Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

Normally most or all businesses will close, shutdown or file bankruptcy it's because of the products.

When discussing MW increase the anti MW advocate make it sound like 1. Jump from $10 to $15 in one year. 2. Every one start working today making $15..
When in reality a lot of these people already making $13 to $18.
If a restaurant owner has 12 employees working let say 8 hours (mostly don't work 8 hours) making $13/hour now then overnight jump to $15. That is $2/hour increase x 8= $16/employees x 12 employees = At the maximum the owner will cost him extra $192 per day. Big F deal.
All she/he have to do is slightly increase the prices of soda 25 cents there, alcohol 80cents there, menus etc etc etc. Menu prices increases just about every year because of other things like inflation adjustment ----- So what is new now?

At the maximum the owner will cost him extra $192 per day. Big F deal.

How much do they need to increase sales to earn the extra $192 per day that you think is no big deal?
$192 times 365 is a right hefty overhead increase.

True but that is part of running a business. Most do not open 7 days.
Restaurants can easily recoup that cost by increasing the price of menus, alcoholic or non alcoholic beverages. Menu prices goes up all the time even before the MW increase fiasco.

Let say you and your wife went for a dinner normally will cost you $40 the menu increase to $47, + 2 glasses of red romantic red wine from $12 to $14, Total of $11 increase ( do not ask for toothpick) You might ask for another 2 glasses, that is just the 2 of you. How much is that now? In my case I normally ask for the bottle so I can get horny. How about a group of 3, 4, 6 or more? In 8 hours.
In reality the business owner already figured out how much she/he can increase by percentage to reach that $192 threshold. If computerized he doesn't even need to run a query.
In reality she/he will use a higher threshold like $400. as an example. That is how greedy democrats or republicans business owners does.
I get it, if a business makes a profit the are greedy. and a $70,000 increase in overhead is no big deal to you. The real world is different though. Being the lib you are you LOVE spending other people's money.

I'm talking to you about reality in life here in a NICELY passion. You don't own a business so I do not expect you to understand what the fuck I'm talking about. ALL business owners even Trump or you if you have a chance are greedy. Repeat ALL. ALL business owners will try to maximize profits including Trump. There are no exceptions unless you work for charity.
I never said the $70k overhead is no big deal but I was just giving you a real example how a restaurant owners can easily recover $192. No fucking bid deal.
That has nothing to do with me how people spend their money. Since when do you care how people spend or use their money?
Are you saying that stupid republicans like you really care others?

To make up $192 a day at a restaurant with an average profit margin of 3.6%, which seems to be the norm in the industry, the restaurant would need to produce $5,333.33 a day in added revenue to make up the $192 up. That would be an additional 1.9 million a year in added revenue.

That type of revenue is almost impossible for small restaurant to add without some hikes in pricing. So the small business owner will also eat some of the cost and decline his margins even more.

Large corporations that have several restaurants would have little less impact from this type of labor hike.

I think you will see fewer new restaurants and you will also see the small mom and pop restaurants to continue to disappear and leave us with the big corporations take even a larger market share.

Sad how we complain about big corporations have all the power and yet we keep finding ways to kill off the mom and pops and give the corporations more power.
At the maximum the owner will cost him extra $192 per day. Big F deal.

How much do they need to increase sales to earn the extra $192 per day that you think is no big deal?
$192 times 365 is a right hefty overhead increase.

True but that is part of running a business. Most do not open 7 days.
Restaurants can easily recoup that cost by increasing the price of menus, alcoholic or non alcoholic beverages. Menu prices goes up all the time even before the MW increase fiasco.

Let say you and your wife went for a dinner normally will cost you $40 the menu increase to $47, + 2 glasses of red romantic red wine from $12 to $14, Total of $11 increase ( do not ask for toothpick) You might ask for another 2 glasses, that is just the 2 of you. How much is that now? In my case I normally ask for the bottle so I can get horny. How about a group of 3, 4, 6 or more? In 8 hours.
In reality the business owner already figured out how much she/he can increase by percentage to reach that $192 threshold. If computerized he doesn't even need to run a query.
In reality she/he will use a higher threshold like $400. as an example. That is how greedy democrats or republicans business owners does.
I get it, if a business makes a profit the are greedy. and a $70,000 increase in overhead is no big deal to you. The real world is different though. Being the lib you are you LOVE spending other people's money.

