Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

Both people performing that job are being exploited

Low wage employees have the least bargaining power. That is not a justification to take advantage of them. Sure, we can live in a dog eat dog society where the weakest are fair game for the strong. Other societies have done that with peasants providing low cost labor for the wealthy
So you are saying they have no other choice but to work there?

Exploit means make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource). Doesn't your employer exploit you too? Based on that definition mine does. Who knew I was being exploited?

In many labor markets there are no better opportunities.
Really? Can you prove that?
So that is a no?
Mocking your ignorance that there are different labor markets
It is one thing to be a teacher, and another thing to teach. So many "Teachers are just indoctrinators who are there for the check. They are union protected and they are so far below the actual baseline of intellect required to be a teacher it is pathetic. The problem is The Unions of today have nothing in common with the unions that built America. It is a FACT that they have become political PACs and are run for the most part by people who are paid operatives of the dimshit party.
Schools with union teachers perform better than non-Union schools
I love it when you think I'm broke. I equally love it when you pretend to be rich. LOL
Isn't it funny that all the rich people on this site can't find anything better to do? When I retire in a few years, I hope I'm never so bored that I have to come here.

See, ding argues for himself and I argue for the American middle class. This isn't personal for me but it sure is for ding. In other words Ding thinks things are fine because he's doing fine. Doesn't matter to him how the other 99% of us are doing.

So let me give Ding an example that he can't say I'm complaining for personal reasons. I look up what the average person makes in a year and I found that

Male, no spouse makes $53,684
Female, no spouse $36,151

Ok, so if I were to complain that women aren't being paid enough, Ding would automatically think I was complaining that I only make $36K and that I'm a woman. He certainly wouldn't have any compassion for those women. He would blame them.

Ding would be unable to understand that I'm not arguing for myself personally. And ding would call the average woman a loser for only making $36K. Isn't that right ding?
Haven't we established that you are full of shit and only care about yourself? I argue for myself? No. I argue against your bullshit. I argue for reality. There ain't no one coming to anybodies rescue. I sure as hope no one is buying your bullshit, because if they are, they are waiting for someone to save them that isn't coming. But according to you if people vote for Democrats all of the wildest dreams will come true. Bull fucking shit. Guess what, dumbass? Republican's aren't going to save them either. So you tell me who I'm for?
You're for Republicans who lied to them to win their votes.

Did you hear trump said the fake unemployment numbers are now real? Isn't that convenient? You are for the better funded liars.
I couldn't care less who is in office. I bet you worry about this all day long. I bet you stay up at night worrying about this.
Religion and god. I spend all day worrying. Oh wait that's you
Competition will quickly blow that kind of bassakwards thinking out of the water.
What is backwards about covering your operating costs?

You fail to see the chickenshit nature of these people because you're no better than they are. God forbid somebody make a living besides you.
You didn't answer the question. If you aren't making enough money go start your own business.

Yes I did answer your shit for brains question. The playing field is level for everybody. They're all paying the same wages so for some like thinking chickenshit motherfucker like you to make something of it suggests, no proves, you don't know how to run a business.
I've owned a business now for 32 years. Little net maggots can't change it. The question was "What is backwards about covering your operating costs?"
...and for some reason it made you poop your baby diapers. The playing field is level, like I said go start your own business instead of crying about your income problems. The you pay pay your employees $100 /hr if you want.

My goodness such anger. All directed towards me. I'm not the boogie man here and I don't give a rats ass what you do for a living.
so? it's still not a full time job

salaried positions usually mean working more than 2000 hours a year and not getting 3 months off in the summer or many weeks and days off during the school year

You mean like ball players, actors, surgeons?

Really can't compare a teacher to a surgeon

but yes a surgeon who only works a couple days a week is still part time

I really don't know what's so difficult to understand

full time 40 or more hours a week 52 weeks a year therefore more than 2080 hours per year
The average teacher in MA earns almost 75K for working part time job

Teaching is a profession, not an hourly job.

so? it's still not a full time job

salaried positions usually mean working more than 2000 hours a year and not getting 3 months off in the summer or many weeks and days off during the school year

You have been told that 3 month off in the summer bullshit is just that!

Most years, we get off in June and go back the first of August. On what calendar is that 3 months?

I work more than 2000 hours a year during those days I am required to be at school and additional hours at home.
uh huh
no they're not

Maybe where you live and the cost of living is outrageously high.

I live in New England so don't whine about cost of living to me

The average teacher in MA earns almost 75K for working part time job
That ain't underpaid

Where the fuck do you get off saying it is a part-time job?

Also, your "average" teacher has how many years of service?

it's part time

Summers off many weeks and days off during the school year

how is that NOT part time?

How much better would Massachusetts schools be if teachers were paid half of what they're paid now?
50 K isn't half of 75K
so? it's still not a full time job

salaried positions usually mean working more than 2000 hours a year and not getting 3 months off in the summer or many weeks and days off during the school year

How is it that you don't understand the difference between a profession and a job?
so there are no part time professional jobs?

I know a veterinarian who only works 3 days a week and even she says she works part time
Maybe where you live and the cost of living is outrageously high.

