $192. No fucking bid deal.
That has nothing to do with me how people spend their money. Since when do you care how people spend or use their money?
Are you saying that stupid republicans like you really care others?
Its a never ending circle.

Good credit. Apply for housing. Run credit check. 5 people applied. Charge 40 bucks PER APPLICANT PER DAY. Multiply that by 30. Why rent the unit when you can get as much money for credit checks, no hassles with renters? Or better yet, buy a hovel, make it into a 3 bedroom by using the garage, stuff 4 bunk beds in each bedroom, charge 500 bucks PER PERSON PER BED.

Meanwhile, back at the homeless shelter, the line gets bigger. And for added dessert on top..your credit is now fucked because every time some asshole runs a credit affects your credit.


We have some very cheap real estate in Michigan, especially in inner city of Detroit and Flint. Probably no credit check, and you'l have enough money left that you wont need a supplemental job.
Instead of a pay rate hike, they need a RENT MORATORIUM on housing!!!! Rents are atrocious everywhere, but especially the central coast.

How about moving someplace where rent is cheaper, or finding a second job?
I did move to a cheaper place and I can't get a second job since I am on SS and they will not allow it. Well, they will, but who is going to hire someone as fucked up as me with my medical issues? Nobody. Plus, SS will take money from every check. So who is going to pay me under the table for a job I probably can't do now that I am old and fucked up?

Why not stop the rich from buying up hovels and renting out each hovel PER HEAD crammed in EACH ROOM? If rents could be afforded, raising minimum wage wouldn't have such a huge impact, costing job potentials disappearing with fast food and retail jobs going WITH that business?

If you are on SS, your medical issues are covered by Medicare.

So instead of adjusting to live within your means, you want others to adjust you can live beyond your means.

By the way, if you're making minimum wage you aren't really working.
Long story, not worth repeating here.

In short, it is not unreasonable to pay a reasonable amount of rent. None exist. Look around. Homelessness is rampant.
Its a never ending circle.

Good credit. Apply for housing. Run credit check. 5 people applied. Charge 40 bucks PER APPLICANT PER DAY. Multiply that by 30. Why rent the unit when you can get as much money for credit checks, no hassles with renters? Or better yet, buy a hovel, make it into a 3 bedroom by using the garage, stuff 4 bunk beds in each bedroom, charge 500 bucks PER PERSON PER BED.

Meanwhile, back at the homeless shelter, the line gets bigger. And for added dessert on top..your credit is now fucked because every time some asshole runs a credit affects your credit.


We have some very cheap real estate in Michigan, especially in inner city of Detroit and Flint. Probably no credit check, and you'l have enough money left that you wont need a supplemental job.
I'll stay homeless, thanks.
Long story, not worth repeating here.

In short, it is not unreasonable to pay a reasonable amount of rent. None exist. Look around. Homelessness is rampant.

I am all for helping people that cannot help themselves. Not all homeless are helpless.

Now, what is reasonable amount for rent? Just as you think you're paying too much, landlord think otherwise. Price is driven by location and demand. If you "must" live where rent is too high for your pocket, how that is someone else fault?
Its a never ending circle.

Good credit. Apply for housing. Run credit check. 5 people applied. Charge 40 bucks PER APPLICANT PER DAY. Multiply that by 30. Why rent the unit when you can get as much money for credit checks, no hassles with renters? Or better yet, buy a hovel, make it into a 3 bedroom by using the garage, stuff 4 bunk beds in each bedroom, charge 500 bucks PER PERSON PER BED.

Meanwhile, back at the homeless shelter, the line gets bigger. And for added dessert on top..your credit is now fucked because every time some asshole runs a credit affects your credit.


We have some very cheap real estate in Michigan, especially in inner city of Detroit and Flint. Probably no credit check, and you'l have enough money left that you wont need a supplemental job.
I'll stay homeless, thanks.

If so, you're homeless by choice. How is that anyone else problem but yours?
Not arguing about it. It all falls on deaf ears anyway.

The homeless population is growing. It can happen to anyone. At any time. Lack of poor planning. Asteroid. Skyrocketing rents. War. Illness. Choice to live cleanly and homeless rather than living in desolation and filth and bad neighborhoods. etc etc etc.

Good night.
maine and oregon should have been warning enough
Maine??? WHY Maine Aris?

