Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

Glad you had a great vacation, we just did a drive from Mt. Rushmore, Devils Tower and Yellowstone, this fall we are taking a cruise.

I'm just saying that additional costs are not simply offset by raising prices. If a business has an increase of costs by $192, the offset has to be a lot more than $192. The actual cost is not $192, however it is closer to $5000, otherwise the profit margin goes down. Most restaurants work off a 3.6% profit margin. To produce more food, you would have to buy more food, use more electric, clean more dishes etc, etc. so it always isn't easy to do. You do have to raise food prices but it isn't the only way you can recoup a labor increase.

'Most restaurants work off a 3.6% profit margin.'

Not including;

-The owners payroll.
-The owners families payroll.
-The company car (s).
-The owners girlfriend/Sugar Baby.
-The owners vacation property.

Much, much, more than 3.6%

We are talking about MW hike not starting a business.
If a restaurants been operating and obviously making money after years of operations ------- those items you mentioned was well established inside profits long time ago before the MW hikes.
The sample I gave 12 employees, $2 MW hike each, minimum of 35 customers, spend minimum of $5.50 each higher from the old menu------ It is not that difficult to recoup $192/day.

Let say a taco stand with 5 full time employees giving them $2. each MW hike = $80 It is not difficult for a taco stand to recoup $80.
Sure, $2. We're talking about doubling it, a move that would directly impact over half the workforce.

From anti MW hike this is their agenda but in reality a $2. increased is not difficult to recover from places like McDonald's, Red lobster, Olive Garden etc.
All I've been asking is show a proof where a city or restaurant that closes because of this MW hike. So far I have not heard a single story.
Anti MW and business owners like you to believe that we will collapse.

ALL business owners like me don't like this MW mandate but in my case there are no such thing in medical instrumentation business pay MW. Most or all start at lowest entry level at $16+ hour.

Think about that for a moment. Right now your entry level people earn twice the MW. What do you think will happen when they only earn $1/hour more than MW? Are they going to go through the education hurdles and requirements to take your jobs when they can get almost the same pay with little or no requirements? Or are you going to again double the MW and pay entry level people $30/hour?

These are things that need to be considered. 60+% of the American work force earns $20/hour or less. Bump the MW to $15/hour and you cause huge ripple effects. The only way a MW works is if you keep it low enough that it doesn't really do much.

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Well said and agreed. Mandating a Federal minimum wage across the country is just another wrong-headed piece of Democratic "feel good" legislation. For California to mandate it across their entire state would be equally fucked up.
Glad you had a great vacation, we just did a drive from Mt. Rushmore, Devils Tower and Yellowstone, this fall we are taking a cruise.

I'm just saying that additional costs are not simply offset by raising prices. If a business has an increase of costs by $192, the offset has to be a lot more than $192. The actual cost is not $192, however it is closer to $5000, otherwise the profit margin goes down. Most restaurants work off a 3.6% profit margin. To produce more food, you would have to buy more food, use more electric, clean more dishes etc, etc. so it always isn't easy to do. You do have to raise food prices but it isn't the only way you can recoup a labor increase.

'Most restaurants work off a 3.6% profit margin.'

Not including;

-The owners payroll.
-The owners families payroll.
-The company car (s).
-The owners girlfriend/Sugar Baby.
-The owners vacation property.

Much, much, more than 3.6%

We are talking about MW hike not starting a business.
If a restaurants been operating and obviously making money after years of operations ------- those items you mentioned was well established inside profits long time ago before the MW hikes.
The sample I gave 12 employees, $2 MW hike each, minimum of 35 customers, spend minimum of $5.50 each higher from the old menu------ It is not that difficult to recoup $192/day.

Let say a taco stand with 5 full time employees giving them $2. each MW hike = $80 It is not difficult for a taco stand to recoup $80.
Sure, $2. We're talking about doubling it, a move that would directly impact over half the workforce.

