Reviews in: Conservatives Say The DNC Was 'Disaster' For The GOP

Whoever voted for t3h Donald must feel really foolish rightnow

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Trump voters aren't smart enough to realize how stupid they are.

I'm watching Trump's speech in Colorado. It's all "me me me me me". No policy, no facts, just anecdotes and blather. I did this and I did that. Wolfe Blitzer just cut away saying "We'll get to him when he gets to more substance". Like that is going to happen.
that is why they are uneducated rrubes
The Reviews Are In: Conservatives Say The DNC Was 'Disaster' For The GOP

Conservative writer Ron Fournier:

Well done, @realDonaldTrump. You made Democrats a party of sunny patriotism and values.

You sure @billclinton didn't ask you to run?

— Ron Fournier (@ron_fournier) July 29, 2016

National Review editor Jonah Goldberg:

Why this convention is better: It's about loving America. GOP convention was about loving Trump. If you didn't love Trump, it offered nada.

— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) July 29, 2016

John Podhoretz, former Ronald Reagan speech writer and Commentary editor:

Take about five paragraphs out of that Obama speech and it could have been a Reagan speech. Trust me. I know.

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) July 28, 2016

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld:

if repubs had championed their principles with specifics rather than embrace autocracy - they wouldn't have yielded this turf to dems.

— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) July 29, 2016

Conservative blogger Erick Erickson:

For Republicans who are not social conservatives, I have to imagine last night and tonight at the DNC are having an impact on them.

— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) July 29, 2016

Conservative Iowa radio host Steve Deace:

So most of conservative media and the GOP spent the week rooting for Russia, and now the Democrats get to rally around the flag.


— Steve Deace (@SteveDeaceShow) July 29, 2016

Conservative Wisconsin radio host Charlie Sykes:

Snark aside: GOP needs to understand what is happening to them tonight…

— Charlie Sykes (@SykesCharlie) July 29, 2016

Do you know how old I am? Old enough to remember when speeches like this would've been given at GOP convention… Not Dem one. Brutal.

— Charlie Sykes (@SykesCharlie) July 29, 2016

more at link :0)
that has got to sting the cheetos man supporters
The mythical Obamabots have nothing on the Trump cult of personality. It's a shame we are finally far enough away from WWII that this kind of fascistic politics can finally gain a toehold in America. Americans used to be horrified by such dark-side politics.
You don't have clue what "fascism" is.
More than you do apparently, this white nationalist "law and order" manic you guys are worshiping is not even trying to hide it.
More fear-mongering....

Trump is an American nationalist, something this country literally requires to be able to survive much longer.

White nationalism is what will happen in Europe as native Europeans understand the indigenous cultures that the EU and their Islamist allies are trying to destroy.
Seems your man is scapegoating Muslims as well, I fail to see the distinction you are trying to make. The ultra right of Europe are not embarrassed to call themselves what they are, usually Christian nationalists, quit trying to split hairs here.
The indigenous rights groups in Europe are actually ultra left wing, just like the Native American advocacy groups.

Your "far right", "fascist" and "ultra right" bullshit is nothing but a collection of racial slurs that trick dumb white people into advocating against their own interests.
Funny, even they think they are rightists and the people who advocate liberal immigration policies are, you guessed it, leftists. Quit talking about shit you know nothing about. The political definitions used by the American right are not the same ones used for 200 years by political scientists and philosophers and make you sound gullible and uneducated.
The Reviews Are In: Conservatives Say The DNC Was 'Disaster' For The GOP

Conservative writer Ron Fournier:

Well done, @realDonaldTrump. You made Democrats a party of sunny patriotism and values.

You sure @billclinton didn't ask you to run?

— Ron Fournier (@ron_fournier) July 29, 2016

National Review editor Jonah Goldberg:

Why this convention is better: It's about loving America. GOP convention was about loving Trump. If you didn't love Trump, it offered nada.

— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) July 29, 2016

John Podhoretz, former Ronald Reagan speech writer and Commentary editor:

Take about five paragraphs out of that Obama speech and it could have been a Reagan speech. Trust me. I know.

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) July 28, 2016

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld:

if repubs had championed their principles with specifics rather than embrace autocracy - they wouldn't have yielded this turf to dems.

— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) July 29, 2016

Conservative blogger Erick Erickson:

For Republicans who are not social conservatives, I have to imagine last night and tonight at the DNC are having an impact on them.

— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) July 29, 2016

Conservative Iowa radio host Steve Deace:

So most of conservative media and the GOP spent the week rooting for Russia, and now the Democrats get to rally around the flag.


— Steve Deace (@SteveDeaceShow) July 29, 2016

Conservative Wisconsin radio host Charlie Sykes:

Snark aside: GOP needs to understand what is happening to them tonight…

— Charlie Sykes (@SykesCharlie) July 29, 2016

Do you know how old I am? Old enough to remember when speeches like this would've been given at GOP convention… Not Dem one. Brutal.

— Charlie Sykes (@SykesCharlie) July 29, 2016

more at link :0)
You are black, so I understand that you understand very little. I also pretty much understand that you cannot help it.

I empathize.

Maybe if you did not have that obvious learning disability, you would know how well the democrats have been using YOU PEOPLE.

Let me axe you a question. Has there ever been a Republican slave owner? Not that you care.

Read my signature. Get a clue.


You are a fucking clown, an imbecile .. too fucking stupid to know that YOU are being played by Bill Clinton and a rich guy's wet dream. :0) You're a cum-stain on American history.

Your laughable pretense of superiority is the funniest shit I've read all day.


Let me guess .. you were too fucking ignorant to know that when you asked that stupid ass question. :lol::lol::lol:

Why am I here .. because I love talking to and exposing the pure ignorance of racist motherfuckers just like you.

:0) Do come again you silly little bitch-boy. I ain't (eb) scared.

'The owl" :lol:

Lol, that was some good stuff right there.

I knew you would not get it. Like I said, I empathize.

Maybe you people are right. Maybe test standards need to be lowered so that more of YOU PEOPLE can be accepted into a good college and the "stats" can show how inclusive they are. It is all about perception after all.

Make me wonder why test scores were not lowered for ohhhh Asians.

Like I said. The more I see YOU PEOPLE and the intelligence YOU PEOPLE display, the more I realize that you and the democrats that control your thoughts may just be right.

You really cannot make it on your own. Hey man. You convinced me. You are right. I may just vote democrat now. I wonder what else I am wrong about.

All of this time I thought YOU PEOPLE were just convinced and hit over the head by democrats that you are nothing but victims and you simply cannot help yourselves.

It is beyond obvious to me now that democrats have been right this whole time. Hate being wrong. Thank you for showing me.

I swear I tried to empathize.
The Reviews Are In: Conservatives Say The DNC Was 'Disaster' For The GOP

Conservative writer Ron Fournier:

Well done, @realDonaldTrump. You made Democrats a party of sunny patriotism and values.

You sure @billclinton didn't ask you to run?

— Ron Fournier (@ron_fournier) July 29, 2016

National Review editor Jonah Goldberg:

Why this convention is better: It's about loving America. GOP convention was about loving Trump. If you didn't love Trump, it offered nada.

— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) July 29, 2016

John Podhoretz, former Ronald Reagan speech writer and Commentary editor:

Take about five paragraphs out of that Obama speech and it could have been a Reagan speech. Trust me. I know.

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) July 28, 2016

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld:

if repubs had championed their principles with specifics rather than embrace autocracy - they wouldn't have yielded this turf to dems.

— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) July 29, 2016

Conservative blogger Erick Erickson:

For Republicans who are not social conservatives, I have to imagine last night and tonight at the DNC are having an impact on them.

— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) July 29, 2016

Conservative Iowa radio host Steve Deace:

So most of conservative media and the GOP spent the week rooting for Russia, and now the Democrats get to rally around the flag.


— Steve Deace (@SteveDeaceShow) July 29, 2016

Conservative Wisconsin radio host Charlie Sykes:

Snark aside: GOP needs to understand what is happening to them tonight…

— Charlie Sykes (@SykesCharlie) July 29, 2016

Do you know how old I am? Old enough to remember when speeches like this would've been given at GOP convention… Not Dem one. Brutal.

— Charlie Sykes (@SykesCharlie) July 29, 2016

more at link :0)
The party of stupid at it again.....

Yes YOU are!
You don't have clue what "fascism" is.
More than you do apparently, this white nationalist "law and order" manic you guys are worshiping is not even trying to hide it.
More fear-mongering....

Trump is an American nationalist, something this country literally requires to be able to survive much longer.

