Revelation 13 - the interpretation

When one has studied all the prophetic scriptures of Daniel, and 2nd Thessalonians 2, and Revelation 13, 17, and 18 in particular, it becomes obvious that God chose to use America and events that have transpiried between white and black Americans over the years, to serve as the timeline for the 2nd coming of Christ. Using symbols and symbolic terms, John the Revelator foretold of these things, and he foretold of the black man upon America in Revlation 13, and of their leader MLK. The interpretation thereof being thus:

1 And I, John, stood upon the sand of the sea of Patmos, and saw in a vision modern-day America rise out of the sea, having peoples of the seven continents, and having the European Americans.

3 And I saw one of America's people with a slavery wound whose slavery had been abolished, and all the world wondered after them.

4 And they worshipped America which gave power to the wounded people, and they worshipped the wounded people.

7 And it was given the wounded people to oppose the European Americans and to overcome them. And the wounded people were given more power than all the peoples of America.

11 And I, John, beheld and saw another beast (MLK) rise up among the wounded people.

12 And he brought to pass all the power of the wounded people before him.

13 And he did great wonders with the conviciton power that he possessed.

14 And he deceived the European Americans with his conviction power, and convinced them to make an image of his wounded people.

15 And that image came to life, and the wounded people caused all European Americans to be cast down, who discrimminate against them.

16 And he (MLK) caused all European Americans, the small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to accept the wounded people in the workplace and in places of learning.

17 And he caused that no workplace could buy or sell except those that hired the wounded people.

18 Now here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding of these scriptures, multiply 10 (the ten horns) by 6 (the number of man), for the beast is that of a race, whose number when multiplied is 600, 60, and 6.

Interesting. Of you course, you also know revelations 18 "I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. 19 And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll."

Just a thought. Doesn't really matter unless you believe in it.
When one has studied all the prophetic scriptures of Daniel, and 2nd Thessalonians 2, and Revelation 13, 17, and 18 in particular, it becomes obvious that God chose to use America and events that have transpiried between white and black Americans over the years, to serve as the timeline for the 2nd coming of Christ. Using symbols and symbolic terms, John the Revelator foretold of these things, and he foretold of the black man upon America in Revlation 13, and of their leader MLK. The interpretation thereof being thus:

1 And I, John, stood upon the sand of the sea of Patmos, and saw in a vision modern-day America rise out of the sea, having peoples of the seven continents, and having the European Americans.

3 And I saw one of America's people with a slavery wound whose slavery had been abolished, and all the world wondered after them.

4 And they worshipped America which gave power to the wounded people, and they worshipped the wounded people.

7 And it was given the wounded people to oppose the European Americans and to overcome them. And the wounded people were given more power than all the peoples of America.

11 And I, John, beheld and saw another beast (MLK) rise up among the wounded people.

12 And he brought to pass all the power of the wounded people before him.

13 And he did great wonders with the conviciton power that he possessed.

14 And he deceived the European Americans with his conviction power, and convinced them to make an image of his wounded people.

15 And that image came to life, and the wounded people caused all European Americans to be cast down, who discrimminate against them.

16 And he (MLK) caused all European Americans, the small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to accept the wounded people in the workplace and in places of learning.

17 And he caused that no workplace could buy or sell except those that hired the wounded people.

18 Now here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding of these scriptures, multiply 10 (the ten horns) by 6 (the number of man), for the beast is that of a race, whose number when multiplied is 600, 60, and 6.

Interesting. Of you course, you also know revelations 18 "I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. 19 And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll."

Just a thought. Doesn't really matter unless you believe in it.

You should learn the difference between "the interpretation of the scriptures" (which I do), and "adding to the scriptures."

