Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

I live in New England so don't whine about cost of living to me

The average teacher in MA earns almost 75K for working part time job
That ain't underpaid

Where the fuck do you get off saying it is a part-time job?

Also, your "average" teacher has how many years of service?

it's part time

Summers off many weeks and days off during the school year

how is that NOT part time?

Those summers off? You mean all of the unpaid days attending professional development training that you don't even know about?

You do realize that no one gets paid for those days off in the summer and during the school year?

You are always wanting to argue this from a position of ignorance bordering on stupidity. Why?

You know I am going to destroy your argument with the real truth and not what you have been told or what you assume?

A tenant of mine was a school teacher and he got paid year round whether working or not. They do this so people can't apply for unemployment benefits every summer.
They spread your salary over the whole year instead of ten months
Common practice
Exactly for the reason Ray pointed out. I knew a school teacher who worked for a private academy who paid ten months of the year. She was terminated without cause, so she filed for and defended successfully an UE claim. That school now pays the salary over twelve months for the worker.
Where the fuck do you get off saying it is a part-time job?

Also, your "average" teacher has how many years of service?

it's part time

Summers off many weeks and days off during the school year

how is that NOT part time?

Those summers off? You mean all of the unpaid days attending professional development training that you don't even know about?

You do realize that no one gets paid for those days off in the summer and during the school year?

You are always wanting to argue this from a position of ignorance bordering on stupidity. Why?

You know I am going to destroy your argument with the real truth and not what you have been told or what you assume?

A tenant of mine was a school teacher and he got paid year round whether working or not. They do this so people can't apply for unemployment benefits every summer.
They spread your salary over the whole year instead of ten months
Common practice
Exactly for the reason Ray pointed out. I knew a school teacher who worked for a private academy who paid ten months of the year. She was terminated without cause, so she filed for and defended successfully an UE claim. That school now pays the salary over twelve months for the worker.
If you are terminated, you get unemployment regardless

The question is if you finish school on Memorial Day and come back on Labor Day can you claim unemployment for the months you are "out of work"
it's part time

Summers off many weeks and days off during the school year

how is that NOT part time?

Those summers off? You mean all of the unpaid days attending professional development training that you don't even know about?

You do realize that no one gets paid for those days off in the summer and during the school year?

You are always wanting to argue this from a position of ignorance bordering on stupidity. Why?

You know I am going to destroy your argument with the real truth and not what you have been told or what you assume?

A tenant of mine was a school teacher and he got paid year round whether working or not. They do this so people can't apply for unemployment benefits every summer.
They spread your salary over the whole year instead of ten months
Common practice
Exactly for the reason Ray pointed out. I knew a school teacher who worked for a private academy who paid ten months of the year. She was terminated without cause, so she filed for and defended successfully an UE claim. That school now pays the salary over twelve months for the worker.
If you are terminated, you get unemployment regardless. The question is if you finish school on Memorial Day and come back on Labor Day can you claim unemployment for the months you are "out of work"
(1) Termination of unemployment is no guarantee for unemployment compensation. That will depend on the reasons for termination. If for cause, benefits will probably be denied.

(2) If you are on a ten month contract paid over twelve equal months, normally Sep 15 to Aug 15, one cannot claims successfully unemployment compensation.
it's part time

Summers off many weeks and days off during the school year

how is that NOT part time?

Those summers off? You mean all of the unpaid days attending professional development training that you don't even know about?

You do realize that no one gets paid for those days off in the summer and during the school year?

You are always wanting to argue this from a position of ignorance bordering on stupidity. Why?

You know I am going to destroy your argument with the real truth and not what you have been told or what you assume?

A tenant of mine was a school teacher and he got paid year round whether working or not. They do this so people can't apply for unemployment benefits every summer.
They spread your salary over the whole year instead of ten months
Common practice
Exactly for the reason Ray pointed out. I knew a school teacher who worked for a private academy who paid ten months of the year. She was terminated without cause, so she filed for and defended successfully an UE claim. That school now pays the salary over twelve months for the worker.
If you are terminated, you get unemployment regardless

The question is if you finish school on Memorial Day and come back on Labor Day can you claim unemployment for the months you are "out of work"

I think it goes state by state since it's the state that pays the unemployment or sets the rules for claims in the event the employer chooses a private insurance company.

