Reviewing the U.S. Budget


Jan 22, 2013
I have researching the U.S budget for 2013 and the ones prior to that year and what I found interesting is the projections in spending for 2014 and forward.

In light of Obamacare, you would think that Medicaid spending would rise significantly but it doesn't. Its shows the normal inflation increases as it has always done in the past. You would think that social security would be increasing since the baby boomers are entering retirement but it doesn't, other than the normal inflation increases.

What I do see is revenue taxes increasing that is more then the average amount of increase with growth. It also reduces the federal deficit considerably while increasing the public debt.

What this tells me is that Obamacare will increase revenue significantly while spending less for healthcare services. They found a new way to screw the American people by allowing them to think that their healthcare services will be paid for when in truth the citizens will be paying for it out of pocket. This is in addition to all the new taxes.
ObamaCare is yet another triumph of corporatists.

Someone got to John Roberts. No question about that.
Social Security will be cashing in its US bonds at a slightly faster rate to pay for social security for the BOOMERS who ALREADY paid for it.

As a result the FEDERAL DEBT will decrease slightly.

Assuming of course the FEDS don't have to borrow from Peter to pay Paul.

Which, much thanks to many other STUPID STUPID policies, they will have to.
I have researching the U.S budget for 2013 and the ones prior to that year and what I found interesting is the projections in spending for 2014 and forward.

In light of Obamacare, you would think that Medicaid spending would rise significantly but it doesn't. Its shows the normal inflation increases as it has always done in the past. You would think that social security would be increasing since the baby boomers are entering retirement but it doesn't, other than the normal inflation increases.

What I do see is revenue taxes increasing that is more then the average amount of increase with growth. It also reduces the federal deficit considerably while increasing the public debt.

What this tells me is that Obamacare will increase revenue significantly while spending less for healthcare services. They found a new way to screw the American people by allowing them to think that their healthcare services will be paid for when in truth the citizens will be paying for it out of pocket. This is in addition to all the new taxes.

Can you hook us up with some links regarding the Budget details? I'm particularly interested in the $40+ billion in oil and gas industry taxes.

ObamaCare is yet another triumph of corporatists.

dear why be confusing?? Why not say Democrats instead of corporatists since it is Democrats who openly want to own manage regulate and tax corporations while Republicans want only capitalism.

Is it really over your head??
Arguably, there is no real need to even create a "budget" for the U.S. Government. Congress needs to allocate spending, but that's about it.

I don't know if any of you wingnuts noticed at the time . . . but Bush's multi-trillion dollar wars were never on the budget. Never. And yet, there we were . . .
Arguably, there is no real need to even create a "budget" for the U.S. Government. Congress needs to allocate spending, but that's about it.

too stupid of course. A budget gives you a plan so that spending can be allocated in an organized way according to the plan's long term requirements Thus you can meet long term necessities like balancing revenue against spending and run the government in a responsible way as businesses and households do or should.

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