From anti MW hike this is their agenda but in reality a $2. increased is not difficult to recover from places like McDonald's, Red lobster, Olive Garden etc.
All I've been asking is show a proof where a city or restaurant that closes because of this MW hike. So far I have not heard a single story.
Anti MW and business owners like you to believe that we will collapse.

ALL business owners like me don't like this MW mandate but in my case there are no such thing in medical instrumentation business pay MW. Most or all start at lowest entry level at $16+ hour.

1. Think about that for a moment. Right now your entry level people earn twice the MW. What do you think will happen when they only earn $1/hour more than MW? Are they going to go through the education hurdles and requirements to take your jobs when they can get almost the same pay with little or no requirements? Or are you going to again double the MW and pay entry level people $30/hour?

2. These are things that need to be considered. 60+% of the American work force earns $20/hour or less. Bump the MW to $15/hour and you cause huge ripple effects. The only way a MW works is if you keep it low enough that it doesn't really do much.

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1. MW in California is $10.50 (1/17). My entry level do not make twice the MW. How did you came up that formula? Level entry of $16+ an hour is for the first 3 to 6 months before probationary period.
The MW hike do not expect to get any more bumps after $15.

2. There are tons of companies all over US that pays $14 as a start right now with little or no experience.
Seattle started this MW hike 2 1/2 years ago. Where are the ripple effects? Is Seattle collapsing? Are restaurants closing filing bankruptcies?
...So I have to be with them and ask some of my closest friends to take them to adult only places like Mustang Ranch in Las Vegas...
Mustang Ranch is in Reno, NV.

I never been there only heard of the name from when Lamar Odom went to coma. All i know is north of Las Vegas.
Maybe your friends aren't the connoisseurs of cheap booze and sleazy women that you thought they were. ;)

Waaaaay north! :D

Let me repeat what I just said. I heard of Mustang Ranch but I never pay attention where specifically located. When i go to Vegas i always see all these kind advertisements like Mustang Ranch ----- so I assumed it's in Las Vegas.
Do yo have a problem with that?

That part of my post was exclusively for papag and didn't expect to have some kind of enmity from anyone.
'Most restaurants work off a 3.6% profit margin.'

Not including;

-The owners payroll.
-The owners families payroll.
-The company car (s).
-The owners girlfriend/Sugar Baby.
-The owners vacation property.

Much, much, more than 3.6%

We are talking about MW hike not starting a business.
If a restaurants been operating and obviously making money after years of operations ------- those items you mentioned was well established inside profits long time ago before the MW hikes.
The sample I gave 12 employees, $2 MW hike each, minimum of 35 customers, spend minimum of $5.50 each higher from the old menu------ It is not that difficult to recoup $192/day.

Let say a taco stand with 5 full time employees giving them $2. each MW hike = $80 It is not difficult for a taco stand to recoup $80.
Sure, $2. We're talking about doubling it, a move that would directly impact over half the workforce.

From anti MW hike this is their agenda but in reality a $2. increased is not difficult to recover from places like McDonald's, Red lobster, Olive Garden etc.
All I've been asking is show a proof where a city or restaurant that closes because of this MW hike. So far I have not heard a single story.
Anti MW and business owners like you to believe that we will collapse.

ALL business owners like me don't like this MW mandate but in my case there are no such thing in medical instrumentation business pay MW. Most or all start at lowest entry level at $16+ hour.

1. Think about that for a moment. Right now your entry level people earn twice the MW. What do you think will happen when they only earn $1/hour more than MW? Are they going to go through the education hurdles and requirements to take your jobs when they can get almost the same pay with little or no requirements? Or are you going to again double the MW and pay entry level people $30/hour?

2. These are things that need to be considered. 60+% of the American work force earns $20/hour or less. Bump the MW to $15/hour and you cause huge ripple effects. The only way a MW works is if you keep it low enough that it doesn't really do much.

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1. MW in California is $10.50 (1/17). My entry level do not make twice the MW. How did you came up that formula? Level entry of $16+ an hour is for the first 3 to 6 months before probationary period.
The MW hike do not expect to get any more bumps after $15.