In our state, you have to be out of work two weeks and then you are able to file a claim.
I live in New England so don't whine about cost of living to me

The average teacher in MA earns almost 75K for working part time job
That ain't underpaid

Where the fuck do you get off saying it is a part-time job?

Also, your "average" teacher has how many years of service?

it's part time

Summers off many weeks and days off during the school year

how is that NOT part time?

Those summers off? You mean all of the unpaid days attending professional development training that you don't even know about?

You do realize that no one gets paid for those days off in the summer and during the school year?

You are always wanting to argue this from a position of ignorance bordering on stupidity. Why?

You know I am going to destroy your argument with the real truth and not what you have been told or what you assume?

A tenant of mine was a school teacher and he got paid year round whether working or not. They do this so people can't apply for unemployment benefits every summer.
They spread your salary over the whole year instead of ten months
Common practice

Exactly, that's what they do to avoid paying claims.
Sounds like you Republicans have changed all of the sudden. You talked so nicely to get those unemployed people to vote for your side. You said you'd bring good jobs back so they could find work.

Now you're talking like 2007 Republicans who said if you weren't working you're a loser and its your fault. Welcome back. I knew you didn't have a lot of respect for American workers.
I haven't heard the evil Republicans make your argument, but I don't watch political cartoon shows. Minimum wage jobs are the good jobs you think the evil Republicans meant? Of course any raises, artificial or not result in higher end prices.

I don't eat out so they can add $50 in fees to the tab. But the higher costs go the less the demand will be. Bottom line is if you open a business it should be up to you if you go out of business or not, not the do gooders in government.
The guy said people with college degrees would be his waiters.

These are exactly the people promised better jobs. All the unemployed people with degrees or experience but they can't find work in their field of study so they are forced to wait tables.

Yes, of course you don't remember your empty promises
there never has been much demand for degrees in stupid shit like women's studies

Then colleges should be sued for offering a useless degree.
By that logic union run public schools should be sued for not teaching the kids how to read and write and do basic math by the time they are 'streamed' through grade twelve only to find out no one will hire a kid who is illiterate.
There are MILLIONS of these kids wandering around, some who are realising the chance of EVER getting a decent paying stable job is fucking ZERO!
Do you realize how many white children would fail out of highschool if we didn't cut the slackers some slack? All those factory workers who only have a highschool degree. They hated school. Only went to school because they are forced to go by law. Their white trash parents can't help them with their homework.

Maybe we shouldn't insist every kid get an education. Some don't care.

The teachers aren't really the problem here, although I won't disagree there's probably a better way.
National Education Association General Counsel Bob Chanin stated in July 2009.

Chanin: "It is not because we care about children. And it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues....

Says it all does it not?
National Education Association General Counsel Bob Chanin stated in July 2009.

Chanin: "It is not because we care about children. And it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues....

Says it all does it not?

Another thread and you still don't know a lawyer from a teacher. Who is the real dumbass here?
Are there more or fewer restaurants in Seattle or San Francisco today or five years ago?

Your mom and pop restaurants are being hurt the most. Large chains or franchises can and will afford to replace minimum wage workers with automation.

Progressives demand an increase in the minimum wage NOT because it will help the minimum worker but because so many public union contracts are tied to the minimum wage. Those salaries increase and the contributions to the union coffers.

Personally, I cannot comprehend anyone expecting an increase in their income unless they increase their productivity and output for the employer.
Waitresses and bartenders aren't going to whine about getting 15 an hour because a lot of them can make 20 or more an hour when tips are included.

No one will tip a waitress who makes 15 an hour

15 bucks where?

Minnesota Restaurant Adds Minimum Wage Surcharge To Customer Bills - Say Anything

That place put on a surcharge because the minimum wage was raised to 8 bucks.

There's a nice tidbit in that link. Look at the bill. This restaurant is getting 8 bucks for a cheeseburger, but they're claiming they can't afford to pay the help 8 bucks an hour.



multiply that by the thousands of orders a nd it adds up but I guess you don't understand that do you?
it's part time

Summers off many weeks and days off during the school year

how is that NOT part time?

