Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

Democrats the GOOD kind of rich? That's rich.
Like Hollywood rich. They aren't usually greedy or conservative. They know they hit the work lotto and don't mind paying a progressive tax
You know this, how? Got a source or just imagination?
Just look at how you Republicans attacked them during the Oscars. You guys call them Hollywood liberals.

I think 2 people in Hollywood are Republicans
They ARE Hollywood liberals. The entire motion picture industry is built on people pretending to be what and who they are not. For that, a handful of actors, producers and directors are paid huge amounts of money. Most of them are modern liberals, which of course is as far from classic liberalism as it can get. In fact, today's conservatives are closer to classic liberalism than modern liberals. Anyway, most of Hollywood does deserve a healthy dose of mocking, marginalizing, and maligning. As for being a good kind of wealthy, they are not.
They want to pay more in taxes to help the country, hater dupe. Your lying cheating bought off heroes suq.
No one wants to pay more in taxes
What Percentage of Business Overhead Should Be Payroll?

If you are in the retail or manufacturing business, for example, you can likely to keep your payroll cost below 30 percent. This is because you would spend more on goods, merchandise or equipment than you would on wages. If you are in the service industry, however, your payroll expenses could run up to 50 percent or slightly more.
"Nobody gets rewarded just for having a good work ethic."

Exactly. We want people to have a strong work ethic, but won't reward them for it. See the problem?

If you want people to do something, give them positive reinforcement for doing it. Behavior 101.

Amusing! But not at all surprising, is that your post contradicts itself.

WHY should anyone be rewarded for a strong work ethic? That's a huge part of our problem today. Progressives actually believe that everyone should be rewarded, just for showing up! Where does that wild idea come from? Why from Progressives running little league baseball, soccer and other sport for youth.


NO one should get rewarded for a good worth ethic. That's part of getting a job, that you come with a good work ethic or "reward" is getting canned.

Explains a LOT about your work history.

You don't know fuck-all about my work history, you festering sore on humanity's ass.

Having a work ethic is a behavior that can be learned, but if it's not reinforced, it can be lost. It's not getting a trophy for "showing up", it's getting paid for putting in an honest day's work. I notice that it's very fashionable to denigrate unskilled workers as people undeserving of livable wages, but in the same breath demonizing people for not wanting the shitty-paying jobs. If you don't recognize the no-win situation that puts the working poor in, then just reinsert your head in your ass (we know it was there very recently) and let rational people, not knee jerk reactionaries, govern.

you get a better job by starting out with the shitty job

I thought everyone knew that
No it isn't, the poor still pay the first $3500, they still can't afford the visits, but hey clown, it is your illusion.
BS. Read something. Visits and tests are cheap. They pay 3500 over time, get $75k free. Better than losing everything. While cost curve bends down if GOP stops the sabotage...

More BS! A doctors visit is $75-$100, then you have tests and blood work which can jump up to a couple hundred bucks. The poor and middle class don't have that money to throw around. An MRI, an x-ray, you get referred to another doctor, that isn't cheap. What imaginary world do you live in?
Do you believe Republicans are going to bring prices down?
the only way to bring the price of medical costs down is to let the public know what the costs are in the first place.

The single biggest scam is the hiding of the costs. No one knows what medical care costs up front so they can't make informed decisions on where to get care
And you believe Republicans are going to solve this?
where did I ever say that?

and I don't know how many times I have to tell you before it sinks into your thick skull that I am not nor have I ever been a reublican
you get a better job by starting out with the shitty job

I'm certain that's not a universal truth. The kids we hire via our undergrad recruiting program would not think of the jobs we offer and that they accept as "sh*tty." I can't imagine anyone thinking that of them. They have excellent starting salaries, great benefits, fantastic career growth opportunities and outstanding lifetime earnings potential. That's not unique to my firm, my competitors or related and unrelated professional services industry firms. I think the same is so in biotech, IT, medicine, consumer goods, energy, and a host of other fields. I think that because we find ourselves competing with firms in those industries when we recruit.
"Nobody gets rewarded just for having a good work ethic."

Exactly. We want people to have a strong work ethic, but won't reward them for it. See the problem?

If you want people to do something, give them positive reinforcement for doing it. Behavior 101.
Your paycheck is the reward. It's supposed to motivate you to do the job and keep coming back. Good employers pay enough to keep it going, if not it's up to you to do better elsewhere. Behavior 101.
"Nobody gets rewarded just for having a good work ethic."

Exactly. We want people to have a strong work ethic, but won't reward them for it. See the problem?

If you want people to do something, give them positive reinforcement for doing it. Behavior 101.
Your paycheck is the reward. It's supposed to motivate you to do the job and keep coming back. Good employers pay enough to keep it going, if not it's up to you to do better elsewhere. Behavior 101.

If the paycheck isn't enough to feed you and shelter you, it's not much of a reward. Again, people act like you can just hop to a better job if you're not satisfied with your current pay. Wages are stagnant. It's a fact.
"Nobody gets rewarded just for having a good work ethic."

Exactly. We want people to have a strong work ethic, but won't reward them for it. See the problem?

