Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

Not to worry, cellblock, you can always find work in your career as fast food server.

The fact of the matter remains that the customer will pay more in order to help the fast food server earn more.
/---- I'm retired, a published author with ever increasing royalty payments, rental property owner, Continuing Education instructor, work part time for the Board of Elections and a short term option trader. I have no plans on working at a fast food restaurant unless I open one up. I won't because I'd have to hire bone head millenniums with useless college majors like Woman Studies and try to motivate them to show up and put in a days work. No thank you.
If you are retired, why are you still working?
/---- Retired from full time work. Retired doesn't mean you sit around all day doing nothing. I'm now doing things I never had time to do when putting in 50 hours a week.Sorry I forgot you went to public school. In the future I'll dumb things down for you.
What does public school have to do with your inability to decipher what is retired and what is semi-retired with a bitch boi attitude?
/---- Oh give me a break. Retired / Semi Retired? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA To quote your personal hero: "What difference at this point - what difference does it make?" BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
So you assume something that is not true, again, such a writer as yourself could write a Chilton's auto repair manual...
Not to worry, cellblock, you can always find work in your career as fast food server.

The fact of the matter remains that the customer will pay more in order to help the fast food server earn more.
/---- I'm retired, a published author with ever increasing royalty payments, rental property owner, Continuing Education instructor, work part time for the Board of Elections and a short term option trader. I have no plans on working at a fast food restaurant unless I open one up. I won't because I'd have to hire bone head millenniums with useless college majors like Woman Studies and try to motivate them to show up and put in a days
work. No thank you.
Of course you are. Then you don't mind paying more for fast food, if you eat it.
/--- I live in the epicurean center of the world - New York. There are so many great restaurant choices I haven't eaten fast food since the 1970s when it was all I could afford while putting myself through college. BTW I earned minimum wage as a teenager with no job skills or experience. Once I built up my resume I moved on to better paying jobs. Why can't you Libtards do the same thing?
This libtard did the same, so you was a writer of ignorance and biased myopic tendencies? Because that is all we see you writing...
/---- "so you was a writer" Got Public School??? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
so you was a writer
so you was a writer
so you was a writer
so you was a writer
so you was a writer
And you can't see to put out one unbiased factual statement...So? You don't like filler words....The whole world is not you...
Arizona's minimum wage is 10 bucks an hour, which makes it equal to the minimum wage in 1968, adjusted for inflation. Did restaurants back then need to denigrate their workers by putting a 'labor surcharge' on the bill?
/---- Any clue as to the reason for low minimum wages?
Not to worry, cellblock, you can always find work in your career as fast food server.

The fact of the matter remains that the customer will pay more in order to help the fast food server earn more.
/---- I'm retired, a published author with ever increasing royalty payments, rental property owner, Continuing Education instructor, work part time for the Board of Elections and a short term option trader. I have no plans on working at a fast food restaurant unless I open one up. I won't because I'd have to hire bone head millenniums with useless college majors like Woman Studies and try to motivate them to show up and put in a days work. No thank you.
If you are retired, why are you still working?
/---- Retired from full time work. Retired doesn't mean you sit around all day doing nothing. I'm now doing things I never had time to do when putting in 50 hours a week.Sorry I forgot you went to public school. In the future I'll dumb things down for you.

Jeez you talk like you're the first last and only person ever to have had a job.
Super ego arrogance conflicts with a logical bias based on linguistic patterns..Compared to 1974, min. wage is not that low...
Not to worry, cellblock, you can always find work in your career as fast food server.

The fact of the matter remains that the customer will pay more in order to help the fast food server earn more.
/---- I'm retired, a published author with ever increasing royalty payments, rental property owner, Continuing Education instructor, work part time for the Board of Elections and a short term option trader. I have no plans on working at a fast food restaurant unless I open one up. I won't because I'd have to hire bone head millenniums with useless college majors like Woman Studies and try to motivate them to show up and put in a days work. No thank you.
Sounds like you Republicans have changed all of the sudden. You talked so nicely to get those unemployed people to vote for your side. You said you'd bring good jobs back so they could find work.

Now you're talking like 2007 Republicans who said if you weren't working you're a loser and its your fault. Welcome back. I knew you didn't have a lot of respect for American workers.
/---- I'm retired, a published author with ever increasing royalty payments, rental property owner, Continuing Education instructor, work part time for the Board of Elections and a short term option trader. I have no plans on working at a fast food restaurant unless I open one up. I won't because I'd have to hire bone head millenniums with useless college majors like Woman Studies and try to motivate them to show up and put in a days work. No thank you.
If you are retired, why are you still working?
/---- Retired from full time work. Retired doesn't mean you sit around all day doing nothing. I'm now doing things I never had time to do when putting in 50 hours a week.Sorry I forgot you went to public school. In the future I'll dumb things down for you.
What does public school have to do with your inability to decipher what is retired and what is semi-retired with a bitch boi attitude?
/---- Oh give me a break. Retired / Semi Retired? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA To quote your personal hero: "What difference at this point - what difference does it make?" BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
So you assume something that is not true, again, such a writer as yourself could write a Chilton's auto repair manual...
/--- Not that I'd ever tell you what I publish - they are Self Help and How to Books. Two are best sellers on Amazon. Lucky guess.
adding surcharges of 3% to 4% to help offset rising labor costs...they call that "tips" are often 15 to 20 percent
If you are retired, why are you still working?
/---- Retired from full time work. Retired doesn't mean you sit around all day doing nothing. I'm now doing things I never had time to do when putting in 50 hours a week.Sorry I forgot you went to public school. In the future I'll dumb things down for you.
What does public school have to do with your inability to decipher what is retired and what is semi-retired with a bitch boi attitude?
/---- Oh give me a break. Retired / Semi Retired? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA To quote your personal hero: "What difference at this point - what difference does it make?" BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
So you assume something that is not true, again, such a writer as yourself could write a Chilton's auto repair manual...
/--- Not that I'd ever tell you what I publish - they are Self Help and How to Books. Two are best sellers on Amazon. Lucky guess.
Self how to tie your shoes strings?
Not to worry, cellblock, you can always find work in your career as fast food server.

