Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

More BS! A doctors visit is $75-$100, then you have tests and blood work which can jump up to a couple hundred bucks. The poor and middle class don't have that money to throw around. An MRI, an x-ray, you get referred to another doctor, that isn't cheap. What imaginary world do you live in?
Do you believe Republicans are going to bring prices down?
the only way to bring the price of medical costs down is to let the public know what the costs are in the first place.

The single biggest scam is the hiding of the costs. No one knows what medical care costs up front so they can't make informed decisions on where to get care
And you believe Republicans are going to solve this?
where did I ever say that?

and I don't know how many times I have to tell you before it sinks into your thick skull that I am not nor have I ever been a reublican

He has binary thinking disease, he can't get past Democrat or Republican thinking. What is sad is that is the thinking that got us into this mess.
most people here live in a 2 dimensional world
Do / Did liberals really think minimum wages would be increased without some form of off-setting reaction, such as Layoffs / automated kiosks, Increased Prices, etc...?
for some reason these people think that labor costs play no part in the price of goods and services
All because the New BS GOP BLOCKED everything, stupid. Except ACA, the best thing that ever happened for poor workers.

Also noticed how you side stepped all the links proving your Democrats are the party of the rich.
The party of the GOOD rich who want to raise their own taxes and invest in America. Not
the lying cheating greedy idiot GOP rich, dupe.
Democrats the GOOD kind of rich? That's rich.
They want to pay more, dupe. It's called REAL patriotism, not your GOP style flag pins and bs...
Rich Republicans think the system is unfair to them. Rich liberals think it's unfair for poor people

You are so wrong, do Democrats care for the poor when they cheat on their taxes? As pointed out by many examples.

Do Democrats care about the poor when they over regulate and cause prices to rise because of over regulation.

Do Democrats care about the poor when they give insurance to the poor and the poor can't afford the deductibles?

The Democrats care about power they dangle carrots in front of the poor to get votes while they themselves dine on steak.
Like Hollywood rich. They aren't usually greedy or conservative. They know they hit the work lotto and don't mind paying a progressive tax
You know this, how? Got a source or just imagination?
Just look at how you Republicans attacked them during the Oscars. You guys call them Hollywood liberals.

I think 2 people in Hollywood are Republicans
They ARE Hollywood liberals. The entire motion picture industry is built on people pretending to be what and who they are not. For that, a handful of actors, producers and directors are paid huge amounts of money. Most of them are modern liberals, which of course is as far from classic liberalism as it can get. In fact, today's conservatives are closer to classic liberalism than modern liberals. Anyway, most of Hollywood does deserve a healthy dose of mocking, marginalizing, and maligning. As for being a good kind of wealthy, they are not.
They want to pay more in taxes to help the country, hater dupe. Your lying cheating bought off heroes suq.
No one wants to pay more in taxes
So you don't want to make more money?
BS. Read something. Visits and tests are cheap. They pay 3500 over time, get $75k free. Better than losing everything. While cost curve bends down if GOP stops the sabotage...

More BS! A doctors visit is $75-$100, then you have tests and blood work which can jump up to a couple hundred bucks. The poor and middle class don't have that money to throw around. An MRI, an x-ray, you get referred to another doctor, that isn't cheap. What imaginary world do you live in?
Do you believe Republicans are going to bring prices down?
the only way to bring the price of medical costs down is to let the public know what the costs are in the first place.

The single biggest scam is the hiding of the costs. No one knows what medical care costs up front so they can't make informed decisions on where to get care
And you believe Republicans are going to solve this?
where did I ever say that?

and I don't know how many times I have to tell you before it sinks into your thick skull that I am not nor have I ever been a reublican
I always thought of skullpilot as a con/rep. What are you?
Democrats the GOOD kind of rich? That's rich.
Like Hollywood rich. They aren't usually greedy or conservative. They know they hit the work lotto and don't mind paying a progressive tax
You know this, how? Got a source or just imagination?
Just look at how you Republicans attacked them during the Oscars. You guys call them Hollywood liberals.