I'm talking to you about reality in life here in a NICELY passion. You don't own a business so I do not expect you to understand what the fuck I'm talking about. ALL business owners even Trump or you if you have a chance are greedy. Repeat ALL. ALL business owners will try to maximize profits including Trump. There are no exceptions unless you work for charity.
I never said the $70k overhead is no big deal but I was just giving you a real example how a restaurant owners can easily recover $192. No fucking bid deal.
That has nothing to do with me how people spend their money. Since when do you care how people spend or use their money?
Are you saying that stupid republicans like you really care others?
A nicely passion? It isn't your business but you think 70k a year is no big deal. It doesn't need to go any further than that. You can't massage it into anything lucid.

I gave you an specific example how a restaurant can easily recover a MW increase and how people spend $11. So if you multiply that to 20 customers. How tough is that for you to understand?
That has NOTHING to do with how I viewed or make the $70,000. If you own a business that $70,000 is a peanut compared to other expenses like leasing. Other restaurants as mentioned in this thread closed because new leasing increases from $25k per month to $30k, to $40k -------- these are the killers. Not the MW hike.
$192 times 365 is a right hefty overhead increase.

True but that is part of running a business. Most do not open 7 days.
Restaurants can easily recoup that cost by increasing the price of menus, alcoholic or non alcoholic beverages. Menu prices goes up all the time even before the MW increase fiasco.

Let say you and your wife went for a dinner normally will cost you $40 the menu increase to $47, + 2 glasses of red romantic red wine from $12 to $14, Total of $11 increase ( do not ask for toothpick) You might ask for another 2 glasses, that is just the 2 of you. How much is that now? In my case I normally ask for the bottle so I can get horny. How about a group of 3, 4, 6 or more? In 8 hours.
In reality the business owner already figured out how much she/he can increase by percentage to reach that $192 threshold. If computerized he doesn't even need to run a query.
In reality she/he will use a higher threshold like $400. as an example. That is how greedy democrats or republicans business owners does.
I get it, if a business makes a profit the are greedy. and a $70,000 increase in overhead is no big deal to you. The real world is different though. Being the lib you are you LOVE spending other people's money.

I'm talking to you about reality in life here in a NICELY passion. You don't own a business so I do not expect you to understand what the fuck I'm talking about. ALL business owners even Trump or you if you have a chance are greedy. Repeat ALL. ALL business owners will try to maximize profits including Trump. There are no exceptions unless you work for charity.
I never said the $70k overhead is no big deal but I was just giving you a real example how a restaurant owners can easily recover $192. No fucking bid deal.
That has nothing to do with me how people spend their money. Since when do you care how people spend or use their money?
Are you saying that stupid republicans like you really care others?
A nicely passion? It isn't your business but you think 70k a year is no big deal. It doesn't need to go any further than that. You can't massage it into anything lucid.

I gave you an specific example how a restaurant can easily recover a MW increase and how people spend $11. So if you multiply that to 20 customers. How tough is that for you to understand?
That has NOTHING to do with how I viewed or make the $70,000. If you own a business that $70,000 is a peanut compared to other expenses like leasing. Other restaurants as mentioned in this thread closed because new leasing increases from $25k per month to $30k, to $40k -------- these are the killers. Not the MW hike.

If they can easily raise prices to get $70k more per year, why haven't they already raised prices?
Why not stop the rich from buying up hovels and renting out each hovel PER HEAD crammed in EACH ROOM? If rents could be afforded, raising minimum wage wouldn't have such a huge impact, costing job potentials disappearing with fast food and retail jobs going WITH that business?
I don't think that's legal in any part of the country. But the thing I can never understand is why people believe they have a right to live in an expensive area and be compensated for their decision.
Yes, it legal. They do it in SLO (san luis obispo) because of Cal Poly and Cuesta colleges. Both. Unless you want to count Hancock college in Santa Maria as well. The ol rent rates are booming in SLO county for absentee landlords that live in Brentwood, Malibu and Hollywood.

