Reuters Ordered Cameraman To Shut Off Camera To Avoid Black Church Praising Trump Being Seen

i saw the entire video on foxnews. it ended shortly after he told trump that a second bible was for milania.
Is anybody else tired of fabricated infowars conspiracies getting confused with mainstream news?
Yes, everyone is tired of fabricated infowars conspiracies being propagated by dishonest conservatives as ‘mainstream’ news – but given the propensity for most on the right for lying, expect to see more of it.
Wait till October.

Yeah, isn't that when Assange has promised to release his October Surprise about Hillary? :lmao:
Yes but it not what I was talking about.
If you think the paranoid spewing is bad now wait another month.
You mean after the Deep State steals the election?

Why, are you already on the pay roll to help them? Do you have some inside info. about this plot that we don't know? :tinfoil:

I don't think you read Jones' comment correctly. He is a Hillary supporter like you. He believes EVERYTHING the MSM puts out! So don't go criticizing a fellow idiot!

I can understand Daws being a blind partisan, but I expected better from you.

Sure, that info wars site has some pretty iffy shit, but did you view it? It was a legit piece. I heard the comments on the video and heard it being shut down.

Who cares what the source was. Did you click on the external links to other media? They were pulling the same shit.

When you criticize a story based entirely on where it came from, regardless of its' content, you are committing what is known as an Ad hominem. You need to be a bit more sophisticated.

From what I know about Trump, in his personal relations, the elites KNOW he isn't racist, so of course they would want to nix this so as little publicity about who he actually is gets publicized. The MSM does not want the truth about him to get out, it would screw up their narrative.

Anyone that knows what is going on, knows Trump isn't a racist. I've seen a more recent interview with Jesse Jackson on Bloomberg where he even said that he didn't agree with Trump's recent statements on many policy issues, but he thought the media's portrayal of him as a racist was divisive and a distraction.

When the shoe is on the other foot, everyone just laughs.


As usual you are wrong , I'm neither blind or partisan.
This thread should be in the conspiracy section.

You and Hillary should be in the conspiracy section. :lmao:

Seriously though, I'd agree with you if you could actually give some reason other than your hatred.

Did you not here the voices on the video telling them to shut the camera off?

I went and looked for alternative footage of them giving the prayer shawl and scripture to Trump, just like NYcarbineer claims. Sorry, I couldn't find any, just some footage of Jesse Jackson praising Donald Trump. If you can find footage that is just the same as the footage that this camera man was told to cut? Post it and then request the move, I'll support ya. Sure, have them put it in the CT zone.

But listen, IT IS A FACT, that journalists have admitted the CFR journalism is biased.

It's not a conspiracy.

To fight Trump, journalists have dispensed with objectivity

To fight Trump, journalists have dispensed with objectivity

This transparent bias is a national phenomenon, infecting both print and television media to such an extent that it has become almost impossible to separate coverage of the Trump campaign from attempts to tear it down. The media has long been accused of having a liberal slant, but in this cycle journalists seem to have cast themselves as defenders of the republic against what they see as a major threat, and in playing this role they’ve lost the ability to assess events rationally.

Does the fact that I have spent my adult life in showbiz? a very large portion of it was/ is in sound and video editing, the voices were added later .
Unless you can come up with another clip verifying your " evidence" , it won't fly
You like most of the dump crowd are far to willing to believe any shit that passes your way.

My apologies. I saw the other clips of the full speech and of the whole thread once merged with others.

Frankly, I think the whole thread is silly now. They have the whole event on video, there were multiple cameras there, so who cares if Reuters shut down a camera man? Seriously, it's no big deal, it was still recorded.

You and I can just agree to disagree, or I can just say, I really don't care.


No it's not a matter of "disagreeing"! It's a matter of "UNFAIR" MSM practices that convince idiots that Obama had executive experiences when he had ZERO!
It was the MSM bias that protects Hillary's gross incompetence to not know her email server was not secure! This type of incompetence gave us Obamacare and the gigantic mess it has created. It required Obama sycophants like Gruber who told us Obamacare was passed due to the "Stupidity of the American Voter"!
And you want 8 more years of gross incompetence to add further rules and regulations that is now costing American businesses over $1.2 trillion a year to
comply with them? And this is a matter of disagreement???

How stupid! The MSM is protecting Hillary! They've invested in Obama and want that globalization agenda to continue.
Shear stupidity.

Of course you are right. That is not what I am contesting here.

The whole premise here is whether there was a camera man that was told to cut off filming because the video he was making would make Trump look good.

Maybe that is true, maybe it isn't.