I think 2 people in Hollywood are Republicans
They ARE Hollywood liberals. The entire motion picture industry is built on people pretending to be what and who they are not. For that, a handful of actors, producers and directors are paid huge amounts of money. Most of them are modern liberals, which of course is as far from classic liberalism as it can get. In fact, today's conservatives are closer to classic liberalism than modern liberals. Anyway, most of Hollywood does deserve a healthy dose of mocking, marginalizing, and maligning. As for being a good kind of wealthy, they are not.
They want to pay more in taxes to help the country, hater dupe. Your lying cheating bought off heroes suq.
What special kind of stupid thinks they don't employ every trick in the book to pay the least amount of taxes possible?
This woman isn't the norm. And i'm sure you greedy white Republican folks know that. She isn't representative of average struggling fellow Americans. Y'all just wanna live your hate fantasies. It helps you feel you're justified in hating fellow Americans. You see them as the 'Bad Guy.' But in reality, you're the Bad Guy.

Yes, I am the bad guy that thinks people who are physically and mentally capable of working should work. I'm the bad guy that thinks if you force employers to pay more for labor than the labor is worth, it will have a negative effect on our economy, and may drive even more jobs overseas as we have witnessed the last couple of decades.

Maybe this woman isn't "the norm" but there are plenty like her who just never took it to the limit. I see them at my grocery store with the SNAP's card with four kids and a SUV she puts her groceries in.

I would love to have a SUV; even one with a plow. But I can't afford it. I can't afford to buy expensive vehicles, and even if I could, I wouldn't be able to afford the gas.

There is something seriously wrong in a society where the so-callled poor have more than the working. As I stated, I work every day to live in the suburbs, and the lowlifes next door to me don't work a day and can do the same. But in reality, I'm the bad guy???

More hateful demonizing generalizations. Ya ever think that maybe poor struggling fellow Americans aren't the 'Bad Guy.' Maybe it's y'all who are the Bad Guy? Think on that some.

Apparently math isn't your strong suit. The first wrong assumption you're making is that the higher wage person has a job at all. 3-4% increased not inflation but wages is a problem if your entire business is making 5%. Are you too dumb to follow that?
Labor is a significant cost, but not the only cost a business has; any more hearsay and soothsay from the right wing?
Labor is often THE largest expense
Labor Cost Guidelines for a Restaurant | › Managing Employees › Employment
General Guidelines. According to Randy White, CEO of the White-Hutchinson Leisure & Learning Group, a consulting group, the cost of labor and food at a restaurant should ideally be less than 60 percent of the revenue you bring in. Labor should be less than 30 percent of the revenue.
So walk me through this. The labor for an eating establishment should be 30% of the operating cost. And that is going to remain that way when you double the labor cost how exactly?

Obviously something has to happen right? What do you think will happen? You have two choices. Prices increase, which will have an effect on sales. Or option two is getting rid of employees and buying kiosks to take those orders.

Thank you for proving all of our points on why $15 an hour minimum wage is bad. I would hope that by you actually posting this you may finally be understanding this point.
OF COURSE prices go up a bit- and more people can afford to go there. DUH.
You're assuming, no, insisting, that prices will go up LESS than the increased labor costs. That is not in evidence.
More BS! A doctors visit is $75-$100, then you have tests and blood work which can jump up to a couple hundred bucks. The poor and middle class don't have that money to throw around. An MRI, an x-ray, you get referred to another doctor, that isn't cheap. What imaginary world do you live in?
Do you believe Republicans are going to bring prices down?
the only way to bring the price of medical costs down is to let the public know what the costs are in the first place.