2. There are tons of companies all over US that pays $14 as a start right now with little or no experience.
Seattle started this MW hike 2 1/2 years ago. Where are the ripple effects? Is Seattle collapsing? Are restaurants closing filing bankruptcies?
So why force all companies, Mom & Pop diners and any other business to pay minimum wage?
We are talking about MW hike not starting a business.
If a restaurants been operating and obviously making money after years of operations ------- those items you mentioned was well established inside profits long time ago before the MW hikes.
The sample I gave 12 employees, $2 MW hike each, minimum of 35 customers, spend minimum of $5.50 each higher from the old menu------ It is not that difficult to recoup $192/day.

Let say a taco stand with 5 full time employees giving them $2. each MW hike = $80 It is not difficult for a taco stand to recoup $80.
Sure, $2. We're talking about doubling it, a move that would directly impact over half the workforce.

From anti MW hike this is their agenda but in reality a $2. increased is not difficult to recover from places like McDonald's, Red lobster, Olive Garden etc.
All I've been asking is show a proof where a city or restaurant that closes because of this MW hike. So far I have not heard a single story.
Anti MW and business owners like you to believe that we will collapse.

ALL business owners like me don't like this MW mandate but in my case there are no such thing in medical instrumentation business pay MW. Most or all start at lowest entry level at $16+ hour.

1. Think about that for a moment. Right now your entry level people earn twice the MW. What do you think will happen when they only earn $1/hour more than MW? Are they going to go through the education hurdles and requirements to take your jobs when they can get almost the same pay with little or no requirements? Or are you going to again double the MW and pay entry level people $30/hour?

2. These are things that need to be considered. 60+% of the American work force earns $20/hour or less. Bump the MW to $15/hour and you cause huge ripple effects. The only way a MW works is if you keep it low enough that it doesn't really do much.

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1. MW in California is $10.50 (1/17). My entry level do not make twice the MW. How did you came up that formula? Level entry of $16+ an hour is for the first 3 to 6 months before probationary period.
The MW hike do not expect to get any more bumps after $15.

2. There are tons of companies all over US that pays $14 as a start right now with little or no experience.
Seattle started this MW hike 2 1/2 years ago. Where are the ripple effects? Is Seattle collapsing? Are restaurants closing filing bankruptcies?
So why force all companies, Mom & Pop diners and any other business to pay minimum wage?

If a mom and pop DINERS survived today giving his/her employees a little raise should not have a problem making it up.

If a mom and pop SHOP survived paying them more that the MW already should not have a problem surviving today.

What made you think I'm forcing any companies?
Sure, $2. We're talking about doubling it, a move that would directly impact over half the workforce.

From anti MW hike this is their agenda but in reality a $2. increased is not difficult to recover from places like McDonald's, Red lobster, Olive Garden etc.
All I've been asking is show a proof where a city or restaurant that closes because of this MW hike. So far I have not heard a single story.
Anti MW and business owners like you to believe that we will collapse.

ALL business owners like me don't like this MW mandate but in my case there are no such thing in medical instrumentation business pay MW. Most or all start at lowest entry level at $16+ hour.

1. Think about that for a moment. Right now your entry level people earn twice the MW. What do you think will happen when they only earn $1/hour more than MW? Are they going to go through the education hurdles and requirements to take your jobs when they can get almost the same pay with little or no requirements? Or are you going to again double the MW and pay entry level people $30/hour?

2. These are things that need to be considered. 60+% of the American work force earns $20/hour or less. Bump the MW to $15/hour and you cause huge ripple effects. The only way a MW works is if you keep it low enough that it doesn't really do much.

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1. MW in California is $10.50 (1/17). My entry level do not make twice the MW. How did you came up that formula? Level entry of $16+ an hour is for the first 3 to 6 months before probationary period.
The MW hike do not expect to get any more bumps after $15.