Why do I want to live there? Because I invested 30+ years of my life there. And invested in the community there. Because its home. I have a right to live anywhere I want and I choose there. Only problem is, I have to live in my van to do so. Which is better than living in a hovel, in a bad neighborhood, a strange new town, etc. Being between a rock and hard place is not pleasant, but at least I can live in a CLEAN and SAFE crevice in my vehicle.
Why not stop the rich from buying up hovels and renting out each hovel PER HEAD crammed in EACH ROOM? If rents could be afforded, raising minimum wage wouldn't have such a huge impact, costing job potentials disappearing with fast food and retail jobs going WITH that business?
I don't think that's legal in any part of the country. But the thing I can never understand is why people believe they have a right to live in an expensive area and be compensated for their decision.
Yes, it legal. They do it in SLO (san luis obispo) because of Cal Poly and Cuesta colleges. Both. Unless you want to count Hancock college in Santa Maria as well. The ol rent rates are booming in SLO county for absentee landlords that live in Brentwood, Malibu and Hollywood.

Why do I want to live there? Because I invested 30+ years of my life there. And invested in the community there. Because its home. I have a right to live anywhere I want and I choose there. Only problem is, I have to live in my van to do so. Which is better than living in a hovel, in a bad neighborhood, a strange new town, etc. Being between a rock and hard place is not pleasant, but at least I can live in a CLEAN and SAFE crevice in my vehicle.
Happens all the time. I lived in a little room by a pool in Pebble Beach. That like Carmel were artist communities...but the money moved in and it became unaffordable for the rest. I chose not to stay and live in a house I own.
$192 times 365 is a right hefty overhead increase.

True but that is part of running a business. Most do not open 7 days.
Restaurants can easily recoup that cost by increasing the price of menus, alcoholic or non alcoholic beverages. Menu prices goes up all the time even before the MW increase fiasco.

Let say you and your wife went for a dinner normally will cost you $40 the menu increase to $47, + 2 glasses of red romantic red wine from $12 to $14, Total of $11 increase ( do not ask for toothpick) You might ask for another 2 glasses, that is just the 2 of you. How much is that now? In my case I normally ask for the bottle so I can get horny. How about a group of 3, 4, 6 or more? In 8 hours.
In reality the business owner already figured out how much she/he can increase by percentage to reach that $192 threshold. If computerized he doesn't even need to run a query.
In reality she/he will use a higher threshold like $400. as an example. That is how greedy democrats or republicans business owners does.
I get it, if a business makes a profit the are greedy. and a $70,000 increase in overhead is no big deal to you. The real world is different though. Being the lib you are you LOVE spending other people's money.

I'm talking to you about reality in life here in a NICELY passion. You don't own a business so I do not expect you to understand what the fuck I'm talking about. ALL business owners even Trump or you if you have a chance are greedy. Repeat ALL. ALL business owners will try to maximize profits including Trump. There are no exceptions unless you work for charity.
I never said the $70k overhead is no big deal but I was just giving you a real example how a restaurant owners can easily recover $192. No fucking bid deal.
That has nothing to do with me how people spend their money. Since when do you care how people spend or use their money?
Are you saying that stupid republicans like you really care others?
A nicely passion? It isn't your business but you think 70k a year is no big deal. It doesn't need to go any further than that. You can't massage it into anything lucid.

I gave you an specific example how a restaurant can easily recover a MW increase and how people spend $11. So if you multiply that to 20 customers. How tough is that for you to understand?
That has NOTHING to do with how I viewed or make the $70,000. If you own a business that $70,000 is a peanut compared to other expenses like leasing. Other restaurants as mentioned in this thread closed because new leasing increases from $25k per month to $30k, to $40k -------- these are the killers. Not the MW hike.

Only if it was all that simple, however it doesn't work that way. Depending on the size of a business 70K can be a lot or a little. An increase from $25K a month to 30K is a $60K a year increase, which is less than your claimed peanuts of $70K. So I think your numbers in others items of business are way off.
Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

In a pair of affluent coastal California counties, the canary in the mineshaft has gotten splayed, spatchcocked and plated over a bed of unintended consequences, garnished with sprigs of locally sourced economic distortion and non-GMO, “What the heck were they thinking?”

The result of one early experiment in a citywide $15 minimum wage is an ominous sign for the state’s poorer inland counties as the statewide wage floor creeps toward the mark.

Consider San Francisco, an early adopter of the $15 wage. It’s now experiencing a restaurant die-off, minting jobless hash-slingers, cashiers, busboys, scullery engineers and line cooks as they get pink-slipped in increasing numbers. And the wage there hasn’t yet hit $15.

