REVEALED: Trump / 2016 Election Was Not The 1st Time Barry Hired Fusion GPS...

Just look to the Ohr-Steele connection. Bruce Ohr was Obama's Deputy Attorney General. And his wife worked for the same Fusion GPS Steele worked for. There was Collusion with foreign entities to influence our Election. And it was between Clinton, Obama, the Brits, and Russians. They need to be investigated.

Bullshit. The Russians wanted Trump not Clinton.

“clear, based on the evidence, Russia had disdain for Secretary Clinton and was motivated in whole or in part by a desire to harm her candidacy or undermine her presidency had she prevailed.”

Trey Gowdy
They were not. They worked with a former British agent who had contacts in Russia. Russia wanted Trump not Clinton to win and even Trey Gowdy agrees. Opposition research is not illegal. There is no evidence the FISA warrants were obtained illegally after Page LEFT the Trump campaign.

Fusion GPS, exactly like the company owned by Hillary's campaign manager, had Russians for clients....which means they were working for Russians.

The foreign spy Hillary, Comey, and Obama paid was working with and obtained information in the report from Russians he both worked with and paid for some of the information.

The report produced, paid fro by Hillary/Comey/Obama, was illegally used in a US election (Campaign Law) and illegally used by the FBI - who has been proven to have committed obstruction and proven to be criminally biased in favor of the Democratic Party / Democratic Party candidate - to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the GOP candidate during an election (Watergate on Steroids).

(The Inspector General is putting out a report pointing out FBI Deputy Director McCabes crimes and reportedly suggesting he be FIRED before he can retire, denying him of tax payer-funded benefits.)

Reality-denying snowflakes who still can't accept the outcome of an election continue to attempt to re-write history and reality.

Just look to the Ohr-Steele connection. Bruce Ohr was Obama's Deputy Attorney General. And his wife worked for the same Fusion GPS Steele worked for. There was Collusion with foreign entities to influence our Election. And it was between Clinton, Obama, the Brits, and Russians. They need to be investigated.

Bullshit. The Russians wanted Trump not Clinton.

“clear, based on the evidence, Russia had disdain for Secretary Clinton and was motivated in whole or in part by a desire to harm her candidacy or undermine her presidency had she prevailed.”

Trey Gowdy

It's clear Clinton and Obama did collude with foreign entities to influence our Election. Steele was working for both Clinton and Obama's FBI. The Ohr's were the go-between contacts. Just look to the Ohr-Steele connection. There's your Collusion. They need to be thoroughly investigated.
It's clear Clinton and Obama did collude with foreign entities to influence our Election. Steele was working for both Clinton and Obama's FBI. The Ohr's were the go-between contacts. Just look to the Ohr-Steele connection. There's your Collusion. They need to be thoroughly investigated.

Even Democrats / Liberals / Snowflakes have admitted that Hillary, Comey, and Obama worked with - COLLUDED with....PAID...a FOREIGN Agent working with / paying Russians for Russian-generated information (propaganda). The result was an unsubstantiated report illegally used in a US election by the Felon DNC candidate.

Mueller's task was to uncover illegal collusion with the Russians - THERE YA GO:


...and Sergei is asking for Immunity to testify before Congress.

Where the f* is Mueller? Rounding up more 'Scooter Libby's to justify his Witch Hunt!
What a stoopid fucking thread. Oppo-research has been going on since the beginning of political campaigns.
Bullshit. The Russians wanted Trump not Clinton.

To make this claim as if fact without actual evidence to support your claim you would have to be a 'Seer' or a Russian'....which is it?

The #1 goal of Putin and Russia was to divide the nation in every possible way he could:

- They engaged in a PsyOp campaign that used social media to successfully get snowflakes to organize and march for Russians.

- They PAID LIBERAL groups 'The Black Fist', BLM, and Antifa to spread racial division and violence.

- They successfully played on the fragile yet volatile emotions of sore-loser, butt-hurt snowflakes to get them to begin and continue their treasonous campaign (Witch Hunt), going on 2 years now, to remove the newly elected President...without having any evidence....that a crime was EVER committed warranting an investigation to begin with.

While the Democrats continue to assist Putin in carrying out his plans to divide the US, the fact can not be ignored that Obama, his administration, the FBI, his DOJ, and Hillary did more to effect the outcome of the 2016 election (primary rigging, debate cheating, protecting Hillary from deserved indictment, campaign violations, campaign finance violations, sedition, treason, etc...) than the Russians ever did.
I just LOVE it when the truth comes out...exposing Democrats!

REVEALED: Obama Campaign Hired Fusion GPS To Investigate Romney

"The Barack Obama presidential campaign hired Fusion GPS in 2012 to dig up dirt on Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, according to a book released on Tuesday.

The Obama campaign hid its payments to Fusion GPS through its law firm, Perkins Coie. The arrangement is similar to the one that the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee used to pay Fusion for its investigation of then-candidate Donald Trump in 2016."

