Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

What is it with these f*cking nasty @$$ Republicans anyway. They want to take away people's healthcare, take away their food stamps and make them work for slave wages. The one thing that could get them out of that cycle is education and they don't want people to have that either.

They are just mean people. They want Americans to suffer. What made them that way? That rotten?

1. The one thing that could get them out of that cycle is education [/B]

2. They have education. Of course the Dems fucked that all up.

1. True but ------- what happened to my fellow Americans that are in the late 40s to to 80s to ------- in millions and millions that are poor with no education that are still alive?
These are the people that voted for Trump hoping for a savior.
Now they are cutting the food stamps and health care, closing clinics and hospitals for the poor. This will not MAKE AMERICA GREAT.
2. Never heard.
From anti MW hike this is their agenda but in reality a $2. increased is not difficult to recover from places like McDonald's, Red lobster, Olive Garden etc.
All I've been asking is show a proof where a city or restaurant that closes because of this MW hike. So far I have not heard a single story.
Anti MW and business owners like you to believe that we will collapse.

ALL business owners like me don't like this MW mandate but in my case there are no such thing in medical instrumentation business pay MW. Most or all start at lowest entry level at $16+ hour.

1. Think about that for a moment. Right now your entry level people earn twice the MW. What do you think will happen when they only earn $1/hour more than MW? Are they going to go through the education hurdles and requirements to take your jobs when they can get almost the same pay with little or no requirements? Or are you going to again double the MW and pay entry level people $30/hour?

2. These are things that need to be considered. 60+% of the American work force earns $20/hour or less. Bump the MW to $15/hour and you cause huge ripple effects. The only way a MW works is if you keep it low enough that it doesn't really do much.

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1. MW in California is $10.50 (1/17). My entry level do not make twice the MW. How did you came up that formula? Level entry of $16+ an hour is for the first 3 to 6 months before probationary period.
The MW hike do not expect to get any more bumps after $15.

1.A The national MW is $7.25. Raising it to $15/hr doubles that. What will you do when your entry levels no longer make a good bit more than MW?

2. There are tons of companies all over US that pays $14 as a start right now with little or no experience.
Seattle started this MW hike 2 1/2 years ago. Where are the ripple effects? Is Seattle collapsing? Are restaurants closing filing bankruptcies?
2.A. Yes, many are. The point, though, is that over half the workforce makes $20/hour or less. Jack the MW to $15/hour and all of those will be impacted or will demand a raise. That's your ripple effect.

1.A. See picture which states pay higher than $7.25. For 2017 only 22 cities raised the MW. I do not expect MW will rise above $15. after 8 to 10 years. Our level entry of $16+ are not based from MW but the average in our industry in order to be competitive. With the current unemployment rate of 4.7 ( May 2017) here in Ca continue to get impressively better I expect this will go up pass $17/hour by end of 2017.

View attachment 138117

2.A. Not exactly. So far we have not seen that in Seattle or San Francisco. I need to see the evidence of such catastrophic ripple effects.
As far as I know the biggest culprit are the unreasonable increases of building or unit leases and low unemployment. I was in the Bay Area Jun 1 to June 5 watched the NBA finals game 1 and 2 between Golden State and Cavs. I visited some of my friends that are also business owners -------- the biggest complaints ----- ridiculous increases of rental space.

Why are Bay Area restaurants closing?

Upward of 60 restaurants around the Bay Area have closed since the start of September alone, with many citing difficulties like the cost of finding and keeping good employees, rising rents, new requirements for providing health care and sick leave, and doing it all while competing with the slew of new dining options.

According to your linked article, it seems finding good employees is the biggest issue for most restaurants.

From the link yes but as far as I knew from my friends the biggest culprits is the rental. These people had been in business and successful for many years so they already have good employees and pays them competitively.
Suddenly the next lease contract goes upward from $5,000 to $25,000 per month depending the size of the unit or the building.
What is it with these f*cking nasty @$$ Republicans anyway. They want to take away people's healthcare, take away their food stamps and make them work for slave wages. The one thing that could get them out of that cycle is education and they don't want people to have that either.

They are just mean people. They want Americans to suffer. What made them that way? That rotten?

1. The one thing that could get them out of that cycle is education [/B]

2. They have education. Of course the Dems fucked that all up.

1. True but ------- what happened to my fellow Americans that are in the late 40s to to 80s to ------- in millions and millions that are poor with no education that are still alive?
These are the people that voted for Trump hoping for a savior.
Now they are cutting the food stamps and health care, closing clinics and hospitals for the poor. This will not MAKE AMERICA GREAT.
2. Never heard.

How many of those poor with no education who voted for Trump died of starvation since the elections?
What is it with these f*cking nasty @$$ Republicans anyway. They want to take away people's healthcare, take away their food stamps and make them work for slave wages. The one thing that could get them out of that cycle is education and they don't want people to have that either.