The single biggest scam is the hiding of the costs. No one knows what medical care costs up front so they can't make informed decisions on where to get care
And you believe Republicans are going to solve this?
where did I ever say that?

and I don't know how many times I have to tell you before it sinks into your thick skull that I am not nor have I ever been a reublican

He has binary thinking disease, he can't get past Democrat or Republican thinking. What is sad is that is the thinking that got us into this mess.
No I get it. Especially when Republicans are in charge because then reality collides with their rhetoric. For example healthcare. Now we see us liberals were right. The GOP lied about the aca. Turns out things would be worse if not for it.

Maybe you idiots should have voted against Republicans in 2010 instead of giving them back control of the house and senate.

You rewarded bad behavior.

And last I checked we have two parties. If you aren't a democrat then you're a Republican. And you guys got us in this message. I don't blame the politicians anymore. I would favor the rich too. You don't need favoring. You vote for them even when they fuck you. Or almost as good you people reward them by not voting
You know this, how? Got a source or just imagination?
Just look at how you Republicans attacked them during the Oscars. You guys call them Hollywood liberals.

I think 2 people in Hollywood are Republicans
They ARE Hollywood liberals. The entire motion picture industry is built on people pretending to be what and who they are not. For that, a handful of actors, producers and directors are paid huge amounts of money. Most of them are modern liberals, which of course is as far from classic liberalism as it can get. In fact, today's conservatives are closer to classic liberalism than modern liberals. Anyway, most of Hollywood does deserve a healthy dose of mocking, marginalizing, and maligning. As for being a good kind of wealthy, they are not.
They want to pay more in taxes to help the country, hater dupe. Your lying cheating bought off heroes suq.
No one wants to pay more in taxes
So you don't want to make more money?
To the selfish, it is just as easy as that.

if your attitude is 'screw everyone else just as I get mine' then raising your salary and making sure you aren't the one being fired is a great plan.

Several years ago an airline called the Mechanics Union, the Stewardess' Union, and the Pilot's Union together and opened up their books, showing them everything. They made the honest pitch that they had to cut salaries by a slight amount across the board or the company would have to go bankrupt & everyone would lose their jobs.

After much thought consideration the Mechanic and stewardess Unions, not wanting to lose their entire jobs, agreed to take the cuts....The Pilots did NOT...and everyone lost their jobs.
What can I do? If you want to live in your own make believe world, there is nothing I can do to help you. I can post ten thousand stories just like this one, and as long as you insist on putting the palms of your hands against your ears and sing aloud, then you're not going to acknowledge one of them.

I told you about my experiences at work, I told you about my experiences with these people at the store, I told you about my experiences with these people in my very own neighborhood, and everything I told you were anomalies in your mind.

In your mind, poor people are dad and the kids sitting at the kitchen table under a light socket hanging from it's wires with a 25 watt bulb in it. Dad is in his dirty torn tee shirt tired from working 12 hour days, and the kids too are dirty wearing hand me down clothing. Everybody is skinny because they don't eat properly, and mom is sweating over a pot of stew trying to sneak in more water to make it go farther. In your mind, this is reality to you.

This woman isn't the norm. And i'm sure you greedy white Republican folks know that. She isn't representative of average struggling fellow Americans. Y'all just wanna live your hate fantasies. It helps you feel you're justified in hating fellow Americans. You see them as the 'Bad Guy.' But in reality, you're the Bad Guy.

Yes, I am the bad guy that thinks people who are physically and mentally capable of working should work. I'm the bad guy that thinks if you force employers to pay more for labor than the labor is worth, it will have a negative effect on our economy, and may drive even more jobs overseas as we have witnessed the last couple of decades.

Maybe this woman isn't "the norm" but there are plenty like her who just never took it to the limit. I see them at my grocery store with the SNAP's card with four kids and a SUV she puts her groceries in.

I would love to have a SUV; even one with a plow. But I can't afford it. I can't afford to buy expensive vehicles, and even if I could, I wouldn't be able to afford the gas.

There is something seriously wrong in a society where the so-callled poor have more than the working. As I stated, I work every day to live in the suburbs, and the lowlifes next door to me don't work a day and can do the same. But in reality, I'm the bad guy???