REVEALED: Obama Campaign Hired Fusion GPS To Investigate Romney


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Fusion GPS was working for the Russians. They hired the foreign spy who worked with / paid Russians to obtain a Russian Propaganda-filled report Hillary illegally used in a US election and one the FBI used to illegally obtain FISA warrants to spy on the GOP candidate during a Presidential election (Watergate on Steroids).
I just LOVE it when the truth comes out...exposing Democrats!

REVEALED: Obama Campaign Hired Fusion GPS To Investigate Romney

"The Barack Obama presidential campaign hired Fusion GPS in 2012 to dig up dirt on Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, according to a book released on Tuesday.

The Obama campaign hid its payments to Fusion GPS through its law firm, Perkins Coie. The arrangement is similar to the one that the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee used to pay Fusion for its investigation of then-candidate Donald Trump in 2016."

REVEALED: Obama Campaign Hired Fusion GPS To Investigate Romney
Who cares.
Certainly not criminal-supporting snowflakes....

Being fair is not being criminal. Having a brain to think things over and make up your mind is not criminal. You are a lunatic who needs to be locked in a mental institution somewhere SNOWFLAKE.
Being fair is not being criminal.
After almost 2 years now the Democrats still do not have 1 shred of evidence against Trump while at the same time there is an un-deniable mountain of criminal evidence against Democrats that Mueller and the Democrats and snowflakes refuse to look at acknowledge. Snowflakes, as you have just proved, don't know the meaning of the word 'fair'. FYI, dear, 'Fair' is NOT the same thing as 'Partisan'.
I just LOVE it when the truth comes out...exposing Democrats!

REVEALED: Obama Campaign Hired Fusion GPS To Investigate Romney

"The Barack Obama presidential campaign hired Fusion GPS in 2012 to dig up dirt on Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, according to a book released on Tuesday.

The Obama campaign hid its payments to Fusion GPS through its law firm, Perkins Coie. The arrangement is similar to the one that the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee used to pay Fusion for its investigation of then-candidate Donald Trump in 2016."

REVEALED: Obama Campaign Hired Fusion GPS To Investigate Romney
So what? What candidate for president doesn’t research their opposition?
Bullshit. The Russians wanted Trump not Clinton.

To make this claim as if fact without actual evidence to support your claim you would have to be a 'Seer' or a Russian'....which is it?

The #1 goal of Putin and Russia was to divide the nation in every possible way he could:

- They engaged in a PsyOp campaign that used social media to successfully get snowflakes to organize and march for Russians.

- They PAID LIBERAL groups 'The Black Fist', BLM, and Antifa to spread racial division and violence.

- They successfully played on the fragile yet volatile emotions of sore-loser, butt-hurt snowflakes to get them to begin and continue their treasonous campaign (Witch Hunt), going on 2 years now, to remove the newly elected President...without having any evidence....that a crime was EVER committed warranting an investigation to begin with.

While the Democrats continue to assist Putin in carrying out his plans to divide the US, the fact can not be ignored that Obama, his administration, the FBI, his DOJ, and Hillary did more to effect the outcome of the 2016 election (primary rigging, debate cheating, protecting Hillary from deserved indictment, campaign violations, campaign finance violations, sedition, treason, etc...) than the Russians ever did.

Actually I am a rational person who has not lost their mind. That is the estimate of our intelligence members and 2 Republican members of the House Intelligence Committee. Gowdy spent a considerable time investigating Clinton over Benghazi. I suppose he is a Russian mole.

The Russians clearly wanted Trump. They hacked the DNC servers and gave the e-mails to WikiLeaks. They may have aided the campaign of Sanders and Stein which would have hurt Clinton. Why would they want Trump? To quote another article.
"Who has the least amount of experience? Who could be most easily manipulated? Who would make the U.S. weakest, keep it in the most turmoil?"

The answer is Trump.

I thought George Soros aided BLM and Antifa. I guess who funds them depends on who you want to attack.

There was no primary rigging. Clinton got the most votes and got the nomination. That system is actually fairer than the Republican method. There is no evidence of campaign violations or finance violations. Comey made his assessment and exerted no pressure on FBI agents to go easy on Clinton. You can take sedition and treason and stick it up your ass. You want to user these as political weapons to jail your political opponents.
Being fair is not being criminal.
After almost 2 years now the Democrats still do not have 1 shred of evidence against Trump while at the same time there is an un-deniable mountain of criminal evidence against Democrats that Mueller and the Democrats and snowflakes refuse to look at acknowledge. Snowflakes, as you have just proved, don't know the meaning of the word 'fair'. FYI, dear, 'Fair' is NOT the same thing as 'Partisan'.

There is no criminal evidence against Democrats. Quite reading kook websites and come into the real world. You are the SNOWFLAKE at you are clearly being partisan.
There is no criminal evidence against Democrats.

You, my dear, are an idiot...or a brainwashed partisan extremist.

Do you know that using the document she paid a foreign spy $12 million for in a US election is a violation of US Election Law? Evidence clearly shows Hillary paid for the document and used it in the election. There is ZERO doubt / 100% evidence Hillary broke the law.

That is only 1 od the MANY crimes supported by undeniable evidence against Democrats.
They were not. They worked with a former British agent who had contacts in Russia. Russia wanted Trump not Clinton to win and even Trey Gowdy agrees. Opposition research is not illegal. There is no evidence the FISA warrants were obtained illegally after Page LEFT the Trump campaign.