They are just mean people. They want Americans to suffer. What made them that way? That rotten?

1. The one thing that could get them out of that cycle is education [/B]

2. They have education. Of course the Dems fucked that all up.

1. True but ------- what happened to my fellow Americans that are in the late 40s to to 80s to ------- in millions and millions that are poor with no education that are still alive?
These are the people that voted for Trump hoping for a savior.
Now they are cutting the food stamps and health care, closing clinics and hospitals for the poor. This will not MAKE AMERICA GREAT.
2. Never heard.
I don't think Trump ever said he was going to make America great again with food stamp welfare!!!
What is it with these f*cking nasty @$$ Republicans anyway. They want to take away people's healthcare, take away their food stamps and make them work for slave wages. The one thing that could get them out of that cycle is education and they don't want people to have that either.

They are just mean people. They want Americans to suffer. What made them that way? That rotten?

1. The one thing that could get them out of that cycle is education [/B]

2. They have education. Of course the Dems fucked that all up.

1. True but ------- what happened to my fellow Americans that are in the late 40s to to 80s to ------- in millions and millions that are poor with no education that are still alive?
These are the people that voted for Trump hoping for a savior.
Now they are cutting the food stamps and health care, closing clinics and hospitals for the poor. This will not MAKE AMERICA GREAT.
2. Never heard.

How many of those poor with no education who voted for Trump died of starvation since the elections?

Cut off the food and health care. Its coming.
What purpose do you believe you serve in posting over TEN-YEAR-OLD information?

Umm,, the age of the information has no bearing on what the information shows. And the information shows that the only thing keeping Bush's economy afloat was debt.

What do you think this chart means?


Typical of Progressives, when all the facts are against them, you either change the subject as you have done here or you OR Progressives scream RACISM!
What was attached to the welfare reform act? Also, how did that help the working class?

Millions of people came off the welfare rolls or off the tax recipient rolls and onto the payrolls or tax payer rolls.

Highly successful until petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama passed the failed Stimulus Plan doing away with the requirement to work for welfare benefits. It's really quite simple, go to Bing and enter "1996 welfare reform act".
Another non-answer.

I'll bet the 'ridiculous taxes' started in the early 70's when payroll fell behind cost of living.

I get started to get bored of this, we all saw it coming that imports we're going to over take exports in the 1980s and it did , you always want to deny the world didn't catch up after WWIi and they finnaly did.

It happened in the early 1980s

Nixon opened the door and Reagan put us in the world economy.
Nixon opened the door to China. We already were in the world economy since WWII. As Bear stated, what happened was the world caught up to us. Europe was a great economy but they were shattered by WWII. It took decades for Germany to catch back up. Remember when "made in Japan" meant it was cheap junk? Then they caught up with Sony and others. Remember when "made in Korea" was cheap junk? "GoldStar" VCRs? Now they are world-class electronic and auto manufacturers.

Fareed Zakaria's "the Post-American World" is a great book on this very subject. We haven't fallen behind as much as the world as caught up to us. Our problem is a government system which spends too much and taxes too little; hence our huge debt and deficit. That isn't the "world's" problem, it's ours.

We had an international exchange of goods and services from WWII to Nixon? How so and what products/services?
Wow. So you claim to be a "One Percenter" but you don't know the history of the United States economy? Interesting.

Maybe pictures will help you:


Do you understand that, given the same tax rate, as the economy improves, the Federal tax rate goes up?


Now compare the chart above to this one:

Please account for the differences in the graphs.

Might mean something IF you did not leave out the entire term of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama.
I get started to get bored of this, we all saw it coming that imports we're going to over take exports in the 1980s and it did , you always want to deny the world didn't catch up after WWIi and they finnaly did.

It happened in the early 1980s

Nixon opened the door and Reagan put us in the world economy.
Nixon opened the door to China. We already were in the world economy since WWII. As Bear stated, what happened was the world caught up to us. Europe was a great economy but they were shattered by WWII. It took decades for Germany to catch back up. Remember when "made in Japan" meant it was cheap junk? Then they caught up with Sony and others. Remember when "made in Korea" was cheap junk? "GoldStar" VCRs? Now they are world-class electronic and auto manufacturers.

Fareed Zakaria's "the Post-American World" is a great book on this very subject. We haven't fallen behind as much as the world as caught up to us. Our problem is a government system which spends too much and taxes too little; hence our huge debt and deficit. That isn't the "world's" problem, it's ours.

We had an international exchange of goods and services from WWII to Nixon? How so and what products/services?
Wow. So you claim to be a "One Percenter" but you don't know the history of the United States economy? Interesting.

Maybe pictures will help you:


Do you understand that, given the same tax rate, as the economy improves, the Federal tax rate goes up?


Now compare the chart above to this one:

Please account for the differences in the graphs.

