Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

And our current Minimum Wage is an absolute embarrassment. We can and should do much better.

You have done nothing to justify your allegations.

just hearsay and soothsay from the right wing.

three to four percent price inflation, is what the right wing has a problem with.
Apparently math isn't your strong suit. The first wrong assumption you're making is that the higher wage person has a job at all. 3-4% increased not inflation but wages is a problem if your entire business is making 5%. Are you too dumb to follow that?
Labor is a significant cost, but not the only cost a business has; any more hearsay and soothsay from the right wing?

Who on here claimed that labor was the ONLY cost a business has? I suggest you are claiming extremes to make your case, just like Nazi propagandist did.
And then there's the horse who never gets a decent bite of the carrot and falls down dead from exhaustion. But by God, that horse had self-respect!
The part you can't see is that people come here barely speaking the language and do well. some very well. If you can't get a decent bite of the carrot it's not the carrot's fault. It means you lived life as a victim in a land of opportunity.

Yup, people just got lazy the last 35 years!

Good for you, catching on I see!

It goes back a bit further than 35 years but you're on the right track.

It began with the President Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty and his Great Society.

Intentionally or unintentionally he primarily destroyed the formerly strong black family unit by encouraging low income people to NOT get married so they would get larger handouts from other taxpayers.
What can I do? If you want to live in your own make believe world, there is nothing I can do to help you. I can post ten thousand stories just like this one, and as long as you insist on putting the palms of your hands against your ears and sing aloud, then you're not going to acknowledge one of them.

I told you about my experiences at work, I told you about my experiences with these people at the store, I told you about my experiences with these people in my very own neighborhood, and everything I told you were anomalies in your mind.

In your mind, poor people are dad and the kids sitting at the kitchen table under a light socket hanging from it's wires with a 25 watt bulb in it. Dad is in his dirty torn tee shirt tired from working 12 hour days, and the kids too are dirty wearing hand me down clothing. Everybody is skinny because they don't eat properly, and mom is sweating over a pot of stew trying to sneak in more water to make it go farther. In your mind, this is reality to you.

This woman isn't the norm. And i'm sure you greedy white Republican folks know that. She isn't representative of average struggling fellow Americans. Y'all just wanna live your hate fantasies. It helps you feel you're justified in hating fellow Americans. You see them as the 'Bad Guy.' But in reality, you're the Bad Guy.

Yes, I am the bad guy that thinks people who are physically and mentally capable of working should work. I'm the bad guy that thinks if you force employers to pay more for labor than the labor is worth, it will have a negative effect on our economy, and may drive even more jobs overseas as we have witnessed the last couple of decades.

Maybe this woman isn't "the norm" but there are plenty like her who just never took it to the limit. I see them at my grocery store with the SNAP's card with four kids and a SUV she puts her groceries in.

I would love to have a SUV; even one with a plow. But I can't afford it. I can't afford to buy expensive vehicles, and even if I could, I wouldn't be able to afford the gas.

There is something seriously wrong in a society where the so-callled poor have more than the working. As I stated, I work every day to live in the suburbs, and the lowlifes next door to me don't work a day and can do the same. But in reality, I'm the bad guy???

More hateful demonizing generalizations. Ya ever think that maybe poor struggling fellow Americans aren't the 'Bad Guy.' Maybe it's y'all who are the Bad Guy? Think on that some.

just hearsay and soothsay from the right wing.

three to four percent price inflation, is what the right wing has a problem with.
Apparently math isn't your strong suit. The first wrong assumption you're making is that the higher wage person has a job at all. 3-4% increased not inflation but wages is a problem if your entire business is making 5%. Are you too dumb to follow that?
Labor is a significant cost, but not the only cost a business has; any more hearsay and soothsay from the right wing?
Labor is often THE largest expense
Labor Cost Guidelines for a Restaurant | › Managing Employees › Employment
General Guidelines. According to Randy White, CEO of the White-Hutchinson Leisure & Learning Group, a consulting group, the cost of labor and food at a restaurant should ideally be less than 60 percent of the revenue you bring in. Labor should be less than 30 percent of the revenue.
So walk me through this. The labor for an eating establishment should be 30% of the operating cost. And that is going to remain that way when you double the labor cost how exactly?

