Results are in on audit of Dominion voting machines

Why should I care how many corrupt people have rubber stamped your corruption ? :hello77:

So just to get this straight -
You're contention is that Amy, Neil and Brett are all deep state actors now?
Cool! :laugh2:

What's more important is that you are not a US citizen.

So why is this important to you ?

Oh, so now you need to see my BIRF Certificate? :lmao:


not really.
No American would be so stupid as to shove pine cones up their own........

Are you ????
You seem to hate America.....yet you can't explain why
Last edited:
Creator of the Report:
Russell J Ramsland Jr
Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum; oil and gas producer Midland Texas

Russ Ramsland was a 2016 Republican candidate who sought election to the U.S. House to represent the 32nd Congressional District of Texas. Ramsland was defeated by incumbent Pete Sessions in the Republican primary on March 1, 2016.[1]

Donation/Grant Recipients
Showing 1-10 of 29 :: see all
John S. McCain III US Senator and Representative from Arizona
3 contributions · 9,200 USD ('08)
Mitch McConnell US Senator from Kentucky, husband of Transportation Secretary Elaine
2 contributions · 4,600 USD ('08)
Henry Bonilla US Representative from Texas
8 contributions · 3,700 USD ('95→'01)
Ipaa Wildcatters Fund Interstate Petroleum Association of America PAC
7 contributions · 2,900 USD ('92→'97)
Republican National Committee U.S. political committee that leads the Republican Party of the U.S., a/k/a The Grand Ol' Party/GOP
5 contributions · 2,250 USD ('98→'00)
National Republican Senatorial Committee
2 contributions · 2,240 USD ('92→'01)
Mitt Romney U.S. senator from Utah, former Massachusetts governor
4 contributions · 2,000 USD ('12)
George W Bush 43rd US president, ex-governor of Texas, son of George H W Bush
2 contributions · 1,500 USD ('00→'01)
Robert Krueger
2 contributions · 1,500 USD ('93)
Allen B West Tea Party-backed Congressman elected in 2010 (R-Fla.)


/thread :)
Oh my god.
Someone belongs to a political
Party. That means everything they say is a lie.
Solid reasoning you 2 have there.
I can do it too, watch.
“Dr. Love is a democrat? Well that’s it, what he is saying in this thread is a lie because he is a democrat”.
See how stupid that was? That’s you.

They've had zero resistance all along so God forbid someone on the opposite side speak up or disagree.

That's a capital offense to them.

"Only lefties can speak truth.....ALL Right Wingers are dumb" they say
Creator of the Report:
Russell J Ramsland Jr
Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum; oil and gas producer Midland Texas

Russ Ramsland was a 2016 Republican candidate who sought election to the U.S. House to represent the 32nd Congressional District of Texas. Ramsland was defeated by incumbent Pete Sessions in the Republican primary on March 1, 2016.[1]

Donation/Grant Recipients
Showing 1-10 of 29 :: see all
John S. McCain III US Senator and Representative from Arizona
3 contributions · 9,200 USD ('08)
Mitch McConnell US Senator from Kentucky, husband of Transportation Secretary Elaine
2 contributions · 4,600 USD ('08)
Henry Bonilla US Representative from Texas
8 contributions · 3,700 USD ('95→'01)
Ipaa Wildcatters Fund Interstate Petroleum Association of America PAC
7 contributions · 2,900 USD ('92→'97)
Republican National Committee U.S. political committee that leads the Republican Party of the U.S., a/k/a The Grand Ol' Party/GOP
5 contributions · 2,250 USD ('98→'00)
National Republican Senatorial Committee
2 contributions · 2,240 USD ('92→'01)
Mitt Romney U.S. senator from Utah, former Massachusetts governor
4 contributions · 2,000 USD ('12)
George W Bush 43rd US president, ex-governor of Texas, son of George H W Bush
2 contributions · 1,500 USD ('00→'01)
Robert Krueger
2 contributions · 1,500 USD ('93)
Allen B West Tea Party-backed Congressman elected in 2010 (R-Fla.)


/thread :)
Oh my god.
Someone belongs to a political
Party. That means everything they say is a lie.
Solid reasoning you 2 have there.
I can do it too, watch.
“Dr. Love is a democrat? Well that’s it, what he is saying in this thread is a lie because he is a democrat”.
See how stupid that was? That’s you.