We did vote in the last election to raise our state minimum wage to $9 starting in 2017, of which the state had not increased it since 2009....??? To go to $12 by 2020....

already suffering because of wages

Maine Voices: Minimum-wage hike would hurt Maine - Portland Press ...
Sep 21, 2016 - Tell that to the numerous small businesses in New York state and elsewhere ... reduce hours or close entirely because of the increasedlabor costs associated ... 3,800 jobs would be lost in Maine at a $12-an-hour minimum wage. .... tipped minimum wage ($2.13 per hour since 1991) would hurt restaurants.
Some servers in central Maine fear losing tips under Question 4 ...
Oct 29, 2016 - Some servers in central Maine fear losing tips under Question 4 ... “Minimum-wage increases are good for workers if they keep their jobs,” said ... Trostel, the economist, said that's unlikely, because tipping is already such a ... it is possible some restaurants could lay off workers or even go out of business.
Maine Voices: Raising minimum wage will hurt small businesses and ...
Aug 11, 2016 - Base pay of $12 per hour would eliminate 4,000 jobs inMaine, most of them ... that a minimum-wage increase would help small businesses and power the ... which tend to be at small businesses such asrestaurants, grocery stores, ..... Portland condemns apartment buildingbecause of frequent police visits ...
Restaurant Workers of Maine group opts against minimum wage ...
Nov 4, 2016 - Foye, who has worked in the restaurant business for nine years, ... BANGOR, Maine — Taylor Trafton said she will need a second job if ... family-type venues closing because of the loss of customers. ... The general minimum wage increase should be decoupled from the tipped workers' wage, Grey said.
Some central Maine businesses, workers, already feeling minimum ...
Feb 20, 2017 - Putting the wage increase together with the tax increases ... and it's an incredibly difficult job, because your pay is directly based on the ... which is why more than 60 restaurants and 600 small businesses in ... Katz said he's heard from “dozens” in the restaurant industry who don't want to lose the tip credit.

Although there was a lot of negative anticipation by the naysayers, It hasn't actually hurt us, it just needs some tweaking with tipping. pay...

Your last link, where there is actual results after the hike to $9 that can be measured, overall is a fairly positive read on the wage increase so far....

I do think that perhaps it goes up too quickly though....but we will see....
Why not stop the rich from buying up hovels and renting out each hovel PER HEAD crammed in EACH ROOM? If rents could be afforded, raising minimum wage wouldn't have such a huge impact, costing job potentials disappearing with fast food and retail jobs going WITH that business?
I don't think that's legal in any part of the country. But the thing I can never understand is why people believe they have a right to live in an expensive area and be compensated for their decision.
Normally most or all businesses will close, shutdown or file bankruptcy it's because of the products.

When discussing MW increase the anti MW advocate make it sound like 1. Jump from $10 to $15 in one year. 2. Every one start working today making $15..
When in reality a lot of these people already making $13 to $18.
If a restaurant owner has 12 employees working let say 8 hours (mostly don't work 8 hours) making $13/hour now then overnight jump to $15. That is $2/hour increase x 8= $16/employees x 12 employees = At the maximum the owner will cost him extra $192 per day. Big F deal.
All she/he have to do is slightly increase the prices of soda 25 cents there, alcohol 80cents there, menus etc etc etc. Menu prices increases just about every year because of other things like inflation adjustment ----- So what is new now?

At the maximum the owner will cost him extra $192 per day. Big F deal.

How much do they need to increase sales to earn the extra $192 per day that you think is no big deal?
$192 times 365 is a right hefty overhead increase.

True but that is part of running a business. Most do not open 7 days.
Restaurants can easily recoup that cost by increasing the price of menus, alcoholic or non alcoholic beverages. Menu prices goes up all the time even before the MW increase fiasco.

Let say you and your wife went for a dinner normally will cost you $40 the menu increase to $47, + 2 glasses of red romantic red wine from $12 to $14, Total of $11 increase ( do not ask for toothpick) You might ask for another 2 glasses, that is just the 2 of you. How much is that now? In my case I normally ask for the bottle so I can get horny. How about a group of 3, 4, 6 or more? In 8 hours.
In reality the business owner already figured out how much she/he can increase by percentage to reach that $192 threshold. If computerized he doesn't even need to run a query.
In reality she/he will use a higher threshold like $400. as an example. That is how greedy democrats or republicans business owners does.
I get it, if a business makes a profit the are greedy. and a $70,000 increase in overhead is no big deal to you. The real world is different though. Being the lib you are you LOVE spending other people's money.

I'm talking to you about reality in life here in a NICELY passion. You don't own a business so I do not expect you to understand what the fuck I'm talking about. ALL business owners even Trump or you if you have a chance are greedy. Repeat ALL. ALL business owners will try to maximize profits including Trump. There are no exceptions unless you work for charity.
I never said the $70k overhead is no big deal but I was just giving you a real example how a restaurant owners can easily recover $192. No fucking bid deal.
That has nothing to do with me how people spend their money. Since when do you care how people spend or use their money?
Are you saying that stupid republicans like you really care others?
A nicely passion? It isn't your business but you think 70k a year is no big deal. It doesn't need to go any further than that. You can't massage it into anything lucid.

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