Results of the "Million Muslim March" and "2 Million Bikers" events in Wsh DC

Here, try this link.

2 Million Bikers to D.C. Donations by Belinda Bee - GoFundMe

Now granted, they are not a non-profit, so they don't have to disclose anything.

And people are still donating!

IMNSHO, it is no less worthy than donating to someone who alters a confidential receipt and posts it on their FB page.

Amen to that. As my son said, "Would you give money to someone just because they were insulted?" Heck, he was insulted a lot in high school. He has Asperger's syndrome and there are somethings that school did to him for which I should have pressed charges. I blame myself, I had burn out. Two autistic kids and that school district was too much for me.

I will say this, one day he was being teased so badly DURING class while the teacher was THERE. The kids in the class sent a horrible computer message to the whole school about him while he was trying to get the teacher to pay attention and stop them. After is was sent he said, "Now I know why things like Columbine happen." Immediately the cops were called. I was called. They wanted to expel him but complained they couldn't because he was special needs so they were going to suspend him. I got the whole story and asked the teacher why in hell she didn't do something, she said she was busy grading papers and didn't notice what was happening. What the hell, she didn't notice my son asking for help but she noticed when he said "Columbine?". I said, she was in charge of that class and it was HER job to take care of her students, ALL of them. I wanted her fired, I had to settle for it going on her permanent record. They didn't expel my son, they didn't even suspend him. I kept him home for one day while the cops came in and gave a lecture to the class. After that, the school newspaper wrote up a very interesting article about him and he became somewhat of a class hero. Nobody did that to him again. I still think the teacher should have been fired. Maybe I should have put the whole thing on the internet and asked for money? Stupid me, I didn't think money would solve our problem.

I didn't know it was against the law to state that you understand why things like Columbine happen. What happened to the First Amendment?

I think I understand why things like Columbine happen, too. Some say those guys weren't bullied but that's baloney...they were ostracized.

Based on some of the bullying I saw when I was going to school, I'm surprised there aren't more instances of school violence. And yet kids are STILL bullying. I saw where a young girl killed herself recently because of bullying. What the fuck, parents, what are you teaching your kids?

To all you bullies out might come back and grab you some day. And I, for one, won't feel sorry for you if it does. Including people who don't tip a waitress and write "******" on the receipt.
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What slander? They've posted their income and expense list, kind of, check it out yourself.

Oh no-no-no-no-no. I am not going to do your work for you, you have to do it yourself.

If you are going to make claims, you had better be prepared to back them up, or STFU. And by following your logic, I can scream that you are an ablutophilliac, and it is up to you to prove that you are not.

This is how the game is played. And if you can't prove what you are claiming, then everybody knows that you have no integrity.
What slander? They've posted their income and expense list, kind of, check it out yourself.

Oh no-no-no-no-no. I am not going to do your work for you, you have to do it yourself.

If you are going to make claims, you had better be prepared to back them up, or STFU. And by following your logic, I can scream that you are an ablutophilliac, and it is up to you to prove that you are not.

This is how the game is played. And if you can't prove what you are claiming, then everybody knows that you have no integrity.

What are you talking about, I already listed several "dubious" expenses like reimbursing themselves for their gas, hotel and meals, the unexplained $2500 in legal fees and the weird "Funeral Fund" to the tune of $2000. And that isn't even going into the strange separate fundraiser for the biker who hit a curb just south of Penn and laid his bike down. Did he not have insurance? If not, why, is there any proof one dollar will come out of his own pocket for medical or repairs to his bike?

I also don't think you understand the phrase "banked" which means the money isn't spent but put into a bank account.
What are you talking about, I already listed several "dubious" expenses like reimbursing themselves for their gas, hotel and meals, the unexplained $2500 in legal fees and the weird "Funeral Fund" to the tune of $2000.

And without a reference your claims are meaningless.

What don't you get about this? We should simply accept your claims without verification?
What are you talking about, I already listed several "dubious" expenses like reimbursing themselves for their gas, hotel and meals, the unexplained $2500 in legal fees and the weird "Funeral Fund" to the tune of $2000.