2. There are tons of companies all over US that pays $14 as a start right now with little or no experience.
Seattle started this MW hike 2 1/2 years ago. Where are the ripple effects? Is Seattle collapsing? Are restaurants closing filing bankruptcies?
So why force all companies, Mom & Pop diners and any other business to pay minimum wage?

If a mom and pop DINERS survived today giving his/her employees a little raise should not have a problem making it up.

If a mom and pop SHOP survived paying them more that the MW already should not have a problem surviving today.

What made you think I'm forcing any companies?
1) Because you have no problem mandating MW for mom & pop businesses.

2) Because you support mandating across the board MW.
...Do yo have a problem with that?...
Just so we're clear, when someone points out that you are W-R-O-N-G, you have a major problem with that? Interesting.

No I do not have a problem at all. I already explain to you once where I think is Mustang Ranch then you doubled down.
Then you tripled down.

So what do you want from me?
Nothing. I'm simply interested in your reaction to being confronted with the truth.
'Most restaurants work off a 3.6% profit margin.'

Not including;

-The owners payroll.
-The owners families payroll.
-The company car (s).
-The owners girlfriend/Sugar Baby.
-The owners vacation property.

Much, much, more than 3.6%

We are talking about MW hike not starting a business.
If a restaurants been operating and obviously making money after years of operations ------- those items you mentioned was well established inside profits long time ago before the MW hikes.
The sample I gave 12 employees, $2 MW hike each, minimum of 35 customers, spend minimum of $5.50 each higher from the old menu------ It is not that difficult to recoup $192/day.

Let say a taco stand with 5 full time employees giving them $2. each MW hike = $80 It is not difficult for a taco stand to recoup $80.
Sure, $2. We're talking about doubling it, a move that would directly impact over half the workforce.

From anti MW hike this is their agenda but in reality a $2. increased is not difficult to recover from places like McDonald's, Red lobster, Olive Garden etc.
All I've been asking is show a proof where a city or restaurant that closes because of this MW hike. So far I have not heard a single story.
Anti MW and business owners like you to believe that we will collapse.

ALL business owners like me don't like this MW mandate but in my case there are no such thing in medical instrumentation business pay MW. Most or all start at lowest entry level at $16+ hour.

1. Think about that for a moment. Right now your entry level people earn twice the MW. What do you think will happen when they only earn $1/hour more than MW? Are they going to go through the education hurdles and requirements to take your jobs when they can get almost the same pay with little or no requirements? Or are you going to again double the MW and pay entry level people $30/hour?

2. These are things that need to be considered. 60+% of the American work force earns $20/hour or less. Bump the MW to $15/hour and you cause huge ripple effects. The only way a MW works is if you keep it low enough that it doesn't really do much.

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1. MW in California is $10.50 (1/17). My entry level do not make twice the MW. How did you came up that formula? Level entry of $16+ an hour is for the first 3 to 6 months before probationary period.
The MW hike do not expect to get any more bumps after $15.

The national MW is $7.25. Raising it to $15/hr doubles that. What will you do when your entry levels no longer make a good bit more than MW?

2. There are tons of companies all over US that pays $14 as a start right now with little or no experience.
Seattle started this MW hike 2 1/2 years ago. Where are the ripple effects? Is Seattle collapsing? Are restaurants closing filing bankruptcies?
Yes, many are. The point, though, is that over half the workforce makes $20/hour or less. Jack the MW to $15/hour and all of those will be impacted or will demand a raise. That's your ripple effect.
We are talking about MW hike not starting a business.
If a restaurants been operating and obviously making money after years of operations ------- those items you mentioned was well established inside profits long time ago before the MW hikes.
The sample I gave 12 employees, $2 MW hike each, minimum of 35 customers, spend minimum of $5.50 each higher from the old menu------ It is not that difficult to recoup $192/day.

Let say a taco stand with 5 full time employees giving them $2. each MW hike = $80 It is not difficult for a taco stand to recoup $80.
Sure, $2. We're talking about doubling it, a move that would directly impact over half the workforce.