Obviously something has to happen right? What do you think will happen? You have two choices. Prices increase, which will have an effect on sales. Or option two is getting rid of employees and buying kiosks to take those orders.

Thank you for proving all of our points on why $15 an hour minimum wage is bad. I would hope that by you actually posting this you may finally be understanding this point.

Good luck with that one. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Bullshit. Of course it's not the carrot's fault; it's the fault of the asshole dangling the carrot just out of reach.
Like I said, it isn't out of reach if you pry your lazy ass off the couch. Foreigners come here and pass up the slackers.

You mean the foreigners who are maligned by conservatives as welfare leeches? I can never figure out which narrative to apply to foreigners nowadays.

And, for the purposes of the metaphor, the carrot is always moving. You pry your lazy ass off the couch, the danger of the carrot moves a few feet further away. You start walking, he runs . You run, he sprints. You complain it's not fair, he calls you greedy and lazy.

Fuck that.
No, I didn't say what you said I said. Why lie? Conservatives have no problem with legal immigrants that earn a living, in fact many are conservatives. Liberals just can't see them because they don't fit their old rich white man template.

But you did an excellent job of illustrating the victims of life. Can't get ahead so why bother? Like I said, many are passing you up while you're feeling sorry for yourself.

My point was not and will never be, why bother? My point is if you have to be extraordinary just to survive (not get ahead, but just to tread water) that's not a quality life. It's not about everyone being some great success. It's about rewarding a work ethic.

When I was growing up, poor people were told to "get a job." Now the working poor are told, "Tough shit, get a better job." It's moving the goal posts. Not everyone wants to get rich, but a work ethic should be rewarded.

Nobody gets rewarded just for having a good work ethic. Workers get rewarded for doing jobs that not everybody can do. If you do have a job anybody can do (work ethic or not) there is not much of a reward to be had.

The thing is businesses don't do anything different than you or I. When we use labor, we look for the cheapest labor we can.

"Nobody gets rewarded just for having a good work ethic."

Exactly. We want people to have a strong work ethic, but won't reward them for it. See the problem?

If you want people to do something, give them positive reinforcement for doing it. Behavior 101.
Labor Cost Guidelines for a Restaurant | › Managing Employees › Employment
General Guidelines. According to Randy White, CEO of the White-Hutchinson Leisure & Learning Group, a consulting group, the cost of labor and food at a restaurant should ideally be less than 60 percent of the revenue you bring in. Labor should be less than 30 percent of the revenue.

The labor cost at a limited-service restaurant, a fast food restaurant, is around 30%. For a full-service restaurant, depending on the menu and price range they go higher, 36 to 40%. In many very exclusive restaurants, the wait staff pay the restaurant to work in that facility. It's hard work but a first-rate server makes a LOT of money.

None of this makes one iota of difference. The Federal minimum wage should be done away with entirely. If individual states wish to have them, that's their privilege.

You mean the foreigners who are maligned by conservatives as welfare leeches? I can never figure out which narrative to apply to foreigners nowadays.

And, for the purposes of the metaphor, the carrot is always moving. You pry your lazy ass off the couch, the danger of the carrot moves a few feet further away. You start walking, he runs . You run, he sprints. You complain it's not fair, he calls you greedy and lazy.

Fuck that.
No, I didn't say what you said I said. Why lie? Conservatives have no problem with legal immigrants that earn a living, in fact many are conservatives. Liberals just can't see them because they don't fit their old rich white man template.

But you did an excellent job of illustrating the victims of life. Can't get ahead so why bother? Like I said, many are passing you up while you're feeling sorry for yourself.

My point was not and will never be, why bother? My point is if you have to be extraordinary just to survive (not get ahead, but just to tread water) that's not a quality life. It's not about everyone being some great success. It's about rewarding a work ethic.

When I was growing up, poor people were told to "get a job." Now the working poor are told, "Tough shit, get a better job." It's moving the goal posts. Not everyone wants to get rich, but a work ethic should be rewarded.

