Retirees must love Biden

First of all, the current death rate is incredibly small, considering how many people are driving.
About 30,000 deaths a year.
That is out of almost 300 million cars.
That is 0,001%.

Second is that you can't rely on sensors, but need full image processing.
That is because you need to differentiate between paper blowing n the wind, a stationary lamppost, and a child.
In fact, you need to know if there is a puncture threat in the road, if you are headed towards a curb or a shadow, etc.
Current systems rely on GPS or divider lines, neither of which is practical in real life.
So they are just fake, staged events.
But even if you could rely on sensors instead of full image recognition, what happens when they burn out, get dusty, etc.?
The redundancy, maintenance, and certification would have to be like that for a multi million dollar airplane.

I'm claiming they will never be remotely safe, and mass transit is a much cheaper and safer alternative.
If we spent a reasonable amount on mass transit, comparted to all the resources we waste on cars, then mass transit would be much easier, faster, cheaper, and safer.
If you ever had to get around in Boston, it shows that mass transit can be done very well, if one has the political will to do so.
The only thing against mass transit is that cars and fuel for them generates more profits.

Wrong because nobody wants mass transit. That's why government has to subsidize it. In the early 1900's Hoover campaigned on a chicken in every pot and a car in every driveway as a promise to move this country forward. What you're talking about is moving the country backwards which most won't accept.

I used mass transit when I was a kid, and let me tell you, nothing is worse up north than standing out in the blowing snow waiting for a stupid bus, then only having to get off at another bus stop, freeze your ass off there to do the same thing again. We don't want to live that way. When I'm in the mood to drink a couple of beers, I want to be able to jump in my car at will and get it, or anything else I may desire.

So that brings us back to personal transportation. If a sensor burns out, your car will have a spare sensor and alert you that the main sensor needs attention. The safety of such cars will be determined by our highway bureaucracies and insurance companies. Newer cars are already using sensors to warn us of a vehicle next to us at lane changes or bring the car to a complete stop when it senses a non moving object in front of your vehicle. They also alert the driver when they are backing up too close to an object like another parked car behind you.

It's coming, it's just a matter of when.
Wrong because nobody wants mass transit. That's why government has to subsidize it. In the early 1900's Hoover campaigned on a chicken in every pot and a car in every driveway as a promise to move this country forward. What you're talking about is moving the country backwards which most won't accept.

I used mass transit when I was a kid, and let me tell you, nothing is worse up north than standing out in the blowing snow waiting for a stupid bus, then only having to get off at another bus stop, freeze your ass off there to do the same thing again. We don't want to live that way. When I'm in the mood to drink a couple of beers, I want to be able to jump in my car at will and get it, or anything else I may desire.

So that brings us back to personal transportation. If a sensor burns out, your car will have a spare sensor and alert you that the main sensor needs attention. The safety of such cars will be determined by our highway bureaucracies and insurance companies. Newer cars are already using sensors to warn us of a vehicle next to us at lane changes or bring the car to a complete stop when it senses a non moving object in front of your vehicle. They also alert the driver when they are backing up too close to an object like another parked car behind you.

It's coming, it's just a matter of when.

I gave the example of Boston because it all underground and extremely comfortable.
There is no freezing at bus stops up on the surface.
The subways are not just warm, but has shops and restaurants.

You are thinking backwards. Think forward, to Elon Musk's Hyperloop, where you travel over 200 mph.

And you don't seem to understand the technical problems of attempting autonomous driving.
You say that you provide a backup that automatically kicks in when a sensor burns out.
But that is far more difficult than you imagine.
The way it has to be done with airplanes, is triple redundancy.
That way a sensor defect can be detected by a majority vote, 2 against 1.
If you only have 1 primary sensor and 1 backup, you can't even tell which is bad.
There are NO cars that currently can reliably warn of danger from nearby lanes, a moving object in front, etc.
That is all false marketing hype for things that do not at all work.
They will actually likely cause many more accidents and deaths.