And without a reference your claims are meaningless.

What don't you get about this? We should simply accept your claims without verification?


2 Million Bikers to D.C. Donations by Belinda Bee - GoFundMe

Help My Dream come true take me to Paris by Kris Finendale - GoFundMe

It appears the "Downed Biker Fund" is down....
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What are you talking about, I already listed several "dubious" expenses like reimbursing themselves for their gas, hotel and meals, the unexplained $2500 in legal fees and the weird "Funeral Fund" to the tune of $2000. And that isn't even going into the strange separate fundraiser for the biker who hit a curb just south of Penn and laid his bike down. Did he not have insurance? If not, why, is there any proof one dollar will come out of his own pocket for medical or repairs to his bike?

I also don't think you understand the phrase "banked" which means the money isn't spent but put into a bank account.

Did you look down the list, I mean really look?

This is from your own reference now, realize this.

Travel Exp: (Hotel, Gas, Food) $395.02

Do you think it really only cost that much for their food, gas and lodging? Not hardly. I bet a more complete breakdown will show that was for a guest speaker, or emergency-safety personnel and not riders. If you have such people it is expected that you cover their expenses.

Then there is this bit...

SHORTAGE: $ - 2,609.07


Remember, that money is pledged, and not collected. There is a big difference.

As for a lot of it, that is also clearly outlined in your reference:


That pretty well explains where the money went to me. Any questions?
What are you talking about, I already listed several "dubious" expenses like reimbursing themselves for their gas, hotel and meals, the unexplained $2500 in legal fees and the weird "Funeral Fund" to the tune of $2000. And that isn't even going into the strange separate fundraiser for the biker who hit a curb just south of Penn and laid his bike down. Did he not have insurance? If not, why, is there any proof one dollar will come out of his own pocket for medical or repairs to his bike?

I also don't think you understand the phrase "banked" which means the money isn't spent but put into a bank account.

Did you look down the list, I mean really look?

This is from your own reference now, realize this.

Travel Exp: (Hotel, Gas, Food) $395.02

Do you think it really only cost that much for their food, gas and lodging? Not hardly. I bet a more complete breakdown will show that was for a guest speaker, or emergency-safety personnel and not riders. If you have such people it is expected that you cover their expenses.

Then there is this bit...

SHORTAGE: $ - 2,609.07


Remember, that money is pledged, and not collected. There is a big difference.

As for a lot of it, that is also clearly outlined in your reference:


That pretty well explains where the money went to me. Any questions?

Travel Exp: (Hotel, Gas, Food) $395.02

Do you think it really only cost that much for their food, gas and lodging? Not hardly. I bet a more complete breakdown will show that was for a guest speaker, or emergency-safety personnel and not riders. If you have such people it is expected that you cover their expenses.

What part of "Travel Exp: Hotel, Gas Food" do you not understand? I am absolutely convinced their gas from NC, hotel and food for a one day event was around $400. There were no speakers, there were no emergency-safety personnel. There was no "Legal Expenses Permit Fight" nor will there be one next year.

Bee-Linda has Bee-Lying to you. Now I'm not saying she is evil, I'm not saying they are absconding with funds, but I will say she hasn't been truthful about their budgets and expenses nor how they have been paid. I spot about 6 holes in her refuse to even acknowledge 1.

If it's all above board, why fib?

BTW - I see you didn't address the BIG items in the "budget", the so called Legal Fees and the Funeral Fund.
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Is it OK with you if their bikes cool-off from the DC run before you start busting their chops?

Your concerns are premature.

And they are rooted in a partisan desire to attribute wrongdoing to those who organized and participated in The Ride.

You're not fooling anybody.

One need do nothing more than look back a few pages in order to confirm this for one's self.

Why keep up the pretense?

And why keep humping their pants-cuff like an irritating little poodle before they've even had time to sort things out yet?

If they have not steadied-down with their accounting within the next couple of months, well, then, you may have some grounds for suspicion.

