Results of the "Million Muslim March" and "2 Million Bikers" events in Wsh DC

Million Muslim March vs. 2 Million Biker march Scorecard...

MMM - $248

2MBM - $1,845,693 (not including the 32k the "organizers" extorted from well intentioned donors)

Who got the better PR bang for their buck?

The Bikers.

Cost: $1,845,693.

Value of demonstrating American solidarity against Activist Muslim contempt for the deep and sacred and grief-stricken meaning that 9-11 holds for most Americans: priceless.

This grassroots demonstration of solidarity was worth it at 10 times such a price...
Million Muslim March vs. 2 Million Biker march Scorecard...

MMM - $248

2MBM - $1,845,693 (not including the 32k the "organizers" extorted from well intentioned donors)

Who got the better PR bang for their buck?

The Bikers.

Cost: $1,845,693.

Value of demonstrating American solidarity against Activist Muslim contempt for the deep and sacred and grief-stricken meaning that 9-11 holds for most Americans: priceless.

This grassroots demonstration of solidarity was worth it at 10 times such a price...

So you agree the purpose of "the ride" wasn't to honor 911 dead OR US soldiers but to stick a 2 million dollar finger in the eye of 25 idiot muslim protestors?
50 years ago

Now the cuddle up with Republicans


The dems are no different than they were 50 years ago.

Yes, stupid bitch, they are. The racist Democrats of yesteryear are presently known as Republicans and Tea Partiers. Look it up

Just back and back to your normal shit. You are a nasty lying sack of shit that should have been permanently gone months ago. I see you learn nothing by your repeated vacations.
Million Muslim March vs. 2 Million Biker march Scorecard...

MMM - $248

2MBM - $1,845,693 (not including the 32k the "organizers" extorted from well intentioned donors)

Who got the better PR bang for their buck?


"Spanky" but Alfalfa, Buckwheat said YOU are full of shit...:eek:
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Million Muslim March vs. 2 Million Biker march Scorecard...

MMM - $248

2MBM - $1,845,693 (not including the 32k the "organizers" extorted from well intentioned donors)

Who got the better PR bang for their buck?

The Bikers.

Cost: $1,845,693.

Value of demonstrating American solidarity against Activist Muslim contempt for the deep and sacred and grief-stricken meaning that 9-11 holds for most Americans: priceless.

This grassroots demonstration of solidarity was worth it at 10 times such a price...

$1,845,693 divided by 25 equals....just under $73,827.72 per individual poke in the eye (if only one eye per muslim protester)
The boston bombings wasn't religiously motivated, but if you want an example of right wing terrorism, look no further than the oklahoma city bombing.

The Boston bombings were not religiously motivated, despite the fact that the bombers said that was EXACTLY the motivation, ooooooooookkkkkkkkkkk.....................

You are not following the rules.
You said EVANGELICALS were just as bad as jihadists.
I challenged you to a game.
I gave you one Islamic terrorist attack.

I'm still waiting for the evangelical terror attack.
List one, then I will list another Islamic terror attack.
Tim mc V was a nut. He was a lunatic radical with as much in common with most conservatives as Maggie thatcher had with the IRA.
That being they were polar opposites!!

Google the "ku klux klan" and you will find 1000's of incidents of right wing christian lynchings, beatings, and murders going on for over 100 years,..

3,446 blacks were lynched between 1882 and 1968.
How many whites have been murdered by blacks since then? Trends suggest that the figure is over 10 times that 3,446
The Boston bombings were not religiously motivated, despite the fact that the bombers said that was EXACTLY the motivation, ooooooooookkkkkkkkkkk.....................

You are not following the rules.
You said EVANGELICALS were just as bad as jihadists.
I challenged you to a game.
I gave you one Islamic terrorist attack.

I'm still waiting for the evangelical terror attack.
List one, then I will list another Islamic terror attack.
Tim mc V was a nut. He was a lunatic radical with as much in common with most conservatives as Maggie thatcher had with the IRA.
That being they were polar opposites!!

Google the "ku klux klan" and you will find 1000's of incidents of right wing christian lynchings, beatings, and murders going on for over 100 years,..

3,446 blacks were lynched between 1882 and 1968.
How many whites have been murdered by blacks since then? Trends suggest that the figure is over 10 times that 3,446

What percentage of the cases were prosecuted?

The dems are no different than they were 50 years ago.

Yes, stupid bitch, they are. The racist Democrats of yesteryear are presently known as Republicans and Tea Partiers. Look it up

Just back and back to your normal shit. You are a nasty lying sack of shit that should have been permanently gone months ago. I see you learn nothing by your repeated vacations.

I certainly agree. That vile little cretin has no self control and does not belong here.
Million Muslim March vs. 2 Million Biker march Scorecard...

MMM - $248

2MBM - $1,845,693 (not including the 32k the "organizers" extorted from well intentioned donors)

Who got the better PR bang for their buck?

The Bikers.

Cost: $1,845,693.

Value of demonstrating American solidarity against Activist Muslim contempt for the deep and sacred and grief-stricken meaning that 9-11 holds for most Americans: priceless.