The fact of the matter remains that the customer will pay more in order to help the fast food server earn more.
/---- I'm retired, a published author with ever increasing royalty payments, rental property owner, Continuing Education instructor, work part time for the Board of Elections and a short term option trader. I have no plans on working at a fast food restaurant unless I open one up. I won't because I'd have to hire bone head millenniums with useless college majors like Woman Studies and try to motivate them to show up and put in a days work. No thank you.
Sounds like you Republicans have changed all of the sudden. You talked so nicely to get those unemployed people to vote for your side. You said you'd bring good jobs back so they could find work.

Now you're talking like 2007 Republicans who said if you weren't working you're a loser and its your fault. Welcome back. I knew you didn't have a lot of respect for American workers.
/--- I was an American worker for 45 years mostly on straight commission. If I didn't sell I didn't make any money even though I put in the same 8 hours the receptionist did who always got paid.
Not to worry, cellblock, you can always find work in your career as fast food server.

The fact of the matter remains that the customer will pay more in order to help the fast food server earn more.
/---- I'm retired, a published author with ever increasing royalty payments, rental property owner, Continuing Education instructor, work part time for the Board of Elections and a short term option trader. I have no plans on working at a fast food restaurant unless I open one up. I won't because I'd have to hire bone head millenniums with useless college majors like Woman Studies and try to motivate them to show up and put in a days work. No thank you.
Sounds like you Republicans have changed all of the sudden. You talked so nicely to get those unemployed people to vote for your side. You said you'd bring good jobs back so they could find work.

Now you're talking like 2007 Republicans who said if you weren't working you're a loser and its your fault. Welcome back. I knew you didn't have a lot of respect for American workers.
/--- I was an American worker for 45 years mostly on straight commission. If I didn't sell I didn't make any money even though I put in the same 8 hours the receptionist did who always got paid.
You should try self employment...There are times you pay to work..
Not to worry, cellblock, you can always find work in your career as fast food server.

The fact of the matter remains that the customer will pay more in order to help the fast food server earn more.
/---- I'm retired, a published author with ever increasing royalty payments, rental property owner, Continuing Education instructor, work part time for the Board of Elections and a short term option trader. I have no plans on working at a fast food restaurant unless I open one up. I won't because I'd have to hire bone head millenniums with useless college majors like Woman Studies and try to motivate them to show up and put in a days
work. No thank you.
Of course you are. Then you don't mind paying more for fast food, if you eat it.
/--- I live in the epicurean center of the world - New York. There are so many great restaurant choices I haven't eaten fast food since the 1970s when it was all I could afford while putting myself through college. BTW I earned minimum wage as a teenager with no job skills or experience. Once I built up my resume I moved on to better paying jobs. Why can't you Libtards do the same thing?
Libtards? What about all the blue collar losers who voted for trump? Last year it wasn't their fault you said it was Obama's fault. Trump said he would fix the economy for them. Well? We're waiting? Why didn't they just move on to a better paying job?

Trump won because these losers voted for him. Now you and trump are saying it wasn't Obama's fault. Is that what I'm hearing?
Not to worry, cellblock, you can always find work in your career as fast food server.

The fact of the matter remains that the customer will pay more in order to help the fast food server earn more.
/---- I'm retired, a published author with ever increasing royalty payments, rental property owner, Continuing Education instructor, work part time for the Board of Elections and a short term option trader. I have no plans on working at a fast food restaurant unless I open one up. I won't because I'd have to hire bone head millenniums with useless college majors like Woman Studies and try to motivate them to show up and put in a days work. No thank you.
If you are retired, why are you still working?
/---- Retired from full time work. Retired doesn't mean you sit around all day doing nothing. I'm now doing things I never had time to do when putting in 50 hours a week.Sorry I forgot you went to public school. In the future I'll dumb things down for you.

Jeez you talk like you're the first last and only person ever to have had a job.
He's not the only person to realize he doesn't have enough money to retire.

I guess those growing royalty checks aren't paying the bills yet. 5 cents, $1, $3. Pretty soon he might be able to afford to go out to eat
Not to worry, cellblock, you can always find work in your career as fast food server.