More hateful demonizing generalizations. Ya ever think that maybe poor struggling fellow Americans aren't the 'Bad Guy.' Maybe it's y'all who are the Bad Guy? Think on that some.

just hearsay and soothsay from the right wing.

three to four percent price inflation, is what the right wing has a problem with.
Apparently math isn't your strong suit. The first wrong assumption you're making is that the higher wage person has a job at all. 3-4% increased not inflation but wages is a problem if your entire business is making 5%. Are you too dumb to follow that?
Labor is a significant cost, but not the only cost a business has; any more hearsay and soothsay from the right wing?
Labor is often THE largest expense
Labor Cost Guidelines for a Restaurant | › Managing Employees › Employment
General Guidelines. According to Randy White, CEO of the White-Hutchinson Leisure & Learning Group, a consulting group, the cost of labor and food at a restaurant should ideally be less than 60 percent of the revenue you bring in. Labor should be less than 30 percent of the revenue.
and you do't think 30% of revenue can be one of if not the highest single expenses?

and why did you just single out restaurants I didn't
That is the correct motorcycle. They like to pretend that there's just a handful of mistreated adults trying to raise a family on MW that would get awesome raises and be happy, when in reality over half the workforce will receive or demand a substantial and immediate increase if we double labor costs to $15/hr.
Like Hollywood rich. They aren't usually greedy or conservative. They know they hit the work lotto and don't mind paying a progressive tax
You know this, how? Got a source or just imagination?
Just look at how you Republicans attacked them during the Oscars. You guys call them Hollywood liberals.

I think 2 people in Hollywood are Republicans
They ARE Hollywood liberals. The entire motion picture industry is built on people pretending to be what and who they are not. For that, a handful of actors, producers and directors are paid huge amounts of money. Most of them are modern liberals, which of course is as far from classic liberalism as it can get. In fact, today's conservatives are closer to classic liberalism than modern liberals. Anyway, most of Hollywood does deserve a healthy dose of mocking, marginalizing, and maligning. As for being a good kind of wealthy, they are not.
They want to pay more in taxes to help the country, hater dupe. Your lying cheating bought off heroes suq.
What special kind of stupid thinks they don't employ every trick in the book to pay the least amount of taxes possible?
Why are those tricks in the book? Oh yes because poor people are the problem. Lol. It's never the rich. You can't fault who you worship.
The GOP had nothing to do with the unions. That's just urban legend. The Republicans never supported unions, but that's a far cry from destroying them.

Unions destroyed themselves. They were good at the beginning, but got too greedy as time went on.
Yup, Reagan was a Dem and the GOP is against Right to Work etc etc...

You liberals are all for pro-choice except when it comes to working.
We know collective bargaining raises wages. You don't get to go work for a union shop, benefit from the union and then not participate.

We know what a company would do with that.

You have a choice. Work for another company

I like our way better: work for any company you desire and allow the company to make the hiring decisions. Nobody in free America should be told they can't get a job because of some union, or that they have to join a union against their will just to earn a living.

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You just don't get it nor do I think you ever will.

Oh, I got it just fine, and so do the Republicans who noted how these unions played a large part in chasing our jobs out of state and out of the country. Right to work is a tool needed to slow down the bleeding.

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Democrats the GOOD kind of rich? That's rich.
Like Hollywood rich. They aren't usually greedy or conservative. They know they hit the work lotto and don't mind paying a progressive tax
You know this, how? Got a source or just imagination?
Just look at how you Republicans attacked them during the Oscars.

You mean unlike Hollywood liberals do to Trump and Republicans all the time?

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Yea, it's Hollywood who lies not trump. You're embarrassing yourselves.

Are we talking about lies or attacks? If you can't defend your position, don't change the subject. It makes you too obvious.

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Incredibly rare scenario. One that you personally will never encounter. So stop trying to play it off that all struggling fellow Americans are like this woman. Because that's just not reality. You just wanna believe it's the norm so you can justify treating fellow Americans poorly.