If you want people to do something, give them positive reinforcement for doing it. Behavior 101.

Amusing! But not at all surprising, is that your post contradicts itself.

WHY should anyone be rewarded for a strong work ethic? That's a huge part of our problem today. Progressives actually believe that everyone should be rewarded, just for showing up! Where does that wild idea come from? Why from Progressives running little league baseball, soccer and other sport for youth.


NO one should get rewarded for a good worth ethic. That's part of getting a job, that you come with a good work ethic or "reward" is getting canned.

Explains a LOT about your work history.

You don't know fuck-all about my work history, you festering sore on humanity's ass.

Having a work ethic is a behavior that can be learned, but if it's not reinforced, it can be lost. It's not getting a trophy for "showing up", it's getting paid for putting in an honest day's work. I notice that it's very fashionable to denigrate unskilled workers as people undeserving of livable wages, but in the same breath demonizing people for not wanting the shitty-paying jobs. If you don't recognize the no-win situation that puts the working poor in, then just reinsert your head in your ass (we know it was there very recently) and let rational people, not knee jerk reactionaries, govern.

you get a better job by starting out with the shitty job

I thought everyone knew that

Have you read any articles about the history of upward mobility? Maybe I'll find some for you to ignore.
"Nobody gets rewarded just for having a good work ethic."

Exactly. We want people to have a strong work ethic, but won't reward them for it. See the problem?

If you want people to do something, give them positive reinforcement for doing it. Behavior 101.

Amusing! But not at all surprising, is that your post contradicts itself.

WHY should anyone be rewarded for a strong work ethic? That's a huge part of our problem today. Progressives actually believe that everyone should be rewarded, just for showing up! Where does that wild idea come from? Why from Progressives running little league baseball, soccer and other sport for youth.


NO one should get rewarded for a good worth ethic. That's part of getting a job, that you come with a good work ethic or "reward" is getting canned.

Explains a LOT about your work history.

You don't know fuck-all about my work history, you festering sore on humanity's ass.

Having a work ethic is a behavior that can be learned, but if it's not reinforced, it can be lost. It's not getting a trophy for "showing up", it's getting paid for putting in an honest day's work. I notice that it's very fashionable to denigrate unskilled workers as people undeserving of livable wages, but in the same breath demonizing people for not wanting the shitty-paying jobs. If you don't recognize the no-win situation that puts the working poor in, then just reinsert your head in your ass (we know it was there very recently) and let rational people, not knee jerk reactionaries, govern.
Ironic since you are demonizing businesses owners, who are people too, you know? I have no idea why you can't understand that a skilled worker is more valuable than an unskilled one and will draw better pay. That's just a fact of reality, not a demonization.

The worse the economy is the fewer options there are. The poor are being taught that they need the Democrat party to provide so they vote Democrat and their options decrease even more because the economy is drug down with a top heavy government.

Liberals cannot learn basic economics because their ideology over rides the reality they live in.
Do / Did liberals really think minimum wages would be increased without some form of off-setting reaction, such as Layoffs / automated kiosks, Increased Prices, etc...?
"Nobody gets rewarded just for having a good work ethic."

Exactly. We want people to have a strong work ethic, but won't reward them for it. See the problem?

If you want people to do something, give them positive reinforcement for doing it. Behavior 101.
Your paycheck is the reward. It's supposed to motivate you to do the job and keep coming back. Good employers pay enough to keep it going, if not it's up to you to do better elsewhere. Behavior 101.

If the paycheck isn't enough to feed you and shelter you, it's not much of a reward. Again, people act like you can just hop to a better job if you're not satisfied with your current pay. Wages are stagnant. It's a fact.
Liberals destroy economies, that's why wages have flat lined. Employers can be picky but in a robust economy there's more money to go around and it tilts in the employees favor. Better pay, incentives etc.

However, you can do more than bitch and complain even now. You can create your own job. Like I did. I have marketable skills but would have had few options with your mentality.
"Nobody gets rewarded just for having a good work ethic."

Exactly. We want people to have a strong work ethic, but won't reward them for it. See the problem?

If you want people to do something, give them positive reinforcement for doing it. Behavior 101.

Amusing! But not at all surprising, is that your post contradicts itself.

WHY should anyone be rewarded for a strong work ethic? That's a huge part of our problem today. Progressives actually believe that everyone should be rewarded, just for showing up! Where does that wild idea come from? Why from Progressives running little league baseball, soccer and other sport for youth.


NO one should get rewarded for a good worth ethic. That's part of getting a job, that you come with a good work ethic or "reward" is getting canned.

Explains a LOT about your work history.

You don't know fuck-all about my work history, you festering sore on humanity's ass.

Having a work ethic is a behavior that can be learned, but if it's not reinforced, it can be lost. It's not getting a trophy for "showing up", it's getting paid for putting in an honest day's work. I notice that it's very fashionable to denigrate unskilled workers as people undeserving of livable wages, but in the same breath demonizing people for not wanting the shitty-paying jobs. If you don't recognize the no-win situation that puts the working poor in, then just reinsert your head in your ass (we know it was there very recently) and let rational people, not knee jerk reactionaries, govern.
Ironic since you are demonizing businesses owners, who are people too, you know? I have no idea why you can't understand that a skilled worker is more valuable than an unskilled one and will draw better pay. That's just a fact of reality, not a demonization.