White nationalism is what will happen in Europe as native Europeans understand the indigenous cultures that the EU and their Islamist allies are trying to destroy.
Seems your man is scapegoating Muslims as well, I fail to see the distinction you are trying to make. The ultra right of Europe are not embarrassed to call themselves what they are, usually Christian nationalists, quit trying to split hairs here.
The indigenous rights groups in Europe are actually ultra left wing, just like the Native American advocacy groups.

Your "far right", "fascist" and "ultra right" bullshit is nothing but a collection of racial slurs that trick dumb white people into advocating against their own interests.
Funny, even they think they are rightists and the people who advocate liberal immigration policies are, you guessed it, leftists. Quit talking about shit you know nothing about. The political definitions used by the American right are not the same ones used for 200 years by political scientists and philosophers and make you sound gullible and uneducated.
Indigenous rights are very much a left wing issue, just ask Amnesty International.

People who advocate "liberal immigration policies" in Europe knowing it will destroy the native population and its culture are fascists, just like La Raza is fascist for wanting "liberal immigration" in US knowing it will allow them to expand Mexico over time.
The Reviews Are In: Conservatives Say The DNC Was 'Disaster' For The GOP

Conservative writer Ron Fournier:

Well done, @realDonaldTrump. You made Democrats a party of sunny patriotism and values.

You sure @billclinton didn't ask you to run?

— Ron Fournier (@ron_fournier) July 29, 2016

National Review editor Jonah Goldberg:

Why this convention is better: It's about loving America. GOP convention was about loving Trump. If you didn't love Trump, it offered nada.

— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) July 29, 2016

John Podhoretz, former Ronald Reagan speech writer and Commentary editor:

Take about five paragraphs out of that Obama speech and it could have been a Reagan speech. Trust me. I know.

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) July 28, 2016

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld:

if repubs had championed their principles with specifics rather than embrace autocracy - they wouldn't have yielded this turf to dems.

— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) July 29, 2016

Conservative blogger Erick Erickson:

For Republicans who are not social conservatives, I have to imagine last night and tonight at the DNC are having an impact on them.

— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) July 29, 2016

Conservative Iowa radio host Steve Deace:

So most of conservative media and the GOP spent the week rooting for Russia, and now the Democrats get to rally around the flag.


— Steve Deace (@SteveDeaceShow) July 29, 2016

Conservative Wisconsin radio host Charlie Sykes:

Snark aside: GOP needs to understand what is happening to them tonight…

— Charlie Sykes (@SykesCharlie) July 29, 2016

Do you know how old I am? Old enough to remember when speeches like this would've been given at GOP convention… Not Dem one. Brutal.

— Charlie Sykes (@SykesCharlie) July 29, 2016

more at link :0)
You are black, so I understand that you understand very little. I also pretty much understand that you cannot help it.

I empathize.

Maybe if you did not have that obvious learning disability, you would know how well the democrats have been using YOU PEOPLE.

Let me axe you a question. Has there ever been a Republican slave owner? Not that you care.

Read my signature. Get a clue.
^ Gee...this kind of post makes me wonder why Black voters aren't all switching to your Party....
More than you do apparently, this white nationalist "law and order" manic you guys are worshiping is not even trying to hide it.
More fear-mongering....

Trump is an American nationalist, something this country literally requires to be able to survive much longer.

White nationalism is what will happen in Europe as native Europeans understand the indigenous cultures that the EU and their Islamist allies are trying to destroy.
Seems your man is scapegoating Muslims as well, I fail to see the distinction you are trying to make. The ultra right of Europe are not embarrassed to call themselves what they are, usually Christian nationalists, quit trying to split hairs here.
The indigenous rights groups in Europe are actually ultra left wing, just like the Native American advocacy groups.

Your "far right", "fascist" and "ultra right" bullshit is nothing but a collection of racial slurs that trick dumb white people into advocating against their own interests.
Funny, even they think they are rightists and the people who advocate liberal immigration policies are, you guessed it, leftists. Quit talking about shit you know nothing about. The political definitions used by the American right are not the same ones used for 200 years by political scientists and philosophers and make you sound gullible and uneducated.
Indigenous rights are very much a left wing issue, just ask Amnesty International.

People who advocate "liberal immigration policies" in Europe knowing it will destroy the native population and its culture are fascists, just like La Raza is fascist for wanting "liberal immigration" in US knowing it will allow them to expand Mexico over time.

