Retired Marine Contractor Evacuated from Iraq after Video went Viral

The French? What does France have to do with it, other than they correctly advised against invading Iraq? Or, perhaps we're talking about the French assuring the success of the American Revolution and someone thinks they should be grateful for having had the opportunity?
The problem is logical coherent common sense arguments don't work with the arrogant pathetic American hating left.

Has any logical coherent argument ever worked on these possessed hypocrites?

The French? What does France have to do with it, other than they correctly advised against invading Iraq? Or, perhaps we're talking about the French assuring the success of the American Revolution and someone thinks they should be grateful for having had the opportunity?
Poor left winger claiming to be against torture while wishing saddam was still in power murdering and torturing.

Do you think any of us ever believe any of you when you claim you are against that? Or how pro gay rights you are, or for women's r if rights?

Do you ever take the time to ever consider how pathetic and how hypocritical all of you liars are?

Invasion? It was a liberation.

Now, why don't you go to your echo chambers and tell each other how much you care for the poor and downtrodden in the world behind your WALLS in your gated communities.
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Surprised to see hatred for the success of America's War for Independence. Gives a deeper meaning to anti-Americanism. Also goes to show the nature of reactionaries.
The French? What does France have to do with it, other than they correctly advised against invading Iraq? Or, perhaps we're talking about the French assuring the success of the American Revolution and someone thinks they should be grateful for having had the opportunity?

Freedom Fries, French jokes, those with attitude of France being indebted to us for their liberation and therefore should back the war. Perhaps you're not old enough to recall all those at the time who refused to learn from history and expected the Iraqis to be more grateful?

The number one main thing about Trump that I appreciate is that he seems to have a realistic attitude towards America's ability in terms of nation building. Of course GW Bush before his election promised to be careful about that, typical politician.
Cool, let's get the hell out of Iraq. Save the $Trillions. Bring the cash back home. We don't belong there. We never did.

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