DrLove is neither a Democrat nor a doctor NOR stupid.
YOU on the latter?
Well, let's not go there. ;)
So the state had a "shadowy" audit team audit the machines.

Got it!

The equivalent would be having the state have Mueller investigate Trump and then discard all of his conclusions.

Why would they hire such "shadowy" figures? Is the state incompetent?

You've yet to figure out how Dear Leader and his subagents works Votto. This is yet another example.
Hang in there though - You've got January 6th and the reindeer games in congress!
There is always hope - (though it has diminished to somewhere between 0.0001 and 0.0002) :D
Hope in the Swamp?

Dominion says it was because the ballot changed but the software that transfers the results was not updated. A examination of their transfer source code, before and after the update would determine if that were true or not.

The system worked and caught the error, investigated it, and solved it. They have the physical ballots and used them to confirm the accuracy of the count after the update.

It's a republican county but their votes shouldn't be thrown out because the election official made a mistake.
Why should I care how many corrupt people have rubber stamped your corruption ? :hello77:

So Barrett, Kavanaugh & Gorsuch (wish like hell my spellcheck would stopping the latter to "Grouch") -
Are all corrupt Deep State actors.
Do I have that about right? :)
Why should I care how many corrupt people have rubber stamped your corruption ? :hello77:

So just to get this straight -
You're contention is that Amy, Neil and Brett are all deep state actors now?
Cool! :laugh2:

What's more important is that you are not a US citizen.

So why is this important to you ?

Oh, so now you need to see my BIRF Certificate? :lmao:


not really.
No American would so stupid as to shove pine cones up their own........

Are you ????
You seem to hate America.....yet you can't explain why

YES!! I HATE Amurca and am shoving pine cones up my butt as we speak!! :laughing0301:
Oh mang, this is a fairly epic beatdown on this POS thread .. eh?
Why should I care how many corrupt people have rubber stamped your corruption ? :hello77:

So just to get this straight -
You're contention is that Amy, Neil and Brett are all deep state actors now?
Cool! :laugh2:

What's more important is that you are not a US citizen.

So why is this important to you ?

Oh, so now you need to see my BIRF Certificate? :lmao:


not really.
No American would so stupid as to shove pine cones up their own........

Are you ????
You seem to hate America.....yet you can't explain why

YES!! I HATE Amurca and am shoving pine cones up my butt as we speak!! :laughing0301:

Spare us.

The reality is that you really are abusing yourself metaphorically with your decisions.
It's why so many Democrats die at the hands of other democrats every year.

You keep voting democrat and they keep you on the Plantation.

Hey, did you hear ??
Joe biden has already told BLM to get lost.
ruh roh
Why should I care how many corrupt people have rubber stamped your corruption ? :hello77:

So just to get this straight -
You're contention is that Amy, Neil and Brett are all deep state actors now?
Cool! :laugh2:

What's more important is that you are not a US citizen.

So why is this important to you ?

Oh, so now you need to see my BIRF Certificate? :lmao:


not really.
No American would so stupid as to shove pine cones up their own........

Are you ????
You seem to hate America.....yet you can't explain why

YES!! I HATE Amurca and am shoving pine cones up my butt as we speak!! :laughing0301:

Spare us.

The reality is that you really are metaphorically with your decisions.
It's why so many Democrats die at the hands of other democrats every year.

I'll be sure to start following "metaphorical death" ...
You should probably start paying attention to ACTUAL death thanks to Dear Leader's gross incompetence.
Hey 300 grand? Lets make it a mil and be sure to include Grams & Gramps!
Fukin Idjits!
Creator of the Report:
Russell J Ramsland Jr
Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum; oil and gas producer Midland Texas

Russ Ramsland was a 2016 Republican candidate who sought election to the U.S. House to represent the 32nd Congressional District of Texas. Ramsland was defeated by incumbent Pete Sessions in the Republican primary on March 1, 2016.[1]