Are you a native American? Yes or No?

And do not ever call anyone a fascist, in the context you offered, you've proved you are an imbecile.
More fear-mongering....

Trump is an American nationalist, something this country literally requires to be able to survive much longer.

White nationalism is what will happen in Europe as native Europeans understand the indigenous cultures that the EU and their Islamist allies are trying to destroy.
Seems your man is scapegoating Muslims as well, I fail to see the distinction you are trying to make. The ultra right of Europe are not embarrassed to call themselves what they are, usually Christian nationalists, quit trying to split hairs here.
The indigenous rights groups in Europe are actually ultra left wing, just like the Native American advocacy groups.

Your "far right", "fascist" and "ultra right" bullshit is nothing but a collection of racial slurs that trick dumb white people into advocating against their own interests.
Funny, even they think they are rightists and the people who advocate liberal immigration policies are, you guessed it, leftists. Quit talking about shit you know nothing about. The political definitions used by the American right are not the same ones used for 200 years by political scientists and philosophers and make you sound gullible and uneducated.
Indigenous rights are very much a left wing issue, just ask Amnesty International.

People who advocate "liberal immigration policies" in Europe knowing it will destroy the native population and its culture are fascists, just like La Raza is fascist for wanting "liberal immigration" in US knowing it will allow them to expand Mexico over time.

Are you a native American? Yes or No?

And do not ever call anyone a fascist, in the context you offered, you've proved you are an imbecile.
Are you a native European?
The Reviews Are In: Conservatives Say The DNC Was 'Disaster' For The GOP

Conservative writer Ron Fournier:

Well done, @realDonaldTrump. You made Democrats a party of sunny patriotism and values.

You sure @billclinton didn't ask you to run?

— Ron Fournier (@ron_fournier) July 29, 2016

National Review editor Jonah Goldberg:

Why this convention is better: It's about loving America. GOP convention was about loving Trump. If you didn't love Trump, it offered nada.

— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) July 29, 2016

John Podhoretz, former Ronald Reagan speech writer and Commentary editor:

Take about five paragraphs out of that Obama speech and it could have been a Reagan speech. Trust me. I know.

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) July 28, 2016

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld:

if repubs had championed their principles with specifics rather than embrace autocracy - they wouldn't have yielded this turf to dems.

— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) July 29, 2016

Conservative blogger Erick Erickson:

For Republicans who are not social conservatives, I have to imagine last night and tonight at the DNC are having an impact on them.

— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) July 29, 2016

Conservative Iowa radio host Steve Deace:

So most of conservative media and the GOP spent the week rooting for Russia, and now the Democrats get to rally around the flag.


— Steve Deace (@SteveDeaceShow) July 29, 2016

Conservative Wisconsin radio host Charlie Sykes:

Snark aside: GOP needs to understand what is happening to them tonight…

— Charlie Sykes (@SykesCharlie) July 29, 2016

Do you know how old I am? Old enough to remember when speeches like this would've been given at GOP convention… Not Dem one. Brutal.

— Charlie Sykes (@SykesCharlie) July 29, 2016

more at link :0)
The party of stupid at it again.....

On what planet is Hillary getting booed, DWS being forced to step down after the primaries were rigged, delegates walking out, people having to get paid to pretend to root for Hillary, and her own husband falling asleep during her speech is bad for the GOP?

Even Chelsea came off robotic and cold, just like her mom. Bill creeped people out with his talk of meeting a girl. Pelosi sounded like an airhead, as usual.

It is clear that the liberal media looks at Dems wearing rose-colored glasses. Nothing else explains how they can praise such a disaster.
The mythical Obamabots have nothing on the Trump cult of personality. It's a shame we are finally far enough away from WWII that this kind of fascistic politics can finally gain a toehold in America. Americans used to be horrified by such dark-side politics.
You don't have clue what "fascism" is.
More than you do apparently, this white nationalist "law and order" manic you guys are worshiping is not even trying to hide it.
More fear-mongering....

Trump is an American nationalist, something this country literally requires to be able to survive much longer.

White nationalism is what will happen in Europe as native Europeans understand the indigenous cultures that the EU and their Islamist allies are trying to destroy.
White Nationalism worked so well for Herr Hitler.
The Reviews Are In: Conservatives Say The DNC Was 'Disaster' For The GOP

Conservative writer Ron Fournier:

Well done, @realDonaldTrump. You made Democrats a party of sunny patriotism and values.

