Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

And then there's the horse who never gets a decent bite of the carrot and falls down dead from exhaustion. But by God, that horse had self-respect!
The part you can't see is that people come here barely speaking the language and do well. some very well. If you can't get a decent bite of the carrot it's not the carrot's fault. It means you lived life as a victim in a land of opportunity.

Bullshit. Of course it's not the carrot's fault; it's the fault of the asshole dangling the carrot just out of reach.

The only people the carrot is out of reach for are those physically or mentally disabled, and we take care of those people. Everybody else? It's up to you if you want that carrot or a bushel of carrots.
I would have more confidence in the sincerity of the right, if corporate welfare did not exist in modern times. why not end that, first?
And then there's the horse who never gets a decent bite of the carrot and falls down dead from exhaustion. But by God, that horse had self-respect!
The part you can't see is that people come here barely speaking the language and do well. some very well. If you can't get a decent bite of the carrot it's not the carrot's fault. It means you lived life as a victim in a land of opportunity.

Bullshit. Of course it's not the carrot's fault; it's the fault of the asshole dangling the carrot just out of reach.

The only people the carrot is out of reach for are those physically or mentally disabled, and we take care of those people. Everybody else? It's up to you if you want that carrot or a bushel of carrots.
I would have more confidence in the sincerity of the right, if corporate welfare did not exist in modern times. why not end that, first?
What's that got to do with the right? The big boys back the Democrats.
Bullshit. Of course it's not the carrot's fault; it's the fault of the asshole dangling the carrot just out of reach.
Like I said, it isn't out of reach if you pry your lazy ass off the couch. Foreigners come here and pass up the slackers.

You mean the foreigners who are maligned by conservatives as welfare leeches? I can never figure out which narrative to apply to foreigners nowadays.

And, for the purposes of the metaphor, the carrot is always moving. You pry your lazy ass off the couch, the danger of the carrot moves a few feet further away. You start walking, he runs . You run, he sprints. You complain it's not fair, he calls you greedy and lazy.

Fuck that.
No, I didn't say what you said I said. Why lie? Conservatives have no problem with legal immigrants that earn a living, in fact many are conservatives. Liberals just can't see them because they don't fit their old rich white man template.

But you did an excellent job of illustrating the victims of life. Can't get ahead so why bother? Like I said, many are passing you up while you're feeling sorry for yourself.

My point was not and will never be, why bother? My point is if you have to be extraordinary just to survive (not get ahead, but just to tread water) that's not a quality life. It's not about everyone being some great success. It's about rewarding a work ethic.

When I was growing up, poor people were told to "get a job." Now the working poor are told, "Tough shit, get a better job." It's moving the goal posts. Not everyone wants to get rich, but a work ethic should be rewarded.

Nobody gets rewarded just for having a good work ethic. Workers get rewarded for doing jobs that not everybody can do. If you do have a job anybody can do (work ethic or not) there is not much of a reward to be had.

The thing is businesses don't do anything different than you or I. When we use labor, we look for the cheapest labor we can.
I prefer a general tax on Firms, for unemployment compensation on an at-will basis.
You mean the foreigners who are maligned by conservatives as welfare leeches? I can never figure out which narrative to apply to foreigners nowadays.

And, for the purposes of the metaphor, the carrot is always moving. You pry your lazy ass off the couch, the danger of the carrot moves a few feet further away. You start walking, he runs . You run, he sprints. You complain it's not fair, he calls you greedy and lazy.

Fuck that.
No, I didn't say what you said I said. Why lie? Conservatives have no problem with legal immigrants that earn a living, in fact many are conservatives. Liberals just can't see them because they don't fit their old rich white man template.

But you did an excellent job of illustrating the victims of life. Can't get ahead so why bother? Like I said, many are passing you up while you're feeling sorry for yourself.

My point was not and will never be, why bother? My point is if you have to be extraordinary just to survive (not get ahead, but just to tread water) that's not a quality life. It's not about everyone being some great success. It's about rewarding a work ethic.

When I was growing up, poor people were told to "get a job." Now the working poor are told, "Tough shit, get a better job." It's moving the goal posts. Not everyone wants to get rich, but a work ethic should be rewarded.