Donation/Grant Recipients
Showing 1-10 of 29 :: see all
John S. McCain III US Senator and Representative from Arizona
3 contributions · 9,200 USD ('08)
Mitch McConnell US Senator from Kentucky, husband of Transportation Secretary Elaine
2 contributions · 4,600 USD ('08)
Henry Bonilla US Representative from Texas
8 contributions · 3,700 USD ('95→'01)
Ipaa Wildcatters Fund Interstate Petroleum Association of America PAC
7 contributions · 2,900 USD ('92→'97)
Republican National Committee U.S. political committee that leads the Republican Party of the U.S., a/k/a The Grand Ol' Party/GOP
5 contributions · 2,250 USD ('98→'00)
National Republican Senatorial Committee
2 contributions · 2,240 USD ('92→'01)
Mitt Romney U.S. senator from Utah, former Massachusetts governor
4 contributions · 2,000 USD ('12)
George W Bush 43rd US president, ex-governor of Texas, son of George H W Bush
2 contributions · 1,500 USD ('00→'01)
Robert Krueger
2 contributions · 1,500 USD ('93)
Allen B West Tea Party-backed Congressman elected in 2010 (R-Fla.)


/thread :)
Oh my god.
Someone belongs to a political
Party. That means everything they say is a lie.
Solid reasoning you 2 have there.
I can do it too, watch.
“Dr. Love is a democrat? Well that’s it, what he is saying in this thread is a lie because he is a democrat”.
See how stupid that was? That’s you.

DrLove is neither a Democrat nor a doctor NOR stupid.
YOU on the latter?
Well, let's not go there. ;)
I’ll give you a hint, I am one of those.

And they were indeed used by the Biden bunch for mass fraud.

But what do you do when you have a media that will not cover it, a judiciary who will not hear any cases regarding it, and a Swamp that wants no news of it?
If the RWNJs keep telling this, and similar tall tales, eventually the audits will prove no one voted for Biden, but instead, the impeached president trump received over 150 million votes.

ANOTHER conspiracy theory? God help us! :icon_rolleyes:

The information, which was gathered as part of a legal fight there, had previously been under protective order, meaning it couldn't be publicly released.​
Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and Attorney General Dana Nessel issued a joint statement calling the report "another in a long stream of misguided, vague and dubious assertions designed to erode public confidence in the November presidential election."​
"If the Trump campaign had any actual evidence of wrongdoing – or genuine suspicion thereof – they could have requested a hand recount of every ballot in the state," Benson said in a Monday statement. "They did not, instead choosing to allow shadowy organizations claiming expertise to throw around baseless claims of fraud in an effort to mislead American voters and undermine the integrity of the election."​

So the state had a "shadowy" audit team audit the machines.

Got it!

The equivalent would be having the state have Mueller investigate Trump and then discard all of his conclusions.

Why would they hire such "shadowy" figures? Is the state incompetent?

Has anyone informed u that YOU are a shadowy figure? :D
So the state had a "shadowy" audit team audit the machines.

Got it!

The equivalent would be having the state have Mueller investigate Trump and then discard all of his conclusions.

Why would they hire such "shadowy" figures? Is the state incompetent?

You've yet to figure out how Dear Leader and his subagents works Votto. This is yet another example.
Hang in there though - You've got January 6th and the reindeer games in congress!
There is always hope - (though it has diminished to somewhere between 0.0001 and 0.0002) :D

Is Unit butthurt? Ohs NOES!!
The evidence speaks for itself.

39% of democrats say the election was fraudulent.

99% of true Republicans say the election was fraudulent.

That said, it was well orchestrated and supported from the highest levels.

The fact remains, Biden nor Harris will ever be legitimately elected officials.

"true Republicans"
Elections are run by the states, each with it's own governor, secy of state, legislature, and judges. So, the answer in each state is to elect Republicans into office at the state level and insist they take whatever steps are necessary to reduce or eliminate election/voter fraud. Fix the fucking system as much as you can, we know the democrats won't do it. Cuz otherwise this same shit is going to happen again. And again. And again.
At the beginning of Trump's FIRST & ONLY term, the Clown-in-Chief set up a super duper investigative voter fraud panel to seek out all the voter fraud going on in the US. After more than a year, that super-duper panel announced they could find no voter fraud and folded their tent, disbanding and sneaking into various holes in the ground!

Now the Narcissist-in-Chief has gone full-circle going back to the same old shit pumping up his Faithful Few to scream to all who will listen about the rampant voter fraud in the US. How fucking pathetic Trump truly is.

For background for those who have conveniently forgotten this Trumpian Bullshit, refer to this AP link;
~~ Report: Trump commission did not find widespread voter fraud ~~

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