As the East Bay Times reported in January, at least 60 restaurants around the Bay Area had closed since September alone.

A recent study by Michael Luca at Harvard Business School and Dara Lee Luca at Mathematica Policy Research found that every $1 hike in the minimum wage brings a 14 percent increase in the likelihood of a 3.5-star restaurant on Yelp! closing.

Another telltale is San Diego, where voters approved increasing the city’s minimum wage to $11.50 per hour from $10.50, this after the minimum wage was increased from $8 an hour in 2015 – meaning hourly costs have risen 43 percent in two years.

The cost increases have pushed San Diego restaurants to the brink, Stephen Zolezzi, president of the Food and Beverage Association of San Diego County, told the San Diego Business Journal. Watch for the next mass die-off there...

Luckily, I live in the central coast area between L.A. and San Francisco, so this area hasn't gone as extreme left as those parts of California.
When somebody is working full time and not earning enough to live on, they get food stamps, EBT Card, subsidized housing or child care, and emergency medical care. Benefits vary depending on where they live. THE GOVERNMET has to make up the difference!!!
That means that the Taxpayer is subsidizing McDonalds!!! If a business can't pay a living wage, then it should not be in business. I am not going to buy a Burger out of a vending machine (Kiosk).
When I owned a bar in California, some bars tried using machine mixed cocktails. It was a complete failure. When it comes to food, people want personal service.
Too late. Mcdonalds is already using kiosks to replace counter workers, and people like it just fine.

Kiosks at McDonalds WILL NOT replace workers. It WILL get you your ?meal? faster.
They are already replacing order takers. The next time you're in there, note that there are several kiosks and only one person behind the counter. And when wages get high enough, machines will also replace the food prep people. It's going to happen.

Ultimately, you will pay a premium price to have people handle your order.

There aren't any in Nevada. If you can find one, perhaps you should take a selfie to post.

You don't mean the hamburger flipping robot? The same robot that the manufacture states WON'T FLIP HAMBURGERS.
Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

In a pair of affluent coastal California counties, the canary in the mineshaft has gotten splayed, spatchcocked and plated over a bed of unintended consequences, garnished with sprigs of locally sourced economic distortion and non-GMO, “What the heck were they thinking?”

The result of one early experiment in a citywide $15 minimum wage is an ominous sign for the state’s poorer inland counties as the statewide wage floor creeps toward the mark.

Consider San Francisco, an early adopter of the $15 wage. It’s now experiencing a restaurant die-off, minting jobless hash-slingers, cashiers, busboys, scullery engineers and line cooks as they get pink-slipped in increasing numbers. And the wage there hasn’t yet hit $15.

As the East Bay Times reported in January, at least 60 restaurants around the Bay Area had closed since September alone.

A recent study by Michael Luca at Harvard Business School and Dara Lee Luca at Mathematica Policy Research found that every $1 hike in the minimum wage brings a 14 percent increase in the likelihood of a 3.5-star restaurant on Yelp! closing.

Another telltale is San Diego, where voters approved increasing the city’s minimum wage to $11.50 per hour from $10.50, this after the minimum wage was increased from $8 an hour in 2015 – meaning hourly costs have risen 43 percent in two years.

The cost increases have pushed San Diego restaurants to the brink, Stephen Zolezzi, president of the Food and Beverage Association of San Diego County, told the San Diego Business Journal. Watch for the next mass die-off there...

Luckily, I live in the central coast area between L.A. and San Francisco, so this area hasn't gone as extreme left as those parts of California.
I eat in Seattle fairly often where they have the $15 minimum wage. The only change I've seen is some restaurants have raised their prices. Possibly a few marginally profitable restaurants have closed. Other than that it's about the same. New restaurants are opening daily, the population is growing over 1,000 a week, and unemployment has dropped to 2.9%, not exactly the predicted disaster when the minimum wage increase was proposed.

I've been telling the same story to Bear for over 2 years now. But for some reason his brain stuck that businesses are collapsing in Seattle.

I have tons of extended relatives in Seattle lots of them works for the city -------- That issue building permits, inspectors, city engineers, etc etc. Some also works for Boeing. Couple of them own successful seafood restaurants and none of their workers making less than $16/hour.

Hey ...that's all you do is post here say and second hand news, we post links..which is more credible?

Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

In a pair of affluent coastal California counties, the canary in the mineshaft has gotten splayed, spatchcocked and plated over a bed of unintended consequences, garnished with sprigs of locally sourced economic distortion and non-GMO, “What the heck were they thinking?”

The result of one early experiment in a citywide $15 minimum wage is an ominous sign for the state’s poorer inland counties as the statewide wage floor creeps toward the mark.

Consider San Francisco, an early adopter of the $15 wage. It’s now experiencing a restaurant die-off, minting jobless hash-slingers, cashiers, busboys, scullery engineers and line cooks as they get pink-slipped in increasing numbers. And the wage there hasn’t yet hit $15.

As the East Bay Times reported in January, at least 60 restaurants around the Bay Area had closed since September alone.

A recent study by Michael Luca at Harvard Business School and Dara Lee Luca at Mathematica Policy Research found that every $1 hike in the minimum wage brings a 14 percent increase in the likelihood of a 3.5-star restaurant on Yelp! closing.

Another telltale is San Diego, where voters approved increasing the city’s minimum wage to $11.50 per hour from $10.50, this after the minimum wage was increased from $8 an hour in 2015 – meaning hourly costs have risen 43 percent in two years.

The cost increases have pushed San Diego restaurants to the brink, Stephen Zolezzi, president of the Food and Beverage Association of San Diego County, told the San Diego Business Journal. Watch for the next mass die-off there...

Luckily, I live in the central coast area between L.A. and San Francisco, so this area hasn't gone as extreme left as those parts of California.
When somebody is working full time and not earning enough to live on, they get food stamps, EBT Card, subsidized housing or child care, and emergency medical care. Benefits vary depending on where they live. THE GOVERNMET has to make up the difference!!!
That means that the Taxpayer is subsidizing McDonalds!!! If a business can't pay a living wage, then it should not be in business. I am not going to buy a Burger out of a vending machine (Kiosk).
When I owned a bar in California, some bars tried using machine mixed cocktails. It was a complete failure. When it comes to food, people want personal service.
Too late. Mcdonalds is already using kiosks to replace counter workers, and people like it just fine.

Kiosks at McDonalds WILL NOT replace workers. It WILL get you your ?meal? faster.
They are already replacing order takers. The next time you're in there, note that there are several kiosks and only one person behind the counter. And when wages get high enough, machines will also replace the food prep people. It's going to happen.

Ultimately, you will pay a premium price to have people handle your order.

There aren't any in Nevada. If you can find one, perhaps you should take a selfie to post.

You don't mean the hamburger flipping robot? The same robot that the manufacture states WON'T FLIP HAMBURGERS.
There are in Orlando, Fla. We saw them a few weeks ago when we took the grandkids on vaca.
maine and oregon should have been warning enough
Maine??? WHY Maine Aris?

We did vote in the last election to raise our state minimum wage to $9 starting in 2017, of which the state had not increased it since 2009....??? To go to $12 by 2020....

Maine just lowered their minimum wage


Made a topic about it today

Maine raised and then lowers minimum wage

maine and oregon should have been warning enough
Maine??? WHY Maine Aris?

We did vote in the last election to raise our state minimum wage to $9 starting in 2017, of which the state had not increased it since 2009....??? To go to $12 by 2020....

Maine just lowered their minimum wage


Made a topic about it today

Maine raised and then lowers minimum wage

TY! :)

I mentioned in my post that the $9 an hour was doing fine in Maine except with some tweaking needed for those in tipping jobs....

They tweaked it, and changed it back to having the tipping credit.
maine and oregon should have been warning enough
Maine??? WHY Maine Aris?

We did vote in the last election to raise our state minimum wage to $9 starting in 2017, of which the state had not increased it since 2009....??? To go to $12 by 2020....

Maine just lowered their minimum wage


Made a topic about it today

Maine raised and then lowers minimum wage

TY! :)

I mentioned in my post that the $9 an hour was doing fine in Maine except with some tweaking needed for those in tipping jobs....

They tweaked it, and changed it back to having the tipping credit.

Thank God...tipping is the only way a poor young women can even the score with young guys money wise ( hope I am not sounding sexist)

maine and oregon should have been warning enough
Maine??? WHY Maine Aris?

We did vote in the last election to raise our state minimum wage to $9 starting in 2017, of which the state had not increased it since 2009....??? To go to $12 by 2020....