Nobody gets rewarded just for having a good work ethic. Workers get rewarded for doing jobs that not everybody can do. If you do have a job anybody can do (work ethic or not) there is not much of a reward to be had.

The thing is businesses don't do anything different than you or I. When we use labor, we look for the cheapest labor we can.
Which is stupid. Unhappy workers are shytty workers- no wonder we have so many...Check Costco.

It's not the job of an employer to make you happy. It's the job of an employer to produce products or services for a profit.

Nobody is forced to work for minimum wage. If you need more money, don't cry for government to get you more, do it yourself.
then, stop making people on welfare work for under less than fifteen dollars an hour.
And our current Minimum Wage is an absolute embarrassment. We can and should do much better.

You have done nothing to justify your allegations.

just hearsay and soothsay from the right wing.

three to four percent price inflation, is what the right wing has a problem with.
Apparently math isn't your strong suit. The first wrong assumption you're making is that the higher wage person has a job at all. 3-4% increased not inflation but wages is a problem if your entire business is making 5%. Are you too dumb to follow that?
Labor is a significant cost, but not the only cost a business has; any more hearsay and soothsay from the right wing?

Who on here claimed that labor was the ONLY cost a business has? I suggest you are claiming extremes to make your case, just like Nazi propagandist did.
What extremes; three to four percent price inflation is what should be usual and customary; the dollar menu will not double in price.
Like I said, it isn't out of reach if you pry your lazy ass off the couch. Foreigners come here and pass up the slackers.

You mean the foreigners who are maligned by conservatives as welfare leeches? I can never figure out which narrative to apply to foreigners nowadays.

And, for the purposes of the metaphor, the carrot is always moving. You pry your lazy ass off the couch, the danger of the carrot moves a few feet further away. You start walking, he runs . You run, he sprints. You complain it's not fair, he calls you greedy and lazy.

Fuck that.
No, I didn't say what you said I said. Why lie? Conservatives have no problem with legal immigrants that earn a living, in fact many are conservatives. Liberals just can't see them because they don't fit their old rich white man template.

But you did an excellent job of illustrating the victims of life. Can't get ahead so why bother? Like I said, many are passing you up while you're feeling sorry for yourself.

My point was not and will never be, why bother? My point is if you have to be extraordinary just to survive (not get ahead, but just to tread water) that's not a quality life. It's not about everyone being some great success. It's about rewarding a work ethic.

When I was growing up, poor people were told to "get a job." Now the working poor are told, "Tough shit, get a better job." It's moving the goal posts. Not everyone wants to get rich, but a work ethic should be rewarded.

Nobody gets rewarded just for having a good work ethic. Workers get rewarded for doing jobs that not everybody can do. If you do have a job anybody can do (work ethic or not) there is not much of a reward to be had.

The thing is businesses don't do anything different than you or I. When we use labor, we look for the cheapest labor we can.

"Nobody gets rewarded just for having a good work ethic."

Exactly. We want people to have a strong work ethic, but won't reward them for it. See the problem?

If you want people to do something, give them positive reinforcement for doing it. Behavior 101.
the right wing just likes to complain about any domestic inTranquility by requiring a "work or die ethic" in modern, corporate welfare times.
They ARE Hollywood liberals. The entire motion picture industry is built on people pretending to be what and who they are not. For that, a handful of actors, producers and directors are paid huge amounts of money. Most of them are modern liberals, which of course is as far from classic liberalism as it can get. In fact, today's conservatives are closer to classic liberalism than modern liberals. Anyway, most of Hollywood does deserve a healthy dose of mocking, marginalizing, and maligning. As for being a good kind of wealthy, they are not.
They want to pay more in taxes to help the country, hater dupe. Your lying cheating bought off heroes suq.
No one wants to pay more in taxes
So you don't want to make more money?
You don't make more money so you can pay more taxes you idiot
I don't think you understand our tax system EITHER LOL.
I understand it far better than you because I actually pay taxes
More BS! A doctors visit is $75-$100, then you have tests and blood work which can jump up to a couple hundred bucks. The poor and middle class don't have that money to throw around. An MRI, an x-ray, you get referred to another doctor, that isn't cheap. What imaginary world do you live in?
Do you believe Republicans are going to bring prices down?
the only way to bring the price of medical costs down is to let the public know what the costs are in the first place.