Six days after the event, however, with a lot of those pledged funds not yet received, your concerns are premature...

By the common-sense standards of any reasonable person who is aware that this is a bunch of amateurs with little or no event-management nor accounting background.

Give it time...

Give it time.
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Do yourselves a favour. Take a look at their facebook page. You don't even have to be a member of facebook. It's an open page anyone can look at. These people are wrapping themselves in the flag, 9/11 Remberance and support for our troops and exploiting that message to hide their real purpose. They are a Tea Party front group. At the top of the page you will see an explaination about who they are and what you see is the above mentioned issue's. Click on the "About" under that explaination and you will see their official stated purpose. They have a clear and precise political agenda's that are not in any way related to 9/11 Rememberance and troop support. Those issue's are thrown in, but the other stuff is there also. Now take some time and read the comments. The administrators of that page moderate the page. They are able to delete or hide comments. As you read though the comments you will see that they are either compliments for a wonderful event, declarations of patriotism and a whole lot of anti-obama, anti-muslim, time to take our country back, rise up America, Cruz is the man, etc. All the Tea Party talking points in the Tea Party talking points playbook. The administrators moderate these comments. That makes them responsible for them. They could fashion their page to be specific to the cause they like to openly put forth. They don't. They project one message when it is convenient and switch when it is convenient. They continue to use pirated photo's and lie about the numbers of participants. They are dishonest people. They are running a scam. The funds they are raising are irrelevnt.The funds aren't the scam to be concerned with. People have a right to organize for political agenda's and spend the funds the way the deem best for their purpose. The government nor anyone else has a right to dictate how folks want to organize and spend donations. The scam part is what they tell people in order to collect those donations. But, their is enough information out there that if people in this day and age don't do the research about a group, and make a donation, it's on them and not anyone else. Should people who get caught red handed being dishonest about some things be trusted to be honest with the funding they may collect? Personel decision. You want to contribute, do it. If not, don't. It's just seems wrong to collect from people who think funds are going 100% to the motorcycle run and the rest of it to wounded vet's and be dipping into for other stuff. That just ain't right.
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Agreed. If the BIKERS don't care that they got ripped off why should I care?

good question. and that is the question we all are asking YOU.

you keep posting your hysterical questions about money and ONLY about money for a WEEK
It's the day 7 and you are still demonstrating butthurt over others people money :D


It is only five (5) days since 9-11.

Did they say in advance what they money was going to go for?

Are they still in the process of dispersing it 'as advertised'?

Will they be regularly updating the Accounting Data as they disperse more of it?

This is a tempest in a teapot at this juncture.

Anything to throw rocks at The Ride and its participants.

And, at present, that particular dog (accusation) has fleas, and just won't hunt...

yes, but the site and donations were started at least 2 days before. this particular poster who does not engage much in any other thread, bit seems to have really, really vested interest of life-threatening connection exactly to the bikers ride, is posting since 09/09 - all about the bikers

makes one think and make some conclusions :D

agree with everything else ;)
"...makes one think and make some conclusions..."
As in: "I wonder what segment of the population has a vested interest in persistently discrediting The Ride and its Organizers in whatever way might be practicable?"

Holy Q'urans and Liberals, Batman - golly-gosh gee-willickers and gee-whiz - whatever do you mean?
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good question. and that is the question we all are asking YOU.

you keep posting your hysterical questions about money and ONLY about money for a WEEK
It's the day 7 and you are still demonstrating butthurt over others people money :D


It is only five (5) days since 9-11.

Did they say in advance what they money was going to go for?

Are they still in the process of dispersing it 'as advertised'?

Will they be regularly updating the Accounting Data as they disperse more of it?

This is a tempest in a teapot at this juncture.

Anything to throw rocks at The Ride and its participants.

And, at present, that particular dog (accusation) has fleas, and just won't hunt...

yes, but the site and donations were started at least 2 days before. this particular poster who does not engage much in any other thread, bit seems to have really, really vested interest of life-threatening connection exactly to the bikers ride, is posting since 09/09 - all about the bikers

makes one think and make some conclusions :D

agree with everything else ;)

Is that all you got? "Alf's A MUZZIE!"