One example of adding to the scriptures is that of adding "the Antichrist" to the terms "man of sin" and "son of perdition". Nowhere in Daniel, or Revelation, or 2nd Thess.2, or any other place, is the man of lawlessness spoken of as "the Antichrist." The false teachers borrow the term from 1st and 2nd John, and wrongfully apply it to the man of lawlessness, who happens to be a race of man, instead of an individual man.
When one has studied all the prophetic scriptures of Daniel, and 2nd Thessalonians 2, and Revelation 13, 17, and 18 in particular, it becomes obvious that God chose to use America and events that have transpiried between white and black Americans over the years, to serve as the timeline for the 2nd coming of Christ. Using symbols and symbolic terms, John the Revelator foretold of these things, and he foretold of the black man upon America in Revlation 13, and of their leader MLK. The interpretation thereof being thus:

1 And I, John, stood upon the sand of the sea of Patmos, and saw in a vision modern-day America rise out of the sea, having peoples of the seven continents, and having the European Americans.

3 And I saw one of America's people with a slavery wound whose slavery had been abolished, and all the world wondered after them.

4 And they worshipped America which gave power to the wounded people, and they worshipped the wounded people.

7 And it was given the wounded people to oppose the European Americans and to overcome them. And the wounded people were given more power than all the peoples of America.

11 And I, John, beheld and saw another beast (MLK) rise up among the wounded people.

12 And he brought to pass all the power of the wounded people before him.

13 And he did great wonders with the conviciton power that he possessed.

14 And he deceived the European Americans with his conviction power, and convinced them to make an image of his wounded people.

15 And that image came to life, and the wounded people caused all European Americans to be cast down, who discrimminate against them.

16 And he (MLK) caused all European Americans, the small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to accept the wounded people in the workplace and in places of learning.

17 And he caused that no workplace could buy or sell except those that hired the wounded people.

18 Now here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding of these scriptures, multiply 10 (the ten horns) by 6 (the number of man), for the beast is that of a race, whose number when multiplied is 600, 60, and 6.

Interesting. Of you course, you also know revelations 18 "I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. 19 And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll."

Just a thought. Doesn't really matter unless you believe in it.

You should learn the difference between "the interpretation of the scriptures" (which I do), and "adding to the scriptures."

One example of adding to the scriptures is that of adding "the Antichrist" to the terms "man of sin" and "son of perdition". Nowhere in Daniel, or Revelation, or 2nd Thess.2, or any other place, is the man of lawlessness spoken of as "the Antichrist." The false teachers borrow the term from 1st and 2nd John, and wrongfully apply it to the man of lawlessness, who happens to be a race of man, instead of an individual man.

I do know the difference. If your God exists, you had best hope he doesn't.
When one has studied all the prophetic scriptures of Daniel, and 2nd Thessalonians 2, and Revelation 13, 17, and 18 in particular, it becomes obvious that God chose to use America and events that have transpiried between white and black Americans over the years, to serve as the timeline for the 2nd coming of Christ. Using symbols and symbolic terms, John the Revelator foretold of these things, and he foretold of the black man upon America in Revlation 13, and of their leader MLK. The interpretation thereof being thus:

1 And I, John, stood upon the sand of the sea of Patmos, and saw in a vision modern-day America rise out of the sea, having peoples of the seven continents, and having the European Americans.

3 And I saw one of America's people with a slavery wound whose slavery had been abolished, and all the world wondered after them.

4 And they worshipped America which gave power to the wounded people, and they worshipped the wounded people.

7 And it was given the wounded people to oppose the European Americans and to overcome them. And the wounded people were given more power than all the peoples of America.

11 And I, John, beheld and saw another beast (MLK) rise up among the wounded people.

12 And he brought to pass all the power of the wounded people before him.

13 And he did great wonders with the conviciton power that he possessed.

14 And he deceived the European Americans with his conviction power, and convinced them to make an image of his wounded people.

15 And that image came to life, and the wounded people caused all European Americans to be cast down, who discrimminate against them.

16 And he (MLK) caused all European Americans, the small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to accept the wounded people in the workplace and in places of learning.

17 And he caused that no workplace could buy or sell except those that hired the wounded people.

18 Now here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding of these scriptures, multiply 10 (the ten horns) by 6 (the number of man), for the beast is that of a race, whose number when multiplied is 600, 60, and 6.