But at this point, does the premise of the thread even matter? The WHOLE VIDEO, the entire event is viewable by those who want to know. It is on the internet.

For educated and enlightened folks that are aware, yes, we all know that globalist media is controlled by the CFR. The media elites have already come right out and admitted that they make no bones about being in the tank for Hillary in this election cycle. If you want fair media coverage of the Trump campaign, you have to go and search for coverage of these events and look up his speeches and events on your own.

You already know this. Are you surprised? This is not a "conspiracy," this is a known fact. The only disagreement in this thread is whether this is a Reuters cameraman and whether he was instructed to end recording. Who cares? We already know the entire CFR media is in the tank, so why whine about it.

If you think this is bad, boy are you going to lose your shit when the debates come. It is going to be a pile on by the moderator and Hillary. They will do everything they can to make her look good, and run interference for that ailing and slowing fading woman while at the same time doing everything to make Trump look like the policy neophyte he really is.

So. . .
Yes, everyone is tired of fabricated infowars conspiracies being propagated by dishonest conservatives as ‘mainstream’ news – but given the propensity for most on the right for lying, expect to see more of it.
Wait till October.

Yeah, isn't that when Assange has promised to release his October Surprise about Hillary? :lmao:
Yes but it not what I was talking about.
If you think the paranoid spewing is bad now wait another month.
You mean after the Deep State steals the election?

Why, are you already on the pay roll to help them? Do you have some inside info. about this plot that we don't know? :tinfoil:

I don't think you read Jones' comment correctly. He is a Hillary supporter like you. He believes EVERYTHING the MSM puts out! So don't go criticizing a fellow idiot!

What makes you think I believe anything in the MSM or that I am a Hillary supporter?
LOL, maybe the media is simply exercising its moral prerogative to do what's best for the country.

IOW, patriotism.

And there you have it folks.

The media have been the center of politics since this country began. They have always taken sides.

Taking sides is one thing. That's been the case forever. Taking sides while telling the world you're objective is quite another.

But you knew that.

So Foxnews should stop calling itself fair and balanced, and get the word 'news' out of its title?

When CBSNews, ABCNews,NBCNews, New York Times, all acknowledge they are not fair and balanced YES!!!!
At least those of us who watch FoxNews as well as the other MSM know we get one side of the story! They don't go under the bogus lie that they are objective.
LOL, maybe the media is simply exercising its moral prerogative to do what's best for the country.

IOW, patriotism.

And there you have it folks.

The media have been the center of politics since this country began. They have always taken sides.

Taking sides is one thing. That's been the case forever. Taking sides while telling the world you're objective is quite another.

But you knew that.

So Foxnews should stop calling itself fair and balanced, and get the word 'news' out of its title?

When CBSNews, ABCNews,NBCNews, New York Times, all acknowledge they are not fair and balanced YES!!!!
At least those of us who watch FoxNews as well as the other MSM know we get one side of the story! They don't go under the bogus lie that they are objective.

lol, you're a fucking phoney partisan hack.
LOL, maybe the media is simply exercising its moral prerogative to do what's best for the country.

IOW, patriotism.

That's not the media's job, their job is to report without bias. Period.

Agreed... but read this article and get really pissed that "objective" news people are definitely biasing their material with THEIR opinion!

Michael Goodwin wrote the below:
A recent article by its media reporter, Jim Gutenberg [New York Times], whom I know and like, began this way:
“If you’re a working journalist and you believe that Donald J. Trump is a demagogue playing to the nation’s worst racist and nationalistic tendencies, that he cozies up to anti-American dictators and that he would be dangerous with control of the United States nuclear codes, how the heck are you supposed to cover him?”

American journalism is collapsing before our eyes | New York Post

Now you tell me how when most Americans of voting age get their information from sources like the above that ARE now saying they are BIASED... how
can you disagree?

By the way
Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Michael Goodwin has been a fixture on the New York media scene for the last 30 years. He started writing a column for the New York Daily News in May 2004 and first appeared as a guest on Lou Dobbs Tonight in 2006. Goodwin previously served as Executive Editor of the Daily News and prior to that, as its Editorial Page Editor. In 1999, he led the Editorial Board to its first Pulitzer Prize in 58 years for its successful campaign to rescue the legendary Apollo Theatre from mismanagement.
Prior to his career at the Daily News, Goodwin spent 10 years at the New York Times, moving up from reporter to City Hall Bureau Chief during the administration of former mayor Edward Koch. Goodwin also co-authored "I, Koch," a biography of the former mayor, and hosted a cable television show about New York politics.
Born in Lewistown, Pa., Goodwin came to New York in the early 1960s to attend Columbia College, from which he graduated. He has also taught at the Columbia University School of Journalism.
On a personal note, Goodwin lives in New York with his wife, Hunter College President Jennifer J. Raab, and two children. He enjoys reading, spending time with family, and discussing the pressing issues of our time.
And there you have it folks.