I live in New England so don't whine about cost of living to me

The average teacher in MA earns almost 75K for working part time job
That ain't underpaid

Where the fuck do you get off saying it is a part-time job?

Also, your "average" teacher has how many years of service?

it's part time

Summers off many weeks and days off during the school year

how is that NOT part time?

How much better would Massachusetts schools be if teachers were paid half of what they're paid now?
50 K isn't half of 75K

So Massachusetts would attract better teachers if they cut and/or capped salaries at 50,000 a year?

how do you figure?
so? it's still not a full time job

salaried positions usually mean working more than 2000 hours a year and not getting 3 months off in the summer or many weeks and days off during the school year

You mean like ball players, actors, surgeons?

Really can't compare a teacher to a surgeon

but yes a surgeon who only works a couple days a week is still part time

I really don't know what's so difficult to understand

full time 40 or more hours a week 52 weeks a year therefore more than 2080 hours per year

It is one thing to be a teacher, and another thing to teach. So many "Teachers are just indoctrinators who are there for the check. They are union protected and they are so far below the actual baseline of intellect required to be a teacher it is pathetic. The problem is The Unions of today have nothing in common with the unions that built America. It is a FACT that they have become political PACs and are run for the most part by people who are paid operatives of the dimshit party.
Schools with union teachers perform better than non-Union schools

Of course they do.
It is one thing to be a teacher, and another thing to teach. So many "Teachers are just indoctrinators who are there for the check. They are union protected and they are so far below the actual baseline of intellect required to be a teacher it is pathetic. The problem is The Unions of today have nothing in common with the unions that built America. It is a FACT that they have become political PACs and are run for the most part by people who are paid operatives of the dimshit party.
The 'piece of paper' required to teach in many inner city schools takes less time in a classroom than it takes to get a school bus driver's license.
If you are a negro woman with a (couch) grade twelve diploma and you 'know' someone in the local teacher's union you can become (cough) qualified to teach in six months. You don't even have to actually attend all the classes. As long as you pass the tests........which are mailed to you if you're too busy to pick them up in preson.
You take the (cough) tests at home and send them back by mail or drop them off.
As long as you get at least 51% of the MULTIPLE CHOICE!!!!!! questions correct you got yourself a teaching certificate..................(This Certificate Is Not Transferrable). Which means you can't use it to actually get into a nationally accredited teacher education program.
It's like a 'Vanity' degree.
It's like being issued a driver's license which only allows you to drive within four blocks of where you live.

Maybe in your country.

In NYS you need a bachelor's degree to start teaching, and a master's degree to keep teaching.
Waitresses and bartenders aren't going to whine about getting 15 an hour because a lot of them can make 20 or more an hour when tips are included.

No one will tip a waitress who makes 15 an hour

15 bucks where?

Minnesota Restaurant Adds Minimum Wage Surcharge To Customer Bills - Say Anything

That place put on a surcharge because the minimum wage was raised to 8 bucks.

There's a nice tidbit in that link. Look at the bill. This restaurant is getting 8 bucks for a cheeseburger, but they're claiming they can't afford to pay the help 8 bucks an hour.


What is backwards about covering your operating costs?

You fail to see the chickenshit nature of these people because you're no better than they are. God forbid somebody make a living besides you.
You didn't answer the question. If you aren't making enough money go start your own business.

Yes I did answer your shit for brains question. The playing field is level for everybody. They're all paying the same wages so for some like thinking chickenshit motherfucker like you to make something of it suggests, no proves, you don't know how to run a business.
I've owned a business now for 32 years. Little net maggots can't change it. The question was "What is backwards about covering your operating costs?"
...and for some reason it made you poop your baby diapers. The playing field is level, like I said go start your own business instead of crying about your income problems. The you pay pay your employees $100 /hr if you want.

My goodness such anger. All directed towards me. I'm not the boogie man here and I don't give a rats ass what you do for a living.
You see anger when I tell you to put your money where your mouth is? The rat's ass is between your ears.
no they're not

Maybe where you live and the cost of living is outrageously high.

I live in New England so don't whine about cost of living to me

The average teacher in MA earns almost 75K for working part time job
That ain't underpaid

Where the fuck do you get off saying it is a part-time job?

Also, your "average" teacher has how many years of service?

it's part time

Summers off many weeks and days off during the school year

how is that NOT part time?

Those summers off? You mean all of the unpaid days attending professional development training that you don't even know about?

You do realize that no one gets paid for those days off in the summer and during the school year?

You are always wanting to argue this from a position of ignorance bordering on stupidity. Why?

You know I am going to destroy your argument with the real truth and not what you have been told or what you assume?

A tenant of mine was a school teacher and he got paid year round whether working or not. They do this so people can't apply for unemployment benefits every summer.
Not to worry, cellblock, you can always find work in your career as fast food server.