This grassroots demonstration of solidarity was worth it at 10 times such a price...

Solidarity for what?
Million Muslim March vs. 2 Million Biker march Scorecard...

MMM - $248

2MBM - $1,845,693 (not including the 32k the "organizers" extorted from well intentioned donors)

Who got the better PR bang for their buck?

The Bikers.

Cost: $1,845,693.

Value of demonstrating American solidarity against Activist Muslim contempt for the deep and sacred and grief-stricken meaning that 9-11 holds for most Americans: priceless.

This grassroots demonstration of solidarity was worth it at 10 times such a price...

So you agree the purpose of "the ride" wasn't to honor 911 dead OR US soldiers but to stick a 2 million dollar finger in the eye of 25 idiot muslim protestors?


The Great Ride had multiple primary purposes...

1. To demonstrate the visceral objection of a sizable percentage of the American People, over the prospect of a large-scale demonstration by Muslims who had chosen 9-11 and the National Mall as their venue, in an insensitive and contemptuous disdain for the special meaning of 9-11 to America, and to demonstrate the solidarity of the Common American with his fellow countrymen, in the face of such insensitivity and contempt.

2. To honor the dead of 9-11.

3. To piss off that subset of Liberals who hate America, or who come close to it, and who cannot tolerate strong manifestations of opposing opinion without resorting to denigration and by appearing to side with the offending Muslims under the guise of tolerance rather than siding with their own aggrieved fellow countrymen.


Oh, and, BTW, with respect to (1), (2) and (3)... it was spectacularly successful...
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Solidarity for what?

Because you have to ask the question, it seems highly unlikely that you will either understand the answer or perceive the profundity and truth of the answer.

Assuming that you are an American, perhaps you should try looking within for some trace of what seems evident to so many of the rest of us.
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Yes, stupid bitch, they are. The racist Democrats of yesteryear are presently known as Republicans and Tea Partiers. Look it up

When people on the opposite side of an argument from me are this rude and arrogant - and can only insult and not deal with the actual facts, I know I am on the right side.
Yes, stupid bitch, they are. The racist Democrats of yesteryear are presently known as Republicans and Tea Partiers. Look it up

When people on the opposite side of an argument from me are this rude and arrogant - and can only insult and not deal with the actual facts, I know I am on the right side.

Not only do you know that you're on the right side, but you also know that you've already won, and that the rest is radio-static...
Million Muslim March vs. 2 Million Biker march Scorecard...

MMM - $248

2MBM - $1,845,693 (not including the 32k the "organizers" extorted from well intentioned donors)

Who got the better PR bang for their buck?

The Bikers.

Cost: $1,845,693.

Value of demonstrating American solidarity against Activist Muslim contempt for the deep and sacred and grief-stricken meaning that 9-11 holds for most Americans: priceless.

This grassroots demonstration of solidarity was worth it at 10 times such a price...

$1,845,693 divided by 25 equals....just under $73,827.72 per individual poke in the eye (if only one eye per muslim protester)

Teaching Math now are ya? :lol::eusa_liar:
Yes, stupid bitch, they are. The racist Democrats of yesteryear are presently known as Republicans and Tea Partiers. Look it up

Just back and back to your normal shit. You are a nasty lying sack of shit that should have been permanently gone months ago. I see you learn nothing by your repeated vacations.

I certainly agree. That vile little cretin has no self control and does not belong here.

-Posted by Ernestine S.:
Just back and back to your normal shit. You are a nasty lying sack of shit that should have been permanently gone months ago. I see you learn nothing by your repeated vacations.

I don't have self control???? I do not belong here, and you do?
Back to my normal shit? Lying? Gone months ago? Why? Because your racist bigoted ass, running nothing said so?
You two, are the very things wrong with this country and the planet. You never ever should have been born. You waste perfectly good space and oxygen. Fortunately, your type is on the way "out", as your power and influence, along with your relevance continues to diminish. And yeah, I'm like a bad penny....I keep turning matter how many times you plead your ridiculous punitive injury cases to moderation. Little bitches are all you are. But black people, gay people and liberals are going no where, and not backing down. Get used to it.
Million Muslim March vs. 2 Million Biker march Scorecard...

MMM - $248

2MBM - $1,845,693 (not including the 32k the "organizers" extorted from well intentioned donors)

Who got the better PR bang for their buck?

Could I see a reference for those numbers please?
The Bikers.

Cost: $1,845,693.

Value of demonstrating American solidarity against Activist Muslim contempt for the deep and sacred and grief-stricken meaning that 9-11 holds for most Americans: priceless.

This grassroots demonstration of solidarity was worth it at 10 times such a price...

$1,845,693 divided by 25 equals....just under $73,827.72 per individual poke in the eye (if only one eye per muslim protester)

Teaching Math now are ya? :lol::eusa_liar:

What's this with your obsession with teaching? Do your feelings of inadequacy around women and your need to bootlick men stem from school failures? Being bullied by kindergarten girls while you were in middle school?
liberals are going no where, and not backing down. Get used to it.

Oh, I am taking you at your word, and no argument from me here at all.

You are absolutely 100% right, Liberals are going nowhere.

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