Nobody gets rewarded just for having a good work ethic. Workers get rewarded for doing jobs that not everybody can do. If you do have a job anybody can do (work ethic or not) there is not much of a reward to be had.

The thing is businesses don't do anything different than you or I. When we use labor, we look for the cheapest labor we can.
Which is stupid. Unhappy workers are shytty workers- no wonder we have so many...Check Costco.

It's not the job of an employer to make you happy. It's the job of an employer to produce products or services for a profit.

Nobody is forced to work for minimum wage. If you need more money, don't cry for government to get you more, do it yourself.
And THAT shortsighted bs is why you can't get good people these days. Bottom line GOP idiocy and the dupes...
"Nobody gets rewarded just for having a good work ethic."

Exactly. We want people to have a strong work ethic, but won't reward them for it. See the problem?

If you want people to do something, give them positive reinforcement for doing it. Behavior 101.

Amusing! But not at all surprising, is that your post contradicts itself.

WHY should anyone be rewarded for a strong work ethic? That's a huge part of our problem today. Progressives actually believe that everyone should be rewarded, just for showing up! Where does that wild idea come from? Why from Progressives running little league baseball, soccer and other sport for youth.


NO one should get rewarded for a good worth ethic. That's part of getting a job, that you come with a good work ethic or "reward" is getting canned.

Explains a LOT about your work history.
What can I do? If you want to live in your own make believe world, there is nothing I can do to help you. I can post ten thousand stories just like this one, and as long as you insist on putting the palms of your hands against your ears and sing aloud, then you're not going to acknowledge one of them.

I told you about my experiences at work, I told you about my experiences with these people at the store, I told you about my experiences with these people in my very own neighborhood, and everything I told you were anomalies in your mind.

In your mind, poor people are dad and the kids sitting at the kitchen table under a light socket hanging from it's wires with a 25 watt bulb in it. Dad is in his dirty torn tee shirt tired from working 12 hour days, and the kids too are dirty wearing hand me down clothing. Everybody is skinny because they don't eat properly, and mom is sweating over a pot of stew trying to sneak in more water to make it go farther. In your mind, this is reality to you.

This woman isn't the norm. And i'm sure you greedy white Republican folks know that. She isn't representative of average struggling fellow Americans. Y'all just wanna live your hate fantasies. It helps you feel you're justified in hating fellow Americans. You see them as the 'Bad Guy.' But in reality, you're the Bad Guy.

Yes, I am the bad guy that thinks people who are physically and mentally capable of working should work. I'm the bad guy that thinks if you force employers to pay more for labor than the labor is worth, it will have a negative effect on our economy, and may drive even more jobs overseas as we have witnessed the last couple of decades.

Maybe this woman isn't "the norm" but there are plenty like her who just never took it to the limit. I see them at my grocery store with the SNAP's card with four kids and a SUV she puts her groceries in.

I would love to have a SUV; even one with a plow. But I can't afford it. I can't afford to buy expensive vehicles, and even if I could, I wouldn't be able to afford the gas.

There is something seriously wrong in a society where the so-callled poor have more than the working. As I stated, I work every day to live in the suburbs, and the lowlifes next door to me don't work a day and can do the same. But in reality, I'm the bad guy???

More hateful demonizing generalizations. Ya ever think that maybe poor struggling fellow Americans aren't the 'Bad Guy.' Maybe it's y'all who are the Bad Guy? Think on that some.

just hearsay and soothsay from the right wing.

three to four percent price inflation, is what the right wing has a problem with.
Apparently math isn't your strong suit. The first wrong assumption you're making is that the higher wage person has a job at all. 3-4% increased not inflation but wages is a problem if your entire business is making 5%. Are you too dumb to follow that?
Labor is a significant cost, but not the only cost a business has; any more hearsay and soothsay from the right wing?
Labor is often THE largest expense
Labor Cost Guidelines for a Restaurant | › Managing Employees › Employment
General Guidelines. According to Randy White, CEO of the White-Hutchinson Leisure & Learning Group, a consulting group, the cost of labor and food at a restaurant should ideally be less than 60 percent of the revenue you bring in. Labor should be less than 30 percent of the revenue.
So walk me through this. The labor for an eating establishment should be 30% of the operating cost. And that is going to remain that way when you double the labor cost how exactly?