You sure @billclinton didn't ask you to run?

— Ron Fournier (@ron_fournier) July 29, 2016

National Review editor Jonah Goldberg:

Why this convention is better: It's about loving America. GOP convention was about loving Trump. If you didn't love Trump, it offered nada.

— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) July 29, 2016

John Podhoretz, former Ronald Reagan speech writer and Commentary editor:

Take about five paragraphs out of that Obama speech and it could have been a Reagan speech. Trust me. I know.

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) July 28, 2016

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld:

if repubs had championed their principles with specifics rather than embrace autocracy - they wouldn't have yielded this turf to dems.

— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) July 29, 2016

Conservative blogger Erick Erickson:

For Republicans who are not social conservatives, I have to imagine last night and tonight at the DNC are having an impact on them.

— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) July 29, 2016

Conservative Iowa radio host Steve Deace:

So most of conservative media and the GOP spent the week rooting for Russia, and now the Democrats get to rally around the flag.


— Steve Deace (@SteveDeaceShow) July 29, 2016

Conservative Wisconsin radio host Charlie Sykes:

Snark aside: GOP needs to understand what is happening to them tonight…

— Charlie Sykes (@SykesCharlie) July 29, 2016

Do you know how old I am? Old enough to remember when speeches like this would've been given at GOP convention… Not Dem one. Brutal.

— Charlie Sykes (@SykesCharlie) July 29, 2016

more at link :0)
You are black, so I understand that you understand very little. I also pretty much understand that you cannot help it.

I empathize.

Maybe if you did not have that obvious learning disability, you would know how well the democrats have been using YOU PEOPLE.

Let me axe you a question. Has there ever been a Republican slave owner? Not that you care.

Read my signature. Get a clue.
^ Gee...this kind of post makes me wonder why Black voters aren't all switching to your Party....
Well, I am officially switching to your party now. You have convinced me that THOSE PEOPLE cannot make it without handouts.

Hey man, I am convinced you have been right all along.

I was looking for some proof that blacks can make it on their own. Can you find any examples? I could not find any.

Thank you so much. Yaaaay, democrats!!
More than you do apparently, this white nationalist "law and order" manic you guys are worshiping is not even trying to hide it.
More fear-mongering....

Trump is an American nationalist, something this country literally requires to be able to survive much longer.

White nationalism is what will happen in Europe as native Europeans understand the indigenous cultures that the EU and their Islamist allies are trying to destroy.
Seems your man is scapegoating Muslims as well, I fail to see the distinction you are trying to make. The ultra right of Europe are not embarrassed to call themselves what they are, usually Christian nationalists, quit trying to split hairs here.
The indigenous rights groups in Europe are actually ultra left wing, just like the Native American advocacy groups.

Your "far right", "fascist" and "ultra right" bullshit is nothing but a collection of racial slurs that trick dumb white people into advocating against their own interests.
Funny, even they think they are rightists and the people who advocate liberal immigration policies are, you guessed it, leftists. Quit talking about shit you know nothing about. The political definitions used by the American right are not the same ones used for 200 years by political scientists and philosophers and make you sound gullible and uneducated.
Indigenous rights are very much a left wing issue, just ask Amnesty International.

People who advocate "liberal immigration policies" in Europe knowing it will destroy the native population and its culture are fascists, just like La Raza is fascist for wanting "liberal immigration" in US knowing it will allow them to expand Mexico over time.
Your personal opinion as to what constitutes right and left do not agree with accepted terms and philosophies that have meant very specific things for a very long time. How can we even have a discussion when you have your own personal definitions to political concepts older than both of us? Why am I again going down this road again with yet another political dummy? Say something about Trump and the topic at hand or quit wasting my time.
The mythical Obamabots have nothing on the Trump cult of personality. It's a shame we are finally far enough away from WWII that this kind of fascistic politics can finally gain a toehold in America. Americans used to be horrified by such dark-side politics.
You don't have clue what "fascism" is.
More than you do apparently, this white nationalist "law and order" manic you guys are worshiping is not even trying to hide it.
More fear-mongering....

Trump is an American nationalist, something this country literally requires to be able to survive much longer.

White nationalism is what will happen in Europe as native Europeans understand the indigenous cultures that the EU and their Islamist allies are trying to destroy.
White Nationalism worked so well for Herr Hitler.
Why do you leave out the socialism part out? It was working so good too. He would not have allowed Israel to become a nation.