What can I do? If you want to live in your own make believe world, there is nothing I can do to help you. I can post ten thousand stories just like this one, and as long as you insist on putting the palms of your hands against your ears and sing aloud, then you're not going to acknowledge one of them.

I told you about my experiences at work, I told you about my experiences with these people at the store, I told you about my experiences with these people in my very own neighborhood, and everything I told you were anomalies in your mind.

In your mind, poor people are dad and the kids sitting at the kitchen table under a light socket hanging from it's wires with a 25 watt bulb in it. Dad is in his dirty torn tee shirt tired from working 12 hour days, and the kids too are dirty wearing hand me down clothing. Everybody is skinny because they don't eat properly, and mom is sweating over a pot of stew trying to sneak in more water to make it go farther. In your mind, this is reality to you.

This woman isn't the norm. And i'm sure you greedy white Republican folks know that. She isn't representative of average struggling fellow Americans. Y'all just wanna live your hate fantasies. It helps you feel you're justified in hating fellow Americans. You see them as the 'Bad Guy.' But in reality, you're the Bad Guy.

Yes, I am the bad guy that thinks people who are physically and mentally capable of working should work. I'm the bad guy that thinks if you force employers to pay more for labor than the labor is worth, it will have a negative effect on our economy, and may drive even more jobs overseas as we have witnessed the last couple of decades.

Maybe this woman isn't "the norm" but there are plenty like her who just never took it to the limit. I see them at my grocery store with the SNAP's card with four kids and a SUV she puts her groceries in.

I would love to have a SUV; even one with a plow. But I can't afford it. I can't afford to buy expensive vehicles, and even if I could, I wouldn't be able to afford the gas.

There is something seriously wrong in a society where the so-callled poor have more than the working. As I stated, I work every day to live in the suburbs, and the lowlifes next door to me don't work a day and can do the same. But in reality, I'm the bad guy???

More hateful demonizing generalizations. Ya ever think that maybe poor struggling fellow Americans aren't the 'Bad Guy.' Maybe it's y'all who are the Bad Guy? Think on that some.

I already did hence my above response. Perhaps it is you that should think about it.

I think you're likely just the 'Bad Guy' who thinks he's the 'Good Guy' in this. That happens a lot.
Just look at how you Republicans attacked them during the Oscars. You guys call them Hollywood liberals.

I think 2 people in Hollywood are Republicans
They ARE Hollywood liberals. The entire motion picture industry is built on people pretending to be what and who they are not. For that, a handful of actors, producers and directors are paid huge amounts of money. Most of them are modern liberals, which of course is as far from classic liberalism as it can get. In fact, today's conservatives are closer to classic liberalism than modern liberals. Anyway, most of Hollywood does deserve a healthy dose of mocking, marginalizing, and maligning. As for being a good kind of wealthy, they are not.
They want to pay more in taxes to help the country, hater dupe. Your lying cheating bought off heroes suq.
No one wants to pay more in taxes
So you don't want to make more money?
To the selfish, it is just as easy as that.

if your attitude is 'screw everyone else just as I get mine' then raising your salary and making sure you aren't the one being fired is a great plan.

Several years ago an airline called the Mechanics Union, the Stewardess' Union, and the Pilot's Union together and opened up their books, showing them everything. They made the honest pitch that they had to cut salaries by a slight amount across the board or the company would have to go bankrupt & everyone would lose their jobs.

After much thought consideration the Mechanic and stewardess Unions, not wanting to lose their entire jobs, agreed to take the cuts....The Pilots did NOT...and everyone lost their jobs.
How much did the CEO make before the pay cuts and how much does he make now? I bet his pay has doubled.

Anyways, this is why we need to get real unemployment down. When we have more jobs than workers pay goes up. If CEOs can get you for ten why pay more?
And our current Minimum Wage is an absolute embarrassment. We can and should do much better.