Those summers off? You mean all of the unpaid days attending professional development training that you don't even know about?

You do realize that no one gets paid for those days off in the summer and during the school year?

You are always wanting to argue this from a position of ignorance bordering on stupidity. Why?

You know I am going to destroy your argument with the real truth and not what you have been told or what you assume?

A tenant of mine was a school teacher and he got paid year round whether working or not. They do this so people can't apply for unemployment benefits every summer.
They spread your salary over the whole year instead of ten months
Common practice
Exactly for the reason Ray pointed out. I knew a school teacher who worked for a private academy who paid ten months of the year. She was terminated without cause, so she filed for and defended successfully an UE claim. That school now pays the salary over twelve months for the worker.
If you are terminated, you get unemployment regardless

The question is if you finish school on Memorial Day and come back on Labor Day can you claim unemployment for the months you are "out of work"
If you are fired for cause you cannot collect unemployment
I live in New England so don't whine about cost of living to me

The average teacher in MA earns almost 75K for working part time job
That ain't underpaid

Where the fuck do you get off saying it is a part-time job?

Also, your "average" teacher has how many years of service?

it's part time

Summers off many weeks and days off during the school year

how is that NOT part time?

How much better would Massachusetts schools be if teachers were paid half of what they're paid now?
50 K isn't half of 75K

So Massachusetts would attract better teachers if they cut and/or capped salaries at 50,000 a year?

how do you figure?
where did I ever say any of that?

And you call me a liar

Look in the mirror , Bitch
It is one thing to be a teacher, and another thing to teach. So many "Teachers are just indoctrinators who are there for the check. They are union protected and they are so far below the actual baseline of intellect required to be a teacher it is pathetic. The problem is The Unions of today have nothing in common with the unions that built America. It is a FACT that they have become political PACs and are run for the most part by people who are paid operatives of the dimshit party.
Schools with union teachers perform better than non-Union schools

Then why do homeschooled kids routinely beat their public school counterparts in all testing
Personally, I cannot comprehend anyone expecting an increase in their income unless they increase their productivity and output for the employer.
Yes, in a normal world, that's how it would work. But it simply no longer the case. This issue has become politicized, which means it has been dumbed down enough to fit on a bumper sticker and/or screamed in a protest chant. This is now the "You Didn't Build That" era - businesses are an enemy of the people. And I'm only slightly exaggerating.

The fact remains that, for now, businesses are going to have to carry much of the load, and higher minimum wages will be part of that. There are some reasonable arguments for that, even if you ignore the ignorant, simplistic chanting here.
It is one thing to be a teacher, and another thing to teach. So many "Teachers are just indoctrinators who are there for the check. They are union protected and they are so far below the actual baseline of intellect required to be a teacher it is pathetic. The problem is The Unions of today have nothing in common with the unions that built America. It is a FACT that they have become political PACs and are run for the most part by people who are paid operatives of the dimshit party.
Schools with union teachers perform better than non-Union schools

Then why do homeschooled kids routinely beat their public school counterparts in all testing
Because homeschool kids are spoiled little brats who have had mommy hovering around them their whole lives
Public schools have to take all children regardless of parental motivation
Are there more or fewer restaurants in Seattle or San Francisco today or five years ago?

Your mom and pop restaurants are being hurt the most. Large chains or franchises can and will afford to replace minimum wage workers with automation.

Progressives demand an increase in the minimum wage NOT because it will help the minimum worker but because so many public union contracts are tied to the minimum wage. Those salaries increase and the contributions to the union coffers.

Personally, I cannot comprehend anyone expecting an increase in their income unless they increase their productivity and output for the employer.

A lot of places give you raises just to keep up with the times and inflation. But in those cases, you have to be a valuable employee that's not so easily replaced. If you lose a shelf stocker or a floor sweeper, you just get another one.

A fast food place is not that impacted by a minimum wage increase because they sell 600 hamburgers a day, 300 french fries, and about a thousand soft drinks, so a few cents on each item that nobody notices can make that up. But if you're a hardware store owner, you don't sell 300 hammers a day, so those kind of businesses take a harder hit.