Might mean something IF you did not leave out the entire term of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama.
Those were the best charts I could find at the time. Feel free to provide more current ones.
What is it with these f*cking nasty @$$ Republicans anyway. They want to take away people's healthcare, take away their food stamps and make them work for slave wages. The one thing that could get them out of that cycle is education and they don't want people to have that either.

They are just mean people. They want Americans to suffer. What made them that way? That rotten?

1. The one thing that could get them out of that cycle is education [/B]

2. They have education. Of course the Dems fucked that all up.

1. True but ------- what happened to my fellow Americans that are in the late 40s to to 80s to ------- in millions and millions that are poor with no education that are still alive?
These are the people that voted for Trump hoping for a savior.
Now they are cutting the food stamps and health care, closing clinics and hospitals for the poor. This will not MAKE AMERICA GREAT.
2. Never heard.

How many of those poor with no education who voted for Trump died of starvation since the elections?

Cut off the food and health care. Its coming.
Soylent Green and euthanasia centers would do a lot to help alleviate those problems.

What if we offered a bonus of $100,000 to the families of every person who volunteered for a ride through a euthanasia center? Would the nation save money or lose money?
Those were the best charts I could find at the time. Feel free to provide more current ones.

Not my responsibility. You used charts which have nothing to do with today's economy. Totally irrelevant.
Those were the best charts I could find at the time. Feel free to provide more current ones.

Not my responsibility. You used charts which have nothing to do with today's economy. Totally irrelevant.
Disagreed. By your logic WWII and the Korean War have nothing to do with today. History and historical trends have relevance. Although it would be better to have current charts, to say those charts have nothing to do with today and are totally irrelevant is flat out wrong.
What is it with these f*cking nasty @$$ Republicans anyway. They want to take away people's healthcare, take away their food stamps and make them work for slave wages. The one thing that could get them out of that cycle is education and they don't want people to have that either.

They are just mean people. They want Americans to suffer. What made them that way? That rotten?

1. The one thing that could get them out of that cycle is education [/B]

2. They have education. Of course the Dems fucked that all up.

1. True but ------- what happened to my fellow Americans that are in the late 40s to to 80s to ------- in millions and millions that are poor with no education that are still alive?
These are the people that voted for Trump hoping for a savior.
Now they are cutting the food stamps and health care, closing clinics and hospitals for the poor. This will not MAKE AMERICA GREAT.
2. Never heard.

How many of those poor with no education who voted for Trump died of starvation since the elections?

Cut off the food and health care. Its coming.
Soylent Green and euthanasia centers would do a lot to help alleviate those problems.

What if we offered a bonus of $100,000 to the families of every person who volunteered for a ride through a euthanasia center? Would the nation save money or lose money?

Excellent idea. Offer that to poor Americans that voted for Trump.
1. The one thing that could get them out of that cycle is education [/B]

2. They have education. Of course the Dems fucked that all up.

1. True but ------- what happened to my fellow Americans that are in the late 40s to to 80s to ------- in millions and millions that are poor with no education that are still alive?
These are the people that voted for Trump hoping for a savior.
Now they are cutting the food stamps and health care, closing clinics and hospitals for the poor. This will not MAKE AMERICA GREAT.
2. Never heard.

How many of those poor with no education who voted for Trump died of starvation since the elections?

Cut off the food and health care. Its coming.
Soylent Green and euthanasia centers would do a lot to help alleviate those problems.

What if we offered a bonus of $100,000 to the families of every person who volunteered for a ride through a euthanasia center? Would the nation save money or lose money?

Excellent idea. Offer that to poor Americans that voted for Trump.
It's coming because both the Republicans and Democrats are dominated by authoritarians who only listen to special interests.
Typical of Progressives, when all the facts are against them, you either change the subject as you have done here or you OR Progressives scream RACISM!

What facts are against me? The facts I posted were historical from Bush's terrible years. Terrible years that were a result of Conservative policies that never work as promised.
Show us the recent, reliable source and their links. Thank you.

I provided you with them already. Multiple times. You screeched that because the historical info was, you know, historical. So I don't know what you want because you don't even know what you want.
Millions of people came off the welfare rolls or off the tax recipient rolls and onto the payrolls or tax payer rolls.

All welfare reform accomplished was a backdoor to give red states the ability to use welfare to plug the deficits created by their stupid tax policies.

Highly successful until petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama passed the failed Stimulus Plan doing away with the requirement to work for welfare benefits. It's really quite simple, go to Bing and enter "1996 welfare reform act".

First of all, you fucking idiot, Obama didn't do away with anything. What Obama did was give the states the option to craft their own work requirements. And every single Red State governor supported that because it turned more power over to the states, which is what you fucking idiots want, isn't it?
Might mean something IF you did not leave out the entire term of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama.

Obama has no bearing on the historical info of what happened before he was President, you fucking moron. You realize that time is linear, right?

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