From anti MW hike this is their agenda but in reality a $2. increased is not difficult to recover from places like McDonald's, Red lobster, Olive Garden etc.
All I've been asking is show a proof where a city or restaurant that closes because of this MW hike. So far I have not heard a single story.
Anti MW and business owners like you to believe that we will collapse.

ALL business owners like me don't like this MW mandate but in my case there are no such thing in medical instrumentation business pay MW. Most or all start at lowest entry level at $16+ hour.

1. Think about that for a moment. Right now your entry level people earn twice the MW. What do you think will happen when they only earn $1/hour more than MW? Are they going to go through the education hurdles and requirements to take your jobs when they can get almost the same pay with little or no requirements? Or are you going to again double the MW and pay entry level people $30/hour?

2. These are things that need to be considered. 60+% of the American work force earns $20/hour or less. Bump the MW to $15/hour and you cause huge ripple effects. The only way a MW works is if you keep it low enough that it doesn't really do much.

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1. MW in California is $10.50 (1/17). My entry level do not make twice the MW. How did you came up that formula? Level entry of $16+ an hour is for the first 3 to 6 months before probationary period.
The MW hike do not expect to get any more bumps after $15.

1.A The national MW is $7.25. Raising it to $15/hr doubles that. What will you do when your entry levels no longer make a good bit more than MW?

2. There are tons of companies all over US that pays $14 as a start right now with little or no experience.
Seattle started this MW hike 2 1/2 years ago. Where are the ripple effects? Is Seattle collapsing? Are restaurants closing filing bankruptcies?
2.A. Yes, many are. The point, though, is that over half the workforce makes $20/hour or less. Jack the MW to $15/hour and all of those will be impacted or will demand a raise. That's your ripple effect.

1.A. See picture which states pay higher than $7.25. For 2017 only 22 cities raised the MW. I do not expect MW will rise above $15. after 8 to 10 years. Our level entry of $16+ are not based from MW but the average in our industry in order to be competitive. With the current unemployment rate of 4.7 ( May 2017) here in Ca continue to get impressively better I expect this will go up pass $17/hour by end of 2017.


2.A. Not exactly. So far we have not seen that in Seattle or San Francisco. I need to see the evidence of such catastrophic ripple effects.
As far as I know the biggest culprit are the unreasonable increases of building or unit leases and low unemployment. I was in the Bay Area Jun 1 to June 5 watched the NBA finals game 1 and 2 between Golden State and Cavs. I visited some of my friends that are also business owners -------- the biggest complaints ----- ridiculous increases of rental space.

Why are Bay Area restaurants closing?

Upward of 60 restaurants around the Bay Area have closed since the start of September alone, with many citing difficulties like the cost of finding and keeping good employees, rising rents, new requirements for providing health care and sick leave, and doing it all while competing with the slew of new dining options.
Confronted with the truth?

Obviously you do have a problem. Did I lied to you or something?
I truthfully and honestly told where I think Mustang Ranch is located. Nothing more or less.
So what is your problem?
California claims that high prices on the state are the measure of their success. They sure know how to spin it.

California also has over 21% of all homeless in US, second is New York with 15%.

California does have the highest poverty rate when you factor in cost-of-living, otherwise California has average poverty rate.

The simple fact that we have poverty tells me that employers don't pay enough.

Forcing employers by law to pay higher wages just create more poverty.

Kick out all the illegal chap labor and employers will compete for remaining legal labor by increasing wages.

Let the free market work.
Low pay creates poverty.

You're debating with a guy that firmly believes that if an employer knowingly hires an illegal worker, that employer should loose his/her business and his/her freedom for a few years.

FYI; Employers will not increase wages unless they are made. Conservatives have marketed very hard for the market price concept, like the fresh catch of the day. IMO, it's morally corrupt.

Hate to tell you but there is no free market. Never has been, never will be.

The best way to increase the pay is to let free market works.