Believe me, it is not coming.
It can't be done reliably or safely, and many will die before the public realizes the truth.
I gave the example of Boston because it all underground and extremely comfortable.
There is no freezing at bus stops up on the surface.
The subways are not just warm, but has shops and restaurants.

You are thinking backwards. Think forward, to Elon Musk's Hyperloop, where you travel over 200 mph.

And you don't seem to understand the technical problems of attempting autonomous driving.
You say that you provide a backup that automatically kicks in when a sensor burns out.
But that is far more difficult than you imagine.
The way it has to be done with airplanes, is triple redundancy.
That way a sensor defect can be detected by a majority vote, 2 against 1.
If you only have 1 primary sensor and 1 backup, you can't even tell which is bad.
There are NO cars that currently can reliably warn of danger from nearby lanes, a moving object in front, etc.
That is all false marketing hype for things that do not at all work.
They will actually likely cause many more accidents and deaths.

Believe me, it is not coming.
It can't be done reliably or safely, and many will die before the public realizes the truth.

If public transportation were so great it wouldn't need our tax dollars to survive. The private market would have jumped on it a long time ago and made it profitable. But it's not profitable because most people don't want it. My former employer went to Italy for a vacation with his mother. He said it was fantastic except for the fact you can only get around on public transportation. Any other vacation he took in the US he rented a car and went where they wanted when they wanted, not have to plan when a bus or train could take them there.

I am very aware of the technological problems that come with driving. I'm a retired professional driver myself. I've never owned a computer or smart phone that didn't have some minor bugs or problems with it. But they all get worked out eventually. It may not be tomorrow, next week or next year, but like cable television, satellite, cell phones and video games, it will only get better and draw more customers as time moves on and perfection along with it.
The real cost of living has increased far higher than the jiggered fed number shows.
Have you been able to source any formula or are you well stocked?

We'd hate to see you go hungry.
Joe Biden hates you and hated America, hates Babies, and wants to take everything you own and give it to The New Workd Order.

And you worship EmperorShitzHizPantz like you worship Satan, on your knees.
Joe Biden hates you and hated America, hates Babies, and wants to take everything you own and give it to The New Workd Order.

And you worship EmperorShitzHizPantz like you worship Satan, on your knees.
Put down the weed fool & come back to reality.

Those voices you're hearing aren't true.
Put down the weed fool & come back to reality.

Those voices you're hearing aren't true.
Explain then to me how The Bible both Old Testament and New Testament knew that as we approached The End Times that The World would move towards Globalism. Can you explain the Bible's Prophetic declarations of a soon to come Global Currency which could only be accomplished electronically? Even without a singular global currency we are able to do this though not as efficiently as it can be done if we established a single global currency.

Or how about The Bible's description of The 1st 4 Curses of The End Times, "The 4 Horsemen of The Apocalypse" which all are Man Made? The 4 horses have human riders, indicating that it is Man that Manufactures Famine, Economic-Financial instability, Inflation & Supply Chain Issues, Shortages, Disease, Plague and Death, War and Destruction, and The Worst of All, Conquest through Deception, Lies, Fake News and The Schemes and Plots of Elitist Men Hell Bent of achieving Wealth and Power over the souls of men at all costs.

Can you explain The Prophetic Declaration of High Rates of Travel and The Exponential Growth of Knowledge (Information Technology) or The Bible describing Man having The Ability to Completely Surveil everyone's economic transactions through technology, which eventually leads to the implementation of what could be described as the next iteration of the COVID PASS where one cannot travel, buy or sell unless they accept The Digital Mark.


The Great Reset: The Establishment of The New World Order (Globalist Government)
At first it is the establishment of the globalist system of control, but in it's final form power is concentrated at first in 10 leaders who then eventually give their power to one man who then is deified much like Roman Emperors once were. The horseman do not appear all at once, or in any particular order, as it is a process moving the world towards globalism and then judgment. It is gradual and and as the world system becomes established things begin to accelerate at and inevitable pace. The 1st four curses are created by man, planned by man, manufactured by man, and implemented by men.

