Reuters/Ipsos poll: Romney's bounce from convention is short-lived: Sweet!


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2012
Seems not even the cowboy Eastwood can save Romneys sorry ass. Just you all wait for the Democrat National Convention. Obama... comeback kid!

Romney's bounce from convention looks short-lived: Reuters/Ipsos poll - Yahoo! News

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A modest bump in popularity for U.S. presidential hopeful Mitt Romney from this week's Republican Party convention looks to be short-lived, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.

Democratic President Barack Obama regained a narrow lead on Saturday by 44 percent to 43 percent over his Republican challenger, former Massachusetts Governor Romney, in the latest daily installment of the four-day rolling poll.
Yup it's over.Word has leaked out from the Romney campaign that they are pretty much throwing in the towel.They have cancelled at least 3 campaign appearances over the next week.Ryan will return to Washington the following week to resume his regular schedule and will no longer go out on campaign stops.An announcement will be made maybe as soon as tomorrow on the Sunday political shows.
Yup it's over.Word has leaked out from the Romney campaign that they are pretty much throwing in the towel.They have cancelled at least 3 campaign appearances over the next week.Ryan will return to Washington the following week to resume his regular schedule and will no longer go out on campaign stops.An announcement will be made maybe as soon as tomorrow on the Sunday political shows.

Seems not even the cowboy Eastwood can save Romneys sorry ass. Just you all wait for the Democrat National Convention. Obama... comeback kid!

Really--Obama has a 60+% disapproval rating on his handling of the economy and deficit. We have 25 million people in this country either unemployed or underemployed. 1 in 5 families is now living beneath the poverty level--46 million Americans are receiving food stamps. We're 16 trillion in red ink. Gas prices are now over $4.00 a gallon--food prices are through the roof--and consumer confidence is in the tank.
Gallup: Obama disapproval in the 60s on the economy, budget deficit « Hot Air

Obama is losing the YOUTH vote along with Independents in this country.

But there has been big movement among whites. In 2008, they were 51 percent to 40 percent Republican. In the first half of 2011, they were 56 percent to 35 percent Republican -- more Republican than Southern whites were three years ago.

The most noteworthy movement among whites has been among voters under 30, the so-called Millennial generation. Millennials voted 66 percent to 32 percent for Obama in 2008 and identified as Democrats rather than Republicans by a 60 percent to 32 percent margin.

But white Millennials have been moving away from the Democrats. The Democratic edge in party identification among them dropped from 7 points in 2008 to 3 points in 2009 to a 1 point GOP edge in 2010 and an 11 point GOP lead in 2011.

Similar shifts have occurred among whites who are low-income, who have no more than a high-school education and who live in the Midwest.
It's not hard to come up with plausible reasons. Obama campaigned as the champion of "hope and change" in 2008 and assured young people, "We are the change we are seeking."

But the change they've seen is anything but hopeful. Youth-unemployment rates are at historic highs. Young people have seen their college degrees produce little in the way of jobs.

They're choosing more often to keep living with their parents.
From the Obama Democrats, they've gotten only a promise that "children" up to age 26 can stay on parents' health-insurance plans.

In the wake of the 2008 election, I argued that there was a tension between the way Millennials lived their lives -- creating their own iPod playlists, designing their own Facebook pages -- and the one-size-fits-all, industrial-era welfare-state policies of the Obama Democrats.

Instead of allowing Millennials space in which they can choose their futures, the Obama Democrats' policies have produced a low-growth economy in which their alternatives are limited and they're forced to make do with what they can scrounge.

There's little evidence that the Millennials think their plight can be relieved and opportunities opened up by slapping higher taxes on Steve Jobs or by restricting deductions for corporate jets, as Obama urged in his Monday speech calling for tax hikes in debt-ceiling legislation.

The intended purpose of legislation like the stimulus package and ObamaCare was to improve the situations of those least able to take care of themselves -- the young, the less educated, the low-skilled. But it is just such groups that, the Pew numbers show, have been moving away from the Dems. An instructive achievement, no?
Driving youth from the Democrats--Michael Barone -

Which is all leading up to what will be reminiscent of Custer's Last Stand for Barack Obama and democrats in November 2012.

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McCain/Palin got an 8 point bounce out of their convention and took the lead.

The Republican hatefest topped off with an old folk's home version of theater of the absurd was a stunning failure.
Seems not even the cowboy Eastwood can save Romneys sorry ass. Just you all wait for the Democrat National Convention. Obama... comeback kid!

Really--Obama has a 60+% disapproval rating on his handling of the economy and deficit. We have 25 million people in this country either unemployed or underemployed. 1 in 5 families is now living beneath the poverty level--46 million Americans are receiving food stamps. We're 16 trillion in red ink. Gas prices are now over $4.00 a gallon--food prices are through the roof--and consumer confidence is in the tank.
Gallup: Obama disapproval in the 60s on the economy, budget deficit « Hot Air

Obama is losing the YOUTH vote along with Independents in this country.