Fusion GPS, exactly like the company owned by Hillary's campaign manager, had Russians for clients....which means they were working for Russians.

The foreign spy Hillary, Comey, and Obama paid was working with and obtained information in the report from Russians he both worked with and paid for some of the information.

The report produced, paid fro by Hillary/Comey/Obama, was illegally used in a US election (Campaign Law) and illegally used by the FBI - who has been proven to have committed obstruction and proven to be criminally biased in favor of the Democratic Party / Democratic Party candidate - to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the GOP candidate during an election (Watergate on Steroids).

(The Inspector General is putting out a report pointing out FBI Deputy Director McCabes crimes and reportedly suggesting he be FIRED before he can retire, denying him of tax payer-funded benefits.)

Reality-denying snowflakes who still can't accept the outcome of an election continue to attempt to re-write history and reality.


You know who Fusion GPS had for a client? Sergei Magnitsky who was imprisoned and killed by Putin for blowing the whistle on corruption by Russian officials. They were not working for the Russian government.

Steele was a former British agent, He obtained the information from old contacts he had in Russia.

It was not used illegally. Opposition research is not criminal. It was Fusion GPS that sought out Steele not Clinton. There is no evidence the FBI is biased against Trump. Just because they refuse to act as Trump's personal security force and refuse to pledge allegiance to Trump. If Wray did that to get the job then he should be fired. That does not equate to bias. There is no evidence they committed obstruction. Trump is the one who committed obstruction. He interfered in the Flynn investigation and admitted he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation. Sure they filed a FISA warrant on Page about a month after he left the campaign. You are apparently too dome to read a calendar.

Shouldn't we see what the report says first. This could very well be Trump payback.

You are the reality denying SNOWFLAKE. You love to make things up with Democrats but refuse to hold Trump accountable.
The Russians clearly wanted Trump.

Again, to speak with such authority FOR them, you are either insane, a partisan extremist, a tinfoil-wearing 'seer', or a Russian. Which is it?

I suppose Trey Gowdy is a partisan extremist, insane, a tinfoil-wearing seer or a Russian.

“clear, based on the evidence, Russia had disdain for Secretary Clinton and was motivated in whole or in part by a desire to harm her candidacy or undermine her presidency had she prevailed.”

Trey Gowdy.

He becomes the second Republican to say the same thing. The Russians wanted to undermine Clinton's campaign,

You are all of the above.
There is no criminal evidence against Democrats.

You, my dear, are an idiot...or a brainwashed partisan extremist.

Do you know that using the document she paid a foreign spy $12 million for in a US election is a violation of US Election Law? Evidence clearly shows Hillary paid for the document and used it in the election. There is ZERO doubt / 100% evidence Hillary broke the law.

That is only 1 od the MANY crimes supported by undeniable evidence against Democrats.

She paid Fusion GPS. Fusion GPS hired a ex British agent. She did not break the law.
There is no criminal evidence against Democrats.

You, my dear, are an idiot...or a brainwashed partisan extremist.

Do you know that using the document she paid a foreign spy $12 million for in a US election is a violation of US Election Law? Evidence clearly shows Hillary paid for the document and used it in the election. There is ZERO doubt / 100% evidence Hillary broke the law.

That is only 1 od the MANY crimes supported by undeniable evidence against Democrats.
Hillary did not pay $12 million for the dossier. You’re truly fucked in the head. Which is why it’s sooo fucking funny watching you project that it’s others who are the idiots.
It’s amazing to think that The Obamas were more Crooked and corrupt than the Clintons.

The pupil surpassed the master!

This also explains Obama’s soft glove approach to anything the Russians were doing. He’d been dealing with them through Fusion GPS for a long time.

No wonder he ordered Lynch and Comey to sweep Clinton crimes under the rug.

Clinton and Obama were rubbing each other’s backs.
I just LOVE it when the truth comes out...exposing Democrats!

REVEALED: Obama Campaign Hired Fusion GPS To Investigate Romney

"The Barack Obama presidential campaign hired Fusion GPS in 2012 to dig up dirt on Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, according to a book released on Tuesday.

The Obama campaign hid its payments to Fusion GPS through its law firm, Perkins Coie. The arrangement is similar to the one that the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee used to pay Fusion for its investigation of then-candidate Donald Trump in 2016."

REVEALED: Obama Campaign Hired Fusion GPS To Investigate Romney
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He’s President of The Resistance Movement which means he is a threat To American Democracy and must be dealt with and punished for his crimes.

Is Barry still prez? I must have missed something. Oh wait he’s not; DJT is pal and HE is under investigation.
Remember the snowflakes rose up in arms when they heard Trump Jr. had a meeting with Russians to gather dirt on Trump? They called it collusion, treason, unethical, anti-American and anything else emotional they could pull from their collective ass.

Let's be HONEST, mainstream liberals are fucked-up in the heads, they don't have a mind of their own. Liberal news tells them how to "think" and they adopt it like the easy prey they are. If liberals had four legs they'd be rabbits. If they had wings they'd be quail.

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