Obviously something has to happen right? What do you think will happen? You have two choices. Prices increase, which will have an effect on sales. Or option two is getting rid of employees and buying kiosks to take those orders.

Thank you for proving all of our points on why $15 an hour minimum wage is bad. I would hope that by you actually posting this you may finally be understanding this point.
OF COURSE prices go up a bit- and more people can afford to go there. DUH.
"Nobody gets rewarded just for having a good work ethic."

Exactly. We want people to have a strong work ethic, but won't reward them for it. See the problem?

If you want people to do something, give them positive reinforcement for doing it. Behavior 101.

Amusing! But not at all surprising, is that your post contradicts itself.

WHY should anyone be rewarded for a strong work ethic? That's a huge part of our problem today. Progressives actually believe that everyone should be rewarded, just for showing up! Where does that wild idea come from? Why from Progressives running little league baseball, soccer and other sport for youth.


NO one should get rewarded for a good worth ethic. That's part of getting a job, that you come with a good work ethic or "reward" is getting canned.

Explains a LOT about your work history.

You don't know fuck-all about my work history, you festering sore on humanity's ass.

Having a work ethic is a behavior that can be learned, but if it's not reinforced, it can be lost. It's not getting a trophy for "showing up", it's getting paid for putting in an honest day's work. I notice that it's very fashionable to denigrate unskilled workers as people undeserving of livable wages, but in the same breath demonizing people for not wanting the shitty-paying jobs. If you don't recognize the no-win situation that puts the working poor in, then just reinsert your head in your ass (we know it was there very recently) and let rational people, not knee jerk reactionaries, govern.
"Nobody gets rewarded just for having a good work ethic."

Exactly. We want people to have a strong work ethic, but won't reward them for it. See the problem?

If you want people to do something, give them positive reinforcement for doing it. Behavior 101.

Amusing! But not at all surprising, is that your post contradicts itself.

WHY should anyone be rewarded for a strong work ethic? That's a huge part of our problem today. Progressives actually believe that everyone should be rewarded, just for showing up! Where does that wild idea come from? Why from Progressives running little league baseball, soccer and other sport for youth.


NO one should get rewarded for a good worth ethic. That's part of getting a job, that you come with a good work ethic or "reward" is getting canned.

Explains a LOT about your work history.
Pay a living wage or you get the crap we have now. A GD New BS GOP mess...
All because the New BS GOP BLOCKED everything, stupid. Except ACA, the best thing that ever happened for poor workers.

And the worst thing that ever happened to middle-class workers.
Unions brought everyone's wages up. The GOP have destroyed unions and no coincidence wages have gone down

Claims the asshole who is not in a union nor is he trying to unionize? Man your BS is deep tonight.
I have worked for companies I would have loved to unionize. My company doesn't need to be unionized. Too small and they pay well. Not a lot of turnover.

If I never worked for shitty companies maybe I'd think like you

America is the land of opportunity. When I got out of the Navy started at the bottom of the ladder and sixteen years later was at the top of the ladder. Young people today want to start at the top of the ladder and that is an exercise in futility.
Bullshit you are swallowing propoganda. You should be embarrassed
All because the New BS GOP BLOCKED everything, stupid. Except ACA, the best thing that ever happened for poor workers.

Also noticed how you side stepped all the links proving your Democrats are the party of the rich.
The party of the GOOD rich who want to raise their own taxes and invest in America. Not
the lying cheating greedy idiot GOP rich, dupe.

So Lewis who evade taxes is the good rich? Kerry who poisons his fellow Americans are the good rich? Buffett who takes every deduction available is the good rich? Gore who pretends to care about the environment while flying in his private jet is the good rich? Are you one big dupe.
Rick Snyder poisoned his citizens. Who's Kerry and when did he poison people?