But there has been big movement among whites. In 2008, they were 51 percent to 40 percent Republican. In the first half of 2011, they were 56 percent to 35 percent Republican -- more Republican than Southern whites were three years ago.

The most noteworthy movement among whites has been among voters under 30, the so-called Millennial generation. Millennials voted 66 percent to 32 percent for Obama in 2008 and identified as Democrats rather than Republicans by a 60 percent to 32 percent margin.

But white Millennials have been moving away from the Democrats. The Democratic edge in party identification among them dropped from 7 points in 2008 to 3 points in 2009 to a 1 point GOP edge in 2010 and an 11 point GOP lead in 2011.

Similar shifts have occurred among whites who are low-income, who have no more than a high-school education and who live in the Midwest.
It's not hard to come up with plausible reasons. Obama campaigned as the champion of "hope and change" in 2008 and assured young people, "We are the change we are seeking."

But the change they've seen is anything but hopeful. Youth-unemployment rates are at historic highs. Young people have seen their college degrees produce little in the way of jobs.

They're choosing more often to keep living with their parents.
From the Obama Democrats, they've gotten only a promise that "children" up to age 26 can stay on parents' health-insurance plans.

In the wake of the 2008 election, I argued that there was a tension between the way Millennials lived their lives -- creating their own iPod playlists, designing their own Facebook pages -- and the one-size-fits-all, industrial-era welfare-state policies of the Obama Democrats.

Instead of allowing Millennials space in which they can choose their futures, the Obama Democrats' policies have produced a low-growth economy in which their alternatives are limited and they're forced to make do with what they can scrounge.

There's little evidence that the Millennials think their plight can be relieved and opportunities opened up by slapping higher taxes on Steve Jobs or by restricting deductions for corporate jets, as Obama urged in his Monday speech calling for tax hikes in debt-ceiling legislation.

The intended purpose of legislation like the stimulus package and ObamaCare was to improve the situations of those least able to take care of themselves -- the young, the less educated, the low-skilled. But it is just such groups that, the Pew numbers show, have been moving away from the Dems. An instructive achievement, no?
Driving youth from the Democrats--Michael Barone -

Which is all leading up to what will be reminiscent of Custer's Last Stand for Barack Obama and democrats in November 2012.


Protecting the rich and destroying Medicaid/Medicare, Social Security is not the answer. Americans know that. Thus... good bye Romney.
McCain/Palin got an 8 point bounce out of their convention and took the lead.

The Republican hatefest topped off with an old folk's home version of theater of the absurd was a stunning failure.

And all over THIS country-- this is going on. Bunch of dammed racist's is all they are.

[ame=]The Hope And The Change - Official Movie Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
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Polls in 1980 showed Carter pretty much winning.
Until they didnt.

The kooks are in full melt down mode, fantasizing that Obama has a ghost's chance after his historically shitty performance.

Re-Elect Obama: So We Can ALL Take It Up The Ass.
kidsnot wets himself....again.

"Kidsnot"? Did you think that nic up all by yourself? Better leave the art of nicknaming to the proffesionals. You absolutely suck at it.

True Story.
Ohhhh an on-line poll! That just seals the deal.

So far, Romney's ahead but you really won't see any significant effect until Tuesday. The real polls will be taken on Monday, and that won't even reflect the true effect because some places poll once a week and some even longer than that.

I would venture one guess. If there was an on-line poll that included Ron Paul, he would bury both obama and Romney.
Ohhhh an on-line poll! That just seals the deal.

So far, Romney's ahead but you really won't see any significant effect until Tuesday. The real polls will be taken on Monday, and that won't even reflect the true effect because some places poll once a week and some even longer than that.

I would venture one guess. If there was an on-line poll that included Ron Paul, he would bury both obama and Romney.

No he's not. Look at the electoral map I posted above and other maps have similar results.
How in the hell is anybody excited over either one of these idiots? Seriously...
Obama has written off Florida to the GOP already. Romney is thinking of expanding his campaign into "safe" states for the Dems.
Which one is doing better here?
Polls in 1980 showed Carter pretty much winning.
Until they didnt.

The kooks are in full melt down mode, fantasizing that Obama has a ghost's chance after his historically shitty performance.

Re-Elect Obama: So We Can ALL Take It Up The Ass.

This time, we don't have hostages in Iran, and Obama isn't going to be stupid enough to have Ollie North botch a rescue mission. No October Surprise soup for
Obama has written off Florida to the GOP already. Romney is thinking of expanding his campaign into "safe" states for the Dems.
Which one is doing better here?

Bullshit. Florida is very much in play. The Obama team is airing the Medicare commercials there, showing what a scumbag Romney chose as a running mate, and how Obamacare actually saves the system.

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