Maine just lowered their minimum wage


Maine restaurant workers successfully lobby to lower the minimum wage
1 day ago - Last November, the Maine State Legislature voted to raise the minimum wage for restaurant servers. Then in mid-June, they voted to lower it ...
True but that is part of running a business. Most do not open 7 days.
Restaurants can easily recoup that cost by increasing the price of menus, alcoholic or non alcoholic beverages. Menu prices goes up all the time even before the MW increase fiasco.

Let say you and your wife went for a dinner normally will cost you $40 the menu increase to $47, + 2 glasses of red romantic red wine from $12 to $14, Total of $11 increase ( do not ask for toothpick) You might ask for another 2 glasses, that is just the 2 of you. How much is that now? In my case I normally ask for the bottle so I can get horny. How about a group of 3, 4, 6 or more? In 8 hours.
In reality the business owner already figured out how much she/he can increase by percentage to reach that $192 threshold. If computerized he doesn't even need to run a query.
In reality she/he will use a higher threshold like $400. as an example. That is how greedy democrats or republicans business owners does.
I get it, if a business makes a profit the are greedy. and a $70,000 increase in overhead is no big deal to you. The real world is different though. Being the lib you are you LOVE spending other people's money.

I'm talking to you about reality in life here in a NICELY passion. You don't own a business so I do not expect you to understand what the fuck I'm talking about. ALL business owners even Trump or you if you have a chance are greedy. Repeat ALL. ALL business owners will try to maximize profits including Trump. There are no exceptions unless you work for charity.
I never said the $70k overhead is no big deal but I was just giving you a real example how a restaurant owners can easily recover $192. No fucking bid deal.
That has nothing to do with me how people spend their money. Since when do you care how people spend or use their money?
Are you saying that stupid republicans like you really care others?
A nicely passion? It isn't your business but you think 70k a year is no big deal. It doesn't need to go any further than that. You can't massage it into anything lucid.

I gave you an specific example how a restaurant can easily recover a MW increase and how people spend $11. So if you multiply that to 20 customers. How tough is that for you to understand?
That has NOTHING to do with how I viewed or make the $70,000. If you own a business that $70,000 is a peanut compared to other expenses like leasing. Other restaurants as mentioned in this thread closed because new leasing increases from $25k per month to $30k, to $40k -------- these are the killers. Not the MW hike.

If they can easily raise prices to get $70k more per year, why haven't they already raised prices?

They do. The 70k was just an example in reality restaurants and other business enterprises raise prices every year like me. Try to take a picture of a menu then compared it to next year at 90% the menu prices are higher from previous year. They need to recover not only the wages but other expenses like plates, silverwares, worn out table cloth, plumbing. regular wage increases etc etc etc.
All I was saying was they can easily recover the MW wage hike. Like a couple i gave an example spending extra $11. for dinner than they normally spend. Most likely people don't even remember what they spend the last time.

I'm in the medical instrumentation business which includes instruments, consumables, reagents and services. But I know tons of business owners with several or different kind of products. Like restaurants and fast foods.
Last McDonald's that closed that I know personally are the McDonald's in 3rd St. San Jose, Ca and the McDonald's in Tyler Mall ( second floor) Riverside, Ca. I forgot which one is paying $40,000 and $38,000 per month lease. But both move out because they increased the leases.
True but that is part of running a business. Most do not open 7 days.
Restaurants can easily recoup that cost by increasing the price of menus, alcoholic or non alcoholic beverages. Menu prices goes up all the time even before the MW increase fiasco.

Let say you and your wife went for a dinner normally will cost you $40 the menu increase to $47, + 2 glasses of red romantic red wine from $12 to $14, Total of $11 increase ( do not ask for toothpick) You might ask for another 2 glasses, that is just the 2 of you. How much is that now? In my case I normally ask for the bottle so I can get horny. How about a group of 3, 4, 6 or more? In 8 hours.
In reality the business owner already figured out how much she/he can increase by percentage to reach that $192 threshold. If computerized he doesn't even need to run a query.
In reality she/he will use a higher threshold like $400. as an example. That is how greedy democrats or republicans business owners does.
I get it, if a business makes a profit the are greedy. and a $70,000 increase in overhead is no big deal to you. The real world is different though. Being the lib you are you LOVE spending other people's money.