The fact of the matter remains that the customer will pay more in order to help the fast food server earn more.
/---- I'm retired, a published author with ever increasing royalty payments, rental property owner, Continuing Education instructor, work part time for the Board of Elections and a short term option trader. I have no plans on working at a fast food restaurant unless I open one up. I won't because I'd have to hire bone head millenniums with useless college majors like Woman Studies and try to motivate them to show up and put in a days work. No thank you.

In my area you can not get a job without a bachelors degree which sucks.. unless if it is labor but even then they want experience..
So different than when I was a teen..

Actually the majority of young people in my area are going for computer science and if you are good , you will succeed..
You fail to see the chickenshit nature of these people because you're no better than they are. God forbid somebody make a living besides you.
You didn't answer the question. If you aren't making enough money go start your own business.

Yes I did answer your shit for brains question. The playing field is level for everybody. They're all paying the same wages so for some like thinking chickenshit motherfucker like you to make something of it suggests, no proves, you don't know how to run a business.
I've owned a business now for 32 years. Little net maggots can't change it. The question was "What is backwards about covering your operating costs?"
...and for some reason it made you poop your baby diapers. The playing field is level, like I said go start your own business instead of crying about your income problems. The you pay pay your employees $100 /hr if you want.

My goodness such anger. All directed towards me. I'm not the boogie man here and I don't give a rats ass what you do for a living.
You see anger when I tell you to put your money where your mouth is? The rat's ass is between your ears.

Don't be silly. Im pleased as punch the minimum wage is up, and your problems are not my problems so it's all on you. I do not wish you ill and I hope you're smart enough to work through your obvious anger over this issue. and focus on doing what you need to do in order to remain successful.

Good luck
So you are saying they have no other choice but to work there?

Exploit means make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource). Doesn't your employer exploit you too? Based on that definition mine does. Who knew I was being exploited?

In many labor markets there are no better opportunities.
Really? Can you prove that?
So that is a no?
Mocking your ignorance that there are different labor markets
Then it shouldn't be hard for you to find one that proves they have no other choice, right?
Isn't it funny that all the rich people on this site can't find anything better to do? When I retire in a few years, I hope I'm never so bored that I have to come here.

See, ding argues for himself and I argue for the American middle class. This isn't personal for me but it sure is for ding. In other words Ding thinks things are fine because he's doing fine. Doesn't matter to him how the other 99% of us are doing.

So let me give Ding an example that he can't say I'm complaining for personal reasons. I look up what the average person makes in a year and I found that

Male, no spouse makes $53,684
Female, no spouse $36,151

Ok, so if I were to complain that women aren't being paid enough, Ding would automatically think I was complaining that I only make $36K and that I'm a woman. He certainly wouldn't have any compassion for those women. He would blame them.

Ding would be unable to understand that I'm not arguing for myself personally. And ding would call the average woman a loser for only making $36K. Isn't that right ding?
Haven't we established that you are full of shit and only care about yourself? I argue for myself? No. I argue against your bullshit. I argue for reality. There ain't no one coming to anybodies rescue. I sure as hope no one is buying your bullshit, because if they are, they are waiting for someone to save them that isn't coming. But according to you if people vote for Democrats all of the wildest dreams will come true. Bull fucking shit. Guess what, dumbass? Republican's aren't going to save them either. So you tell me who I'm for?
You're for Republicans who lied to them to win their votes.

Did you hear trump said the fake unemployment numbers are now real? Isn't that convenient? You are for the better funded liars.
I couldn't care less who is in office. I bet you worry about this all day long. I bet you stay up at night worrying about this.
Religion and god. I spend all day worrying. Oh wait that's you
No, you spend all day worrying about your precious socialists. God and religion can take care of themselves.

Waitresses and bartenders aren't going to whine about getting 15 an hour because a lot of them can make 20 or more an hour when tips are included.

No one will tip a waitress who makes 15 an hour

15 bucks where?

Minnesota Restaurant Adds Minimum Wage Surcharge To Customer Bills - Say Anything

That place put on a surcharge because the minimum wage was raised to 8 bucks.

There's a nice tidbit in that link. Look at the bill. This restaurant is getting 8 bucks for a cheeseburger, but they're claiming they can't afford to pay the help 8 bucks an hour.


As the price of Hamburger went up, restaurants had no qualms charging $8 for a burger and passing on the cost
Now that ground beef prices have come down, they keep selling $8 burgers
But feel a need to hold their employees up for scorn
Maybe where you live and the cost of living is outrageously high.

I live in New England so don't whine about cost of living to me

The average teacher in MA earns almost 75K for working part time job
That ain't underpaid

Where the fuck do you get off saying it is a part-time job?

Also, your "average" teacher has how many years of service?

it's part time

Summers off many weeks and days off during the school year

how is that NOT part time?

Those summers off? You mean all of the unpaid days attending professional development training that you don't even know about?

You do realize that no one gets paid for those days off in the summer and during the school year?

You are always wanting to argue this from a position of ignorance bordering on stupidity. Why?

You know I am going to destroy your argument with the real truth and not what you have been told or what you assume?

A tenant of mine was a school teacher and he got paid year round whether working or not. They do this so people can't apply for unemployment benefits every summer.
They spread your salary over the whole year instead of ten months
Common practice

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