The fact of the matter remains that the customer will pay more in order to help the fast food server earn more.
/---- I'm retired, a published author with ever increasing royalty payments, rental property owner, Continuing Education instructor, work part time for the Board of Elections and a short term option trader. I have no plans on working at a fast food restaurant unless I open one up. I won't because I'd have to hire bone head millenniums with useless college majors like Woman Studies and try to motivate them to show up and put in a days work. No thank you.
Sounds like you Republicans have changed all of the sudden. You talked so nicely to get those unemployed people to vote for your side. You said you'd bring good jobs back so they could find work.

Now you're talking like 2007 Republicans who said if you weren't working you're a loser and its your fault. Welcome back. I knew you didn't have a lot of respect for American workers.
/--- I was an American worker for 45 years mostly on straight commission. If I didn't sell I didn't make any money even though I put in the same 8 hours the receptionist did who always got paid.
A. You got paid a lot more
B. Did you ever not get paid? Then shut up.
Sounds like you Republicans have changed all of the sudden. You talked so nicely to get those unemployed people to vote for your side. You said you'd bring good jobs back so they could find work.

Now you're talking like 2007 Republicans who said if you weren't working you're a loser and its your fault. Welcome back. I knew you didn't have a lot of respect for American workers.
I haven't heard the evil Republicans make your argument, but I don't watch political cartoon shows. Minimum wage jobs are the good jobs you think the evil Republicans meant? Of course any raises, artificial or not result in higher end prices.

I don't eat out so they can add $50 in fees to the tab. But the higher costs go the less the demand will be. Bottom line is if you open a business it should be up to you if you go out of business or not, not the do gooders in government.
Sounds like you Republicans have changed all of the sudden. You talked so nicely to get those unemployed people to vote for your side. You said you'd bring good jobs back so they could find work.

Now you're talking like 2007 Republicans who said if you weren't working you're a loser and its your fault. Welcome back. I knew you didn't have a lot of respect for American workers.
I haven't heard the evil Republicans make your argument, but I don't watch political cartoon shows. Minimum wage jobs are the good jobs you think the evil Republicans meant? Of course any raises, artificial or not result in higher end prices.

I don't eat out so they can add $50 in fees to the tab. But the higher costs go the less the demand will be. Bottom line is if you open a business it should be up to you if you go out of business or not, not the do gooders in government.
So you're against minimum wage?
BUT BUT BUT Libtards laughed when Republicans said higher minimum wages will drive up food costs.

Restaurant diners are footing the bill for rising minimum wages.

In lieu of steep menu price increases, many independent and regional chain restaurants in states including Arizona, California, Colorado and New York are adding surcharges of 3% to 4% to help offset rising labor costs. Industry analysts expect the practice to become widespread as more cities and states increase minimum wages.

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“It’s the emerging new norm,” said Sharokina Shams, spokeswoman for the California Restaurant Association. She said California restaurants are adding surcharges as the state lifts the minimum wage every year until it reaches $15 an hour by 2023. It is currently at $10.50 an hour for employers with 26 or more workers.
Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases
Yep and as the price of a product rises the demand for that product will fall. When you squeeze a balloon, it bulges out somewhere else.
Sounds like you Republicans have changed all of the sudden. You talked so nicely to get those unemployed people to vote for your side. You said you'd bring good jobs back so they could find work.

Now you're talking like 2007 Republicans who said if you weren't working you're a loser and its your fault. Welcome back. I knew you didn't have a lot of respect for American workers.
I haven't heard the evil Republicans make your argument, but I don't watch political cartoon shows. Minimum wage jobs are the good jobs you think the evil Republicans meant? Of course any raises, artificial or not result in higher end prices.

I don't eat out so they can add $50 in fees to the tab. But the higher costs go the less the demand will be. Bottom line is if you open a business it should be up to you if you go out of business or not, not the do gooders in government.
The guy said people with college degrees would be his waiters.

These are exactly the people promised better jobs. All the unemployed people with degrees or experience but they can't find work in their field of study so they are forced to wait tables.

Yes, of course you don't remember your empty promises
BUT BUT BUT Libtards laughed when Republicans said higher minimum wages will drive up food costs.

Restaurant diners are footing the bill for rising minimum wages.

In lieu of steep menu price increases, many independent and regional chain restaurants in states including Arizona, California, Colorado and New York are adding surcharges of 3% to 4% to help offset rising labor costs. Industry analysts expect the practice to become widespread as more cities and states increase minimum wages.

More on this...

Wendy's installing self-ordering kiosks in 1,000 restaurants
US retail sales rise in January, led by gas and restaurants
What does 'A Day Without a Woman' mean for restaurants?
“It’s the emerging new norm,” said Sharokina Shams, spokeswoman for the California Restaurant Association. She said California restaurants are adding surcharges as the state lifts the minimum wage every year until it reaches $15 an hour by 2023. It is currently at $10.50 an hour for employers with 26 or more workers.
Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases
Yep and as the price of a product rises the demand for that product will fall. When you squeeze a balloon, it bulges out somewhere else.
Not necessarily. Tim Horton coffee went up and the line is still long.

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