Automation is only part of the problem. The larger problem is internet sales. It's fast, convenient, and of course, cheaper. All brick and mortar stores are threatened by the internet. Slowly but surly, you will see more and more of them close down. JC Penny just closed over a hundred stores recently, and Walmart did the same last year.

My sister does a lot of Christmas shopping for the family. She decided to try internet shopping last year instead. She was never so thrilled in her life. She works a lot of hours and hates Christmas shopping. Now she looks forward to it.
I haven't heard the evil Republicans make your argument, but I don't watch political cartoon shows. Minimum wage jobs are the good jobs you think the evil Republicans meant? Of course any raises, artificial or not result in higher end prices.

I don't eat out so they can add $50 in fees to the tab. But the higher costs go the less the demand will be. Bottom line is if you open a business it should be up to you if you go out of business or not, not the do gooders in government.
The guy said people with college degrees would be his waiters.

These are exactly the people promised better jobs. All the unemployed people with degrees or experience but they can't find work in their field of study so they are forced to wait tables.

Yes, of course you don't remember your empty promises
there never has been much demand for degrees in stupid shit like women's studies

Then colleges should be sued for offering a useless degree.
By that logic union run public schools should be sued for not teaching the kids how to read and write and do basic math by the time they are 'streamed' through grade twelve only to find out no one will hire a kid who is illiterate.
There are MILLIONS of these kids wandering around, some who are realising the chance of EVER getting a decent paying stable job is fucking ZERO!
Do you realize how many white children would fail out of highschool if we didn't cut the slackers some slack? All those factory workers who only have a highschool degree. They hated school. Only went to school because they are forced to go by law. Their white trash parents can't help them with their homework.

Maybe we shouldn't insist every kid get an education. Some don't care.

The teachers aren't really the problem here, although I won't disagree there's probably a better way.

Having parents pay for the schools is one answer. My sister sent my niece and nephew to private school. It cost her an arm and a leg. But when my niece started having problems in school, she made sure that kid started doing better. She sat with her every night doing homework, fought with her about going outside to play with her friends. Her grades improved greatly.

When you have to write a check for a service, you make sure you're going to get your monies worth. With public school, you throw the kid on a bus, and the kid is the schools problem. You did your part by getting them there.
It is one thing to be a teacher, and another thing to teach. So many "Teachers are just indoctrinators who are there for the check. They are union protected and they are so far below the actual baseline of intellect required to be a teacher it is pathetic. The problem is The Unions of today have nothing in common with the unions that built America. It is a FACT that they have become political PACs and are run for the most part by people who are paid operatives of the dimshit party.
Schools with union teachers perform better than non-Union schools

Then why do homeschooled kids routinely beat their public school counterparts in all testing
Because homeschool kids are spoiled little brats who have had mommy hovering around them their whole lives
Public schools have to take all children regardless of parental motivation

Kids are threatened by the idea of having to go to school, so they do try harder. After all, if you don't do well studying at home, the parents ship you off to school.

I hated going to school when I was a kid, and if we had home schooling at the time, I would have done much better simply by the thought of having to go to school.
BUT BUT BUT Libtards laughed when Republicans said higher minimum wages will drive up food costs.

Restaurant diners are footing the bill for rising minimum wages.

In lieu of steep menu price increases, many independent and regional chain restaurants in states including Arizona, California, Colorado and New York are adding surcharges of 3% to 4% to help offset rising labor costs. Industry analysts expect the practice to become widespread as more cities and states increase minimum wages.

More on this...

Wendy's installing self-ordering kiosks in 1,000 restaurants
US retail sales rise in January, led by gas and restaurants
What does 'A Day Without a Woman' mean for restaurants?
“It’s the emerging new norm,” said Sharokina Shams, spokeswoman for the California Restaurant Association. She said California restaurants are adding surcharges as the state lifts the minimum wage every year until it reaches $15 an hour by 2023. It is currently at $10.50 an hour for employers with 26 or more workers.
Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases


because you have to pay 5 cents more for your disgusting fast food, they should work for subpar wages?
you'll just have to pay five cents more for your fat and salt.

automatic of certain places would have happened anyway. they didn't close normal places they just added income. and they charged a little extra so their billions in profits aren't affected.

stop whining because you can't earn a decent wage and are bitter because big macs are too expensive for you

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