And yes gore is a good guy. He wanted all the corporations who pollute to cut down because he believes gw is real. The dupes are the right wing voters (you) who have swallowed the right wing talking point that he has 3 homes and uses a lot of electricity. Irrilivent. Him selling 2 homes isn't going to solve the problem.

Again you cons can't grasp the concept of we are in this together. You're mentality is always every man for himself including gw. Well it doesn't work that way.

Gore should have never picked that Jew. That's why he lost tennessee

Kerry = Stolen Valor. His Silver Star is bogus.
Trump and you are fos. Not to be taken seriously
All because the New BS GOP BLOCKED everything, stupid. Except ACA, the best thing that ever happened for poor workers.

No it isn't, the poor still pay the first $3500, they still can't afford the visits, but hey clown, it is your illusion.
BS. Read something. Visits and tests are cheap. They pay 3500 over time, get $75k free. Better than losing everything. While cost curve bends down if GOP stops the sabotage...

More BS! A doctors visit is $75-$100, then you have tests and blood work which can jump up to a couple hundred bucks. The poor and middle class don't have that money to throw around. An MRI, an x-ray, you get referred to another doctor, that isn't cheap. What imaginary world do you live in?
Do you believe Republicans are going to bring prices down?
the only way to bring the price of medical costs down is to let the public know what the costs are in the first place.

The single biggest scam is the hiding of the costs. No one knows what medical care costs up front so they can't make informed decisions on where to get care
And you believe Republicans are going to solve this?
All because the New BS GOP BLOCKED everything, stupid. Except ACA, the best thing that ever happened for poor workers.

Also noticed how you side stepped all the links proving your Democrats are the party of the rich.
The party of the GOOD rich who want to raise their own taxes and invest in America. Not
the lying cheating greedy idiot GOP rich, dupe.

So Lewis who evade taxes is the good rich? Kerry who poisons his fellow Americans are the good rich? Buffett who takes every deduction available is the good rich? Gore who pretends to care about the environment while flying in his private jet is the good rich? Are you one big dupe.
Rick Snyder poisoned his citizens. Who's Kerry and when did he poison people?

And yes gore is a good guy. He wanted all the corporations who pollute to cut down because he believes gw is real. The dupes are the right wing voters (you) who have swallowed the right wing talking point that he has 3 homes and uses a lot of electricity. Irrilivent. Him selling 2 homes isn't going to solve the problem.

Again you cons can't grasp the concept of we are in this together. You're mentality is always every man for himself including gw. Well it doesn't work that way.

Gore should have never picked that Jew. That's why he lost tennessee

You don't know who Kerry is? Lol!

Gore is out for Gore, he lives his life in luxury and wealth with a carbon footprint bigger than 20 people put together. If he really cared about the environment he would employ ways to reduce his footprint.

We aren't in it together, you don't report your illegal income, you are out for yourself. I pay my taxes and take my legal deductions. I pay my share of taxes, you don't, so spare me your BS Pubs are only in it for themselves. Fucking hypocrite!
20 people? Wow. That'll solve our problems.

All you need to know is trumps a liar. He gets caught daily. But you keep believing
The party of the GOOD rich who want to raise their own taxes and invest in America. Not
the lying cheating greedy idiot GOP rich, dupe.
Democrats the GOOD kind of rich? That's rich.
Like Hollywood rich. They aren't usually greedy or conservative. They know they hit the work lotto and don't mind paying a progressive tax
You know this, how? Got a source or just imagination?
Just look at how you Republicans attacked them during the Oscars.

You mean unlike Hollywood liberals do to Trump and Republicans all the time?

Sent from my iPhone using
Yea, it's Hollywood who lies not trump. You're embarrassing yourselves.
Unions brought everyone's wages up. The GOP have destroyed unions and no coincidence wages have gone down

The GOP had nothing to do with the unions. That's just urban legend. The Republicans never supported unions, but that's a far cry from destroying them.

Unions destroyed themselves. They were good at the beginning, but got too greedy as time went on.
Yup, Reagan was a Dem and the GOP is against Right to Work etc etc...

You liberals are all for pro-choice except when it comes to working.
We know collective bargaining raises wages. You don't get to go work for a union shop, benefit from the union and then not participate.

