Reviewing some of Mussolini's speeches


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Perhaps, beside myself, a popular GOP candidate has also reviewed some of Il Duce's popular speeches in the late 1920s and 30s. The Italian dictator often stated such things as:

" I will make Italy great again...."

"I will round up all the Gypsies and ship them back to the Baltic"

"Those socialists in government have ruined our country...they are stupid, corrupt and have no idea what true leadership means..."

A bit eerie, don't you think???
Yes. People with massive egos cannot ever be trusted with anything:

"There will probably never again in the future be a man with more authority than I have. My existence is therefore a fact of great value."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech to his generals (August 22, 1939)

"I also have the conviction and the certain feeling that nothing can happen to me, for I know that Providence has chosen me to fulfill my task."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Munich (September 4, 1932)

the power of positive thinking there... :p
Perhaps, beside myself, a popular GOP candidate has also reviewed some of Il Duce's popular speeches in the late 1920s and 30s. The Italian dictator often stated such things as:

" I will make Italy great again...."

"I will round up all the Gypsies and ship them back to the Baltic"

"Those socialists in government have ruined our country...they are stupid, corrupt and have no idea what true leadership means..."

A bit eerie, don't you think???
Was he pro 2nd amendment? obama is doing a pretty good dictator imitation though, much closer to a fascist than Trump.
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Was he pro 2nd amendment? obama is doing a pretty good dictator imitation though, much closer to a fascist than Trump.

Only a moron would reach such a "conclusion".......
EXACTLY what has Obama done to impede gun lovers' access to weapons?
The only thing eerie is somebody actually reading Mussoloni's speeches from the freaking 20's and 30's and taking the time to lift phrases out of context. Would you trust any politician who didn't say "I will make the U.S. great again"? Wait a minute though, I think Barry Hussein might have said "I will make sure that the U.S. is no longer great"
Perhaps, beside myself, a popular GOP candidate has also reviewed some of Il Duce's popular speeches in the late 1920s and 30s. The Italian dictator often stated such things as:

" I will make Italy great again...."

"I will round up all the Gypsies and ship them back to the Baltic"

"Those socialists in government have ruined our country...they are stupid, corrupt and have no idea what true leadership means..."

A bit eerie, don't you think???
Nothing new indeed. When politicians harness your anger and fear, all manner of screwed up behavior can come of it.
Donald Drumpf's father denied his German heritage for decades after WWII because of the unfair negative sentiment toward all Germans during that period, and told people he was Swedish.

You would think, therefore, his son would understand how cruel and evil it is to foster negative sentiments toward entire ethnicities.

Whatever case you think you have against Muslims or Mexicans, a much, much better one could be made against Germans after the horrors of both World Wars.
All that Trump now really needs, is a snazzy military uniform; after all, all that Donald states he would do is ONLY possible if there was no pesky congress and courts to impede his fantasies.
The only thing eerie is somebody actually reading Mussoloni's speeches from the freaking 20's and 30's and taking the time to lift phrases out of context. Would you trust any politician who didn't say "I will make the U.S. great again"? Wait a minute though, I think Barry Hussein might have said "I will make sure that the U.S. is no longer great"

I actually believe Obama ran on a similar thing because he was the candidate that was suppose to bring the United States back into respectability. He kind of ran on Make America Great Again. The only difference is that the people who voted for that wanted other nations to think America was great but Trump wants Americans to think America is great again. It is a huge difference because some of us really don't give a crap what other countries think of us.
The only people whoever confused fascism with capitalism were the communist. Those were the pure socialist who thought the hybrid between socialism and capitalism was just another capitalist system. The communist confusion over the issue continues to this day....
Nothing new indeed. When politicians harness your anger and fear, all manner of screwed up behavior can come of it.
Exactly. It's how obama got elected twice and now the libs are trying it with Shrillary.
I'm not sure how your brain processes what the politicians and pundits are saying, or you might have sources for that I've not read...

It's the party that's out of power in the white house that invariably cultivates discontent
Nothing new indeed. When politicians harness your anger and fear, all manner of screwed up behavior can come of it.
Exactly. It's how obama got elected twice and now the libs are trying it with Shrillary.
I'm not sure how your brain processes what the politicians and pundits are saying, or you might have sources for that I've not read...

It's the party that's out of power in the white house that invariably cultivates discontent
That's just ignorant. The left ALWAYS makes it sound like voting for Republicans will send us back into the dark ages, stave our babies, throw granny out on the street, etc. etc. I can't remember a time when they didn't. You inability or unwillingness to face reality isn't a shortcoming on my part.
The pendulum of politics is always swinging. When it goes to far one way, America pulls it back the other.

Consider..........Clinton gave us GW, GW gave us Obama. Obama gave us the republican congress that he over rode with his pen and phone. The ending to this story is............Obama's insolence of the American voters will is going to give us a GOP winner in 16. It is the way America works. So let us pick our candidate wisely, or we will lose it again in 20!
As far as Mussolini, every time you tie Obama to Hitler or Stalin, the left laughs you off this board. Therefore, may I suggest the same thing with the author of this op-)
That's just ignorant. The left ALWAYS makes it sound like voting for Republicans will send us back into the dark ages, stave our babies, throw granny out on the street, etc. etc. I can't remember a time when they didn't. You inability or unwillingness to face reality isn't a shortcoming on my part.

Some facts are a true bitch to face.........



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