Reversing The Anti-Free Market "Reagan Trajectory:" Grounding "The Planes!"


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Maybe it has yet to be noted that a true "Free Market" has only been proposed, and has never really been put in place. In Matthew 20:1-16, At the End of the Work-Day, all labor gets the daily equal increase amount--regardless if they had slept all day, or even if they had actually been running around in the fields--chasing one another(?)--all the live-long, merry, merry day(?)! To read that clearly, apparently they could have been "au natural," and "bearing" the heat of the day--maybe on a beach, even.

Like the "Make-Work-Pay-Refundable-Income-Tax-Credit," itself embedded in the Obama-Biden Stimulus: Low income sectors of the market could also choose goods and services. Under the method of Matthew 25:14-30, The rich got richer, and the poor were unable to keep up with the house payments--and so they got cast out. Without much say in the market place, choices for goods and services would not be made. Under the Reagan Trajectory, the engineering classes were favored. The choices were made for nuclear bombs, and the flying of them: Around in planes. The falling sky would actually be called "Mutually Assured Destruction," or Doomsday, or some nature of venue allowing Hollywood to make more mega-bucks.

Now there is sequestered, federal money. The planes are about to. . .hopefully, safely land.

BBC News - Sequester: US Air Force grounds combat planes

Any pretense of a Reagan-Thatcher kind "Free Market" has already started to be grounded.

The Reagan-Bush-I-Term-I deficits had taken what federal spending there was, and sent it off to the already prosperous defense contractors. The Obama-Biden deficits took what federal spending there was and sent it off to the already prosperous: Bureaucrats and state-funded, well-granted, ("well-endowed(?)") educators. Probably they thought of themselves and chasing around one another all day long, like "labor" in Matthew 20:1-16. In between(?), the Bush-Cheney federal spending didn't work as only tax relief. It actually did make better sense to go out and find the camels, and shoot the billion dollar war materials up their assholes, after all(?)! Bush II, Term I, had actually at one time promised not to do that. Then it remembered, "The Ivy League," if it could(?)!

(Many are still wondering how the generation, of The Sixties, could allow the Labor Force Participation Rate soar past the heights of the Tower of Babel. . .or Eifel. . .or the Empire State . . .(?) Even apples don't come from City of New York. They in fact come from the other coast, even now! The Really Big Apple is probably Santa Clara!)

The Indians if the Pacific Northwest would go on trashing binges, and call it "Potlatch." The Presbyterian fellow, Adam Smith, actually called it, "Capitalism." Karl Marx would call for the centralization of banking and credit in "The Communist Manifesto," but not the free-market part, shown in Matthew 20:1-16. The Republicans would take the Obama-Biden version away, and replace it with a parody of the Reagan-Trajectory. They would instead raid Social Security, and provide a "tax Holiday" for upper income earners. The method would follow Matthew 25:14-30, a fixed 2% "holiday" for rich and poor alike. Reagan had taken the Social Security money for the B-1 Bombers, in matters of compartive reality.

The method of raised personal exemptions and standard deduction, those amounts raised the fixed percentage of inflation: Was put into place in the 1986 U. S. Federal Income Tax Reform. Wrongly applied, it mostly took millions off the tax rolls. By the Time Bush II, Term I, tried to do tax cut: There was no one middle or lower income left paying taxes. Nearly half the filers had no liability. A Lubrication of that time, following the concept, "Stimulation," in the usual human order, didn't work. The Conservatives were clearly. . . .in office. . . .probably 24/7. . . .unless they were out on the golf course(?). . .(oooh(!)!) Stimulations and Lubrications are where you find them!

Presbyterians are generally found not to know about these matters, following Adam Smith.
In the United States, what Deists there were would assure that militias would be themselves in fact well-armed, to kill off the indigenous tribes. Easily the "Capitalists" of the Third German Republic would call it a "Free Market, Choosing." The Ivy League calls it a "Free Market Choosing."

And so where once there were "Blue Angels," now again there are Blue Skies(?). . .or something. . .in the heavens everywhere(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Young Braves know that Amendment Two was created to allow Yellow-Haired, Custer to attept a "Take-and-rape., of the women and children of the Indigenous Sioux--all with the support of interest group lobbyists, and Republicans, in Washington, D. C. Even now they play it!)
Accurate core thoughts.

Not all dots connect the suggested way.

Too much ground covered for supporting opinion/ evidence.
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Message board allusions to reams of data are probably not appropriate. Who would want to count the apples grown in City of New York, the oranges grown in City of Los Angeles, or the vegetable seeds no longer grown near San Jose, In Santa Clara, CA?

Nasville, TN, apparently has no interest in any of the above(?)! Grand Ol' Opry' has no apparent recent memory of any of the above. In fact, The United Farm Worker are likely in the same evidentiary back yard as them. "Nada, Zip!" is how it plays.

Most of history has no concept of Matthew 20:1-16, compared with Matthew 25:14-30. Whereas one of my own great aunts was one of Richard Nixon's Sunday School teachers, The Nixon reliance on fixed percentage wage and price guidelines--compared to George McGovern's. "$1000.00 for every man, woman, and child," was mostly only enbraced as what John Wayne really wanted at the time(?)!

The matter of making that into an "equal amount" rectangle--lines drawn perpendicular to the left-side, clear across to the right, was not done. Drawing in the left-right diagonal, from the bottom to the top, in the context of the raises: Was Not Done. Not even Karl Marx applied the Pythagorean Theorem. The computing variously doesn't work. Making that into a representation of the Total Credit Market even Alan Greenspan, and the Milton Friedman people universally: Did not do! Shown "credit-market" over-extension to be that amount--now exceeding $55.0 tril. spilling into a fifth quadrant to a "collapse Point," no one did. "Points" are imaginary at any rate in simple geometry. And so now Total Net Debt is at about 3.0 times personal income--into the sixth quadrant and beyond. The "last known raises" are actually a series, of personal income raises in the two quadrants of the original Pythagorean Problem.

There is evidence, but most that is art. Anyone sees how Picasso saw the evidence.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many see Al Gore mainly as Art: Like a wooden, cigar store Indian, even at the time. . .and sober!)
". . . .Both B-2 and B-52 planes can launch nuclear armed cruise missles!"

Likely the "Little Fat Guy," or however it is the Chinese now call him--probably even in some other language(?)--was able to jump up and down, and even notice.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And so, from an earlier and even more Conservative(?) time. . . "Ya Come home from work, the baby starts to cryin' Turn on the Tube, Ronald Reagan starts to lyin' Got To Sit Back And Look! Get Down The Book! And Pra-a-a-a-y for Nuclear War! Got to Pra-a-a-a-y for Nuclear War!" Such was your Reagan-Thatcher, Conservative "Free Market" in Action!)
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