We know what a company would do with that.

You have a choice. Work for another company

I like our way better: work for any company you desire and allow the company to make the hiring decisions. Nobody in free America should be told they can't get a job because of some union, or that they have to join a union against their will just to earn a living.

Sent from my iPhone using
You just don't get it nor do I think you ever will.
the only way to bring the price of medical costs down is to let the public know what the costs are in the first place.

The single biggest scam is the hiding of the costs. No one knows what medical care costs up front so they can't make informed decisions on where to get care

Consumers don't care what the cost is because they figure insurance will pay whatever. If consumers had to share in the cost up front, they would shop around and look for the best deal.

Laser eye surgeries and similar procedures are not covered by most insurance. However, the quality and technology has drastically increased while the prices go down. Competition has brought down prices and increased quality.
Competition FINALLY set up by ACA, along with gov't regulation..., dupe. Give it time and stop the GOP sabotage.
And then there's the horse who never gets a decent bite of the carrot and falls down dead from exhaustion. But by God, that horse had self-respect!
The part you can't see is that people come here barely speaking the language and do well. some very well. If you can't get a decent bite of the carrot it's not the carrot's fault. It means you lived life as a victim in a land of opportunity.

Bullshit. Of course it's not the carrot's fault; it's the fault of the asshole dangling the carrot just out of reach.

The only people the carrot is out of reach for are those physically or mentally disabled, and we take care of those people. Everybody else? It's up to you if you want that carrot or a bushel of carrots.
Also noticed how you side stepped all the links proving your Democrats are the party of the rich.
The party of the GOOD rich who want to raise their own taxes and invest in America. Not
the lying cheating greedy idiot GOP rich, dupe.

So Lewis who evade taxes is the good rich? Kerry who poisons his fellow Americans are the good rich? Buffett who takes every deduction available is the good rich? Gore who pretends to care about the environment while flying in his private jet is the good rich? Are you one big dupe.
Rick Snyder poisoned his citizens. Who's Kerry and when did he poison people?

And yes gore is a good guy. He wanted all the corporations who pollute to cut down because he believes gw is real. The dupes are the right wing voters (you) who have swallowed the right wing talking point that he has 3 homes and uses a lot of electricity. Irrilivent. Him selling 2 homes isn't going to solve the problem.

Again you cons can't grasp the concept of we are in this together. You're mentality is always every man for himself including gw. Well it doesn't work that way.

Gore should have never picked that Jew. That's why he lost tennessee

You don't know who Kerry is? Lol!

Gore is out for Gore, he lives his life in luxury and wealth with a carbon footprint bigger than 20 people put together. If he really cared about the environment he would employ ways to reduce his footprint.

We aren't in it together, you don't report your illegal income, you are out for yourself. I pay my taxes and take my legal deductions. I pay my share of taxes, you don't, so spare me your BS Pubs are only in it for themselves. Fucking hypocrite!
He knows DUH.
He HAS, dupe.
You are dumb me me and trump are not
no we're not and our so called poor do not have it any worse than the so called poor in any other first world nation and they have it far far better than the actual poor in third world countries

Have you ever been to a third world country I wonder. I have and I have seen real poverty and we don't have it

and I do not think there is anything special about me I'm just an average guy who had a plan and followed it. I always knew that I was responsible for my own life and didn't depend on a job or anyone else to provide what I needed. I did whatever it took to work my plan. At 16 I got a job and worked 38 hours a week my last 3 years of HS because I knew I would need the money because no one was going to pay for my college but me summers I worked 2 jobs while my friends were hanging around doing nothing and begging their parents for spending money

and so what if people take extraordinary effort for a few years to get something better?
I kept the full time night job until I was in my late 30s. I worked full time during the day as well. Still managed to get a second degree and an MBA My wife worked almost as much we saved every cent from my day job and her 30 hour a week part time job for 10 years. We opened a business had plenty of capital and didn't have to go very deep in debt to do it. I kept the night job for the first 3 years our business was opened we both worked upwards of 90 hours a week for the first 5 years we were open

we put the work in up front and now work less than 40 hours a week each in a couple more years I'll be working about 20 I'll be semi retired by the time I'm 52 and the business will continue to pay us very well.

no one and I mean no one who ever accomplished anything worth while in a career only ever worked just 40 hours a week.