The single biggest scam is the hiding of the costs. No one knows what medical care costs up front so they can't make informed decisions on where to get care
And you believe Republicans are going to solve this?
where did I ever say that?

and I don't know how many times I have to tell you before it sinks into your thick skull that I am not nor have I ever been a reublican
You just vote for them. lol. Or their puppets.

I have never voted for a republican or a democrat for that matter
You have done nothing to justify your allegations.

just hearsay and soothsay from the right wing.

three to four percent price inflation, is what the right wing has a problem with.
Apparently math isn't your strong suit. The first wrong assumption you're making is that the higher wage person has a job at all. 3-4% increased not inflation but wages is a problem if your entire business is making 5%. Are you too dumb to follow that?
Labor is a significant cost, but not the only cost a business has; any more hearsay and soothsay from the right wing?

Who on here claimed that labor was the ONLY cost a business has? I suggest you are claiming extremes to make your case, just like Nazi propagandist did.
What extremes; three to four percent price inflation is what should be usual and customary; the dollar menu will not double in price.
Inflation has been under 3% for the past 5 years and under 2% in 2 of those years and under 1% in one of those years
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You have done nothing to justify your allegations.

just hearsay and soothsay from the right wing.

three to four percent price inflation, is what the right wing has a problem with.
Apparently math isn't your strong suit. The first wrong assumption you're making is that the higher wage person has a job at all. 3-4% increased not inflation but wages is a problem if your entire business is making 5%. Are you too dumb to follow that?
Labor is a significant cost, but not the only cost a business has; any more hearsay and soothsay from the right wing?
Labor is often THE largest expense
so what; it is not the only expense, and it is a minimum wage not an autoworkers' wage.

If your largest single expense on the books becomes even more expensive what do you think has to happen to prices?

Now if all you vendors have their labor expense go up what to you think it will do the the prices of all the stuff you buy to run your business?

If your labor costs and the costs of all the stuff you buy to run your business go up what do you have to do ?
no we're not and our so called poor do not have it any worse than the so called poor in any other first world nation and they have it far far better than the actual poor in third world countries

Have you ever been to a third world country I wonder. I have and I have seen real poverty and we don't have it

and I do not think there is anything special about me I'm just an average guy who had a plan and followed it. I always knew that I was responsible for my own life and didn't depend on a job or anyone else to provide what I needed. I did whatever it took to work my plan. At 16 I got a job and worked 38 hours a week my last 3 years of HS because I knew I would need the money because no one was going to pay for my college but me summers I worked 2 jobs while my friends were hanging around doing nothing and begging their parents for spending money

and so what if people take extraordinary effort for a few years to get something better?
I kept the full time night job until I was in my late 30s. I worked full time during the day as well. Still managed to get a second degree and an MBA My wife worked almost as much we saved every cent from my day job and her 30 hour a week part time job for 10 years. We opened a business had plenty of capital and didn't have to go very deep in debt to do it. I kept the night job for the first 3 years our business was opened we both worked upwards of 90 hours a week for the first 5 years we were open

we put the work in up front and now work less than 40 hours a week each in a couple more years I'll be working about 20 I'll be semi retired by the time I'm 52 and the business will continue to pay us very well.

no one and I mean no one who ever accomplished anything worth while in a career only ever worked just 40 hours a week.

So when people whine they don't make enough money while they're buying 10 dollar coffees and smoking a pack a day I tune them out

So, you can do it, anyone can?

That's specious reasoning.

And don't sell yourself short; you apparently have put in extraordinary effort, and lacked lots of sleep.
the right wing has nothing but fallacy, and that is why they argue, nothing but fantasy.

Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages; why cannot every modern capitalist, do the same? why expect more from the poor, than they can do themselves.
nothing I said was a fallacy or a fantasy. I actually did it. You see unlike you I didn't aspire to live with my Mommy and collect welfare my entire life
In the political arena, the rich and their conservative (duped) allies from the middle class have always blamed the poor for the nation's problems. That will never change.
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You have done nothing to justify your allegations.

just hearsay and soothsay from the right wing.

three to four percent price inflation, is what the right wing has a problem with.
Apparently math isn't your strong suit. The first wrong assumption you're making is that the higher wage person has a job at all. 3-4% increased not inflation but wages is a problem if your entire business is making 5%. Are you too dumb to follow that?
Labor is a significant cost, but not the only cost a business has; any more hearsay and soothsay from the right wing?

Who on here claimed that labor was the ONLY cost a business has? I suggest you are claiming extremes to make your case, just like Nazi propagandist did.
What extremes; three to four percent price inflation is what should be usual and customary; the dollar menu will not double in price.

You are arguing with the wrong person over the wrong issue. I have no problem paying more food because of higher wages. I don't want it as a surcharge, just put it into the bottom line price.

You made an issue of wages not being the only cost, I asked you to tell me who claimed it was? You as usual failed to answer, which is normal for you. You make shallow statements and fail to back up anything you claim, normal MO for you. More silliness from the shallow left.
In the political arena, the rich and their conservative (duped) allies from the middle class have always blamed the poor for the nation's problems. That will never change.

Yeah and Democrats are for the rich, and you know who is to blame? CONGRESS! No one else, they allowed themselves to serve the rich and in Congress political affiliation doesn't matter, both parties have sold America out to a select few rich.

It's not the people, rich, poor or middle class, it is Congress.

I guess I am not a conservative, by your ignorant narrow minded criteria.
No, I didn't say what you said I said. Why lie? Conservatives have no problem with legal immigrants that earn a living, in fact many are conservatives. Liberals just can't see them because they don't fit their old rich white man template.

But you did an excellent job of illustrating the victims of life. Can't get ahead so why bother? Like I said, many are passing you up while you're feeling sorry for yourself.

My point was not and will never be, why bother? My point is if you have to be extraordinary just to survive (not get ahead, but just to tread water) that's not a quality life. It's not about everyone being some great success. It's about rewarding a work ethic.

When I was growing up, poor people were told to "get a job." Now the working poor are told, "Tough shit, get a better job." It's moving the goal posts. Not everyone wants to get rich, but a work ethic should be rewarded.

Nobody gets rewarded just for having a good work ethic. Workers get rewarded for doing jobs that not everybody can do. If you do have a job anybody can do (work ethic or not) there is not much of a reward to be had.

The thing is businesses don't do anything different than you or I. When we use labor, we look for the cheapest labor we can.
Which is stupid. Unhappy workers are shytty workers- no wonder we have so many...Check Costco.

It's not the job of an employer to make you happy. It's the job of an employer to produce products or services for a profit.

Nobody is forced to work for minimum wage. If you need more money, don't cry for government to get you more, do it yourself.
then, stop making people on welfare work for under less than fifteen dollars an hour.

I'm not making anybody do anything. Individuals make that choice for themselves.
Like I said, it isn't out of reach if you pry your lazy ass off the couch. Foreigners come here and pass up the slackers.

You mean the foreigners who are maligned by conservatives as welfare leeches? I can never figure out which narrative to apply to foreigners nowadays.

And, for the purposes of the metaphor, the carrot is always moving. You pry your lazy ass off the couch, the danger of the carrot moves a few feet further away. You start walking, he runs . You run, he sprints. You complain it's not fair, he calls you greedy and lazy.

Fuck that.
No, I didn't say what you said I said. Why lie? Conservatives have no problem with legal immigrants that earn a living, in fact many are conservatives. Liberals just can't see them because they don't fit their old rich white man template.

But you did an excellent job of illustrating the victims of life. Can't get ahead so why bother? Like I said, many are passing you up while you're feeling sorry for yourself.

My point was not and will never be, why bother? My point is if you have to be extraordinary just to survive (not get ahead, but just to tread water) that's not a quality life. It's not about everyone being some great success. It's about rewarding a work ethic.