The First Horseman: The Rider On The White Horse​

Revelation 6:1-2: I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals... I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.

The Second Horseman: The Rider On The Red Horse​

Revelation 6:3-4: When the Lamb opened the second seal... Another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. To him was given a large sword.

The Third Horseman: The Rider On The Black Horse​

Revelation 6:5-6: When the Lamb opened the third seal... I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand… Saying, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"

The Fourth Horseman: The Rider On The Sickly Green Horse​

Revelation 6:7-8: … And I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.


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It is what it is.....

Con-nect the dots for us how this is Biden's doing and what he can do to fix it (but isn't).
you think folks on fixed incomes can overcome doubled gas prices and 8% inflation with limited supplies? you think that's acceptable?
Explain then to me how The Bible both Old Testament and New Testament knew that as we approached The End Times that The World would move towards Globalism. Can you explain the Bible's Prophetic declarations of a soon to come Global Currency which could only be accomplished electronically? Even without a singular global currency we are able to do this though not as efficiently as it can be done if we established a single global currency.

Or how about The Bible's description of The 1st 4 Curses of The End Times, "The 4 Horsemen of The Apocalypse" which all are Man Made? The 4 horses have human riders, indicating that it is Man that Manufactures Famine, Economic-Financial instability, Inflation & Supply Chain Issues, Shortages, Disease, Plague and Death, War and Destruction, and The Worst of All, Conquest through Deception, Lies, Fake News and The Schemes and Plots of Elitist Men Hell Bent of achieving Wealth and Power over the souls of men at all costs.

Can you explain The Prophetic Declaration of High Rates of Travel and The Exponential Growth of Knowledge (Information Technology) or The Bible describing Man having The Ability to Completely Surveil everyone's economic transactions through technology, which eventually leads to the implementation of what could be described as the next iteration of the COVID PASS where one cannot travel, buy or sell unless they accept The Digital Mark.

View attachment 648544

The Great Reset: The Establishment of The New World Order (Globalist Government)
At first it is the establishment of the globalist system of control, but in it's final form power is concentrated at first in 10 leaders who then eventually give their power to one man who then is deified much like Roman Emperors once were. The horseman do not appear all at once, or in any particular order, as it is a process moving the world towards globalism and then judgment. It is gradual and and as the world system becomes established things begin to accelerate at and inevitable pace. The 1st four curses are created by man, planned by man, manufactured by man, and implemented by men.

The First Horseman: The Rider On The White Horse​

Revelation 6:1-2: I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals... I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.

The Second Horseman: The Rider On The Red Horse​

Revelation 6:3-4: When the Lamb opened the second seal... Another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. To him was given a large sword.

The Third Horseman: The Rider On The Black Horse​

Revelation 6:5-6: When the Lamb opened the third seal... I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand… Saying, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"

The Fourth Horseman: The Rider On The Sickly Green Horse​

Revelation 6:7-8: … And I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.


Sleepy Hollow
Put down the weed fool & come back to reality.

Those voices you're hearing aren't true.
are you suggesting that you like giving gas companies double the money you used to in January 2021? Ohhhhhkay Francis, I'd say it's you with the weed issue. And you left reality in Jan 2021.
Sleepy Hollow
People think of The 4 Horsemen as a singular person. That is because the horses have human riders. It is symbolic. It is men that release all of this pain and suffering on humanity, men that plan it, but it is organizational, coordinated, and carried out by Elitists all on the same page, all across The World, who commit to a singular purpose, Global Government.

Everything that is being pushed - Global Warming - Global Health Care and Pandemic Response - Universal Guaranteed Income - Global Trade Agreements etc. etc. etc. are nothing but mechanisms to fully implement Global Government.