I'm talking to you about reality in life here in a NICELY passion. You don't own a business so I do not expect you to understand what the fuck I'm talking about. ALL business owners even Trump or you if you have a chance are greedy. Repeat ALL. ALL business owners will try to maximize profits including Trump. There are no exceptions unless you work for charity.
I never said the $70k overhead is no big deal but I was just giving you a real example how a restaurant owners can easily recover $192. No fucking bid deal.
That has nothing to do with me how people spend their money. Since when do you care how people spend or use their money?
Are you saying that stupid republicans like you really care others?
A nicely passion? It isn't your business but you think 70k a year is no big deal. It doesn't need to go any further than that. You can't massage it into anything lucid.

I gave you an specific example how a restaurant can easily recover a MW increase and how people spend $11. So if you multiply that to 20 customers. How tough is that for you to understand?
That has NOTHING to do with how I viewed or make the $70,000. If you own a business that $70,000 is a peanut compared to other expenses like leasing. Other restaurants as mentioned in this thread closed because new leasing increases from $25k per month to $30k, to $40k -------- these are the killers. Not the MW hike.

Only if it was all that simple, however it doesn't work that way. Depending on the size of a business 70K can be a lot or a little. An increase from $25K a month to 30K is a $60K a year increase, which is less than your claimed peanuts of $70K. So I think your numbers in others items of business are way off.

Hello papag. I have not seen you for a while.
My numbers was just an example how a restaurant can easily recover $192 MW a day increase = 70k/year. From my example---- if a couple spend minimum ( that is minimum ) of $11 ($5.50/person) higher from previous menus.
Let say say ONLY 35 customers ate in that restaurant for the whole day during lunch and diner= $192.50.
If that same restaurant had 80 to 120+ customers in one day. Piece of cake.
Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

In a pair of affluent coastal California counties, the canary in the mineshaft has gotten splayed, spatchcocked and plated over a bed of unintended consequences, garnished with sprigs of locally sourced economic distortion and non-GMO, “What the heck were they thinking?”

The result of one early experiment in a citywide $15 minimum wage is an ominous sign for the state’s poorer inland counties as the statewide wage floor creeps toward the mark.

Consider San Francisco, an early adopter of the $15 wage. It’s now experiencing a restaurant die-off, minting jobless hash-slingers, cashiers, busboys, scullery engineers and line cooks as they get pink-slipped in increasing numbers. And the wage there hasn’t yet hit $15.

As the East Bay Times reported in January, at least 60 restaurants around the Bay Area had closed since September alone.

A recent study by Michael Luca at Harvard Business School and Dara Lee Luca at Mathematica Policy Research found that every $1 hike in the minimum wage brings a 14 percent increase in the likelihood of a 3.5-star restaurant on Yelp! closing.

Another telltale is San Diego, where voters approved increasing the city’s minimum wage to $11.50 per hour from $10.50, this after the minimum wage was increased from $8 an hour in 2015 – meaning hourly costs have risen 43 percent in two years.

The cost increases have pushed San Diego restaurants to the brink, Stephen Zolezzi, president of the Food and Beverage Association of San Diego County, told the San Diego Business Journal. Watch for the next mass die-off there...

Luckily, I live in the central coast area between L.A. and San Francisco, so this area hasn't gone as extreme left as those parts of California.
I eat in Seattle fairly often where they have the $15 minimum wage. The only change I've seen is some restaurants have raised their prices. Possibly a few marginally profitable restaurants have closed. Other than that it's about the same. New restaurants are opening daily, the population is growing over 1,000 a week, and unemployment has dropped to 2.9%, not exactly the predicted disaster when the minimum wage increase was proposed.

I've been telling the same story to Bear for over 2 years now. But for some reason his brain stuck that businesses are collapsing in Seattle.

I have tons of extended relatives in Seattle lots of them works for the city -------- That issue building permits, inspectors, city engineers, etc etc. Some also works for Boeing. Couple of them own successful seafood restaurants and none of their workers making less than $16/hour.

Hey ...that's all you do is post here say and second hand news, we post links..which is more credible?


I know this is you favorite topic. Bear it's been over 2 years since Seattle increased the MW. So far Seattle has not collapse. All I've been asking you is give me a name of a restaurant that closed because of MW hike. That's the same question I asked you 2 years ago ---- it's the same question I'm asking you today.