The media have been the center of politics since this country began. They have always taken sides.

Taking sides is one thing. That's been the case forever. Taking sides while telling the world you're objective is quite another.

But you knew that.

So Foxnews should stop calling itself fair and balanced, and get the word 'news' out of its title?

When CBSNews, ABCNews,NBCNews, New York Times, all acknowledge they are not fair and balanced YES!!!!
At least those of us who watch FoxNews as well as the other MSM know we get one side of the story! They don't go under the bogus lie that they are objective.

lol, you're a fucking phoney partisan hack.
Of course I AM! What does that make you???? Certainly not Objective! If you can't objectively read articles that point out the BIASED MSM and by the way
you very frequently don't submit any links proving your idiocy.... maybe you'd be more believable ! But how can any honest person read the following and not believe this poll that show 7 out 10 people believe MSM is biased!
In 2008 85% of the 1,353 (or 1,160 ) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters

Now these same donors/news people of the stories about Romney in the 2012 campaign, 71% were NEGATIVE!!!
7 out of 10 stories presented a negative image of Romney.
Study Finds Widespread Bias in Mainstream Media Coverage of Election | Women of Grace

Poll: 70 percent of Americans believe news media is intentionally biased
Nearly three quarters of Americans believe the news media reports with an intentional bias, according to a new survey.
The 2015 State of the First Amendment Survey, conducted by the First Amendment Center and USA Today, was released Friday. It shows that only 24 percent of American adults agree with the statement that "overall, the news media tries to report the news without bias," while 70 percent disagree.
When the question was asked last year, 41 percent agreed, a 17-point difference.

"These are discouraging results for those of us who have spent our careers in journalism," Ken Paulson, president of the First Amendment Center, wrote in an op-ed for USA Today on Thursday. "In 23 years in newsrooms, I saw consistent and concerted efforts to get stories right. Clearly, the public's not convinced."
Poll: 70 percent of Americans believe news media is intentionally biased

HEY... where are your links Nyemptyshell!
LOL, maybe the media is simply exercising its moral prerogative to do what's best for the country.

IOW, patriotism.

And there you have it folks.

The media have been the center of politics since this country began. They have always taken sides.

Taking sides is one thing. That's been the case forever. Taking sides while telling the world you're objective is quite another.

But you knew that.

So Foxnews should stop calling itself fair and balanced, and get the word 'news' out of its title?

When CBSNews, ABCNews,NBCNews, New York Times, all acknowledge they are not fair and balanced YES!!!!
At least those of us who watch FoxNews as well as the other MSM know we get one side of the story! They don't go under the bogus lie that they are objective.

Even Fox news tends to be flaky in favor of the neo-cons.

Here, try this source;

The New American | Politics
And there you have it folks.

The media have been the center of politics since this country began. They have always taken sides.

Taking sides is one thing. That's been the case forever. Taking sides while telling the world you're objective is quite another.

But you knew that.

So Foxnews should stop calling itself fair and balanced, and get the word 'news' out of its title?

When CBSNews, ABCNews,NBCNews, New York Times, all acknowledge they are not fair and balanced YES!!!!
At least those of us who watch FoxNews as well as the other MSM know we get one side of the story! They don't go under the bogus lie that they are objective.

Even Fox news tends to be flaky in favor of the neo-cons.

Here, try this source;

The New American | Politics

AGAIN!!!! NO one disagrees! Fox news appears BIASED because they present BOTH sides of the story!
Case in point. Tonite CBS news ..ABC... NBC... Any mention of this:

BUT the MSM won't even admit they are biased! They ignore Hillary's health.
They ignore the email issue... poke fun of Congress trying to get honest answers... and
again ONLY Fox is staying on the scandal. At least the other media could be as
honest as Fox and clearly state they are biased!
Sure, everything Alex Jones says is 100% truth and honesty.

I can understand Daws being a blind partisan, but I expected better from you.

Sure, that info wars site has some pretty iffy shit, but did you view it? It was a legit piece. I heard the comments on the video and heard it being shut down.

Who cares what the source was. Did you click on the external links to other media? They were pulling the same shit.

When you criticize a story based entirely on where it came from, regardless of its' content, you are committing what is known as an Ad hominem. You need to be a bit more sophisticated.

From what I know about Trump, in his personal relations, the elites KNOW he isn't racist, so of course they would want to nix this so as little publicity about who he actually is gets publicized. The MSM does not want the truth about him to get out, it would screw up their narrative.