The worse the economy is the fewer options there are. The poor are being taught that they need the Democrat party to provide so they vote Democrat and their options decrease even more because the economy is drug down with a top heavy government.

Liberals cannot learn basic economics because their ideology over rides the reality they live in.

I don't demonize business owners; I defend workers. I understand that skilled workers are more valuable than unskilled, and pay should be commensurate. But unskilled workers are needed, and their willingness and ability to do the grunt work should be compensated.

Again, if you want good workers, reward their work with the dignity of a livable wage.
Do / Did liberals really think minimum wages would be increased without some form of off-setting reaction, such as Layoffs / automated kiosks, Increased Prices, etc...?

Remember the massive layoffs and sinking economy the last time minimum wage was increased?

Yeah, me neither.
I don't demonize business owners; I defend workers. I understand that skilled workers are more valuable than unskilled, and pay should be commensurate. But unskilled workers are needed, and their willingness and ability to do the grunt work should be compensated.

Again, if you want good workers, reward their work with the dignity of a livable wage.
You spread propaganda. Unskilled labor is needed but only merits entry level wages. If you feel you're worth more do something about it. You are a world class whiner, I can't imagine hiring you or keeping you on. Attitude is everything.
Do / Did liberals really think minimum wages would be increased without some form of off-setting reaction, such as Layoffs / automated kiosks, Increased Prices, etc...?

Remember the massive layoffs and sinking economy the last time minimum wage was increased?

Yeah, me neither.
And yet you recognize the economy sucks and entry level workers have few options. LOL
"Nobody gets rewarded just for having a good work ethic."

Exactly. We want people to have a strong work ethic, but won't reward them for it. See the problem?

If you want people to do something, give them positive reinforcement for doing it. Behavior 101.

Amusing! But not at all surprising, is that your post contradicts itself.

WHY should anyone be rewarded for a strong work ethic? That's a huge part of our problem today. Progressives actually believe that everyone should be rewarded, just for showing up! Where does that wild idea come from? Why from Progressives running little league baseball, soccer and other sport for youth.


NO one should get rewarded for a good worth ethic. That's part of getting a job, that you come with a good work ethic or "reward" is getting canned.

Explains a LOT about your work history.

You don't know fuck-all about my work history, you festering sore on humanity's ass.

Having a work ethic is a behavior that can be learned, but if it's not reinforced, it can be lost. It's not getting a trophy for "showing up", it's getting paid for putting in an honest day's work. I notice that it's very fashionable to denigrate unskilled workers as people undeserving of livable wages, but in the same breath demonizing people for not wanting the shitty-paying jobs. If you don't recognize the no-win situation that puts the working poor in, then just reinsert your head in your ass (we know it was there very recently) and let rational people, not knee jerk reactionaries, govern.

you get a better job by starting out with the shitty job

I thought everyone knew that

Have you read any articles about the history of upward mobility? Maybe I'll find some for you to ignore.
so now you people expect your first job to be awesome and provide you not only great pay but unlimited opportunity?

are you fucking high?
BS. Read something. Visits and tests are cheap. They pay 3500 over time, get $75k free. Better than losing everything. While cost curve bends down if GOP stops the sabotage...

More BS! A doctors visit is $75-$100, then you have tests and blood work which can jump up to a couple hundred bucks. The poor and middle class don't have that money to throw around. An MRI, an x-ray, you get referred to another doctor, that isn't cheap. What imaginary world do you live in?
Do you believe Republicans are going to bring prices down?
the only way to bring the price of medical costs down is to let the public know what the costs are in the first place.

The single biggest scam is the hiding of the costs. No one knows what medical care costs up front so they can't make informed decisions on where to get care
And you believe Republicans are going to solve this?
where did I ever say that?

and I don't know how many times I have to tell you before it sinks into your thick skull that I am not nor have I ever been a reublican

He has binary thinking disease, he can't get past Democrat or Republican thinking. What is sad is that is the thinking that got us into this mess.
"Nobody gets rewarded just for having a good work ethic."

Exactly. We want people to have a strong work ethic, but won't reward them for it. See the problem?

If you want people to do something, give them positive reinforcement for doing it. Behavior 101.
Your paycheck is the reward. It's supposed to motivate you to do the job and keep coming back. Good employers pay enough to keep it going, if not it's up to you to do better elsewhere. Behavior 101.
A paycheck is not a reward it is the price you agreed to sell your labor for.

A person applies for a job so he can sell his labor to someone who is willing to buy it.

The level of skill that the job being applied for requires determines the price that a buyer will pay for your labor

Your labor that you sell is no different than any other product service being sold if you want more for your labor you must make that labor more valuable

It's no different than selling a car, a cookie, or a cigar. The higher the quality the higher the price that can be asked

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