The link provide by the OP (asianTrump supporter) is only an opinion and bogusly manipulated cherry picking the real news from fresnobee. Meaning it's invalid and debunked.
I get it, if a business makes a profit the are greedy. and a $70,000 increase in overhead is no big deal to you. The real world is different though. Being the lib you are you LOVE spending other people's money.

I'm talking to you about reality in life here in a NICELY passion. You don't own a business so I do not expect you to understand what the fuck I'm talking about. ALL business owners even Trump or you if you have a chance are greedy. Repeat ALL. ALL business owners will try to maximize profits including Trump. There are no exceptions unless you work for charity.
I never said the $70k overhead is no big deal but I was just giving you a real example how a restaurant owners can easily recover $192. No fucking bid deal.
That has nothing to do with me how people spend their money. Since when do you care how people spend or use their money?
Are you saying that stupid republicans like you really care others?
A nicely passion? It isn't your business but you think 70k a year is no big deal. It doesn't need to go any further than that. You can't massage it into anything lucid.

I gave you an specific example how a restaurant can easily recover a MW increase and how people spend $11. So if you multiply that to 20 customers. How tough is that for you to understand?
That has NOTHING to do with how I viewed or make the $70,000. If you own a business that $70,000 is a peanut compared to other expenses like leasing. Other restaurants as mentioned in this thread closed because new leasing increases from $25k per month to $30k, to $40k -------- these are the killers. Not the MW hike.

Only if it was all that simple, however it doesn't work that way. Depending on the size of a business 70K can be a lot or a little. An increase from $25K a month to 30K is a $60K a year increase, which is less than your claimed peanuts of $70K. So I think your numbers in others items of business are way off.

Hello papag. I have not seen you for a while.
My numbers was just an example how a restaurant can easily recover $192 MW a day increase = 70k/year. From my example---- if a couple spend minimum ( that is minimum ) of $11 ($5.50/person) higher from previous menus.
Let say say ONLY 35 customers ate in that restaurant for the whole day during lunch and diner= $192.50.
If that same restaurant had 80 to 120+ customers in one day. Piece of cake.

Been around, I hope things are going well for you. How do you drive an extra 40 to 70 customers a day?

The average profit margin of a restaurant is 3.6% to make up $192.50 in costs a restaurant needs to generate over $5300 a day in revenue to maintain the slim 3.6% in profit. If you increase customers you will increase food costs, you increase labor, water, sewer, lights and so on. So a business owner would need to look at the impact of a wage increase and find ways to off set the expense. The ways to do that are limited. Increase menu prices, look at the restaurant hours and cut back on slow business hours, layoff workers and short staff, get lower quality food, cut back on portions, there are other ways but those are most of them. Most small businesses don't have a lot of areas to cut back.
Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

In a pair of affluent coastal California counties, the canary in the mineshaft has gotten splayed, spatchcocked and plated over a bed of unintended consequences, garnished with sprigs of locally sourced economic distortion and non-GMO, “What the heck were they thinking?”

The result of one early experiment in a citywide $15 minimum wage is an ominous sign for the state’s poorer inland counties as the statewide wage floor creeps toward the mark.

Consider San Francisco, an early adopter of the $15 wage. It’s now experiencing a restaurant die-off, minting jobless hash-slingers, cashiers, busboys, scullery engineers and line cooks as they get pink-slipped in increasing numbers. And the wage there hasn’t yet hit $15.

1. Luckily, I live in the central coast area between L.A. and San Francisco, so this area hasn't gone as extreme left as those parts of California.

1. I'm a little confused ------- I know exactly where Central Coast.
Is there a sign somewhere in those highways, houses, farms, businesses and people walking around in Central Coast California with a sign in their heads? ---- I'm a LIBERAL or CONSERVATIVE? Is there?

Why do you consider yourself lucky? Are you supposed to be better than me just because you are a Trump supporter?

Because of business I'm a member of Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Filipino business associations. I attend a lot of gatherings by invitation only several times a year that I cannot keep up. I know tons of tons of Asians and I also have lots of Asian employees.

I can tell you this----- We talk about Trump garbage all the time from ignorant climate change to just about everything. And at high very percentage the educated and rich Asians don't like Trump. The poor and poorly informed like Trump because how he look only only. But things had change lately when they heard that Trump will cut off Medicaid.
In general they view those white people attending Trump rallies as ALL racist. I'm very sure they are not all racist but------ Sad.

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