Anyone that knows what is going on, knows Trump isn't a racist. I've seen a more recent interview with Jesse Jackson on Bloomberg where he even said that he didn't agree with Trump's recent statements on many policy issues, but he thought the media's portrayal of him as a racist was divisive and a distraction.

When the shoe is on the other foot, everyone just laughs.


As usual you are wrong , I'm neither blind or partisan.
This thread should be in the conspiracy section.

You and Hillary should be in the conspiracy section. :lmao:

Seriously though, I'd agree with you if you could actually give some reason other than your hatred.

Did you not here the voices on the video telling them to shut the camera off?

I went and looked for alternative footage of them giving the prayer shawl and scripture to Trump, just like NYcarbineer claims. Sorry, I couldn't find any, just some footage of Jesse Jackson praising Donald Trump. If you can find footage that is just the same as the footage that this camera man was told to cut? Post it and then request the move, I'll support ya. Sure, have them put it in the CT zone.

But listen, IT IS A FACT, that journalists have admitted the CFR journalism is biased.

It's not a conspiracy.

To fight Trump, journalists have dispensed with objectivity

To fight Trump, journalists have dispensed with objectivity

This transparent bias is a national phenomenon, infecting both print and television media to such an extent that it has become almost impossible to separate coverage of the Trump campaign from attempts to tear it down. The media has long been accused of having a liberal slant, but in this cycle journalists seem to have cast themselves as defenders of the republic against what they see as a major threat, and in playing this role they’ve lost the ability to assess events rationally.

Does the fact that I have spent my adult life in showbiz? a very large portion of it was/ is in sound and video editing, the voices were added later .
Unless you can come up with another clip verifying your " evidence" , it won't fly
You like most of the dump crowd are far to willing to believe any shit that passes your way.

Wow... and we are suppose to believe you have spent your adult life in showbiz? And so if you were, being a clown in a sideshow certainly doesn't qualify you
for technical expertise. It qualifies you for being a clown! Give us some facts as to your "expertise" otherwise we'll do just as the MSM does fabricate!

First off stfu ,
Second I need to prove Nothing to you,
It you who has to backup your bullshit ,
The clip and the source are both questionable.

I can understand Daws being a blind partisan, but I expected better from you.

Sure, that info wars site has some pretty iffy shit, but did you view it? It was a legit piece. I heard the comments on the video and heard it being shut down.

Who cares what the source was. Did you click on the external links to other media? They were pulling the same shit.

When you criticize a story based entirely on where it came from, regardless of its' content, you are committing what is known as an Ad hominem. You need to be a bit more sophisticated.

From what I know about Trump, in his personal relations, the elites KNOW he isn't racist, so of course they would want to nix this so as little publicity about who he actually is gets publicized. The MSM does not want the truth about him to get out, it would screw up their narrative.

Anyone that knows what is going on, knows Trump isn't a racist. I've seen a more recent interview with Jesse Jackson on Bloomberg where he even said that he didn't agree with Trump's recent statements on many policy issues, but he thought the media's portrayal of him as a racist was divisive and a distraction.

When the shoe is on the other foot, everyone just laughs.


As usual you are wrong , I'm neither blind or partisan.
This thread should be in the conspiracy section.

You and Hillary should be in the conspiracy section. :lmao:

Seriously though, I'd agree with you if you could actually give some reason other than your hatred.

Did you not here the voices on the video telling them to shut the camera off?

I went and looked for alternative footage of them giving the prayer shawl and scripture to Trump, just like NYcarbineer claims. Sorry, I couldn't find any, just some footage of Jesse Jackson praising Donald Trump. If you can find footage that is just the same as the footage that this camera man was told to cut? Post it and then request the move, I'll support ya. Sure, have them put it in the CT zone.

But listen, IT IS A FACT, that journalists have admitted the CFR journalism is biased.

It's not a conspiracy.

To fight Trump, journalists have dispensed with objectivity

To fight Trump, journalists have dispensed with objectivity

This transparent bias is a national phenomenon, infecting both print and television media to such an extent that it has become almost impossible to separate coverage of the Trump campaign from attempts to tear it down. The media has long been accused of having a liberal slant, but in this cycle journalists seem to have cast themselves as defenders of the republic against what they see as a major threat, and in playing this role they’ve lost the ability to assess events rationally.

Does the fact that I have spent my adult life in showbiz? a very large portion of it was/ is in sound and video editing, the voices were added later .
Unless you can come up with another clip verifying your " evidence" , it won't fly
You like most of the dump crowd are far to willing to believe any shit that passes your way.