So when people whine they don't make enough money while they're buying 10 dollar coffees and smoking a pack a day I tune them out

So, you can do it, anyone can?

That's specious reasoning.

And don't sell yourself short; you apparently have put in extraordinary effort, and lacked lots of sleep.
Yes anyone of sound mind and body can do what I did.

But I guess I had different priorities and sleeping 8 hours a day was low on the list
One thing you learn when you put in the kind of hours I did is that working just 40 hours a week is like a vacation and I also learned the only things I missed out on were bad TV and going out drinking or playing in the fat and over 30 softball league and for what I have now it wasn't much of a sacrifice.

No one who ever accomplished anything ever worked just 40 hours a week
Get off my lawn!!!!
at least i have a lawn
Incredibly rare scenario. One that you personally will never encounter. So stop trying to play it off that all struggling fellow Americans are like this woman. Because that's just not reality. You just wanna believe it's the norm so you can justify treating fellow Americans poorly.

What can I do? If you want to live in your own make believe world, there is nothing I can do to help you. I can post ten thousand stories just like this one, and as long as you insist on putting the palms of your hands against your ears and sing aloud, then you're not going to acknowledge one of them.

I told you about my experiences at work, I told you about my experiences with these people at the store, I told you about my experiences with these people in my very own neighborhood, and everything I told you were anomalies in your mind.

In your mind, poor people are dad and the kids sitting at the kitchen table under a light socket hanging from it's wires with a 25 watt bulb in it. Dad is in his dirty torn tee shirt tired from working 12 hour days, and the kids too are dirty wearing hand me down clothing. Everybody is skinny because they don't eat properly, and mom is sweating over a pot of stew trying to sneak in more water to make it go farther. In your mind, this is reality to you.

This woman isn't the norm. And i'm sure you greedy white Republican folks know that. She isn't representative of average struggling fellow Americans. Y'all just wanna live your hate fantasies. It helps you feel you're justified in hating fellow Americans. You see them as the 'Bad Guy.' But in reality, you're the Bad Guy.

Yes, I am the bad guy that thinks people who are physically and mentally capable of working should work. I'm the bad guy that thinks if you force employers to pay more for labor than the labor is worth, it will have a negative effect on our economy, and may drive even more jobs overseas as we have witnessed the last couple of decades.

Maybe this woman isn't "the norm" but there are plenty like her who just never took it to the limit. I see them at my grocery store with the SNAP's card with four kids and a SUV she puts her groceries in.

I would love to have a SUV; even one with a plow. But I can't afford it. I can't afford to buy expensive vehicles, and even if I could, I wouldn't be able to afford the gas.

There is something seriously wrong in a society where the so-callled poor have more than the working. As I stated, I work every day to live in the suburbs, and the lowlifes next door to me don't work a day and can do the same. But in reality, I'm the bad guy???

More hateful demonizing generalizations. Ya ever think that maybe poor struggling fellow Americans aren't the 'Bad Guy.' Maybe it's y'all who are the Bad Guy? Think on that some.

You have done nothing to justify your allegations.

just hearsay and soothsay from the right wing.

three to four percent price inflation, is what the right wing has a problem with.
Apparently math isn't your strong suit. The first wrong assumption you're making is that the higher wage person has a job at all. 3-4% increased not inflation but wages is a problem if your entire business is making 5%. Are you too dumb to follow that?
Labor is a significant cost, but not the only cost a business has; any more hearsay and soothsay from the right wing?
Labor is often THE largest expense
Labor Cost Guidelines for a Restaurant | › Managing Employees › Employment
General Guidelines. According to Randy White, CEO of the White-Hutchinson Leisure & Learning Group, a consulting group, the cost of labor and food at a restaurant should ideally be less than 60 percent of the revenue you bring in. Labor should be less than 30 percent of the revenue.
and you do't think 30% of revenue can be one of if not the highest single expenses?

and why did you just single out restaurants I didn't

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