What you are doing is called replacement theology. Taking what God said, and tweaking it to fulfill your agenda.
Find the Biblical scripture that says America needs to hire the wounded. :cuckoo:
When one has studied all the prophetic scriptures of Daniel, and 2nd Thessalonians 2, and Revelation 13, 17, and 18 in particular, it becomes obvious that God chose to use America and events that have transpiried between white and black Americans over the years, to serve as the timeline for the 2nd coming of Christ. Using symbols and symbolic terms, John the Revelator foretold of these things, and he foretold of the black man upon America in Revlation 13, and of their leader MLK. The interpretation thereof being thus:

1 And I, John, stood upon the sand of the sea of Patmos, and saw in a vision modern-day America rise out of the sea, having peoples of the seven continents, and having the European Americans.

3 And I saw one of America's people with a slavery wound whose slavery had been abolished, and all the world wondered after them.

4 And they worshipped America which gave power to the wounded people, and they worshipped the wounded people.

7 And it was given the wounded people to oppose the European Americans and to overcome them. And the wounded people were given more power than all the peoples of America.

11 And I, John, beheld and saw another beast (MLK) rise up among the wounded people.

12 And he brought to pass all the power of the wounded people before him.

13 And he did great wonders with the conviciton power that he possessed.

14 And he deceived the European Americans with his conviction power, and convinced them to make an image of his wounded people.

15 And that image came to life, and the wounded people caused all European Americans to be cast down, who discrimminate against them.

16 And he (MLK) caused all European Americans, the small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to accept the wounded people in the workplace and in places of learning.

17 And he caused that no workplace could buy or sell except those that hired the wounded people.

18 Now here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding of these scriptures, multiply 10 (the ten horns) by 6 (the number of man), for the beast is that of a race, whose number when multiplied is 600, 60, and 6.

What you are doing is called replacement theology. Taking what God said, and tweaking it to fulfill your agenda.
Find the Biblical scripture that says America needs to hire the wounded. :cuckoo:

>>>Find the Biblical scripture that says America needs to hire the wounded.<<<

Are you talking about the blacks upon America that are wounded because of past slavery?
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WOW, all I'm doing is interpreting the prophetic scriptures, people!!
But if you'd rather talk about "hate", I'd suggest you look in the mirrow. I see very little difference between the klan and skin-heads who hate minorities, and you who hate the truth of the prophetic scriptures.

You're preaching false doctrine and trying to use the scriptures to support your hate.

Your "truth" isnt found in the scriptures. If it was, you wouldn't have to rewrite them.
WOW, all I'm doing is interpreting the prophetic scriptures, people!!
But if you'd rather talk about "hate", I'd suggest you look in the mirrow. I see very little difference between the klan and skin-heads who hate minorities, and you who hate the truth of the prophetic scriptures.

What experience and/or education in your background qualifies you to interpret the scriptures? Or are you simply too blinded by racial animosity to realize that most Americans do not spend their days trying to figure out how to screw members of other racial groups?
You are an hateful idiot that has no business ATTEMPTING TO MISLEAD people with your "special" interpretations of the christain bible.

This book is not in my collection of holy writings. I am not a christian, I do study with many christians, as well as pray with them.

You are no Christian, you are simply evil cloaked in human form and using people's faith to achieve division and promote hate.

You picture of Christ giving the finger is extremely offensive, I don't care what you believe. You claim to have Christian friends, ask them how they feel about your picture. That picture lost your whole point, you might as well have not answered the OP at all.
You are an hateful idiot that has no business ATTEMPTING TO MISLEAD people with your "special" interpretations of the christain bible.

This book is not in my collection of holy writings. I am not a christian, I do study with many christians, as well as pray with them.

You are no Christian, you are simply evil cloaked in human form and using people's faith to achieve division and promote hate.

You picture of Christ giving the finger is extremely offensive, I don't care what you believe. You claim to have Christian friends, ask them how they feel about your picture. That picture lost your whole point, you might as well have not answered the OP at all.

I am sorry it offends you.
Actually one of my christian friends sent me the picture, so I imagine the opinion of offensive may be split in the christian community.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
But you are not telling the truth.
Babylon the Great is about the one world corrupt church and it is not America or about black and white race.