You have done nothing to justify your allegations.

just hearsay and soothsay from the right wing.

three to four percent price inflation, is what the right wing has a problem with.
Apparently math isn't your strong suit. The first wrong assumption you're making is that the higher wage person has a job at all. 3-4% increased not inflation but wages is a problem if your entire business is making 5%. Are you too dumb to follow that?
Labor is a significant cost, but not the only cost a business has; any more hearsay and soothsay from the right wing?

Who on here claimed that labor was the ONLY cost a business has? I suggest you are claiming extremes to make your case, just like Nazi propagandist did.

They have to demonize and generalize. It makes them feel like they're the 'Good Guy' in this. But in reality, they're the Bad Guy. They'll say and do anything to justify mistreating fellow Americans. They believe that 'Evil Lazy Welfare' Boogeyman is hiding under their beds. It's greedy delusional propaganda.
You know this, how? Got a source or just imagination?
Just look at how you Republicans attacked them during the Oscars. You guys call them Hollywood liberals.

I think 2 people in Hollywood are Republicans
They ARE Hollywood liberals. The entire motion picture industry is built on people pretending to be what and who they are not. For that, a handful of actors, producers and directors are paid huge amounts of money. Most of them are modern liberals, which of course is as far from classic liberalism as it can get. In fact, today's conservatives are closer to classic liberalism than modern liberals. Anyway, most of Hollywood does deserve a healthy dose of mocking, marginalizing, and maligning. As for being a good kind of wealthy, they are not.
They want to pay more in taxes to help the country, hater dupe. Your lying cheating bought off heroes suq.
No one wants to pay more in taxes
So you don't want to make more money?
You don't make more money so you can pay more taxes you idiot
More BS! A doctors visit is $75-$100, then you have tests and blood work which can jump up to a couple hundred bucks. The poor and middle class don't have that money to throw around. An MRI, an x-ray, you get referred to another doctor, that isn't cheap. What imaginary world do you live in?
Do you believe Republicans are going to bring prices down?
the only way to bring the price of medical costs down is to let the public know what the costs are in the first place.

The single biggest scam is the hiding of the costs. No one knows what medical care costs up front so they can't make informed decisions on where to get care
And you believe Republicans are going to solve this?
where did I ever say that?

and I don't know how many times I have to tell you before it sinks into your thick skull that I am not nor have I ever been a reublican
I always thought of skullpilot as a con/rep. What are you?

I am completely unaffiliated.

I can't help it if you can only see the world in 2 dimensions
They ARE Hollywood liberals. The entire motion picture industry is built on people pretending to be what and who they are not. For that, a handful of actors, producers and directors are paid huge amounts of money. Most of them are modern liberals, which of course is as far from classic liberalism as it can get. In fact, today's conservatives are closer to classic liberalism than modern liberals. Anyway, most of Hollywood does deserve a healthy dose of mocking, marginalizing, and maligning. As for being a good kind of wealthy, they are not.
They want to pay more in taxes to help the country, hater dupe. Your lying cheating bought off heroes suq.
No one wants to pay more in taxes
So you don't want to make more money?
To the selfish, it is just as easy as that.

if your attitude is 'screw everyone else just as I get mine' then raising your salary and making sure you aren't the one being fired is a great plan.

Several years ago an airline called the Mechanics Union, the Stewardess' Union, and the Pilot's Union together and opened up their books, showing them everything. They made the honest pitch that they had to cut salaries by a slight amount across the board or the company would have to go bankrupt & everyone would lose their jobs.

After much thought consideration the Mechanic and stewardess Unions, not wanting to lose their entire jobs, agreed to take the cuts....The Pilots did NOT...and everyone lost their jobs.
How much did the CEO make before the pay cuts and how much does he make now? I bet his pay has doubled.

Anyways, this is why we need to get real unemployment down. When we have more jobs than workers pay goes up. If CEOs can get you for ten why pay more?

Or......... less workers can be accomplished by getting rid of immigrants and closing down our border. Wages can never increase when you allow people to come here and work for next to nothing.

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