It might be too hard and confusing for you to get the picture at first, but If you force employer to pay higher wages, the employer will just hire less and shift duties to existing workers by increasing their productivity or switch to automation. If you didn't notice, that's happening for a while now.

What happens to those who don't get hired because of government mandated wages? They go back to government support, thus more poverty is created. Who knows, maybe that's why lefties are doing it...

There is no free market. Never has been. It's a Libertarian fantasy.

What fantasy you're rooting for, a communism?
Only if it was all that simple, however it doesn't work that way. Depending on the size of a business 70K can be a lot or a little. An increase from $25K a month to 30K is a $60K a year increase, which is less than your claimed peanuts of $70K. So I think your numbers in others items of business are way off.

Hello papag. I have not seen you for a while.
My numbers was just an example how a restaurant can easily recover $192 MW a day increase = 70k/year. From my example---- if a couple spend minimum ( that is minimum ) of $11 ($5.50/person) higher from previous menus.
Let say say ONLY 35 customers ate in that restaurant for the whole day during lunch and diner= $192.50.
If that same restaurant had 80 to 120+ customers in one day. Piece of cake.

1. Been around, I hope things are going well for you. How do you drive an extra 40 to 70 customers a day?

2. The average profit margin of a restaurant is 3.6% to make up $192.50 in costs a restaurant needs to generate over $5300 a day in revenue to maintain the slim 3.6% in profit.
3. If you increase customers you will increase food costs, you increase labor, water, sewer, lights and so on. So a business owner would need to look at the impact of a wage increase and find ways to off set the expense. The ways to do that are limited. Increase menu prices, look at the restaurant hours and cut back on slow business hours, layoff workers and short staff, get lower quality food, cut back on portions, there are other ways but those are most of them. Most small businesses don't have a lot of areas to cut back.

1. Health and business been good can't complain. Just returned from a summer Hawaiian vacation with my entire clan for 8 days.

2. The 35 number of customers I gave for lunch and dinners is the minimum. There are no such restaurants that only have 35 customers for lunch and dinners. Otherwise they are not in business to begin with. I gave a minimum $5.50 per person increase from old menu x 35 customers to cover $192. They do these all the time. That kind of increase will not result in lay off, cut back hours, short staff or lower quality food. Otherwise all famous and big restaurants are closed a long time ago.
There are tons of small businesses here that are operational and successful. They do give raises to their current employees, a lot of them are making over $16/hour. I do not expect a lot or any business that will close because of MW hike. If business is good business will survive----- If business is sucks like food you don't expect to survive.

My favorite taco stand here in San Diego normally cost me $3.15 for one taco asada. I know the owner for many years. She increased the price of taco asada to $3.65 and so the rest of the menu across the board including soda effective last June 5. Not sure what and how much she increases across the board
I ate 4 taco asada today no soda ( too much sugar) just water. That is when I asked her ------ Why is the increase? She said MW increase amigo and the place was packed as always.
With low unemployment rate businesses are force to hire the rejects and higher rates than $12.

Glad you had a great vacation, we just did a drive from Mt. Rushmore, Devils Tower and Yellowstone, this fall we are taking a cruise.

I'm just saying that additional costs are not simply offset by raising prices. If a business has an increase of costs by $192, the offset has to be a lot more than $192. The actual cost is not $192, however it is closer to $5000, otherwise the profit margin goes down. Most restaurants work off a 3.6% profit margin. To produce more food, you would have to buy more food, use more electric, clean more dishes etc, etc. so it always isn't easy to do. You do have to raise food prices but it isn't the only way you can recoup a labor increase.

'Most restaurants work off a 3.6% profit margin.'

Not including;

-The owners payroll.
-The owners families payroll.
-The company car (s).
-The owners girlfriend/Sugar Baby.
-The owners vacation property.

Much, much, more than 3.6%

The first three are not part of profit margin.
Last two are part of the first one.