Which one of today's false teachers told you that "Babylon the Great is the one world corrupt church"? Jack Van Impe?...Hal Lindsey?...
Oh well, it doesn't matter, they all teach the same fables.

The bible it's self. No one else.

Mystery Babylon is a CORRUPT Church: Just as a pure woman represents a pure Church, a corrupt woman represents a corrupt Church. The woman in white is Christ’s bride, the true Church. But Revelation 17:1, 15-16 and 19:2 call this second woman a “WHORE” or “HARLOT”, a fallen Church teaching false doctrines.

Mystery Babylon is a RICH Church: This symbolic wicked woman, this corrupt Church is a rich one with gorgeous display. Revelation 17:4 says she’s “decked with GOLD and PRECIOUS STONES and PEARLS, having a GOLDEN cup in her hand.”

The only thing you can add about America in the bible, is that America has to fall as the one world super power.
Then we have a one world government and a one world church. Both very corrupt and evil.

"MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT", "THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS", "the woman", "the whore", the ten kings", "that great city"........these are all descriptions of modern-day America and of the white Americans, in Revelation 17.

Didn't you ever ask yourself why the terms "the woman", and "the whore"?

Is it not because, like white Eve, who had sexual relations with the black man (with the Serpent), the white women of modern-day America and elsewhere are doing the same?
The interpretation in the OP is only slightly off base. Put Obama in place of Martin Luther King and all would be well.
Revelation 18 is about the United States of America, not a doubt in my mind. We are the nation upon many waters that this chapter is speaking about, the Kings of the earth have all done business with us, enjoyed our hospitality, trade with us, etc.

The prophecy is that America will fall in one hour which is precisely how America will fall when that hour comes but it has nothing to do with race. The interpretation the person gave here is false. I believe it is Jeremiah 51 that aligns with Revelation 18 on the matter of coming judgment on America. For an accurate interpretation of Revelation 18 I'd recommend going to Helping Hands Ministry - Michael Boldea - Grandson of Dumitru Duduman - concerning the truth. His grandfather was a Romanian pastor who gives a very accurate description of what America's future will look like. - Jeremiah
Which one of today's false teachers told you that "Babylon the Great is the one world corrupt church"? Jack Van Impe?...Hal Lindsey?...
Oh well, it doesn't matter, they all teach the same fables.

The bible it's self. No one else.

Mystery Babylon is a CORRUPT Church: Just as a pure woman represents a pure Church, a corrupt woman represents a corrupt Church. The woman in white is Christ’s bride, the true Church. But Revelation 17:1, 15-16 and 19:2 call this second woman a “WHORE” or “HARLOT”, a fallen Church teaching false doctrines.

Mystery Babylon is a RICH Church: This symbolic wicked woman, this corrupt Church is a rich one with gorgeous display. Revelation 17:4 says she’s “decked with GOLD and PRECIOUS STONES and PEARLS, having a GOLDEN cup in her hand.”

The only thing you can add about America in the bible, is that America has to fall as the one world super power.
Then we have a one world government and a one world church. Both very corrupt and evil.

"MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT", "THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS", "the woman", "the whore", the ten kings", "that great city"........these are all descriptions of modern-day America and of the white Americans, in Revelation 17.

Didn't you ever ask yourself why the terms "the woman", and "the whore"?

Is it not because, like white Eve, who had sexual relations with the black man (with the Serpent), the white women of modern-day America and elsewhere are doing the same?
pity if you switch what you say about blacks and said the same things about whites you would have been welcome in Obamas church !! you could have been friends with Rev Wright .
We can either have FREE WILL granted by GOD, or you can have biblical prophecy.

Obviously both conditions cannot exist in the same universe.

If you do not understand why the above is true then

1. You don't understand Christianity, and

2. You don't understand basic logic, either.
Which one of today's false teachers told you that "Babylon the Great is the one world corrupt church"? Jack Van Impe?...Hal Lindsey?...
Oh well, it doesn't matter, they all teach the same fables.

The bible it's self. No one else.