Wow... and we are suppose to believe you have spent your adult life in showbiz? And so if you were, being a clown in a sideshow certainly doesn't qualify you
for technical expertise. It qualifies you for being a clown! Give us some facts as to your "expertise" otherwise we'll do just as the MSM does fabricate!

First off stfu ,
Second I need to prove Nothing to you,
It you who has to backup your bullshit ,
The clip and the source are both questionable.

Again you are the idiot bragging about your clown experience in showbiz! You raised the issue of "expertise" without any substantiation of your "expertise" so who in the hell are you to tell me?

Of course you have to prove something. You bragged about your expertise.... put up or shut up!
"Praising Trump"


A truly moronic thread premise.

The idiocy common to most conservatives is remarkable, not surprising, but remarkable nonetheless.

Trump was obviously well received and both parties were respectful to each other.

Both sides said what they wanted to say and both sides were heard.

That's a successful visit.

Has the Media been telling that story?
And there you have it folks.

The media have been the center of politics since this country began. They have always taken sides.

Taking sides is one thing. That's been the case forever. Taking sides while telling the world you're objective is quite another.

But you knew that.

So Foxnews should stop calling itself fair and balanced, and get the word 'news' out of its title?

When CBSNews, ABCNews,NBCNews, New York Times, all acknowledge they are not fair and balanced YES!!!!
At least those of us who watch FoxNews as well as the other MSM know we get one side of the story! They don't go under the bogus lie that they are objective.

lol, you're a fucking phoney partisan hack.

THERE'S the logical fallacies we've all come to know and expect. Right on que!

Funny...and ironic.
The media have been the center of politics since this country began. They have always taken sides.

Taking sides is one thing. That's been the case forever. Taking sides while telling the world you're objective is quite another.

But you knew that.

So Foxnews should stop calling itself fair and balanced, and get the word 'news' out of its title?

When CBSNews, ABCNews,NBCNews, New York Times, all acknowledge they are not fair and balanced YES!!!!
At least those of us who watch FoxNews as well as the other MSM know we get one side of the story! They don't go under the bogus lie that they are objective.

Even Fox news tends to be flaky in favor of the neo-cons.

Here, try this source;

The New American | Politics

AGAIN!!!! NO one disagrees! Fox news appears BIASED because they present BOTH sides of the story!
Case in point. Tonite CBS news ..ABC... NBC... Any mention of this:

BUT the MSM won't even admit they are biased! They ignore Hillary's health.
They ignore the email issue... poke fun of Congress trying to get honest answers... and
again ONLY Fox is staying on the scandal. At least the other media could be as
honest as Fox and clearly state they are biased!

God! I can't believe the gullibility of people who are willing to believe any slander so long as it supports their POV.

Trump allies falsely link Reuters to claim Detroit video feed was cut short
The media have been the center of politics since this country began. They have always taken sides.

Taking sides is one thing. That's been the case forever. Taking sides while telling the world you're objective is quite another.

But you knew that.

So Foxnews should stop calling itself fair and balanced, and get the word 'news' out of its title?

When CBSNews, ABCNews,NBCNews, New York Times, all acknowledge they are not fair and balanced YES!!!!
At least those of us who watch FoxNews as well as the other MSM know we get one side of the story! They don't go under the bogus lie that they are objective.

lol, you're a fucking phoney partisan hack.

THERE'S the logical fallacies we've all come to know and expect. Right on que!

Funny...and ironic.

Not at all. He defends Fox for doing the same thing he's attacking the other networks for.
The media have been the center of politics since this country began. They have always taken sides.

Taking sides is one thing. That's been the case forever. Taking sides while telling the world you're objective is quite another.

But you knew that.

So Foxnews should stop calling itself fair and balanced, and get the word 'news' out of its title?

When CBSNews, ABCNews,NBCNews, New York Times, all acknowledge they are not fair and balanced YES!!!!
At least those of us who watch FoxNews as well as the other MSM know we get one side of the story! They don't go under the bogus lie that they are objective.

Even Fox news tends to be flaky in favor of the neo-cons.

Here, try this source;

The New American | Politics

AGAIN!!!! NO one disagrees! Fox news appears BIASED because they present BOTH sides of the story!
Case in point. Tonite CBS news ..ABC... NBC... Any mention of this:

BUT the MSM won't even admit they are biased! They ignore Hillary's health.
They ignore the email issue... poke fun of Congress trying to get honest answers... and
again ONLY Fox is staying on the scandal. At least the other media could be as
honest as Fox and clearly state they are biased!

Foxnews is not biased. lol, there you have it.

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