When you think of this, think about The Tower of Babel and what it took (coordinated effort) to build such a monument to Rebellion and why God at that time said,
"Let Us Go Down To Confuse Their Language For Nothing Will Be Impossible For Them To Do" "We are all in this together" and "Unity" are not good things when managed by Evil people.

Now, as things escalate, power is eventually placed in to the hands of one man, but that is only in the last 7 years of the Prophetic "Time of Jacob's Trouble" in The Old Testament which is called "The Tribulation" in The New Testament. We will only see the mechanisms to concentrate power globally in the hands of a few take place. The man who eventually is handed over all of that power, I do not believe that followers of Christ will see revealed until the last second possible.

This one man is called The Little Horn, Son of Perdition, The Man of Sin, The Blasphemer, The Worthless Shepherd, The AntiChrist.

He will be an amazing orator, influential, viewed as a problem solver, considered a genius and promise great things, speak great things, and will be looked at as a Messiah, and he will drag billions to Hell with him before he is defeated at The Battle of Armageddon by The True Messiah, Yeshua, Jesus Christ.

If anyone sees this man, it may already be too late for them unless they are willing to lose their head for their belief in Christ. Once you accept AntiChrist as your King and Messiah there is no turning back or reversing of that decision. Those who ally with him meet his same end.
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are you suggesting that you like giving gas companies double the money you used to in January 2021? Ohhhhhkay Francis, I'd say it's you with the weed issue. And you left reality in Jan 2021.

This article was written in September of 2020, but the prophecy is 2,000 years old. If you look elsewhere in The Bible, like in the OT prophets there are much older references to these events and times.

Who Are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and Why Do They Matter?

The Third Horseman: The Rider On The Black Horse​

Revelation 6:5-6: When the Lamb opened the third seal... I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand… Saying, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"

The black horse represents famine.

It takes an entire day’s wages just to buy a quart of wheat.

“Balances” reveal scarcity. Americans don’t worry about the availability of food in times of plenty. In these future days, the price of food will skyrocket while millions have no access to food anyway.

Worldwide famine is not hard to imagine. Witness it now in Central and Eastern Africa. In the event of serious crop failure, no part of the world is more than one year away from critical starvation and the rich U.S. is only two years away.

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So, nothing about them already being down and even that ignores that if they have bene living in the house for at least 5 years a little drop now would still mean they gained value in the time
So, nothing about them already being down and even that ignores that if they have bene living in the house for at least 5 years a little drop now would still mean they gained value in the time
I said going down and they are. Meanwhile RE taxes are up. What part of my statement was incorrect?
you think folks on fixed incomes can overcome doubled gas prices and 8% inflation with limited supplies? you think that's acceptable?

Their only belief is that none of the serious problems we have today is their never is. It's either a world problem Dementia has no control over, Putin, Trump, Republicans not getting the shot, we by law have to give baby formula to the illegals first, but never their fault.
Their only belief is that none of the serious problems we have today is their never is. It's either a world problem Dementia has no control over, Putin, Trump, Republicans not getting the shot, we by law have to give baby formula to the illegals first, but never their fault.
That we have a baby formula crisis and Biden (well, the Marxists who are pulling his strings) is still adamant about throwing the doors open to 18,000 illegals A DAY tells you that there’s more going on than mere incompetence. The Left is waging war on its own citizens.

We have met the enemy, and it is us.
That we have a baby formula crisis and Biden (well, the Marxists who are pulling his strings) is still adamant about throwing the doors open to 18,000 illegals A DAY tells you that there’s more going on than mere incompetence. The Left is waging war on its own citizens.

We have met the enemy, and it is us.

That we have a baby formula crisis and Biden (well, the Marxists who are pulling his strings) is still adamant about throwing the doors open to 18,000 illegals A DAY tells you that there’s more going on than mere incompetence. The Left is waging war on its own citizens.

We have met the enemy, and it is us.

It is us only if you're a leftist. The rest of us want these socialist/ communists to be totally powerless in our country. Our opinion is that America last is no policy our founders ever envisioned without a revolt of the people.

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