Mystery Babylon is a CORRUPT Church: Just as a pure woman represents a pure Church, a corrupt woman represents a corrupt Church. The woman in white is Christ’s bride, the true Church. But Revelation 17:1, 15-16 and 19:2 call this second woman a “WHORE” or “HARLOT”, a fallen Church teaching false doctrines.

Mystery Babylon is a RICH Church: This symbolic wicked woman, this corrupt Church is a rich one with gorgeous display. Revelation 17:4 says she’s “decked with GOLD and PRECIOUS STONES and PEARLS, having a GOLDEN cup in her hand.”

The only thing you can add about America in the bible, is that America has to fall as the one world super power.
Then we have a one world government and a one world church. Both very corrupt and evil.

"MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT", "THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS", "the woman", "the whore", the ten kings", "that great city"........these are all descriptions of modern-day America and of the white Americans, in Revelation 17.

Didn't you ever ask yourself why the terms "the woman", and "the whore"?

Is it not because, like white Eve, who had sexual relations with the black man (with the Serpent), the white women of modern-day America and elsewhere are doing the same?

White Eve?
DNA and Archeology say that mankind started from the black race.
That means that Adam and Eve were Black.
Satan used the serpent as the tool to effect the fall of mankind.
The serpent was the most desirable animal of the animal kingdom, then was changed to the most loathsome.

If you want to use race - the Bible is all about two ethnic groups. Hebrews and Arabs, not Blacks and Whites.
The serpent was never a man.
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We can either have FREE WILL granted by GOD, or you can have biblical prophecy.

Obviously both conditions cannot exist in the same universe.

If you do not understand why the above is true then

1. You don't understand Christianity, and

2. You don't understand basic logic, either.

Can I chose to have Biblical prophecy? :confused:
We can either have FREE WILL granted by GOD, or you can have biblical prophecy.

Obviously both conditions cannot exist in the same universe.

If you do not understand why the above is true then

1. You don't understand Christianity, and

2. You don't understand basic logic, either.

Or your assumptions are completely flawed. Stop creating false dichotemys.

Just because God knows you are going to do something, doesn't mean you are forced to do something.

I can accurately predict that my daugther will be happy to see me today. Does that mean Ive taken away her free will? Of course not. She could be angry. But I know my daughter. She won't be.
WOW, all I'm doing is interpreting the prophetic scriptures, people!!
But if you'd rather talk about "hate", I'd suggest you look in the mirrow. I see very little difference between the klan and skin-heads who hate minorities, and you who hate the truth of the prophetic scriptures.

Please show me where the name America appears in revelations

You don't "interpret". You compose fairy tales.
WOW, all I'm doing is interpreting the prophetic scriptures, people!!
But if you'd rather talk about "hate", I'd suggest you look in the mirrow. I see very little difference between the klan and skin-heads who hate minorities, and you who hate the truth of the prophetic scriptures.

Please show me where the name America appears in revelations

You don't "interpret". You compose fairy tales.

Oh pa-leeze, do you think God is stupid?!
Had God mentioned America by name in the prophetic scriptures, do you actually believe that the founding fathers, who knew the scriptures very well, would have called this nation America? Or that they would have even come to the new world?

And had God mentioned white and black Americans by name, do you believe they would have done all those things attributed to "the ten kings? and "the ten horns" in the prophetic scriptures?

Would this have come to pass had the scripture read in Revelation 13,

3 "And I saw America's African people wounded by slavery, and I saw their slavery abolished, and I saw all the world wondering after them."?

And, would this have come to pass had the scripture read in Daniel 11:31

"And the laws shall stand on the part of the black man, and the white Americans shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily school prayer, and they shall put in place interracial marriage that makes desolate their white race."?

Of course these things wouldn't have come to pass!, which is why God used symbols and symbolic terms in the foretelling of end-time prophecies.
No wonder America is so Gun and Violence crazed .
Half of the population are fruit cakes , most of them the simple Hilly Billy people .
The other half are driven mad by the stupidity and ignorance of their brothers and sisters .
If only Americans were not so insular . Then they might join the twenty first century

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