Therefore PG is right.
Lots of rich dems and lots of them are writing those laws too. And taking advantage of them. Smart business owners don't work hard? You come here every day and prove how stupid you are then pretend to be a business owner. People aren't as dumb as you seem to think.

Who believes you're a business owner? I'd like to see someone say so.

Which Democrats are those?

No, smart business owners don't work hard.

I don't come here everyday. I usually post when I travel because it's boring.

The middle class are dumb, they continue to vote for Republicans.
You're a bigot. Your definition of smart and dumb differ from mine. Your traveling salesman job doesn't qualify as a business owner. No successful owner would trash such a large segment of the population.

How is pointing out and proving that if you're middle class voting Republican is voting against your own best interest 'bigoted?'

Your proof is lacking.

Since 1970, name one Republican sponsored bill that helped the middle class without giving a huge boost to the rich.

Depends on what you define "huge boost" is.
What is it with these f*cking nasty @$$ Republicans anyway. They want to take away people's healthcare, take away their food stamps and make them work for slave wages. The one thing that could get them out of that cycle is education and they don't want people to have that either.

They are just mean people. They want Americans to suffer. What made them that way? That rotten?
Your proof is lacking.

Since 1970, name one Republican sponsored bill that helped the middle class without giving a huge boost to the rich.

Why would you ignore bills that help the middle class and the rich?

Non-answer for there aren't any.

Reagan's tax cuts helped the rich and the middle class.

Reagan's tax cuts helped the rich, the middle class paid for. Trickle down sound failure?

Who, percentually, got larger tax cut, middle class or rich?
What is it with these f*cking nasty @$$ Republicans anyway. They want to take away people's healthcare, take away their food stamps and make them work for slave wages. The one thing that could get them out of that cycle is education and they don't want people to have that either.

They are just mean people. They want Americans to suffer. What made them that way? That rotten?

The one thing that could get them out of that cycle is education

They have education. Of course the Dems fucked that all up.
Sure, $2. We're talking about doubling it, a move that would directly impact over half the workforce.

From anti MW hike this is their agenda but in reality a $2. increased is not difficult to recover from places like McDonald's, Red lobster, Olive Garden etc.
All I've been asking is show a proof where a city or restaurant that closes because of this MW hike. So far I have not heard a single story.
Anti MW and business owners like you to believe that we will collapse.

ALL business owners like me don't like this MW mandate but in my case there are no such thing in medical instrumentation business pay MW. Most or all start at lowest entry level at $16+ hour.

1. Think about that for a moment. Right now your entry level people earn twice the MW. What do you think will happen when they only earn $1/hour more than MW? Are they going to go through the education hurdles and requirements to take your jobs when they can get almost the same pay with little or no requirements? Or are you going to again double the MW and pay entry level people $30/hour?

2. These are things that need to be considered. 60+% of the American work force earns $20/hour or less. Bump the MW to $15/hour and you cause huge ripple effects. The only way a MW works is if you keep it low enough that it doesn't really do much.

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1. MW in California is $10.50 (1/17). My entry level do not make twice the MW. How did you came up that formula? Level entry of $16+ an hour is for the first 3 to 6 months before probationary period.
The MW hike do not expect to get any more bumps after $15.

1.A The national MW is $7.25. Raising it to $15/hr doubles that. What will you do when your entry levels no longer make a good bit more than MW?

2. There are tons of companies all over US that pays $14 as a start right now with little or no experience.
Seattle started this MW hike 2 1/2 years ago. Where are the ripple effects? Is Seattle collapsing? Are restaurants closing filing bankruptcies?
2.A. Yes, many are. The point, though, is that over half the workforce makes $20/hour or less. Jack the MW to $15/hour and all of those will be impacted or will demand a raise. That's your ripple effect.

1.A. See picture which states pay higher than $7.25. For 2017 only 22 cities raised the MW. I do not expect MW will rise above $15. after 8 to 10 years. Our level entry of $16+ are not based from MW but the average in our industry in order to be competitive. With the current unemployment rate of 4.7 ( May 2017) here in Ca continue to get impressively better I expect this will go up pass $17/hour by end of 2017.