Yaaaay democrats!! Yaaaay socialism! Yaaaay National Socialist Worker's Party!!

Booo Israel!
The Reviews Are In: Conservatives Say The DNC Was 'Disaster' For The GOP

Conservative writer Ron Fournier:

Well done, @realDonaldTrump. You made Democrats a party of sunny patriotism and values.

You sure @billclinton didn't ask you to run?

— Ron Fournier (@ron_fournier) July 29, 2016

National Review editor Jonah Goldberg:

Why this convention is better: It's about loving America. GOP convention was about loving Trump. If you didn't love Trump, it offered nada.

— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) July 29, 2016

John Podhoretz, former Ronald Reagan speech writer and Commentary editor:

Take about five paragraphs out of that Obama speech and it could have been a Reagan speech. Trust me. I know.

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) July 28, 2016

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld:

if repubs had championed their principles with specifics rather than embrace autocracy - they wouldn't have yielded this turf to dems.

— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) July 29, 2016

Conservative blogger Erick Erickson:

For Republicans who are not social conservatives, I have to imagine last night and tonight at the DNC are having an impact on them.

— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) July 29, 2016

Conservative Iowa radio host Steve Deace:

So most of conservative media and the GOP spent the week rooting for Russia, and now the Democrats get to rally around the flag.


— Steve Deace (@SteveDeaceShow) July 29, 2016

Conservative Wisconsin radio host Charlie Sykes:

Snark aside: GOP needs to understand what is happening to them tonight…

— Charlie Sykes (@SykesCharlie) July 29, 2016

Do you know how old I am? Old enough to remember when speeches like this would've been given at GOP convention… Not Dem one. Brutal.

— Charlie Sykes (@SykesCharlie) July 29, 2016

more at link :0)
You are black, so I understand that you understand very little. I also pretty much understand that you cannot help it.

I empathize.

Maybe if you did not have that obvious learning disability, you would know how well the democrats have been using YOU PEOPLE.

Let me axe you a question. Has there ever been a Republican slave owner? Not that you care.

Read my signature. Get a clue.
^ Gee...this kind of post makes me wonder why Black voters aren't all switching to your Party....
Well, I am officially switching to your party now. You have convinced me that THOSE PEOPLE cannot make it without handouts.

Hey man, I am convinced you have been right all along.

I was looking for some proof that blacks can make it on their own. Can you find any examples? I could not find any.

Thank you so much. Yaaaay, democrats!!
You cannot find any proof that black people can make it on their own......Classic.....such a Drumpf mainstay....
The mythical Obamabots have nothing on the Trump cult of personality. It's a shame we are finally far enough away from WWII that this kind of fascistic politics can finally gain a toehold in America. Americans used to be horrified by such dark-side politics.
You don't have clue what "fascism" is.
More than you do apparently, this white nationalist "law and order" manic you guys are worshiping is not even trying to hide it.
More fear-mongering....

Trump is an American nationalist, something this country literally requires to be able to survive much longer.

White nationalism is what will happen in Europe as native Europeans understand the indigenous cultures that the EU and their Islamist allies are trying to destroy.
White Nationalism worked so well for Herr Hitler.
That was German nationalism when Germany was almost all ethnically Germanic.

Germany's nationalism today is much different now that so many other kinds of Europeans live there and are being treated as if they are the same as the Germanic peoples because their skin is also white.
The mythical Obamabots have nothing on the Trump cult of personality. It's a shame we are finally far enough away from WWII that this kind of fascistic politics can finally gain a toehold in America. Americans used to be horrified by such dark-side politics.
You don't have clue what "fascism" is.
More than you do apparently, this white nationalist "law and order" manic you guys are worshiping is not even trying to hide it.
More fear-mongering....

Trump is an American nationalist, something this country literally requires to be able to survive much longer.

White nationalism is what will happen in Europe as native Europeans understand the indigenous cultures that the EU and their Islamist allies are trying to destroy.
White Nationalism worked so well for Herr Hitler.
Why do you leave out the socialism part out? It was working so good too. He would not have allowed Israel to become a nation.

Yaaaay democrats!! Yaaaay socialism! Yaaaay National Socialist Worker's Party!!

Booo Israel!
The NAZIS were socialists like the People's Republic of China is a Republic...:lol:

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