When I was growing up, poor people were told to "get a job." Now the working poor are told, "Tough shit, get a better job." It's moving the goal posts. Not everyone wants to get rich, but a work ethic should be rewarded.

Nobody gets rewarded just for having a good work ethic. Workers get rewarded for doing jobs that not everybody can do. If you do have a job anybody can do (work ethic or not) there is not much of a reward to be had.

The thing is businesses don't do anything different than you or I. When we use labor, we look for the cheapest labor we can.
I prefer a general tax on Firms, for unemployment compensation on an at-will basis.

Yes, I know, you've said that about a hundred times, and about a hundred times I TRIED to explain to you what unemployment was, but obviously, you don't get it.
And then there's the horse who never gets a decent bite of the carrot and falls down dead from exhaustion. But by God, that horse had self-respect!
The part you can't see is that people come here barely speaking the language and do well. some very well. If you can't get a decent bite of the carrot it's not the carrot's fault. It means you lived life as a victim in a land of opportunity.

Bullshit. Of course it's not the carrot's fault; it's the fault of the asshole dangling the carrot just out of reach.

The only people the carrot is out of reach for are those physically or mentally disabled, and we take care of those people. Everybody else? It's up to you if you want that carrot or a bushel of carrots.
I would have more confidence in the sincerity of the right, if corporate welfare did not exist in modern times. why not end that, first?

Why would I want to end people keeping more of their very own money? DumBama had two years with a Democrat led Congress to do whatever he desired. Why didn't he end it?
No one wants to pay more in taxes
So you don't want to make more money?
To the selfish, it is just as easy as that.

if your attitude is 'screw everyone else just as I get mine' then raising your salary and making sure you aren't the one being fired is a great plan.

Several years ago an airline called the Mechanics Union, the Stewardess' Union, and the Pilot's Union together and opened up their books, showing them everything. They made the honest pitch that they had to cut salaries by a slight amount across the board or the company would have to go bankrupt & everyone would lose their jobs.

After much thought consideration the Mechanic and stewardess Unions, not wanting to lose their entire jobs, agreed to take the cuts....The Pilots did NOT...and everyone lost their jobs.
How much did the CEO make before the pay cuts and how much does he make now? I bet his pay has doubled.

Anyways, this is why we need to get real unemployment down. When we have more jobs than workers pay goes up. If CEOs can get you for ten why pay more?

Or......... less workers can be accomplished by getting rid of immigrants and closing down our border. Wages can never increase when you allow people to come here and work for next to nothing.

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The wall is useless and un-American, dupe. Think unfakable SS ID card to end this GOP BS. Like in the 2010 Dem Immigration Bill.

They don't want any immigration bill. If they did, they would have passed one when DumBama first invaded the White House. What Democrats want is to make whites a minority as soon as they can. That's their only goal right now, and the stupid surrender-first whites will help them.
Just look at how you Republicans attacked them during the Oscars. You guys call them Hollywood liberals.

I think 2 people in Hollywood are Republicans
They ARE Hollywood liberals. The entire motion picture industry is built on people pretending to be what and who they are not. For that, a handful of actors, producers and directors are paid huge amounts of money. Most of them are modern liberals, which of course is as far from classic liberalism as it can get. In fact, today's conservatives are closer to classic liberalism than modern liberals. Anyway, most of Hollywood does deserve a healthy dose of mocking, marginalizing, and maligning. As for being a good kind of wealthy, they are not.
They want to pay more in taxes to help the country, hater dupe. Your lying cheating bought off heroes suq.
What special kind of stupid thinks they don't employ every trick in the book to pay the least amount of taxes possible?
Why are those tricks in the book? Oh yes because poor people are the problem. Lol. It's never the rich. You can't fault who you worship.

It isn't the rich, Congress can say no to the rich, they choose to say yes. Again, both parties are to blame, yet you can't seem to blame the Democrats, because then you would have to take responsibility.
Maybe because they've been trying to raise taxes on the rich for 30 years, dupe. Keep voting for bought off lying cheating brainwashers.
In the political arena, the rich and their conservative (duped) allies from the middle class have always blamed the poor for the nation's problems. That will never change.
The funny thing is, you said that like you believed it.

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