View attachment 138117

2.A. Not exactly. So far we have not seen that in Seattle or San Francisco. I need to see the evidence of such catastrophic ripple effects.
As far as I know the biggest culprit are the unreasonable increases of building or unit leases and low unemployment. I was in the Bay Area Jun 1 to June 5 watched the NBA finals game 1 and 2 between Golden State and Cavs. I visited some of my friends that are also business owners -------- the biggest complaints ----- ridiculous increases of rental space.

Why are Bay Area restaurants closing?

Upward of 60 restaurants around the Bay Area have closed since the start of September alone, with many citing difficulties like the cost of finding and keeping good employees, rising rents, new requirements for providing health care and sick leave, and doing it all while competing with the slew of new dining options.

According to your linked article, it seems finding good employees is the biggest issue for most restaurants.
From anti MW hike this is their agenda but in reality a $2. increased is not difficult to recover from places like McDonald's, Red lobster, Olive Garden etc.
All I've been asking is show a proof where a city or restaurant that closes because of this MW hike. So far I have not heard a single story.
Anti MW and business owners like you to believe that we will collapse.

ALL business owners like me don't like this MW mandate but in my case there are no such thing in medical instrumentation business pay MW. Most or all start at lowest entry level at $16+ hour.

1. Think about that for a moment. Right now your entry level people earn twice the MW. What do you think will happen when they only earn $1/hour more than MW? Are they going to go through the education hurdles and requirements to take your jobs when they can get almost the same pay with little or no requirements? Or are you going to again double the MW and pay entry level people $30/hour?

2. These are things that need to be considered. 60+% of the American work force earns $20/hour or less. Bump the MW to $15/hour and you cause huge ripple effects. The only way a MW works is if you keep it low enough that it doesn't really do much.

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1. MW in California is $10.50 (1/17). My entry level do not make twice the MW. How did you came up that formula? Level entry of $16+ an hour is for the first 3 to 6 months before probationary period.
The MW hike do not expect to get any more bumps after $15.

1.A The national MW is $7.25. Raising it to $15/hr doubles that. What will you do when your entry levels no longer make a good bit more than MW?

2. There are tons of companies all over US that pays $14 as a start right now with little or no experience.
Seattle started this MW hike 2 1/2 years ago. Where are the ripple effects? Is Seattle collapsing? Are restaurants closing filing bankruptcies?
2.A. Yes, many are. The point, though, is that over half the workforce makes $20/hour or less. Jack the MW to $15/hour and all of those will be impacted or will demand a raise. That's your ripple effect.

1.A. See picture which states pay higher than $7.25. For 2017 only 22 cities raised the MW. I do not expect MW will rise above $15. after 8 to 10 years. Our level entry of $16+ are not based from MW but the average in our industry in order to be competitive. With the current unemployment rate of 4.7 ( May 2017) here in Ca continue to get impressively better I expect this will go up pass $17/hour by end of 2017.

View attachment 138117

2.A. Not exactly. So far we have not seen that in Seattle or San Francisco. I need to see the evidence of such catastrophic ripple effects.
As far as I know the biggest culprit are the unreasonable increases of building or unit leases and low unemployment. I was in the Bay Area Jun 1 to June 5 watched the NBA finals game 1 and 2 between Golden State and Cavs. I visited some of my friends that are also business owners -------- the biggest complaints ----- ridiculous increases of rental space.

Why are Bay Area restaurants closing?

Upward of 60 restaurants around the Bay Area have closed since the start of September alone, with many citing difficulties like the cost of finding and keeping good employees, rising rents, new requirements for providing health care and sick leave, and doing it all while competing with the slew of new dining options.

According to your linked article, it seems finding good employees is the biggest issue for most restaurants.

That's biggest issue for every employer, second biggest is how to keep them when you find them.

Henry Ford solved both issues by giving conditional bonuses.

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