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All republicans who intend to run in 2008 are breathing a huge sigh of relief. The party has been punished for it's failures. Republicans will be able to run against the mess that the democrats make in the next two years.

But the Dems can and will blame all failures on Bush, just like they have for the last 6 years. :smoke:
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But the Dems can and will blame all failures on Bush, just like they have for the last 6 years. :smoke:

They just have the power to ensure that there are more failures now. and dont think they wont.
What really scares me is some of the victory speaches I heard. How the "we" will provide for health care for everyone, college education, prescription medicine, "helping the poor". Taxes taxes taxes. :crutch:
They just have the power to ensure that there are more failures now. and dont think they wont.


Nancy Pelosi just announced in a move toward fiscal responsility the Dems will pass a "Blogger Tax"

Each time you post a message you will be taxed 25 cents. If you can afford a computer, internet service, and have the time to post, you have the responsibility to pay your fair share

After all, it is for the children
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Oh im sure they will try to pass the Fairness Doctrine as well for "Fairness" on the radio. Of course, President Bush still has veto. But you know they want to shut up talk radio.
But the Dems can and will blame all failures on Bush, just like they have for the last 6 years. :smoke:

They can try but when they control the house and probably the senate it's a pretty lame effort. If enough people buy thier spin and what they do over the next two years, all is lost for the republicans anyway. It will be an intersting two years. Will the loony left moderate thier positions or go over the edge?
The stock market futures are down this morning. They can see the libs sharping thier knives and they feel the libs hands in their pockets
Is this the end of conservatism as a force in politics? Or did Bush and the Congressional Repubs already turn their back on consevatives?

The American people better understand they just gave power back to the moonbats, queer marriage, abortion anytime you like, the courts ruling us like dictators, taxes as high as an elephants eye, all out attack on Christianity, socialism, and our ultimate defeat against radical islam.. Hope they're happy.
Is this the end of conservatism as a force in politics? Or did Bush and the Congressional Repubs already turn their back on consevatives?

The American people better understand they just gave power back to the moonbats, queer marriage, abortion anytime you like, the courts ruling us like dictators, taxes as high as an elephants eye, all out attack on Christianity, socialism, and our ultimate defeat against radical islam.. Hope they're happy.

Beware of Right-Wing Fearmongers
Today, Americans all across the country, living and dead, will exercise their right and responsibility to vote Democrat. Of all the rights granted to us in the Constitution, the Right to Vote Democrat is one of our most sacred, second only to the Right to Choose. So it is vital that no matter how many times we vote today, we do so with the same courage and conviction we put into having abortions.

As usual, KKKarl Rove and his fearmongering goon squad are trying to frighten voters into keeping the Neocon Nazis in power. They claim that liberals don't take the so-called "terrorist threat" seriously, and that a win for Democrats would only encourage the so-called "terrorists" to launch another so-called "terrorist attack". They say that Democrats don't know who the real enemy is, and are therefore incapable of leading our uneducated, babykilling, genital-mocking, Quran-mishandling, prisoner-torturing, war criminal troops in Dictator Bush's illegal and immoral crusade for oil. They even mock our calls for a Timetable for Retreat in Iraq, and suggest that it will only serve to embolden Iraqi freedom fighters. These all are merely scare tactics the GOP uses every election to weaken our resolve.

Remember what FDR said: We have nothing to fear but Global Warming. If Republicans are allowed to remain in power for one more day, the ice caps will melt, the atmosphere will burn off, the drinking water will turn to arsenic, marine life will cease to exist, and Hurricane Katrina will return more powerful and racist than ever before. The Bill of Rights will be abolished, along with important amendments like Roe v. Wade and the Right to Free Heath Care. Religious extremism will continue to stymie important medical research that will save lives and allow Christopher Reeve to walk again. Slavery will be reinstated, Black churches will burn, gays will hang from telephone poles, and children will be forced to adhere to stereotypical gender roles. Meanwhile, taxes will plummet to dangerously low levels, while important programs like social security and free condoms for kindergartners will wither on the vine.

Oh yes, be afraid. Be very afraid, for all these things will come to pass if we succumb to right-wing fear mongering at the polls today.
Is this the end of conservatism as a force in politics?

Just the opposite, I think, Rico. Conservatives have just spoken, loudly and clearly. Obviously, a significant number of them (not including me, BTW) decided to stay home yesterday and rearrange their sock drawers. It's sad that a lot of good House conservatives got caught in the gears, but perhaps it was inevitable. The war for the soul of the Republican Party has been brewing for a long time; I'd say it is definitely on now.

Rico said:
Or did Bush and the Congressional Repubs already turn their back on consevatives?

Bingo. Bush and the elitists gave their conservative base a two-word reply to its most grave concerns. The base now replies with seven words of its own:

"Fuck US??!! No, Senor Bush - fuck YOU!!!!"

The next two years are going to be a bitch. It's tough medicine. I just console myself with the mental image of George Bush, running - with his pants in his hand - with two hundred and eighty-some baying bloodhounds on his trail - and screaming, "Is my term over YET?" Enjoy, you prick.

Rico said:
The American people better understand they just gave power back to the moonbats, queer marriage, abortion anytime you like, the courts ruling us like dictators, taxes as high as an elephants eye, all out attack on Christianity, socialism, and our ultimate defeat against radical islam.. Hope they're happy.

I doubt they are. But, this can be a fleeting anamoly - if yesterday's message reaches the right ears:

"Republican Party - heal thyself".
What I HAVEN'T heard yet, is anyone asking "WHY" the republicans just got served a huge helping of get the fuck otta here...
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What I HAVEN'T heard yet, is anyone asking "WHY" the republicans just got served a huge helping of get the fuck otta here...

Immigration and the fact that there are way too many Conservatives who dont understand that voting out the conservatives while keeping the RINOs is not going to help us. Its just handing the party over to the people who want to give us Amnesty
Stands to reason, though - since many of the people who considered the invasion of paramount importance weren't there to begin with.

I think what we're also seeing, is the emergence of a new voting block. Many, many people who "would have" voted republican just either didn't vote, voted independent, or wrote someone in. That handed the democraps a victory, but what they SHOULDN'T do, is think that that means the majority is in favor of them and their radical agenda. It's quite the opposite. If this new voting block ever sways away from the democraps, then they'll be handed an ass whipping on election day worse than the republicans were. We'll see what the liberals do in the next two years. I can tell you with certainty, if they repeal the tax cuts, if make queer marriage legal, if they give illegal aliens amnesty, they'll not only be voted out AGAIN, but their chances of EVER regaining power will be in the toilet.

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