Retards forced to pay for their stupidity


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Boo hoo hoo, we were stupid and ignorant and are being forced to pay for it now.

We Lost Our Daughter to a Mass Shooter and Now Owe $203,000 to His Ammo Dealer

It has NEVER been a retailers duty or responsibility to verify the sanity of their customers, further it is illegal to refuse to sell to someone that legally has a right to buy your materials. Claiming that the person that sold ammo to a person that had a LEGAL right to buy it should be held responsible for the use of said ammo is moronic and illegal.

Further these people knew it and are now whining because they were to stupid to comprehend the consequences of their actions.
Trolling this early in the morning ?

While the long winded article offers almost nothing in the way of relative information, we can pretty much guess that a slick backed smooth talking lawyer conned the bereaved parents into filing a precedent setting case, free of charge. While leaving them exposed to costs incurred by others.. In other words, they got nifonged by their own lawyer who should be the one on the hook for that bill..
Caveat Emptor. Let the Buyer Beware. Just one more example of our Legal system being screwed up by lawyers and the overly emotional members of society.
Sad from every angle.'s like a person who loses a child to a drunk driver....suing Ford for selling the drunk the car.
Sad from every angle.'s like a person who loses a child to a drunk driver....suing Ford for selling the drunk the car.
It is worse than that... It is a lawyer who told her she had a case against the muffler manufacture leaving her stuck for legal bills.

Lady is hurting, terribly hurting. These parasites took her hurt and traduced her. The lawyers knew she didn't have a case, but they went ahead with it.

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