You must really be concerned that my observations have some merit...
"...Is that all you got? 'Alf's A MUZZIE!' You must really be concerned that my observations have some merit..."
Or, alternatively, and more likely, reaching for some rationale explanation for seeming obsession?
"...Is that all you got? 'Alf's A MUZZIE!' You must really be concerned that my observations have some merit..."
Or, alternatively, and more likely, reaching for some rationale explanation for seeming obsession?

Hilarious, several people on this thread keep demanding I post my facts regarding questions on the "budget and expenses' of this event and when I do you scream "OBSESSED MUZZIE LOVER!"

So what is it? Do you want to post an entire expose on the apparent irregularities of the finances of this event or do you just want an opportunity to toss ad hominems into the hornets nest?
"...Is that all you got? 'Alf's A MUZZIE!' You must really be concerned that my observations have some merit..."
Or, alternatively, and more likely, reaching for some rationale explanation for seeming obsession?

Hilarious, several people on this thread keep demanding I post my facts regarding questions on the "budget and expenses' of this event and when I do you scream "OBSESSED MUZZIE LOVER!"

So what is it? Do you want to post an entire expose on the apparent irregularities of the finances of this event or do you just want an opportunity to toss ad hominems into the hornets nest?
Oh, dear-me, but you ARE an angry little fella, aren't you?

It has been suggested, rather gently I might add, by multiple colleagues, that those who so ardently pursue opportunities to inflict damage upon the Ride Organizers and its Participants seem atypically agitated and intent upon inflicting that damage...

It has been suggested, rather gently I might add, that two of the most likely reasons behind such ardent pursuit would be (1) affiliation with the Muslim cause or (2) affiliation with the Liberal cause, which, in turn, oftentimes lends itself to (1), at least on the fringes...

Nobody is accusing you, personally, of being an 'obsessed muslim lover', but, of course, if the foo shits, then wear it.

I, for one, just want you to shut-up about the finances connected with The Ride - for a few weeks or a couple of months, anyway.

I don't want an expose of supposed irregularities.

I want you to just clam-up until November or December, and THEN come back and squawk about it if you like...

After they've had time to collect un-funded pledges, create event-specific accounts and controls, and work their way up to a higher-order accounting, from its obvious haphazard, amateurish roots...

You're looking for a smoking gun before the trigger has even been pulled.

And your persistent flopping-about and throwing-out groundless or premature accusations and baseless condemnatory conclusions is beginning to get on the last nerve of some folks around here, yours truly included.

You won't let this go for a while, but... you asked.

It's not a difficult concept to grasp.
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Is that all you got? "Alf's A MUZZIE!"

You must really be concerned that my observations have some merit...

Wow, and now you bring up racial slurs without provocation. Nobody said anything like that to you, and trust me when I say I would have been giving somebody crap if they had.

If you can't stick to facts and insist on this childish behavior, you are nothing in my mind but a pissant troll and therefore to be ridiculed and belittled. To this point I had actually been attempting to have a meaningful dialog but you have no interest in anything but pushing an agenda.
I know this thread is a little old but wanted to address some of your concerns. The founder of the 2 Million Bikers To DC ride is no longer affiliated with them. There was a split because the founder did not want the volunteers asking for money and they did so without his consent. He did not take one penny from the funds that Belinda had raised and did not approve of what she did. It was supposed to be all about the bikers coming together in solidarity and brotherhood.

I know Top Fuel Bill Williamson personally and he is a die hard Patriotic American and I am proud to call him my brother in Christ. I would like to invite you all over to his webpage TopFuelBill dot com. We will be going back to DC on 9/11/14 and meet up with all the bikers to honor those we lost on 9/11 and to our military.

Anytime anyone wants to speak with Bill you can find him on either of those pages and I have asked him to join this page to speak with you and talk about this years ride.

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